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Multitasking: ADHD's Estranged Cousin Anonymous 02/15/2025 (Sat) 14:41:53 Id: b86dbd No. 1071791
Have you got the habit of 'multitasking' when you play video games, or maybe only certain video games? >What do you mean by multitasking? Playing a video game while ALSO doing one or more of the following: <Watching a streamer <Listening to a podcast, movie, or show <Playing a music playlist <Talking to friends and/or family <Eating/Drinking something <Listening to an audiobook If so, I am really curious what causes this. Full disclosure, I do almost all of the above listed things while playing certain video games. IN MY DEFENSE, it is only with certain games where I don't need to read anything and where I understand the gameplay mechanics and elements already. In other words, I never multitask while playing games which are intense or require my full attention. Usually it's just a roguelike or FPS where I will do this. Also in my defense, I like to feel like I'm making progress on something whenever I consume any form of entertainment, so I suppose in a way, if I don't feel fulfilled by a game, I try to feel fulfilled in other ways at the same time. My question(s) to (You): Is this a sign of ADHD? Do you multitask as well? Do you multitask in a way besides any of the ones I listed above? Most interestingly, is this a sign of the inability to focus on my part, or is it more telling of a problem with the games I have chosen to play? If I feel the need to multitask, is that my sign to try something else? I'd really just like to get a grasp on how wide this issue is and if anyone else feels the same way.
If I'm grinding supercredits in helldivers 2 or mining in minecraft, sure. It's a boring part of the game that I'd seemingly spend 10 hours a year on to use the resource it gives for 200 hours. I don't listen to music but I do listen to videos or audiobooks of whatever I'm interested in at the time. I also work a job where I can listen to whatever I want in my earbuds or just think about things, getting home I do the same while cooking, and then a short bit of self-guided studying, reflecting, or mind-mapping on some of the topics I listened to or studied. I wouldn't entirely label your case ADHD, just that you might feel the time is "wasted" if you only did one thing or the other. A common tip to increase attention span is to just watch a new movie every few days without multitasking or walking away. If that's easy, I'd guess either multi-tasking is sort of like a psychedelic to enhance the experience, or it's a way to optimize doing two things you want to do in a given day. A lesser example is dense academic reading material can often require multiple readings to grasp the subject, so having it's audio present during other activities can help drill it in between focused readings.
I'm gonna buy a shotgun for the sole purpose of blowing up my head when I get diagnosed with terminal illness
I alt tab or switch to my phone during load times, that's about it Happens way less nowadays due to SSDs, but still a thing however.
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>>1071793 >pic >zoomers are so retarded that they have become anti Bene Gesserits and are practically willing their own proteins to misfold
>>1071791 I don't understand people who can do that, I know people who do but when I play games, I give 100% of my focus to it. Listening to music I can understand as that's something passive and can be used to supplement a game experience in some cases, but the others just imply to me that the game (or at least a significant part of it) isn't very good. >FPS doesn't require your full attention What kind of low-impact shooters are you playing? The time to kill in those games is often ridiculously short.
>>1071882 >>1071800 I have multitasked in games if I'm on a long cyclical grind and I've committed the process to muscle memory. Other than that I fully focus on it.
I have Testament on loop whenever I play Devil Daggers. It's more fun and I do better.
>>1071890 Testament you say? :^)
The most I do is listen to music but I do that if I am replaying a game I have already beaten, apart from that I can fully commit to a game without multitasking. Cannot say the same for my friend however. I don't know how they even play anything when they have music, the net, and some stream/video open at the same time.
>>1071791 Think the only time I've seriously multitasked was relistening to and recording college lectures while playing Diablo 3. It's one of the only games I can think of that's so easy I can split my attention like that, and I was really only playing for the plat at that point in game so I didn't care too much about it. I don't really consider music as multitasking, just replacing one type of background noise with another.
There are a few cases. It's for games that are already brain off, or have next to no proper background sound to speak of. Which isn't many, but it comes up. Also games that I've already beaten multiple times over and have already spent hundreds of hours absorbing soundscapes, and ALSO aren't immersion demanding like a horror game or the like. Otherwise not really. Even when these criteria are filled, I'll still find times where I go "man this soundtrack/dialogue/etc. is good, time to mute everything else" and play it normally again. It definitely feels like it's getting more prevalent as I've been replaying older games a lot/playing games that have massive obvious time sinks that are just going through the motions. Though maybe that's just the depression talking
>>1071791 >Have you got the habit of 'multitasking' when you play video games, or maybe only certain video games? Yeah, not eating or drinking though, recipe for disaster in my experience RIP my first mech keyboard who took a beer to the face >I never multitask while playing games which are intense or require my full attention. That's the exact opposite for me, I tend to prefer not having distractions on a first time casual playthrough of something or when I just wanna relax a bit but once I do anything serious or hard I pull out something on the second monitor. > Is this a sign of ADHD? Might be >Do you multitask in a way besides any of the ones I listed above? You've got to try voiceless ASMR while playing horror games once in your life, it's quite an experience especially if you're receptive to ASMR to begin with. >is this a sign of the inability to focus on my part Only if you cannot do without it or feel a real need all the time. > or is it more telling of a problem with the games I have chosen to play? That can also a factor, less engaging titles or titles with more repetitive gameplay will bore you after a while. >If I feel the need to multitask, is that my sign to try something else? You should at leas t try to do something without distractions every so often.
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>>1071812 You tell 'em zoom goon loom sooms! kek! Never forget moot!
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>>1072133 At the risk of bumping this dogshit thread, I could not resist.
>>1072135 At this point why don't GIF just autoplay?
>>1072133 I learned about zoomers from 8chan.
>>1071890 I play the adaptation of the Book of Genesis on my Sega Genesis, while listening to Genesis
>>1072142 >from 8chan no, you learned it from cuckhan rapefugees who use other imageboards as their personal shitting streets when waiting out bans on their home site cuckchan, where you belong.
>>1072440 what is a chan?
>>1072451 Short for Jackie Chan who is a famous martial artist and comedy actor and Image boards were created to celebrate each of his movies.
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Multitasking is the opposite of mindfulness. I don't do it Take your addys, son.
>>1071791 >gaming while listening to things Sure. I don't think too much of it. Ask yourself, also: what if a game has music built into it, and instead of rolling down a river in minecraft while listening to CCR through a media player on your desktop, it comes from the game. Does it matter if the music is bayou rock rather than the sort of anodyne, waiting room music that MC actually has? That's a rhetorical question for your own reflection; you don't need to actually answer. If you ask a legitimate Buddhist, he'll tell you that listening to music itself is bad, since it takes you out of awareness of the present moment and pulls you deeper into the illusion that what you're absorbed in is actually real. In the case of gaming+music he may have a point: if you find that this makes the dopamine drip of gaming and escapism is a little too compelling and that your affairs are being neglected, then you don't need a guy in a lab coat to tell you there's a problem. I actually thought this thread was going to be about StarCraft, where in order to play at a high level one need be aware of multiple things happening at once. I had thought it absurd how players spam the hotkeys while nothing is happening, but quickly realized it wasn't some goofy affectation and that they're doing it to keep a certain focus and rhythm, which is harder to keep sitting still. Trying to do it myself, the intensity of the effort required surprised me; my brain flexed in a way it never had before, like using a muscle for the first time. It gave me the impression that some part of my brain would actually become more dense and powerful, but that over time the activity would become a poison. Something about the repetitive, compulsive behavior, coupled with the dopamine, would rewire my brain to give me an OCD or something. Not that I really believe that. But there's nonetheless an unwholesome aspect to it, as there is to all hyperreality, in greater or lesser degree. > Is this a sign of ADHD? It's a question of prerogatives. Do you consider yourself more than a consumer of content, and that your life should consist more than the expedient gratification of animal wants? If not, then what does it matter what sort of ADD-addled crack monkey you are? If so, why are you gaming at all? This question is also rhetorical: the reality is somewhere in the middle and you have to decide for yourself whether your behaviors are adaptive to your desires in life. >>1072936 >mindfulness I wish people would practice this, if only long enough to learn to perceive subtle changes in their own mental states.
>>1073342 NTA and I know you're speaking rhetorically but I think it deserves an answer I am a scholar of experience and knowledge. I want to learn everything that there is to know, mostly. That means I feel guilty whenever I am not learning something new with every action made. Very seldom do I ever re-read a book or re-play a game unless it's a particularly deep book or game. Same for movies except when I am wishing to relive how I felt when watching it. If I am ever multitasking, it is because one of the things I *must* do can align with some other thing I *can* or would *like* to do. It means one of the things I can do is new and one of the other things is repeated or mindless. Upon introspection, anyways, that's what I believe.

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