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(32.92 KB 160x160 1561769321895.gif)

(193.65 KB 300x356 108649150.gif)

(361.43 KB 312x294 108649138.gif)

(1.81 MB 671x1080 108645543.gif)

Shota Pixel Art Thread Anon 05/02/2024 (Thu) 10:02:40 No. 17125
Animated is nice but still works too. Nekked or not is both fine.

(2.86 KB 160x144 1550548554-2.png)

(3.67 KB 384x384 ness_by_albertov_decddpl.png)

(276.95 KB 600x800 34926811_p0.jpg)

(14.50 MB 864x796 99401234.gif)

(236.66 KB 384x512 Toobin'.gif)

(1.33 KB 114x114 34026651_p0.gif)

(1.70 KB 128x128 27075068_p0.gif)

(2.57 KB 150x150 32090805_p0.gif)

(4.79 KB 195x96 kid-niki3-10.gif)

(12.33 KB 396x609 91889141_p0.png)

(9.08 KB 426x456 90649701_p0.png)

(30.48 KB 1230x800 98949616_p0.png)

(5.00 KB 256x256 020501.png)

(6.99 KB 62x43 bao-lose.gif)

(4.05 KB 52x49 bao-crouchjab.gif)

(7.03 KB 90x55 bao-cpunch.gif)

(5.56 KB 88x55 bao-crouchkick.gif)

(13.41 KB 56x95 bao2k1a.gif)

(58.23 KB 216x165 snk-bao.gif)

(11.02 KB 106x109 bao-walk1.gif)

(5.91 KB 45x73 bao-taunting.gif)

(15.81 KB 63x91 bao-stance.gif)

>>17130 Ehh I might as well post the rest. Bao is cute.
(6.11 KB 49x81 bao-shuffle.gif)

(6.73 KB 86x71 bao-runningblue.gif)

(5.51 KB 68x96 bao-haha.gif)

(10.13 KB 61x94 bao-genbow.gif)

(7.32 KB 93x84 bao-funnyrun.gif)

(2.52 KB 47x76 bao-float.gif)

(13.96 KB 28x118 bao-falling.gif)

(13.51 KB 68x102 bao-entrancetaunt.gif)

(32.01 KB 90x103 bao-energyball1.gif)

(2.33 KB 45x81 bao-bird.gif)

(12.32 KB 132x139 bao-ariel.gif)

(10.04 KB 64x91 bao-backhit.gif)

(7.85 KB 97x86 bao-spinlowkick.gif)

(20.08 KB 77x103 bao-selfprotect.gif)

(8.58 KB 98x87 bao-recovery.gif)

(10.63 KB 67x88 bao-puncha.gif)

(9.86 KB 94x102 bao-jumpspinback.gif)

(9.25 KB 66x107 bao-highkick.gif)

(9.43 KB 102x79 bao-headbutt.gif)

(43.36 KB 320x240 bao-energybubble.gif)

(9.66 KB 98x89 bao-downkick.gif)

(5.41 KB 44x51 bao-blockbackwalk.gif)

(63.93 KB 196x239 bridget-pinkstance.gif)

(53.39 KB 136x266 bridget-yoyocatch.gif)

(41.07 KB 159x217 bridget-walk.gif)

Also Bridget.
(33.23 KB 138x148 brid-cstance.gif)

(8.08 KB 144x219 brid-yy.gif)

(21.13 KB 278x322 pi2-1.gif)

(141.16 KB 317x238 013.png)

If anyone could find any sprites or gif. of Kintaro Kokuin from Power Instinct that would be great. There's basically nothing that I've be able to find.
(6.68 KB 152x146 pi2-3.gif)

(8.04 KB 184x146 pi2-4.gif)

(25.31 KB 320x240 pi2-5.gif)

(19.76 KB 276x320 pi2-6b.gif)

(6.17 KB 656x656 2840791_iSart_tails1p.png)

(1.29 KB 160x144 1550548554-2 boy.png)

>>17126 I just realized I posted a girl trainer by mistake. At that resolution it looked male because there wasn't enough space to define the cleft. Here's an edit.
(789.00 B 66x66 2 pokeboys.png)

(1.15 KB 264x264 2 pokeboys zoom.png)

(5.65 KB 281x274 toobin nood.png)

>>17144 Some more edits.
(651.75 KB 310x381 1641555532202.gif)

(237.57 KB 183x176 1641571567383.gif)

(361.90 KB 231x301 1641584782950.gif)

(92.33 KB 281x187 1643064197518.gif)

(281.31 KB 189x287 1643511333019.gif)

(262.57 KB 245x171 1643511373949.gif)

>>17145 On second look I'm not sure if I did a good job on that third edit. If anyone wants to make an attempt I'd like to see it.
(2.69 KB 160x145 2.png)

(34.94 KB 160x144 3.png)

(3.27 KB 160x144 6.PNG)

(3.25 KB 160x144 7.PNG)

(2.29 KB 160x144 8.PNG)

>>17144 here's a nod GIF one I did on with some others I never posted that were male
(120.01 KB 394x313 (8).png)

(90.43 KB 273x212 (13).png)

(34.55 KB 160x144 18.png)

(6.18 KB 48x69 pim_kin_96417_thumb.gif)

>>17374 Here's some more pixels borrowed from /ss/.
(419.82 KB 506x506 1208746.gif)

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