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General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2022 (Thu) 02:37:48 Id: 9b4131 No. 5423
This cyclical thread is for all of the following: Bug Reports General Help 8chan Tech Support Board Migrations Suggestions and Feature Requests Global Site Announcements Transparency Reports General Site Meta Discussion Summoning the Admins Specific meta threads on this board and elsewhere are deprecated. If something is really important or urgent it may get its own sticky, otherwise post in here.
>>9890 >Where? He's talked about this since day one. I don't have any specific quote or archive. >Who besides Codexx? I believe there's some third admin or dev but I don't recall his name or who he is.
Doesn't look like things are going well here... Maybe it'll make me feel better to summarize what happened.
>>9892 I doubt it, but go for it anyway.
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>be me >site does not open via VPN >site owner disabled creation new bypasses >now 24+ hours cant post even with tor browser can you do something about this? check protonmail specified in the contacts section, sent you ip of my vpn
>>9892 Shoot, man.
>>9893 >>9895 Whoops! I meant "Doesn't look like things are going well here... Maybe it'll make me feel better if I get a summary of what happened."
>>9896 Admins vanish from site, site starts bugging out randomly, e-mail confirmation for accounts doesn't work, backup domains go down, Redchannit for tor times out on cloudflare, admins vanish from chat, posts with bug reports/feature suggestions remain unanswered for months, site does not open via VPN, Error 404 Not Found, failed to load resource, disabled creation new bypasses, 24+ hours someone can't post even with tor browser
>>9896 And I doubt it will.
>>9897 All of the admins at once? Wtf? How long has Parias been gone? Because I noted he didn't respond to me almost a year ago, but I haven't heard of him anywhere else either.
>>9894 That happens when spam is ongoing. The idea is that the current userbase that mostlyt already has bypasses can continue posting while spam is stalled by the inability to make new bypass. Of course, nothing stops someone from stocking up bypasses ahead of time if they truly wanted to continue spamming, but no one has as of yet been that dedicated. >>9899 I haven't seen Parias in a long time. I figured he left and it was just Acid and Codexx now.
>>9900 >current userbase that mostlyt already has bypasses You understand that i'm a new user from 15 febr this year? I didn't post before, and haven't bypass for VPN ip adress. Without VPN same error page, can post only via tor browser. And when mod turns off creation new bypasses, I can't post generally, just read-only.
>>9902 Which site?
>>9897 >site does not open via VPN, Error 404 Not Found This is not really a recent problem. The guru meditation things have happened intermittently for years and I haven't personally experienced it even on a VPN for a long time now. I don't even think Acid has ever done anything on his end to "fix" them, they just go away on their own somehow.
>>9903 It was moe but it's not expired anymore, shit loads so fucking slowly when it is expired.
>>9897 I guess that means the fallback plan's all outdated...
Someone forgot to renew the certs!
>>9909 It already expired after 34 hours?
>>9909 Aww, what could go wrong?
Again with the certs? This is the third time now? What the hell is happening?
Large scale DDoS attacks tripping the frontend host's network protections. To be more specific, the certs are valid, but when this happens the traffic is routed through their DDoS guard network, which messes them up for a while. On the upside, the site isn't knocked offline.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 02/22/2025 (Sat) 00:52:55.
Certs look broken because your browser is expecting the normal 8moe cert, but is receiving these instead. tl;dr it'll pass.
>>9913 >>9914 ACID TWO QUESTIONS!!! First, where have you been for the past month? Second, what the Hell is going on with Mark's moderation of /v/?
>>9915 Acid is the somehow even more retarded version of Mark. It will never not be hilarious watching people try to appeal to him to deal with Mark when they could just make their own board.
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>>9915 I've been here every day, just not posting. Check the hotpocket logs. :P Codexx is here too, although Parias may be retiring. We've just all been up to our asses IRL, and Codexx has been going ham with the 8tv stream site software. As for Mark, he's just Mark. I can take up the question with the other guys but BOs aren't my wheelhouse normally. There is a site meta update coming soon, if that makes you feel better.
>>9917 >As for Mark, he's just Mark. I 'm not accepting that excuse because both him and his new best buddy Coyote have had a chip on their shoulder over the past month, that did not exist before, and have been wiping /v/ of anything and everything negative about modern gaming or "just because". From how it's no longer possible to talk about game censorship in any capacity to Mark wiping any and all discontent from meta threads both on /v/ and on this very board: >>9851
>>9917 >There is a site meta update coming soon can't wait to see how many more people you snitched on to the authorities for posting no no pictures.
>>9918 >I 'm not accepting that excuse What you will or will not accept as an excuse is irrelevant. The entire point of the site is admins having minimal interference and control over boards and their owners. If Acid "stepped in" to deal with the minute details of /v/ moderation then there would be no reason for anyone to use this site at all. It would just be another top-down cuckchan imageboard. Kill yourself retard.
>>9918 >I'm not accepting that excuse Will you accept the excuse that it's probably just his period? Someone said it comes every time there's a new Nintendo console coming out. >>9917 >As for Mark, he's just Mark. I can take up the question with the other guys but BOs aren't my wheelhouse normally. It kinda is when he moderates /site/ as well with this same behavior, and his actions on this board obviously not being allowed given they were repeatedly reversed.
>>9920 >The entire point of the site is admins having minimal interference and control over boards and their owners. See >>9921 >It kinda is when he moderates /site/ as well with this same behavior, and his actions on this board obviously not being allowed given they were repeatedly reversed.
>>9922 It's stupid but not particularly relevant since it's just being used as a proxy for retards that want Acid to fuck with /v/. Acid has already stated /site/ is his "personal" board and he decided Mark is allowed to moderate it. If Acid didn't want Mark doing what Mark always does then he wouldn't have him as a mod here. So obviously he doesn't give a shit. You might have an argument if he was a gvol, but he isn't.
>>9920 >It would just be another top-down cuckchan imageboard it is only the one at the top is cakekike just like the one at the top of 8kun is jim even though he appointed his son to be the admin as a fall guy. why would a jew lead from the front when they can lead from the back and have the good goys take the flak instead? the site is only called 8chan in the first place because of mark's petty grievance against jim so hes been calling the shots from the very beginning. you can call acid a cuck and make fun of him all you want because hes there to be a punching bag but talk about how much of a jewcy boi mark is and watch what happens. its the one you can't criticize that rules over you.
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Its one thing to complain about a BO who does something specific that you dislike or think is unfair, and its completely another thing to try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes with spooky sounding divide and conquer bullshit like we haven't seen that a thousand times. There's nothing new under the sun.
>>9925 >responding to lcp Like I said, Acid is an even more retarded version of mark.
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>>9925 Like the other anon said, thinks for responding only to the guy who is obviously making arguments in bad faith. I see the truth now. Mark deleting posts on the sitewide meta board criticizing him is totally fine, and whoever undeleted and unbanned the anon who made those posts was just falling spooky divide and conquer tactics.
>>9925 >and its completely another thing to try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes with spooky sounding divide and conquer bullshit What is "D&C" about this post: >>>/a/4559 That required it's remove from /v/: https://archive.ph/TWm9P#selection-2525.49-2525.57 And from the Goober thread no less: >>>/v/1072710 <And all the other posts following it answering the question of why the certs were expiring and directing people to your own post up here: >>9913

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