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Translated Works Anon 06/28/2021 (Mon) 05:23:07 No. 5921
I have been translating various small pieces (mostly single images and minicomics) with the help of random anons. They would translate the text while I would clean the images and typeset everything. Anyways, I decided to post all shota-related translations I've made so more people can enjoy them. Additionally, if anyone knows Japanese (or another language) and wants to translate an image or comic I'd be glad help to help with the clean up and typesetting.
(258.74 KB 768x1024 ENzouSyU8AEtQCi_translated.jpg)

(251.81 KB 600x679 EWwboUVXQAILjIU_translated.png)

(703.85 KB 606x900 EXKBnFuU8AAH8lN_translated.png)

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(1.04 MB 3024x4032 EVu0BknVAAADQb3_translated.jpg)

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(1.66 MB 1535x2048 EsQGELiVkAIHPzy_translated.jpg)

Forgot a pic.
(966.10 KB 1052x1489 84240534_p0_translated.png)

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(1.06 MB 1052x1489 84240534_p2_translated.png)

(1.06 MB 1052x1489 84240534_p3_translated.png)

(1.09 MB 1052x1489 84240534_p4_translated.png)

My most recent translation, done with the help of an anon from here that has translated a couple of doujins (available on >>>/fur/ and >>>/loli/).
These minicomics are from the manga Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, which I recommend to everyone, shotacon or not.
(129.55 KB 600x450 545489324ji_translated.jpg)

(338.95 KB 1200x900 1550184206817_translated.jpg)

(242.51 KB 682x1024 1578522580604_translated.jpg)

(294.69 KB 1170x884 1578603455243_translated.jpg)

(448.37 KB 721x955 1568245488042_translated.png)

Mora Hanako-kun and a bit of Pokemon.
(258.74 KB 768x1024 ENzouSyU8AEtQCi_translated.jpg)

(674.11 KB 1521x1913 1581552003495_translated.jpg)

(551.89 KB 2048x964 EUHlkj7UMAILYQU_translated.png)

(1.03 MB 1448x2048 88_Translated.png)

The last two images aren't mine, however I think it's good to include them.
>>5921 Looks good.
(4.14 MB 3024x4032 81435236_p25_translated.jpg)

(4.55 MB 3024x4032 81435236_p26_translated.jpg)

(2.52 MB 3024x4032 81435236_p28_translated.jpg)

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(2.61 MB 3024x4032 85154702_p22_translated.jpg)

New translated minicomics. Thanks to an anonymous /v/ user for the original translations. >>5941 You should post your translations too to have them on a centralized place for them.
>>5921 Yea eventually il go around and find them again and post them here I was just working on an translation and I cant figure it out.
Heres what I have but It just isnt making any sense. おしんじや扱いてやるよ あ?こんな所見つかったらゃばいって? 俺イかせといて今更それ言らか? 観念して抜かんろ!
(1.84 MB 1500x1027 90915275_p1_translated.png)

(1.81 MB 1500x1027 90915275_p1_clean.png)

>>5965 >>5966 Using Deepl (which offers much better translations than Google and Bing) I got this: >I'm going to give you a treat. <What? What if they find us here? >I made you (pre?)cum, and now you're telling me that? >I'm not going to let you pull me out! It makes enough sense to me, so I decided to use it for a translation. In any case, here's a cleaned version of the image so you can do your own version once you figure things out. And here's the original Pixiv post in case you want to translate the other images: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90915275
Is kanjitomo useful?
>>5967 Oh very good i was looking at this last night and could make sense of it just seemed to be a bit off. I try not to use Google as it is pretty shocking for translating from Japanese to English
>>5970 It is helpful there are lots of dictionaries websites as well which give some context. I have used https://jisho.org which is pretty good.
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Can somebody translate these? I get the gist of it but it would be nice to have it translated and typeset
(37.04 KB 444x600 Takeru 1167174499182512.jpg)

(152.33 KB 430x572 Takeru barefoot.jpg)

I've always wondered what these say. Can you let me know? Thank you!
>>6005 Thanks a bunch for these :D
>>6184 Translated one the other one is a bit more difficult to read.
>>6239 Cool!
two more translations and one that I uncensored.
>>5921 New Translation.
(6.45 MB 2894x4093 4MYKWebKZru7eUShmUulqdku.png)

I'm gonna try my luck here, if someone can help me with a translation of this picture. I use DeepL to translate stuff, but sadly it can recognize this font.
>>6684 Can you please translate the second pic
>>6685 Here you go.
>>6690 Thanks
(491.32 KB 1000x1943 456231.jpg)

Anyone can translate this one?
>>7253 Not by best by far the text is really hard to read and sloppy
>>7103 One more.
(301.73 KB 2048x2590 1.jpg)

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>>7562 Saw this and figured it needed a translation.
>>7262 >Wanna know if I'm a boy or a girl? The bulge under your skirt is sort of giving away the mystery kiddo...
>>7875 can you please translate this
>>7877 Here you go.
>>7884 Thank you
(313.54 KB 1668x1400 935184110.jpg)

Translate, please
>>7918 Here you go.
>>7922 Thanks
(1.98 MB 1920x1588 Exkk0VlUcAA_RpW.jpg)

(1.36 MB 1920x1588 Exkk0VlUcAA_RpW_translated.jpg)

Translated with help from /cm/.
>>7992 Looks good.
(1.33 MB 1200x1600 Koushirou cums 1.png)

Perhaps this one?
>>8211 Here you go.
(1.27 MB 1536x2048 93976915_p0_translated.jpg)

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(728.60 KB 1000x1500 94069219_p1_translated.jpg)

(397.76 KB 1736x2312 88665509_p0_translated.jpg)

>>8226 are there a source for the second and third images?????????
(4.69 MB 2676x3663 941679970.png)

Please translate
>>8249 Here you go.
>>8253 Thank you very much
>>8264 This one please
>>8265 Its a bit garbled , but looks like this panel 1 - Im not doing anything. panel 2 - why is your face so red are you okay? panel 3 - ???? The panel on the bottom left I cant get a read on.
>>8268 Bruh it literally says 大丈夫 just like in bubble 2. Did you even read it? 3rd bubble says "I-I'm fine!"
>>8282 You translate it then..
>>8282 If you want to translate this then go ahead.
(450.17 KB 1336x1360 111801_translated.jpg)

>>8265 >>8268 >>8282 I used Google to get the moonrunes and Deepl to translate them (because Google sucks at nipponese). I hope it's fine.
(1.25 MB 800x1294 77224453_p8_translated.png)

>>8288 Thanks
(440.92 KB 1668x1400 aaa.jpg)

(281.92 KB 1668x1400 93518411_p1.jpg)

>>8303 There's already a version without text, but thanks for removing the towels
>>5926 Fixed the 5th pic. Lore-wise the blonde boy (Basil) should call the other boy "Sunny" and not "OMORI".
(361.65 KB 964x1051 Footsy.jpg)

What about this one? Please?
(685.02 KB 848x1199 ClipboardImage.png)

Please teach me Tiger-kun!
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(768.93 KB 1886x809 59447749_p0.png)

(507.19 KB 1444x2048 1654790225964_translated.jpg)

(222.26 KB 1444x2048 1654790225964.jpg)

I made these with the help of an anonymous translator.
>>10672 Nyaah, a good translation program helps and learning some basic Kanji and Katanga is also good.
>>10666 Would love someone to translate this.

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