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Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 20:45:48 No. 17088
Does anyone know why 4chan killed itself? The five minute countdown captcha was bad enough, but they recently upped it to 15 minutes OR email verification. Why is 4chan of all things collecting people's emails? That's not what 4chan is about. Also, they implemented really weird rules where you would get shadow banned for saying tranny or other words 3 times. It really seems like some tranny mod from Reddit recently hijacked 4chan or something.
>>17088 It's been shit for years. Just like glad you found this place.
>>17088 >Does anyone know why 4chan killed itself? Cos moot sold his soul to the dark side for money while chicken shit to the idea of fighting the (((authorities))), so simple like that. Remember, halfchan is under USA jurisdiction and being not compliant can get any American slave into trouble really fast. >Why is 4chan of all things collecting people's emails? Simple, (((they))) are making a dossier of every anon. Cross link the email with the mail provider and then with Cloudfare and your name and address is in the clear.
They probably don't make any money and want the site to slowly die so they can shut it down without causing a ruckus. I can't post there anymore even after I verify my email address, it just tells me my IP range is temporarily banned, for the past 2 years no matter how often I switch my IP, doesn't even work on a mobile connection. I live in a very low populated area so it's rather unlikely that some neighbor did anything bad. 4chan has been slowly dying for a long time. I've been active there for over 15 years but I guess that's over now. All good things must come to an end some day. Fuck you moot.
>>17110 This is my biggest concern, and the upcoming pass price increase doesn't assuage my fears. I genuinely don't know what I would do without anons on 4chan to """socialize""" with.
>>17114 There are plenty of altchans likes this one. Obviously, none of them are the same. They are all so dead, and the mods on some of them are insane. At least it's better than nothing?
4chan is a fed honeypot, that's why
>>17124 That's what I've always suspected, but it doesn't explain all the weird recent shit going on.
How do you even get people interested in alt chans? It seems like the potential audience is always a subset of 4chan. And that if 4chan were to actually disappear, most of the posters would effectively be lost to the void. Honestly I miss how 4chan used to be. As silly as it is, I used to get a feeling of "I'm home" when I posted on 4chan. Posting and having fun with people interested in the same topic as me. I could post freely my thoughts without fear of ban or deletion. Nowadays it feels like your walking on eggshells when you post anything. Even unintentionally you can earn their ire now. Say anything bad about one of the jannies sacred topics and it's a ban. Even automated bans and shadow bans if you use certain terms, terms that had previously been common on the board for at least the past decade. Now you got all these hoops to jump through just to post. And the boards are loosing posters and interesting topics. I get the feeling that a lot of people are getting fed up with it. And those that do stay tone down and sterilize their posts in a futile attempt to avoid the wrath of the jannies, not taking chances on posting new ideas. It's sad to see, the Anons don't deserve this. I can only imagine what feats Anons might have achieved if the boards were staffed with people who cared. Or even just staff who weren't actively malicious.

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