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Vidya Shotas Thread Anonymous 08/08/2020 (Sat) 20:27:42 No. 1668
Post your favorite shotas from your favorite video games.
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I love Young Link so much, I wanna smooch his butt and hump him and be his boyfriend
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>>1673 That's lewd. He'd probably make you battle him in order to let you touch him.
>>1674 In any case, it'd be difficult for him to fight back if he had a nice stiff boner hidden under his tunic. It's not like he'd wear pants or anything either

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>>1675 >implying he wouldn't use his little boner to distract you and attack your cock by surprise
>>1676 >Young Link is canonically 10 I would be very distracted by his little weenie, yes. It'd only be like two or three inches tops, but thats all he'd need, I'd be mesmerized by it
I want to MATING PRESS ness
>>1824 I want to teach him PK Love (I know it's from Mother 3, but you get the joke).
>>1833 I don't get the appeal of Villager. It always seems like his face is an emoji at best
>>1855 i’m not so sure either but I do like the idea of him having a big dick
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>>1855 >>1856 I like how he's displayed as the sluttiest/dirtiest Smash Bros shota, to the point of taking the role of the ugly bastard that corrupts "purer" characters in some porn pics.
>>1857 honestly, you may be spot on.
>>1856 I like the idea of shota having a small dick. Look at how small Ness is. He needs a big boy in him!
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Megaman is megalewd
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I want to cover the squids with my ink.
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This seemed like the best place to ask, back in the old 8chan board there was a thread that focused on Eli/Liquid Snake and Tretij Rebenok/Psycho Mantis and a story in that thread about those two seducing the man guarding them in Mother Base. I can’t find a link to the thread anywhere and can’t find the story saved anywhere so I wanted to ask if anyone here had either, and if not then where I could look for them.
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King Cai from Gravity Rush 2 is underrated
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Omori and his friends from the game OMORI
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>>4955 Omori is a blessing for shotacons.
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>>5191 That Ness and Paula one is great. Makes me want them for myself.
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>ywn be a hedonistic squid/octo who only cares about engaging in splatfests, buying cute clothes and having lots of sex with your bf Feels bad man.
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Male potatoes deserve more love.
Is Psychonauts good?
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>>6569 Never played the game but seeing this cutie makes want to try it
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I'll enjoy this game on PC
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Venti is so lewd. He almost makes me download Genshin Impact and buy him. Almost.
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>>6570 moar Raz
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>kemono page hasn't been updated in over a year anybody have it?
>>16928 You'll have to be more specific.
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Is Sunny x Omori a selfcest?

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