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Decensoring request thread? 07/11/2021 (Sun) 22:23:39 No. 6168
Hello anons! I haven't been here long enough to know if threads like this has already existed, so pls link me if there are already. I'm having some troubles decensoring some artworks with DeepCreamPy, with the result looking very weird and jaggy (included an example - the blue hair boyo). I figured this place would be the better place to look for help. You have my immense gratitude in advance!
can you decensor this one? this image is like goat tier for me, i'd be really grateful
>>6169 >>6169 I tried my best. Hope you like it. Highly recommend DeepCreamPy (or what's left of it atm) for bar censors. Mosaics like the ones above, on the other hands... I will be very very grateful if anyone has an alternative for mosaic decensoring.
>>6170 >ighly recommend DeepCreamPy (or what's left of it atm) for bar censors. How does it work? > I will be very very grateful if anyone has an alternative for mosaic decensoring. Couldn't you maybe use one of those programs that you use for upscaling images and re-purposing it for mosaic decensoring?
>>6170 thank you so much! gonna have to admire this pic again now ;)
>>6171 iirc, it used an AI or a deep learning system of sorts to basically remove the bar and fill in the spot. But you must color whatever part you are tryng to decensor with the color green so the AI can recognise it. So far, it has been working extremely well for me in removing bar (with very few exceptions). Mosaic, on the other hands drive me fucking nut because this program can't really handle it, and the results are usually pretty bad. Take the blue hair boy I posted for example, you can see the dick looks very jagged and kinda faded into the back ground, and the details are bad, too. That's the best mosaic decensor I've ever got with DCP, the rest (the other one I request) were terrible.
>>9488 Great work.
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Some images I uncensored a while ago and posted in other threads.
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can decensored this please?
Would decensored these please?
>>19546 Come on it'll be fun.
Would you decensor it please? It's a comic.

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