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Boku no Pico Thread Anon 11/10/2020 (Tue) 04:06:37 No. 2982
These two are so iconic for western shotafags, but I can never find art of them. Post some here!!
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I don't have many pics of Pico and friends (only the pics in this post), but I have his official visual novel: https://mega.nz/file/DdlDSC6J#Il2NNlFl9B3OHuHHivdsLSGuZZhH5hG37rHnuLUhsS0 Instructions: https://imgur.com/a/SpIXlUC Archive in case Imgur deletes them: https://archive.is/Bu538 And links to the remastered versions of his OVAs that came around one year ago: https://www.yaoihavenreborn.com/video/boku-no-pico https://www.yaoihavenreborn.com/video/pico-to-chico https://www.yaoihavenreborn.com/video/pico-x-coco-x-chico
>>2984 Neat! I'll have to check out the VN later. My computer already can recognize JP unicode and I have an ISO mounter so hopefully that makes things easier
>>2990 >>2984 Fucking hell, I spent a couple hours trying to get it to run with the instructions as well as changing things up. I ALWAYS got that damn regional lockout message "this can only run on a jp OS" or whatever
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These dolls are official, by the way. Rare as fuck though
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>>2984 >HD remaster >nudity still pixelated The fuck is the point?
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there was a vn iirc
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>>8726 Yep, one about Pico and Chico being idols of some kind. I never played it because moonrunes, but I have it in a MEGA account: https://mega.nz/folder/bT5FVa4T#QcoX3hXKh9eAhP0s4Y1oeQ (it's the same as >>2984 but with links to the instructions in a README) Also some assets from the old blog at http://blog.livedoor.jp/picoblog/ (still online!)
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There was also concept art of Shounen Maid Kuro-kun in that website for some reason.
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Lots of sketches in the blog.
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>>2982 /sm/ needs to stream the Pico trilogy some night.
>>9045 Do they still sell that onahole?
>>3508 doesn't matter, link's dead, and I never got to see it...

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