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Frot Anonymous 06/06/2020 (Sat) 06:19:57 No. 305
Boys rubbing their penises together
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Combine two of the most tantalizing, precious, delightful things known to man... Fully mutual joy, affection, respect and dignity of two boys in fresh bloom as they phalically (and scrotally*) mate, sharing their sacred boyhoods with each other. * >>3217 (Scrumptious scrotal embrace) >>7360 Particularly exhibited in the boys' faces is a delightful carefree innocence, excitement, playfullness; a sense of thrill and wonder. >>306 Stands-out on at least two counts: 1) Frot in shota seems relatively rare altogether, intergenerational frot even rarer. 2) Romantic tenderness, a quality also especially pronounced in >>3475 >>4276 Great O face A number of other fine and outstanding works in thread as well. Thanks to all who contributed.
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Frot can be either or both.
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>>7768 wow there cute and sexy
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Wish there much more frot shota.
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>>8980 I found the source: https://exhentai.org/g/1510606/81d3d54b2a/ >(ShotaFes 3) [Suikanotane (Hashikure)] Otokonoko | Boys [English] {Shotachan} I didn't expect it to be a whole doujin.
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Last pic technically counts as frotting.
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>>15654 Sauce?
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