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General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2022 (Thu) 02:37:48 Id: 9b4131 No. 5423
This cyclical thread is for all of the following: Bug Reports General Help 8chan Tech Support Board Migrations Suggestions and Feature Requests Global Site Announcements Transparency Reports General Site Meta Discussion Summoning the Admins Specific meta threads on this board and elsewhere are deprecated. If something is really important or urgent it may get its own sticky, otherwise post in here.
>>8462 God, you are dense. >If a post gets deleted I can just make it again, so why allow BO's to delete post? One thing is deleting shit that was already posted, and other thing is deleting shit BEFORE it's posted. The former the spammer can just check if his post are getting banned, then find the blacklist and modify his spam. This is EXACTLY what happened when Hispa was online. False positives were fucking common because the regular users couldn't figure out which words were on blacklist and the spammer just had several proxies to check it out. Having to test a vpn just to post a single shitpost was horrible. >a retarded and malicious BO can use it to be gay and retarded lol, Juanjo is a retard nigger but the blacklist's problem was fundamental rather than who used it. Let me explain it to you on simple retard language: >Spammer attacks site using X1 word >Admin adds X1 word to filter >Spammer notices X1 words is on filter so he uses X2 words instead >Admin added X2 words to filter And so on. As you can see, the spam never gets stopped and the filter gets filled with words that causes more and more false positives. That's why it doesn't work and nobody should try to use bots and blacklist to moderate their board. >I don't know why you think this is breaking news. Because you act like those guys are getting paid or have the obligation to make this shitposting engine perfect. Again, you are acting as a woman who thinks everybody else has the obligation to serve her arbitrary needs.
>>8463 >One thing is deleting shit that was already posted, and other thing is deleting shit BEFORE it's posted Uh, yeah. >The former the spammer can just check if his post are getting banned, then find the blacklist and modify his spam You can check if your posts are being deleted and post them again. >False positives were fucking common because the regular users couldn't figure out which words were on blacklist and the spammer just had several proxies to check it out. Having to test a vpn just to post a single shitpost was horrible. Again, you're just describing a shitty BO. This isn't an argument against word blocks, it's an argument against using shitty boards. >And so on. As you can see, the spam never gets stopped and the filter gets filled with words that causes more and more false positives. That's why it doesn't work and nobody should try to use bots and blacklist to moderate their board. Word blocks aren't just about spam. But it is better to have the bulk of generic spam be caught by a filter. Every single one of your arguments against word blocks assumes a BO creates them in such a way that they catch regular users. It's like banning guns because you think the average American is too stupid to use them responsibly. My agency trumps your irrational fear of bad board owners. >Because you act like those guys are getting paid I said the exact opposite, but okay. >have the obligation to make this shitposting engine perfect. I went out of my way to say they specifically don't have any obligation to meet any sort of time frame for development. Are you actually brain dead?
>>8453 >I'm not having any issues with either domain, either on clearnet or via Tor. I'm not sure what the issue could be with Tor, since you can't really change your DNS or anything else that would normally be a problem. Your route might just be busted. I'm not really sure what could have happened. I've been using .se for over a year and then suddenly it stopped loading. And I mean stopped loading. It doesn't give an error or warning or anything it just "loads" a blank page after a few seconds when I go to anything on the .se domain now.
>>8465 Try doing a traceroute command to the 8chan.se domain and see where it goes. Maybe yoiur traffic is going through some eurofag network that's blocking us.
Hello, was the global bumplock limit raised? A board I was posting on had 1200 as the global limit but now it's going past that all of a sudden and I wanted to ask what's the new limit. Thank you.
1) Can you remove per-post captcha on /site/? It seems really counterproductive seeing as people usually come here to report bugs and issues. It's okay with new threads though. 2) Who owns the official 8ch twitter handle? Is it possible to ask them a question to better advertise the site?
>>8476 Advertising on twitter is probably an awful idea just because of the kind of retards that use that place. But it would be interesting just from an analytics perspective to see if something like whatever the twitter premium thing is could amplify a tweet and actually drive traffic to the site. But I'd much rather effort was spent advertising on alternative platforms.
>>8472 IIRC they disabled the bump limit and they are testing it on /v/
>>8476 I tried to advertise my board on Twitter and it didn't go anywhere. Too much information movement, it's hard foe anything to go viral you need to pretty much post there all day to get any traction. >>8477 >I'd much rather effort was spent advertising on alternative platforms. Such as?
>>8482 >Such as? Mastodon and pleroma instances.
>>8483 >Mastodon and pleroma instances. What kind of instances? I'm planning to announce my streaming project on a Mastodon instance but I have no clue where to even begin.
>>8485 https://freespeechextremist.com/main/public I only know of this one as a specific.
>>>/v/885984 Jewboy said it didn't work but didn't offer any details because he probably doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. Does anybody here have any information to share for why whatever he was testing failed?
>>8495 No clue. It sounds like maybe Codexx was testing out literally having no bump limit at all on his board and it caused bugs. But I see no reason you couldn't just set the bump limit to be very close to the post limit to have it functionally not in place. But as you said, it's Mark so he won't communicate anything, and Codexx/Acid may or may not respond to this post in 4 months when they happen to check this thread.
>>8495 Mark wanted to do some kind of experiment. He first said he wanted threads to "just end" at post 700, instead of autosage engaging. A day or two later, he said he wanted to see if he could have autosage at 700 and then lock at 750. The autosage limit was set to 600 globally at this time, and board limits cannot exceed global limits. So at this stage, Mark is under the impression that 750 is some hard cap on thread length, and that if he could adjust the autosage number to 700 he could basically nullify autosage, or minimize it, and just have threads live on until they locked. However, this is not how LynxChan handles this. There is no place to set the reply limit for threads. Instead, you set the autosafe point and then threads lock when hitting double that number. So Mark could not run his experiment because no matter how high he set the autosage number there would still be half a thread's worth of replies available. On the upside, per his previous request (before I knew what he wanted to do beyond "raise the autosage point") I bumped the global limit up to 1,000 posts. So globally, threads can now hit 2,000 replies, half of that autosaged. Board owners can lower that number, and for a slower but semi-active board that might be a good idea to keep threads from stagnating. >>8496 We're in here replying we're just not capcoding.
>>8497 >There is no place to set the reply limit for threads. Instead, you set the autosafe point and then threads lock when hitting double that number God this software is so fucking bad
>>8497 I found this graphical bug here >>>/ac/27251 >Hover over cited bumplocked thread >Excepted action: The thread is showed with the -anchor- icon >What happening: The thread is showed but not the -ancor- icon It's small, but still worth checking out. I'm using librewofl, by the way.
>>8498 This "autosage limi" and "autolock limit" should be two different customizable variables.
>>8500 I just assumed they were because anything else would be unfathomably fucking stupid. Just goes to show you should never underestimate the incompetence of the hue tranny.
I just want to say, cole, that you're a genuine moron who had an aberrant lapse of judgement when you said "pedos have a right to free speech" I never talk about you, but it's the most braindead thing that has spewed out from your fingertips and onto the keyboard, I have no fucking idea what your thought process and cognition was when inviting mentally ill Max Karson types to your board was EVER a good idea. Seriously, what the fuck idiot. You're a damn good dev, and make shit work, but that's seriously a black mark on your career.
>>8502 I sincerely doubt even Max would defend uploading pictures of children in bikini's to an imageboard as you talk about how you want to molest them.
>>8503 It's as if that kind of malicious compliance is what pedocreeps label "free speech" to begin with, it's as if meaning is amorphous to those who see children as sex toys with legs or something. "Free Speech" as pedoniggers define it means "Post what we want, plan what we want, distribute what we want."
>>8500 >>8501 Seriously wouldn't it just be easier to move to a better imageboard software than Lynxchan at this point? Lynxchan has lots of features but none of them where and how you actually want them.
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Where can I talk about incest in western animation? /co/ delete me just few hours after it was posted https://8chan.moe/co/res/36677.html In /aco/ people start bringing real incest in incest thread and all get deleted
>>8512 Probably /aco/ again, but be sure to say 'no real incest you guys seriously come on now'; also maybe give it a week or two so it fades from memory a little. If not that, then /b/.
There seems to be some bug with [aa] escape code that causes it to reduplicate the text if the post is long enough for [Expand Post] option to appear. >>>/fur/8076
>>8515 It's a bug with [Expand Post] in general. I changed one number but not another. Will be fixed soon.
>>8516 Thanks.
>>8516 OK now 8chan.moe just started not connecting for me either and 8chan.cc gives me an error >Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead >Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER
>>8520 Didn't mean to quote.
>>8520 OK it's back but it definitely dropped out for 10-20 minutes there.
>>8512 >In /aco/ people start bringing real incest in Ultra based, I don't wanna speak spanish online though. It seems weird.
>>8523 Nigger he's talking about 4chan's /aco/ >>8512 >Franks deletes incest threads but doesn't give a shit about the Indonesian spammer wewlad I think you could use /ac/ as long you restraint it to discussion.
reeee unban me from /v/ markmann, the fuggen sojak shitpost I made was just ironic shitpost. I'm not a fuggen soyjak spammer.
BLYAT MY BAN ID IS 651eb45049271177f885bbe1
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>flood detected wait 1 second <wait a second >FLOOD DETECTED WAIT 12 SECONDS
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Odds are very good the yid had his anger tantrum and then went to sleep, could someone who isn't completely fucking incompetent (probably dog) unban me for posting meta in the meta thread, which is very clearly not for video games?
>>8536 Lifted one ban. Appeal the other one.
>>8537 Done; why does it even stack that way?
>>8538 stephens spaghetti code.
>>8538 Lifted. >why does it even stack that way? No idea. Sometimes the site applies double bans for no reason. I don't know if this is a bug with Lynxchan or with the way the admins set up 8moe to be more "secure".
>>8540 Lynxchan. Its fixed already upstream. So whenever the new update hits it will be fixed.
I have a sugg to make, there should be a option to have permanent flag selection. Some boards like /fur/ have a lot of flags and it would be really nice if I don't have to select the same flag every time I am making a post on boards with custom flags enabled.
>>5423 So when is Tor fileposting coming back it feels like forever?
>>8544 Feels like a lot less time than the entire month he forgot to turn back on TOR text posting. Don't even give admins any ideas of fucking with TOR shit. Next time they'll accidentally turn it off forever.
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Mark just can't stop banning endlessly for his own actions; first two posts are in the LOL thread, for posterity, and he didn't even delete the one asking about it, just mine for pointing out who did it.
So, nothing? No action, no response, no update? I was banned for two meta posts, one of which was in the meta thread itself and the other was responding to a meta question that, itself, didn't get deleted. Mark is clearly moderating in bad faith if he refuses to comply with the transparency that the board log offers and the results of his own moderation actions thereof. He refuses to answer questions or statements in his meta thread or explain himself very nearly ever since he's convinced himself that everybody who disagrees with him is a nasty troll and not someone speaking with sincerity, at the very least i want some manner of answer and accountability on THIS board, which isn't run by a self-important fucktard.
>>8547 Where do you think you are? Do you think admins jump into dethrone BO's that moderate in ways you don't like? You're free to moderate your board however you please. If you don't like how a BO is running his board make a competing one. Unironically begging Acid, who is arguably a bigger retard than even fucking Mark, to be the arbiter of who gets to be a BO and how they moderate is some of the most retarded shit imaginable. You want to take Mark's level of spergout incompetence and hand that authority over to the site admin? You should be thanking god Acid is mostly hands off. Or else we get more instance of people being globally banned for saying the site isn't very active.
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>>8548 What i want is sensibility and fairness in moderation, which i expect to get from the fat faggot running the show by hook or crook on this small website. Part of the reason we bailed on 4chan was moot was too far removed from the populace and his team of moderators no longer represented the community, but on a site this small, especially now that we shrunk since nine years ago, we can speak truth to power more freely and directly and i'd want that power to listen, if only for once. I'd also like some measure of consideration to the one (1) person at a time raising a justified complaint against emotion-swing moderation, where he doesn't delete ALL meta outside the meta thread, just the stuff that offends him personally by pointing out his actions in a publicly available log. I expect the admins to have a degree of fairness and, at the very least, is bad moderation is occurring not just on their most populated board, but on a board owned by a guy that they're thick as thieves with, to take him aside and correct him when he goes astray. Most people won't bother with this; most people will jump tor nodes and keep on shitposting. But as one of the few clearlet johnnys on this site, i'm gonna, at the very least, stand up and raise a fuss over any extensive, bullshit bans i get, both in the hopes of clearing my current one and in stopping any future ones. Might be a futile attempt for the jew but felbot hasn't given me any bullshit bans lately, at least.
>>8549 So you want someone who has demonstrated on multiple occasions that he is at least as retarded as Mark, to make unilateral moderation decisions on the site every time someone cries about a BO. That's impressively stupid, thanks for the laugh.
>>8550 I mean, i was thinking Dog more than anybody, but yeah, nobody can be as fucktarded as the cliptip is, even if felbot tries his damndest, so good odds all around i reckon.
>>8551 So you have no clue who the admins of the site even are. Thanks for proving that your stupidity knows no end.
>>8552 Dog's the one that does the heavy lifting, he's the one i have the most trust in; Acid, Codexxxxxxxx, and third guy who's name i don't remember aren't as relevant. With as snide as you are i ASSUME you're fagbitch since jewboy is too lazy to reply most of the time, except for when he's posting Gladiator pics out of in hilarious, oblivious hubris.
>>8553 Dogs a janny. Not an admin. And you are retarded.
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>>8554 whatever ya say buddy
>>8549 Moderation stuff is generally overseen by Parias. But you have to realize, Global Rule 3 has a very high bar to meet before admins will intervene in a Board Owner's business. It's only been invoked one time since the site was made, and the issue was the BO refusing to properly mod against CP. "A few bad bans here and there" is a million miles away from that, as annoying as I'm sure it gets to the people hit by it. And barring GR3 violations, BOs are generally left alone to run their board in whatever way they wish and ban whomever they wish, for whatever reasons they wish. There can be exceptions, but we're all committed to never abusing the admin powers. All that being said, I'll let Parias know that you have some concerns and he can answer you properly.
>>8557 Alright, guess i'll keep waiting then. Is Dog off on a weekend sojourn or something? He usually just unbans me when i whinge here about some stupid bullshit.
>>8557 The blacked faggot board shit he did was extremely questionable and the excuse for it was completely illogical. Not that I particularly care in that one instance, but the precedent it set was ridiculous.
>>8558 Unbanned from the site or unbanned from a board? What were you banned for. Who banned you. and finally. None of this is dogs job, unless dog is who banned you. You fucking imbecile. You moron. You retarded child.
>>8562 >>8546 you colossal nigger, im sorry you cant scroll the fuck up a dozen posts i realize its not dog's job but he usually does it anyhow because i guess hes not a colossal faggot and also has global mod powers so he sees the report help requests i toss out for attention; maybe he agrees that unnecessary bans are fucking retarded and tries to mitigate it when it happens, i never actually asked him the nuances of his moderation morality
>>8563 You were banned locally on /v/ by the BO, Mark. If Dog goes behind his back to lift the ban then hes guilty of over reach. Again. This isnt dogs job. This isnt even related to the site as a whole. You have an issue with a BO. Thats your issue and not site staffs. So stop bitching here.
>>8564 I'd gladly bitch about it on /v/ but, you know, kinda banned there so i can't post about it. I might use redchannit, but then i can't post my screencap of events and i feel like putting it on catbox and linking it there would make people not give a shit about it, as if jewboy has any credulousness in him anymore, giving or receiving. At least here i can make some sort of case on it that people who the yid might acknowledge, names he recognizes or should recognize, can turn to him and, if make a proper argument about it, then point his attention here and say 'here's someone with a sincere grievance'. I fully intend to post this bullshit when my ban is up or lifted and i fully expect to get banned again because the kike has a skull of cement, but when that happens i'll be right back here once more because it's the only option i have for anything resembling decency and fairness when tubby talmud won't be reasonable. I guess i could friend him on steam for a more direct approach, but i'd start off with calling him a retarded kike which i doubt would go over well.
>>8549 I've reached out to Mark, but in broad terms we've spoken once or twice before about the meta thread in particular. I have my own opinion on it, but really at the end of the day Mark is checking all the boxes: he is enforcing the Global Rules, he is active with his moderation, he has an active team for when he is not around. His board is his board, and while I or the other admins may have opinions on how things are run, it's not our board and so we keep our hands off. With that said, it does need to be mentioned that antagonizing a BO, then going over his head to appeal his ban, then going right back into it and antagonizing him again but this time with the added spice of "This is what I was banned for, look how mad he is" is a pretty unsustainable pattern and will continue to have pretty predictable results. While I agree that a BO or really any moderator shouldn't take things personally, you have to admit that this sort of behavior seems to be custom-crafted to produce a personal response directly from him. I'll speak to him but you'll have to meet me in the middle here if you expect a different result next time.
>>8568 The different result i expect, though, is him owning up to his actions, not seeing the log of his own deletions and going "HOW DARE YOU POINT OUT WHAT I DID ON A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DOCUMENT", especially when one of those two deletion-bans was for posting it in the meta thread, where in i get banned for talking about meta. The result i want is him being sensible and not banning just because he's being justifiably accused of shit he provably did, and other than posting evidence of it the only way i can think to impart that concept is to be real snide about it, like "gee mark why dont we just get rid of the board logs and transparency if you dont want us seeing you moderation actions?" I'm not usually that subtle, but if you think that'd work instead to get him to grow some rhino skin on him then i'll try to keep it in mind. I'm never going to be happy as long as he keeps banning people, or at the very least me, for calling him out when it's needed.
>>8569 >I'm a retarded newfag who doesn't understand Mark will literally never change so I will spend days crying about gay shit instead of just using the site provided ban evasion tools
>>8573 Or, he could even make his own /v/.
>>8574 thats just called zzzchan tho
>>8547 You need to understand that you're dealing with an honest-to-God retard. Complain (justifiably) and continue to ban evade. Doing anything else is a waste of time. >>8574 That won't work for the same reason basically every English language board is dead.
>>8564 >If Dog goes behind his back to lift the ban then hes guilty of over reach. Actually I became a vol on /v/ to be able to deal with these situations. I have the account "local_dog" to separate actions done as a /v/ol from my global actions, but honestly sometimes I'm too lazy to switch profiles and end up using my main account to moderate /v/ ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯.
>>8583 I understand that. But what I am saying is that if you go around behind the BOs back then thats over reach. You are abusing either of your accounts authority at that point. No one has told you to be Marks oversight. If you do that on your own. Then your fucking up and publically. Please dont do that.
>>8584 Are you retarded or something? Mark made Dog a moderator on his board and gave him authority. Mark has let retards like felbot get away with way more erroneous behavior than Dog unbanning people because Mark had a spergout episode. A moderator on /v/ can do whatever he wants. If Mark doesn't like what one of his moderators is doing then he can remove their authority on his board. It has no bearing on site administration.
Does anyone know how to change the color of fieldset text in CSS? Preferably element by element? I can't suss out the exact value despite poking around in different themes.
>>8545 Bruh they said they bring it back one day but it's been months since they said that like is it coming at all or not!?
>>8604 >bruh Kill yourself.
>>8605 Calm down bruh.
>>8605 Yeah bruh chill
>>8605 you are too sensible today, bruh, go outside and touch grass or something, idk
Does anyone know of any resources on LynxChan's LaTeX? More precisely, why does ';amp' appear when using the '&' column separator?
>>8650 It's not native to LynxChan, it's something I implemented by wrapping calls to Katex. https://katex.org/ If you find a bug in how something is being parsed, let me know.
>>8651 Thanks Anon, I will let you know of anything weird.
>>8651 Well I think there is a problem with the '&' character: The KaTeX code is \begin{array}{|c|c|c|} P & \neg P & \neg (\neg P) \\ V & F & V \\ F & V & F \end{array}
>>8544 It's been 5 months, I don't think it's ever coming back.
>>8604 >>8657 The problem is that they go by cartoon logic and to do something relatively simple they want something ultra elaborate and expensive. There's no nuance and meanwhile we're stuck without images.
For worksafe boards In mobile-view please disable nsfw boards appearing among top board list. It is worksafe afterall
Is it okay to gatekeep porn addicted fags? I'm voling on some board that has always had people who likes porn and rule 34, but recently they are going over the top with that sentient derailing threads and shit. I'm not sure if I should gatekeep them and ban them for that or just let them tag along and ignore them, but I'm not sure, some of their posts histories suggest they are crossposters/newfags, I want to know your opinions about it.
>>8663 Do what you want on your own board. No one can assess your situation without knowing the board in question and the context for the posts you are taking issue with. What the fuck is sentient derailing?
>>8663 I recommend that you give advance notice of the rule change, and take action in the first few days (warnings instead of bans, or short bans) to reduce the conflict that the new rules will generate.
Could the option be added for BO to set a default flag (instead of no flag)?
Thanks for fixing the global CSS bug. >>8664 What I mean is that some anons have been derailing discussion threads into mindless porn spam and fanfiction. >>8665 That's basically have been doing for a while. I think I'm sticking to that strategy.
>>5423 Is redchannit always supposed to redirect to the home page? I wanted to link the site to a few anons who live in Russia but I cannot reach >>>/ru/ even if the link is set to "redchannit.org/ru/".
>>8678 I'll ask Acid to look into it.
Ever since the 10th anniversary theme was forced on, I have been unable to change the theme to anything at all, the menu is gone, Yotsuba B hurts my fucking eyes I want my dark themes.
Is there a way for me to continue using the 10th anniversary theme? I liked the way it looked
>>8680 The menu should still be there and should still work. Do a Ctrl+F5 to force a cache reload. If the menu still isn't there, open your development tools (Ctrl+Shift+i) and check the Console tab. See if you get any errors reported, especially regarding theme.js. >>8681 Open the Settings menu, go to the CSS tab, and add a line to @import the birthday CSS, which should be at /.static/css/birthday.css It was just the regular birthday CSS with the additional 10th Anniversary pedestal in the corner.
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>>8682 >SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.' > theme.js:190:24 Wondering if this is a waterfox issue, but ctrl F5 did nothing. Screenshot of where clicking on theme.js takes me, complete with its automatic highlighting of what I assume is the problem.
>>8683 I think WaterFox probably suffers from an issue Pale Moon and others have. The older JS engine they use does not support using '?' to check for nulls. I will look into a solution
>>8680 >>8683 For those who have the same problem, you can put the content of this file in Settings > JS in the meantime. It is the same code from https://8chan.moe/.static/js/theme.js except for the following changes: * Changed the optional chaining operator to if. * The Moepheus theme is available (there are also three other hidden themes that appear commented, but personally the first one is the one I like the most).
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>>8689 That did the trick, just had to refresh the page and it worked.
redchannit.org/boardname/ still doesn't redirect to /boardname/ after going through the splashscreen, rather it throws you into the home page every time. Additionally, what's the status report on TOR fileposting? This has been a long time coming.
>>8696 Every time Tor gets file posting re-enabled, some angry nigger immediately uses it to shit out a hundred CP posts.
>>8697 He was spamming it over VPN's too, he just got bored eventually.
>>8697 >>8698 Come on let's just get it up already, a week's test and if it causes more trouble than it's worth you just deactivate it again.
Why is 8chan now serving webp instead of the original format?
>>8700 We don't re-encode any original images, and thumbnails are encoded as PNG. >>8699 I'll talk to Acid about it. We would quite like to get websockets fixed beforehand.
>>8702 Then why am I getting served webp on some images when the original image is a jpeg? I somehow doubt that the original poster converted it to webp before uploading it but kept the jpeg extension.
>>8703 Can you provide an example?
Redchannit ain't working. Page shows up but CSS doesn't load. Can't post either.
>>8705 As far as I can tell, that is a webp that has .jpg in the filename. The extension in the filename is just a convention and generally image-viewing software will detect the type of the image and decode it rather than trust the filename to be accurate. The server actually checks the MIME type of every uploaded file and uses what it detects over the filename. If it's serving it as a WebP it's because the user uploaded it as a webp. The site literally doesn't have code to convert original files. The only image processing it does is for thumbnail generation.
>>8706 Sometimes there's a bad cache. I'll alert Acid to look into it. He's had some technical issues at his place lately that probably need to be resolved before he can work on site stuff, though.
>>8709 How bad of a thing is that? Compared to animebathscenewiki.com...
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Add tooltips showing full title of each board in the top boards bar when hovering mouse over by adding their titles as title attributes to each <a> tag like in 4chan. It's not clear what a lot of these board are. e.g. <a href="/tkr">tkr</a> should be <a href="/tkr" title="Tickling Refuge">tkr</a>
>>8689 the patch works but without it shit is still broken
>>8712 Fix should be in the next update. I'm rolling 2.9 into 2.10 and waiting for a couple more pull requests to be merged.
Acid /v/ is getting spammed in the gg thread, probably tourist from soyjakparty due to the sisterfucking game fallout. Time to do the thing.
say, if I want to create a new board(and a new css for it), but I do not have any experience with css, how do I do it? are there any free no-code tools/tutorials on how to create your own css?
>>8711 This please, this so much >>8720 >but I do not have any experience with css, how do I do it? View the board's page source, download the css file from it and just fuck around with the values until you find something that is to your liking. >are there any free no-code tools/tutorials on how to create your own css? >>>/css/ https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
>>8720 You should probably look at some of the site's themes. They may make a good example. All the colors are set with CSS variables, so palette-swapping an existing theme is pretty easy. Otherwise, there are some neat tricks that have been used and can be copied. For anything more advanced, you will need to learn CSS properly. >>8711 >>8722 I'll see if I can hack this in over the weekend.
>A file had a format that is not allowed by the server What the fuck? Both files are mp4s. Testing one. Got the problem file on the first try it's this, https://files.catbox.moe/1tck50.mp4 Why is this mp4 throwing a disallowed file format block?
Thanks whoever fixed the issue 8chan had with posting multiple images from clipboard
>>8727 What issue?
>>8726 Because it's actually an x-m4v file, which is Apple's weird derived version of MP4, and we didn't have that on the whitelist. It's now on the whitelist. >>8727 First I have heard of the problem and we haven't pushed an update in some time. It's most likely a local issue.
>>8728 In the past I've been unable to post when attaching multiple images from my clipboard
>>8730 I second this, it usually happens with new threads >>8722 >>8724 thank you for the answers
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When you hit [expand post] the text is duplicated, it repeats.
>>8734 no one cares, pedospic
>>8734 Fixed on test. Will roll out with the next update.
I have a question, and since when I create a board, it defaults to SFW... How can I mark my board as NSFW?
>>8741 New boards default to NSFW. Regardless, if you want it toggled, you need to e-mail the admins.
LOCO hay como 4 hilos de del cunny,hay 3 o 4 de pedofilos y 3 de los argensimiosque se creen que todo gira al rededor de ellos tiene sus respectivos tablones , tienen /delicuis,/av ,incluso esta /arg que no debería existir por que son CANCER aunque sea fusiona los que tengan la misma mierda castrosa,pero lo que mas me preocupa son lo de los pedros de mierda.Cuando no es el enfermo que postea el link del caldo de pollo aparecen lo de la" pedo filia es buena" esto esta ocurriendo en /hispachan y me dijeron que lo reporte aqui a continuacion.
Why is it that despite "saving" the volume bar very low, it comes back at full volume? It is very annoying.
>>8745 I can't attach an image, but I mean the options
Does anyone know if global reports will also generate a local open report?
>>8748 They don't
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I mean this, even though I always click on the "save" button, the volume bar always stays at the top, at the maximum level".
The /sm/ board doesn't look COMPLETELY updated for the holidays, and by that, I mean more that just the snow overlay...
>>8753 need help please!!!!
The RSS feed feature is broken.
>>8760 How broken? It's RSS; it's SUPPOSED to look broken!
>>8753 Browser version? >>8760 Please explain how it is broken, preferably with steps to reproduce.
>>8761 >>8762 I think it's supposed to look like that...
>>8763 It is; you're supposed to plug the URL into a feed reader. I'd like the person who posted to confirm they're actually using a feed reader.
>>5423 If I use the name field once, it never clears up, even if I make new posts without a name how do I make it clear up automatically, without clearing my cookies?
>>8765 you cant. Make a new post and write Anonymous in the namefield. Thats the best and fastest method available currently.
>>8766 thank you for the quick response
>>8765 This is a browser problem that doesn't have an easy fix. We can mark the field to not remember, but browsers try to be "helpful" and ignore it.
>>8761 I'm trying to add a board to the RSS feed called NewNewsWire, and it returns the error "The feed couldn't be found and can't be added".
>>8772 Thanks, I'll take a look at it. I have a feeling I know what the problem is.
>>5423 How do I hide my username in the last edited by messages? Can I hide my username in the public logs? this feature should be implemented, jschan has it too
>>8795 No, and this is to enforce accountability. Users should be aware which moderator is taking a given action.
>>8796 not a single person in your cabal of jannies have ever been held accountable for anything. how does it feel to have absolutely flawless moderation that never does anything wrong ever?
>>8798 >not a single person in your cabal of jannies have ever been held accountable Literally couldn't be further from the truth. GVols found abusing their power are removed and incorrectly deleted posts get restored. Incorrect removals are undone and clarifications issued when appropriate. And it's hardly a "cabal" when the coordination room has minimal chatter and everyone uses an alias. The open logs ensure everyone is aware of who takes an action, and if a moderator abuses their power then we can rely on them to figure out what happened and when.
>>8802 the guy who leaked conversations from your "coordination room" doesn't count. we're talking about accountability to the users in which there is none which is why your userbase is actively boycotting you because thats the only way they can hold you accountable. you should know all about that since thats what you did to 8kun.
>>8804 Tell us one (1) occasion in which a gvol abused his power and wasn't removed
>>8810 Get fuckt faggot.
>>8810 Your globally banned for posting traced cp right? Which you are currently ban evading. Reported.
>>8804 >the guy who leaked conversations from your "coordination room" doesn't count. The leaked conversations were from Mark's /v/ room. The admins do not hang out there, and neither do globals unless they also happened to be /v/ volunteers at the time. >we're talking about accountability to the users Which is why logs are always public. >your userbase is actively boycotting you because thats the only way they can hold you accountable. If that's the case, nobody has bothered to say that they're boycotting or explain what we could do to appease them.
>>8820 knowing the name of the faggot who came in here and deleted my posts and knowing its the same faggot whose actively making /b/ unusuable by deleting every post he doesn't like doesn't bring me any closer to holding him accountable for his actions because you're the one who has to do that and you never will. which is exactly why the spanish speaking userbase thats quarantined away from your cancerous moderation via a language barrier is healthier than the english speaking one that has less users than you started with.
>>8823 most places still have snow in january anon
>>8826 >I posted CP and then ban evaded why did you ban me again? Gee I wonder why. >muh /b/ No one cares about /b/ and if you don't like what the guy taking care of it is doing with it then you can make your own board or just fuck off and more on. Anyone can make their own board and do whatever he wants with it, no one is forced to use them.
>>8828 if I'm guilty of posting cp then so is everyone else because I've done more to point out to you retards which loli artists are kosher by your standards and which ones aren't than anyone else here. without me you'd still be sharing everything nefrubi comes out with on the dedicated thread for them in your loli board that existed until I came in and proved he traced. as for /b/ it will always serve as the entry point of an imageboard in which organic growth and new boards originate from. trying to turn /v/ into that by making gamergate threads a microcosm of /b/ doesn't serve as a replacement because nobody outside the little circlejerk you have left are even aware of its existance.
>>8829 >you >your Dude, you are talking to someone else. I do agree not every loli content is legal and lolifags are big niggers for acting otherwise, but the heated way to communicate this and the fact that you are ban evading give me the impression you want to cause drama rather than keeping the site healthy. If you happen to find traced CP just globally report it or send an email to the admins so they would look into it. >it will always serve as the entry point of an imageboard in which organic growth and new boards originate from. I don't agree. Maybe 10 or 15 years ago, but nowadays they just attract the worst kinds of imageboard users. On top of that, moe's /b/ is boring as fuck, their mods ban whatever they feel like. >trying to turn /v/ into that by making gamergate threads a microcosm of /b/ doesn't serve as a replacement because nobody outside the little circlejerk you have left are even aware of its existance I do agree here, the gg thread is an obnoxious circlejerk and it's more comparable to a discord server rather than an actual imageboard thread and Mark is a big retard for not realising they are too busy talking about Twitter drama and hunting down their boogie men to post on other places; but that's irrelevant and Mark can do whatever he wants with his board, same way I can do whatever I want with the boards I own.
Why has there been literally ZERO (0) meaningful updates to the site? Its been half a year now.
>>8831 Yeah, why? Is there a writer's strike going on or is someone missing?
>>8832 >>8831 Wait, what "meaningful updates" were you referring to?
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hey codex, here is i'd want you to do: given that >>5423 and >>>/co/35154 do the same thing of(and i quote https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html ) "add a tooltip with the post preview if you have javascript enabled." could you make >>>/co/ make a pic related, random banner and all?
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Would it be possible to add jfif and webp MIME types? jfif is just metadata-independent jpeg so it should function as-is I'd imagine, and webp is... Well webp is a can of worms for reasons so I would get if that one is impossible. Asking since a lot of normalfag sites use those two pretty commonly these days.
>>8834 That actually is probably pretty doable. Can't promise it in the next update, though, since it's feature locked. Just doing additional bug hunting. I'll add it to the to-do list, though. >>8835 Webp is already enabled. I'll check jfif. If you have a webp you tried to upload, and it got rejected, please upload somewhere and link it so I can verify the MIME. >>8831 Everyone has been busy. Update is progressing steadily, but slowly. Hopefully soon.
>>8836 >Everyone has been busy. Update is progressing steadily, but slowly. Hopefully soon. Including shotakot? I wish I knew where he was...
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I would like to request /news/ be turned into a SFW board. If there are any images currently on the board that are NSFW please give me a heads up and I will adjust the moderating standards accordingly. In other news, I am considering posting deepl translations of articles in Spanish when I post them to appeal to /hisparefugio/, /mex/, and the rest of the hispachan diaspora. Are there any cultural considerations I should keep in mind before advertising that I intend to do so to these boards? I know a little (Mexican) Spanish, but I am a gringo through-and-through only knowing English and a tiny bit of Russian/Japanese/Spanish. >>8836 Yep, all seems to be in order I just didn't see them in the global directory for filetypes.
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>>8838 Your SFW flag has been set. Just like with you and /news/, the hispas have their own board rules and culture s the best that I can tell you is to lurk moar there or just make a post in their meta threads and ask the BOs directly. Also congrats on making the site topbar! I know I'll be posting on your board some.
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>>8839 Appreciate it, I'll try not to be too much of a shitter and keep things organized. >Also congrats on making the site topbar! Ehhhh.... I'm a filthy VPN user so I hope that didn't influence it too much. I'll try to keep to a general standard of quality to not disappoint!
>>8762 >Browser version? tried on Opera GX, Edge and now on Brave too, all updated to their latest version and the result is the same, every time I enter a new thread or refresh the page, the volume goes back up to the maximum!!!
Site-wide chart & xtra. Original, normal, & smol versions.
>year of our lord 2024 >still can't post images suck dicking niggers
What happened to /news/, why are some threads gone?
>>8866 >>>/news/ as a whole is gone.
>>8866 Wait, what, why? It's been only been a week. Does it have something to do with the spat that was happening with Smug/a/?
>>8868 >the spat that was happening with Smug/a/? the what
>>8866 >>8867 I hate when this shit happens, what the fuck? it was there just some hours ago. The board was new but quite active and most anons welcomed it, so it would've been able to grow steadily over time. >>8869 >>8870 tl;dr /news/ board owner posted some news on smuglo /kohi/ thread and added the url to 8moe's /news/ board, mod got mad, removed the 8moe url from the post, banned the guy and deleted every mention to 8moe.
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Yeah this has happened one too many times. Whether by accident, fatfingering, maliciousness or trolling or just having a bad day the Board Owner's "delete board" option has never been used in a way that it didn't mess up a bunch of stuff and upset a bunch of anons. I don't know what happened to /news/BO and he might well have a good reason but its still a pain to have this occur suddenly. That problem is now solved courtesy of Codexx's mastery of Lynxchan. Deleting a board will require admin approval from now on. Edit: In the meantime if anyone would like to take up the mantle of reopening a /news/ type board then we certainly welcome it.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 01/22/2024 (Mon) 00:34:52.
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I have webring friends of several years tell me they would drop me like dead weight if I continued running /news/ because of the Smug fiasco. The anon harassment was whatever but the private harassment was too much. It's not that I didn't want to run it, but I'm fiercely loyal to a handful of them for various reasons and the ones I'm not loyal to would run a doxxing campaign against me that could ruin my IRL life (as they made very clear) because I'm a lolicon, so there isn't much choice in an ultimatum like that. Gomen.
>>8873 Your ASN and IP ranges match the BO's history here and on /v/. That is seriously fucked up man... On their part, not yours. You got fucking extorted to kill your very promising board by webringfags over webring drama? I don't know what to say. Holy shit.
>>8873 Fucking weakling. They bullied the /animu/ guy the same way and he folded the same way. I'm not sympathetic, you're giving them what they want and proving it works.
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>>8874 I'm sorry for creating drama over a nothingboard. The ones involved in this and the ones I want to protect are different people, but there's very little I can do at this time that wouldn't harm the people I want to protect. I got too loose with my OpSec and the troublemakers caught me, so any further involvement will harm my friends. I think I'm done with imageboards pretty much entirely after this since I hate being made a fool/tool for other peoples' sick games.
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>>8873 what a bunch of colossal fagmos, thats not sugoi at all
>>8873 >>8876 If you are actually the (now former) board owner of /news/ then this is really disheartening information. I'd been looking for a good aggregator of reporting that grabbed those pieces a bit off the beaten path and was a fan of the board. The private relationships you mention sound abusive, hopefully you can somehow cut ties with those who bear you ill will and convince your friends to support your future endeavors rather than shun you for them. I'd mostly ignored the conflicts between this site and the webring but this event is forcing me to regard what I'd previously viewed as petty squabbles and drama with fresh eyes. It is not a good thing.
>>8873 >>8872 Sounds to me like someone wasn't that great with Operational Security and a anti-lolicon found the /news/ owner and doxxed him. I'm gonna say that this is a worse look on 'the hunter' rather than 'the hunted' >>8878 I'm not sure that ignoring drama can necessarily be good, since IRL effects of it can come back at you. One can escape from reality, but not reality's consequences.
>>8874 Shouldn't you be busy making Asuka blacked edits right now?
>>8873 >>8875 What can men do against such reckless faggotry?
>>8874 Is the board backed up or stored at the 8moe end or is it a case of once it's deleted it's gone for good?
>>8881 The easy answer is to have better opsec, the medium answer is to get better friends/acquaintances, and the hard answer is to not care whether you get doxxed or not.
>>8879 Dramas can and largely should be ignored, they're nothing but a performance after all. This is beyond what can be described as drama, blackmail and extortion are more fitting terms. Harsh words in IRC are just words, threats like these however are beyond the pale. Is this what previous communications have been like on the webring's side? Insinuations that they will harass folks in order to get you removed from your job, sharing private information to accomplish such? >>8882 I know when tengu deleted /v/ before it was restored in short order. That being said how the site functions on the backend is opaque to me. I don't know if that kind of resilince is built-in or something board owners have to toggle on.
>>8873 God this shit happened twice with /christmas/ the first guy who organized the first event was deliberately bullied by webring anons to stay away from the event because they didn't like him. What a bunch of fags, holy shit; but the worst part they get on their high horse acting like they are better than us while doing this kind of actually harmful crap. Fuck them, I'm glad I didn't got involved with them. >>8872 >Deleting a board will require admin approval from now on. Thank fucking god. This has happened way too many times as you pointed out.
>>8884 I just wouldn't have thought that some part of the webring anons would do something like this. Even tv.ch or julay would just spam you or at worst make a thread mocking you at worst. Likw what the fuck kind of anon goes after another anon for loli? And to threaten to ruin them IRL even?

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>>8886 >what the fuck kind of anon goes after another anon for loli? And to threaten to ruin them IRL even? A moralist with axes to grind, for one. You also have Koreans, and people with low amygdalas as valid suspects.
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>>8880 Shouldn't you be busy fucking killing yourself?
>>8885 >God this shit happened twice with /christmas/ the first guy who organized the first event was deliberately bullied by webring anons to stay away from the event because they didn't like him. What a bunch of fags, holy shit; but the worst part they get on their high horse acting like they are better than us while doing this kind of actually harmful crap. I've interacted with enough of the WR anons to know that the vast majority of them are good and decent anons. But there IS a small roving band of miscreants that sow discord constantly, especially if anything to do with 8moe is concerned. I don't know what their fucking deal is but they seem to want to do anything in their power to stop all the 8anons from ever fully coming together.
>>8881 There isn't a lot we can do about it. Something that I quickly learn is that these kind of attitudes trend to be self-destructive, the people inside the harassment groups trend to harass one another and eventually get self-dismantled out of friendly fire. The one who lives from psyops dies from psyops. And please, PLEASE for the love of god do not engage on "friendship" with other imageboards users. We all know the kind of people who uses these places, it's never a good idea. >>8883 >to not care whether you get doxxed or not. Also this. The true is with the amount of content and drama that exists on the internet if you ever get doxed you'll be forgotten in a couple of months at worst and if there's people who keep insisting on posting that data after all, then just assume they are part of a doxing IRC/Discord that would self-destruct eventually >t. I got doxxed and survived. The guys who doxxed me ended doxxed themselves and committed internet suicide
>>8889 >there IS a small roving band of miscreants that sow discord constantly And yet, they weren't that active and busy until now. And to go after the guy making the news board? During American Election season, no less? I say it's Democrats trying to mess with this website to avoid another 2016 outcome.

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>>8889 >I don't know what their fucking deal is but they seem to want to do anything in their power to stop all the 8anons from ever fully coming together.
>>8873 >Letting anyone who knows your real identity ever know you like fringe cartoon porn You sealed your own fate.
>>8889 >I've interacted with enough of the WR anons So am I, that's why I'm surprised there's people on the webring who actively engage on harassment campaigns.
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>>8878 He's on a new bypass but everything else matches the /news/BO's account history. 99.9% its him. I thought for a second it might be a troll taking the piss too but no. It's real. Wow I haven't been legitimately angry at anything in a long time. You pissed off one jannie on Smug and a group of people showed up out of the shadows to fucking extort you under threat of doxxing you. I've heard this fucking tune before, and it was done by people who had loose ties to both Smug and Julay, as was proven when Tengu nuked the latter and exposed the names in their IRC. If anything happens you know how to reach out.
>>8895 They're not going to be regular anons, they're just shit-stirrers who, when they heard anon cafe was shutting down, popped up to fling their shit around.
>>8873 You're probably not bad looking, but you let the "internet is srs bsns" actually take on meaning. Why couldn't you just block them? How does someone allow such unbearable faggots to reach you so closely that they have your personal information on hand. I feel only a little sorry for you, but this is the absolute fucking state of altboards. I honestly want to see your face so I can analyze your phenotype, and see what a gullible retard looks like.
>>8873 >I'm fiercely loyal to a handful of them for various reasons and the ones I'm not loyal to would run a doxxing campaign against me that could ruin my IRL life Didn't you boast on /news/ that you pulled the exact same thing to the Smug vols: https://archive.is/fj1kM#131 <Also mentioned some sensitive information (that I will not repeat it) to spook him into ceasing and desisting with his faggotry immediately And this was after you "jokingly" threatened to spam their site if they didn't properly source their news post?
>>8899 Reminds me how various members of GamerGate purposefully took over various top boards in order to inhibit their growth and keep /v/ on top. 8moe is assaulted from both inside and out.
>>8900 Yes fellow anon, that totally happened.
>>8869 The nigger running /news/ has been shilling his board across the webring. On Smug/a/, rather than treating it like usual board-shilling and just B&Ding the post, they only edited out the board link and left the rest. The /news/ BO vowed raids and spam against Smug/a/ for allegedly violating copyright on his posts, if they didn't either restore the link or delete the post. So they deleted the post, and now shilling /news/ is treated the same as any other case of shilling for off-site boards: B&D. Note that he has a years-long history of shitting up Smug, such as last year when he was spamming Bible verses out of butthurt at anons not being interested in his nofap (or noporn, whichever it was) proselytization, and in general he is a massive attention-whore. He's the kind of identityfag who doesn't need a name or avatar, and you can tell it's him just from his self-righteous saviour complex. He views himself as the hero saving the board/site/webring/imageboards/etc, and he tries to excuse any damage he does by claiming that playing a villain helps by giving the board something to hate. Note that this is not some armchair psychoanalysis bullshit. That was his own explanation. I don't know which scenario is more likely: That he's outright making shit up with this claim of doxing, or if in his unrelenting attention-whoring he couldn't resist breaking opsec and letting out information less discriminately than he should. I wish he would fulfill his repeated promises to leave Smug forever.
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>>8899 >Autism wars shit UH OH RETARD DRAMA! Errybody get the popcorn! /news/ BO is not innocent! What a plot twist. What other spiders and skeletons lie in his closet I wonder?
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>>8902 So he's a faggot trying to drag this site into his slap fight with smug?
>>8899 I see the difference here as being in the first case it is one guy telling another guy online that he is someone who knows him IRL, something like "Janny, this is Ryan, I know you're Kyle. Stop editing out the links to my gallery on the panda when I post doujins in /l/ just because you don't like they added tomgirl as a tag." and the other is a person making a threat, "Kyle says he will call my boss and tell them I traffic CSAM if I don't stop uploading stuff to panda." That being said, there is a lot of bad behavior on display in https://archive.is/YZ2H5 and while I don't see any issue with linking to other boards hosting the same discussion, especially on the webring which is founded upon that idea, if what was effectively being posted was spam which also directly violated the rules of the board being posted on that is a different story. Can someone provide links to the other shill posts? >>8904 The admin can't do anything to his aid in this regard so what would be the point? If he is some perpetually obstreperous hugbox enthusiast that would explain the reasoning, or rather vacate the expectation of such. Regardless, we're down a board that was good which puts us one more step away from not having /abdl/ and /tkr/ be on the top boards.
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>>8905 >obstreperous
>>8873 Wow maybe you should've like not associated with them. Dumbass.
>>8906 >obstreperous Apparently, an obnoxious cunt.
>>8873 Looking into this some, you sorta deserved it. You entered other people's communities and acted like a git.
>>8873 Bullshit, you retarded faggot. >act like an absolute nigger on both /k/ and Smug to the point of openly advertising raids until your hissy fat passes(all the while forgetting the teensy detail that ackchually the only reason you did that was because you supposedly got raided first only to bring that up after the fact) >still manages to turn it into a victim narrative >Acid gobbles it up like the career retard he is Wew. There is absolutely zero reason to believe any of this played out as you've described it. Eat shit, faggot.
Also if this is the same faggot(inb4. stalking, I'm correlating based on his post style and overall faggotry), he's made a show of fucking off from IBs for good after pulling reprehensible shit making himself look like the victim all the while before https://smuglo.li/support/res/10774.html
>>8903 Hey guys, what's going on?
>>8853 it'd be better to represent 4chan's anon with it's actual color, and i think the hispa guy's did their as a sort of cyan or something, you'll have to check around those parts
>>8911 >inb4. stalking <new goal for 8chan.moe anon
So what's the conclusion? the /news/ owner is a fag and Acid is an idiot for assuming he's in good faith?
>>8917 Regardless, I can remake the board no problem. However you will have to provide your own threads, because no way I am doing the same sort of daily updates as the other guy.
>>8920 How often can you update it? a lot of people showed interest for a /news/ board, maybe we all could help a little posting news from time to time.
>>8912 >>8917 I still don't know what that argument was 2 days ago...
I wish we could see the top 10 most trending threads like zzzchan so I could hop in and find something to talk about here as well, it's comfy. Personally, I have /v/ fatigue since the moderation has been fucky lately and I'm unsure if there are other outlets as active for discussion like the gamergate threads. I'd like to be active in more boards without manually sorting every board every day by "bump" since it gets annoying. God bless you.
>>8924 I agree with your idea (althought I would say an "energy" system like 8prime used to have would be more suitable since a "trending threads" widget would get clogged with gg/lol/lounge threads) nevertheless the IB isn't really that big, so you can discover a lot of shit just by lurking one afternoon; it really isn't like 8prime with a lot of hidden fringe comunities of anons or worth reading oldass threads on abadoned boards. If you don't know spanish, just use a translator.
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>>8925 >If you don't know spanish, just use a translator.
We are coming up on 11 months without being able to file post over Tor.
>>8929 Yeah. With the economy in the shitter and our money tight for improvements to the site its still nowhere in sight if we follow our previous plan. I'm starting to consider a few alternative options.
>>8930 Keep the emergency plans in mind! What about Google Chrome?
>>8928 Well, I have catched several english speaking users posting on hispanic boards using google translate before. I'm fluent enough in English and so is most of my board userbase, I'd suggest you to just post in English no issue at least on the boards I currently jannying; you'd be able to talk and get (you)s without any problem. I'd say learn Spanish too, but I know Spanish is not as useful for English speakers as English is for Spanish speakers. Also verb conjugation is dogshit, if it wasn't my mother tonge, I wouldn't be able to conjugate properly. >>8930 Well, the site is solid, so there isn't really any hurry to update it. >I'm starting to consider a few alternative options. What alternatives are you considering?
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>>8934 So the issue with Tor files is obviously abuse by CP spam. The main plan is to have a custom Tor frontend that would throttle file uploads, new circuit connections, and then facilitate a special page where globals could click and see all Tor uploads in real time separate from the regular "latest postings" option. Since this is a pretty extensive system we wanted to incorporate it in the general Tor service upgrade that we've been planning for like a year and a half. But it means adding another server with good specs to handle and we can't afford that right now. As a stopgap alternate we might be able to implement the "Tor Latest" list in Lynxchan's backend with an addon module. And I kind of like the idea of a system where Lynxchan tracks how many Global mods are online and automatically enables or disables Tor file uploads depending on how many mods are available to keep an eye on it. I guess there's a kind of asshole approach too, where I could allow Tor file posting only via Redchannit but then configure Redchannit to block inbound Tor and VPNs. Outsiders still wouldn't be able to track you because the Redchannit portal encrypts your actual traffic to the 8moe server and sends it over Tor for you, but we would be able to see who was posting what since we control the portal. I don't favor this idea. Redchannit has never ran any kind of user or traffic logging besides DDoS throttles, and I rather like it that way. Anonymity doesn't stop being good just because some niggers abuse it, so I don't think I'd do this just to get a stopgap to file posting back.
>>8950 I've been posting here since the site opened, way before the hispa migration, I'm not a refugee. In regards of the second part, I suggest you to globally report rule breaking stuff from the hispanic boards. I noticed this is mostly bounded to /mex/ and /hisparefugio/; /arepa/ doesn't have this issue despite being as big as the mexican board so I'd say this is caused by a couple of bad faith mexican users. Unfortunatelly there's a lot of white noise on the previously mentioned boards caused by trouble makers and people who didn't learn how to use imageboards properly so they think pedoshit is fine (thanks Juanjo, ex-hispa admin for that) which makes it even harder to moderate, so I'd suggest you to make a thread here, listing all the stuff you think is "double standards". The first couple of months the hispanic boards were just fine, so the pedoniggers clearly came way after the initial migration.
>>8952 You were talking to Pedokike. He's a troll who has been pulling this shit for ages, to the point that he has a sitewide ban.
I think the default limit of posts per thread should be lower. my potato pc is beginning to struggle to load threads with 1000 replies like this one.
>>8954 Click on [lasts], you dingus.
can someone please tell me the amount of threads that can be held in the catalog of a board? I would like to preserve all my threads until the site lasts. Also, is there an option to restore threads in case of a raid, if the threads are saved on archive.today or archive.org?
>>8959 The number of threads on a catalog is determined by the Maximum Threads setting of a board. The catalog will show every thread a board has. Board Owners may drop the thread limit to be lower than the global limit, so it's possible each board is different. Popular boards are likely at the maximum number of threads, so you can observe how many they have. >In case of raid The only restoration option that exists is when a moderator deletes a post. It will be held in a recycle bin for a couple days. If a thread is deleted "naturally", which is to say, the webstie itself deletes it, then it will not hold it before deletion. Threads that fall off the catalog included. Board Owners can prevent raids from sliding their board by utilizing provided tools. Captcha can be automatically enabled after so many new threads are made, and new thread creation can be blocked for an hour when another threshold is hit. On slower boards with small moderation teams, this should be able to prevent the entire board being pushed off the catalog until the BO or a volunteer come online and clean things up. It may result in the oldest threads getting removed, but with the default maximum thread count it's likely these threads were not long for the world anyways. If you'd like peace of mind that the board can be restored, you can use Channel Changer (>>>/t/1257) to back up an entire board (or a handful of select threads). If you provide me that backup, I can restore posts.
>>8959 Hey, how come I haven't heard of archive.org until at least late 2010?
Why doesn't merging threads cause the thread to bump... who needs to be punished for this...
>>8957 Please add the [Last] option in the catalog as well. It's very inconvenient having to manually search for a thread in the catalog just to find it's page number and then loading it's most recent posts.
>>8964 Merging should adjust the thread's position in the catalog based on when the last reply was made, regardless of which thread that reply was in. Merging two stale threads will not bump them to the top of a catalog, but merging a recently bumped thread into an old thread should place the old thread where the new thread was. If this is not the case, let me know and I will fix it. >>8965 This should also be doable. Note that I can't promise either of these for the next update, but I will open issues to track them. They're both easy enough to tackle that they can probably make the following update.
/sm/ got the anchor symbol next to it! Could it mean it's abandoned? Where did everybody move?
>>8967 Yes, I have those 2 pet peeves: when forums/boards/websites/whatever are abandoned, and when I don't get noticed. What can I do to prevent that from happening? I'm trying to look for where shotakot went...
>>8968 Yes, NOTICED.
Acid, please make >>>/icup/ a SFW board. t. Zoom
>>8970 For god's sake, answer >>8967 1st! Why all the ignorance lately?!
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>>8967 >anchor symbol You mean this stopwatch symbol? Yeah, that means the board owner hasn't logged in weeks, allowing the board to be claimed by somebody else (like you).
I'm having trouble verifying my account, I was supposed to receive a confirmation email but I didn't. Can you help me please?
>>8966 Merging does not alter the thread order
>>8929 And I don't think you have counted the months before the image block when it was a full block. >>8930 Nigger you have to realize there have to be other solutions that don't involve $300/month in expenses or whatever the hell the estimate was. Specially since it's been so long that it's clear that approach is not feasible, so it warrants exploring other alternatives even if they're experimental and involve trying out a few different ones and some don't end up working or need adjustments. From the userbase side, basically nothing seems to have been done or attempted. At this point torfags have to keep cookies around so you can design restrictions to be as selective as you want and it'd still be an improvement over the current situation since image posting is completely blocked, so it's hard to believe there's nothing that you can do nigger.
>>8948 >And I kind of like the idea of a system where Lynxchan tracks how many Global mods are online and automatically enables or disables Tor file uploads depending on how many mods are available to keep an eye on it. That actually seems really reasonable and workable. CP spammers tend to do probing attacks to see if mods are all asleep before letting the flood loose, so a system like you described would cut that kind of thing off at the knees.
>>8983 >At this point torfags have to keep cookies around so you can design restrictions to be as selective as you want and it'd still be an improvement over the current situation since image posting is completely blocked, so it's hard to believe there's nothing that you can do nigger This >>8985 >reasonable and workable No, it's not. The quoted suggest above is much better than having random time-limit to post files.
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/site/ is invited to the 8moe soulcalibur6 tournament. >>>/icup/5579 ignore the drama in the old thread
Rulings 1, 3, 7, and, 16 in the 8chan Rules Enforcement and Corner Case Rulings Compendium really ought not be there. They are not explanations of site rules, nor involve changes to site rules. They are information about site features, POW, TABS, Hotlink blocking certain boards, wordfilters, etc. These are mostly tools to combat rule-breaking content, but they do not explain the particulars of rule breaking content nor change what breaks the rules. They should be in their own thread, and/or summarized shortly in the About page.
There used to be a /suicide/ board on 8ch; does anyone know what happened to it?
>>9016 Got killed and so its wayback machine screenshots. Seriously though anon, please don't kill yourself. I was there too, and thought there is no hope, but life did take a turn and changed for the better. I do miss old 8chan doomer...just like Wizchan, the oldfags left and retarded cuckchanners replaced them. I also miss file posting here, but fuck torfags I guess.
>>9000 Except that some of us don't keep cookies around between sessions because tor isn't set up to allow you to do that on a site by site basis.
>>9017 >>9019 Solutions for both are incoming. Thank you for your patience.
>>9019 >don't keep cookies around between sessions I'm as well. >>9029 >incoming But how soon? Reading previous posts here, it's been a year or more so since torfags were banned from fileposting. I'm ok with waiting, but I just hope it won't be another half year or more.
Can you remove per post captcha on /site/? I feel that most people ignore the support board because they can't be arsed.
>>9017 Speaking of Wayback Machine, >>8962
>>9017 >doomer If anyone interested in reviving doomer here, I post there despite being completely dead...just songs.
>>9031 Tor file posting is never coming back. The experiment was a success. The amount of spam and bad actors that are prevented because most of these fags are too lazy to get a VPN is enormous and the amount of genuine users that require Tor file posting is practically insignificant.
>>9046 Why do you lie anon? Especially after being proved otherwise >>9029 >get a VPN Cost money and arguably less secure than Tor, also some VPNs are banned too. >amount of genuine users that require Tor file posting is practically insignificant You can't know anon, some boards died due to tor fileposting ban >>9006
>>9052 >proved otherwise A non-capcode (1) post saying something is proof of anything? It's been almost a year I've been waiting for TOR file posting to return, and proposed solutions via email which were never replied on. Whatever method they try and utilize will very likely be more work than my easy solution which can be done in a minute. Over a year now and the "problem" lingers, despite being easy to solve. And that problem is never going away without the easy solution I proposed on email. Alternatively, leaving TOR file posting off (and cucking the entire userbase who uses TOR) is another easy alternative, sure. But that's exactly what the spammer wants, remember, as stated back in 2021.
>>9053 >my easy solution which can be done in a minute May I ask what is it, anon?
>>9017 >>9016 here. This new 8chan seems pretty barren for sure. And yeah, torfags are being fucked over pretty much everywhere these days it seems. Thanks for your reply. I'm not planning on anything now.
>>9029 >>9031 >>9052 So... in conclusion, are we HONESTLY going to get Tor fileposting back or not? I don't even know what's special about that; I use Google Chrome...
>>9053 If you want to be listened to, you need to use their IRC since Stephen Lynx works on the actual code there. I cannot give you the name of the channel because it was handed to me in confidentiality, however if you strongly feel that your solution is doable, reply to my post with it and as soon as I can get out of my slave like job for a minute I can report it to the higher ups and return you an answer.
>>9057 I've already talked to Stephen when this all began because there is a flaw in LynxChan code that allows someone to bypass the bypass very easily. He was thinking (because Acid told him such) that it was someone using a "beast rig with Pajeet captcha solvers" to spam through validation, but that's not needed at all. I've helped Stephen with a few bugs already that I found, because a lot of the fun for me is finding bugs and exploits (example: I found how to delete things at the Admin-level and bypass the trash and the logs so I could make anything vanish without a sign of it, and I showed Codex and Stephen so it could be fixed). Also showed Stephen the unlimited character bug which still exists, another easy fix. There is also one where I can make the trashbin infinite duration which could be used to bury CP for a long time by someone who was wanting to harm the site, and the images hidden there can still be linked (Acid knows of an older version of this problem because I was the one who warned him about it, and he tried to fix it with a shoddy filter system that is easy to bypass and still link CP to service providers, if someone chose to do so). Overflow injection, ghost images, etc, etc, there have been a lot of fun bugs to find on this website or others. But the Admins here are not willing to work with me it seems, and so I don't really care too much to go out of my way to try and help solve these issues. Which is why I'd prefer an answer on the email. I rarely use this site anymore. I just check for TOR file posting every few days. Acid is clearly tired of being Admin and letting that weariness show by sacrificing the initial values he once had for the website. It's a shame, because all things considered, I did like him and even defended him against others who constantly shit talked him. And until some of those values return, I will keep pressing on his weariness at the expense of everyone else. https://8chan.moe/.global/logs/site/2023-03-06.html We are one year from when it began, how goes year two I wonder?^^
>>9058 >until some of those values return, I will keep pressing on his weariness at the expense of everyone else. looks like someone wants their own name and a special place in global rule 4. I hate to break it to you but you're barking up the wrong tree. just as ron was the scapegoat admin of 8chan while jim made all the decisions so to is acid the scapegoat admin of 8moe while cakekike makes all the decisions. not even the name of this site was up to acid so of course he'd treat it like a redheaded stepchild because it was never his baby. unfortunately for you the only thing that concerns mark is having a faccimile of /v/ to serve as his own personal hugbox. anything that makes achieving that more difficult must be done away with because the site is for him and not you.
>>9058 I'll egg them to check their inbox then. Thank you for your input.
>>9058 >wonder?^^ Sylvia, fuck off. Nobody likes you
╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ Why does my cat have a broken ear? Is this a new change or has the site always discarded initial spaces on posts? I noticed this the other day on a different "image". And no the [aa] tag doesn't always work because some ASCII arts aren't designed for fixed width.
This one for example really looks better with out the escape code: With ╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ Without ╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ
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Any record of unsupported mp4 parameter? I try uploading video with thise parameter but it ended up posting blank.
>>9067 Correct me if I'm wrong, but Mp4 is not completely supported for online playback, so try encoding your video on webm instead.
>>9067 Not sure if relevant but I was trying to post mp4 videos awhile ago that kept getting unsupported file type errors here and reading the metadata on those specific files it said they were actually 3gp despite showing mp4 everywhere else i ran them.
>>9063 >>9064 There hasn't been a change, but I will look into this. The most likely cause is that posts has leading/trailing whitespace removed at somepoint when processing, which is why it would only affect the first line. You might be able to work around it by using some other formatting or tag that would be considered the "first character" and survive trimming. >>9067 It's possible the thumbnailer is choking on it, but in that case it should fall back to a generic thumbnail. If you want to upload the video to another site (pomf.lain.la or catbox) and link it here then I can try taking a look to determine why it fails. >>9069 Some files have irregular MIME types, and they need to match our whitelist exactly. If you can provide an example file via a file upload service (see above) then I can try adding it to the list. If something looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it might very well be a duck but the server will say "no, that's a mallard!" and not let you post it.
>>5423 Hello Acid/Codex. I'd like to ask if you could port over https://anon.cafe/lego/ before the 15th, CSS included. No, I am not the board owner or anything of the sort, it's just a pity that such a comfy board goes to waste and no one bothered archiving it yet.
>>9073 Cool. I'd love to have a lego board over here. It seems the board is inactive, so I guess you would be able to transfer it with no issue.
>>9073 >>9074 Seconding thus, please, mods, go your thing
>>9073 >>9074 >>9075 The last month has gotten away from me; I meant to post this with more lead time. I have a backup of every cafe board Current to last month. As the site is going down, all boards will be considered abandoned. I will be migrating as much of the content as I can. If you would like to claim a board, please e-mail me at codexx (at) cock (dot) li and include your username on the site (cap sensitive) and I will process all claims. We have already migrated >>>/icup/ and >>>/christmas/ at the board owner's request, and I have backed up >>>/k/ since it was nuked. I have also made a mirror of >>>/shelter/, and I would encourage anyone to use it to report site downtime and discuss where to regroup. Setting up lego will be no trouble at all. I'll see if I can find the time tomorrow to migrate the posts in.
Edited last time by codexx on 03/13/2024 (Wed) 07:58:23.
>>9073 >>9074 >>9075 Lego already moved to trashchan.
>>9077 I'm frankly sick of webniggers drama so I would much prefer to have a board here on 8moe away from them. >>9076 You could advertise the board, give them a global announcement so anons would know where to move if shit hits the fan. You could also put the board url on the front page like cafe.
>>9076 Is everything going to be alright?
>>9079 Don't forget: >>3004 and >>9029
i hate it when cuckchan has shit we do not, can you nigs add a preview window like cuckchan has? simply open their quick reply window and you will see it on it's upper left corner
/lego/ and other abandoned boards will be migrated in this weekend. I have all posts up through this week on all boards from cafe as well as CSS and banners. Sorry for the delay; it's been a hectic year so far and I really only have weekends to catch up on things right now. >>9078 >Put the board url on the front page That's a good idea. I will implement that in the next site update. I think the most important thing is to get some buy-in from other sites. We are very polarizing (unfortunately) but I hope hosting a /shelter/ will foster trust. >>9081 I'll add this to the suggestion list.
>>9076 >>9082 Anything new about tor file posting? >/lego/ and other abandoned boards All boards? Including /toy/ (which has been dead for years)? /lego/, /p/ and /flash/ are already moved to trashchan.
Since webring boards have to be manually blacklisted, is it possible to just set up an alt-webring using the existing software? t. Tech illiterate thinking of trying to figure out vichan stuff
>>9084 alt-webring? what do you mean?
>>9084 What's the story behind the beef between 8moe and the webring?
>>9087 Acid dug his heels in on a bunch of shit that gave people who already didn't like him an excuse to distance themselves from him. Then he ended up doing a 180 on every single issue he dug his heels in on anyways making it all rather pointless.
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Files in this post >>>/h/2613 were reported for niggerdry and unlinked, however a third file was unlinked due to a error in how unlinking functions. If you do not reload the page and attempt unlink multiple files at once, all files after the first unlinked file in the post will move down one place in order even though the page has not visibly updated their positions. When I tried unlinking the 4th file after having already unlinked the third, the 5th file had already taken its place, even though there was no visual update. I request this error be addressed, and a feature second "unlinked but not deleted" trashbin be created for better management of files within posts. In the meantime, for the better preservation of smut, If only one file in a post of multiple files needs removing, I will save and repost all remaining files myself before sending the original post to the trash bin.
I know this sounds off-topic, but where should I go to explore Google's reverse image search HOW IT WAS BEFORE GOOGLE LENS? Like, change the guess of the source or limit the site domain or something...
>>9090 Google removed these features a while ago when they replaced their reverse search tool with that Lens crap. >>9091 Ads take into account your location, which can be obtained with your public IP. Use a proxy, or just install an ad blocker.
>>9090 Just use Yandex, nigger. >>9091 If you're talking about the global announcement, then you get the english version if you browse boards that have the english language enabled, you see the spanish version on boards that have the spanish language enabled.
>>9056 >>9091 >normogroids using this site
>>9093 Thank you... :) >>9094 Hey; what do you know? He called me a "normogroid!" That's pretty nice...
Does anyone know of a nice simple piece of javasscript that will allow users to switch from light mode to dark mode by clicking a button?
>>9096 There's a variety of dark themes available in the theme dropdown. >>9091 This site doesn't even have ads. >>9089 Noted. >>9056 Yes, it's coming back.
>>9097 >There's a variety of dark themes available in the theme dropdown. That's not what I mean. I'm talking about a for a custom CSS. You can assign two separate color profiles to work with both light and dark mode. Maybe even 3, I'm not sure how it handles default. I just wanted a simple toggle to add to switch them and I don't think you can do that with pure CSS.
>>9098 I think it can be done with pure CSS; I was looking at utilizing it to automatically handle switching between Yotsuba B and Tomorrow as the default CSS. I believe you need to utilize a prefers-color-scheme query. @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { /* Light CSS */ } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { /* Dark CSS */ } That should dynamically switch based on a user's sytem settings without needing JS.
>>9102 Yeah I'm familiar with this. I was just thinking about giving more direct control to a user without having to swap their entire theme or even to automate the change depending on time of day (well according to the time anyway). Also it annoyingly doesn't work with tor and just seems to default to lght mode regardless of theme.
>>9103 There's nothing to be done about Tor. Detecting system theme would be a marker that can be used to deanonymize a user so it makes sense to block it. Other site features are broken by Tor Browser, including sound on Flash embeds. It should be possible to toggle based on a checkbox being ticked, but there are no spare checkboxes on the site (that can be fixed, if desired) and on non Firefox browsers the status would not be cached so it would undo itself without some JS to save the value. So it's doable but not without a little jank.
Is "board search is broken in mobile" a known issue? My searching work fine in dekstop but return nothing/barely return anything on mobile. For example searching "i" in dekstop return lot of boards including /fsjdfziunbfliznbcfkznmizomiskmfk/ - test*Abandoned* but it return nothing on mobile >>9093 Yandex image has been down for monts >The service is under construction. thought so dipshit
>>9106 It's not in my list yet, but the entire board lost is due for an overhaul anyways so I'll make a note of it.
test post. We back?
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Oekaki test.
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I think I found a bug with Oekaki. >put it in full screen mode >press finish or close >can't scroll the page anymore
>>9112 A work around is to open the oekaki again and switch away from fullscreen mode.
>tor is not allowed to use Oekaki Sasuga 8moe.
>>9120 Seriously can't you make the site recognize Oekaki "upload" comes from a drawing applet from 8moe itself and therefor can't possibly have any illegal material?
>>9124 They're all pixels over the tubes at the end of the day.
Is there a way to PM mods or board owners?
>>9130 Some BOs have public emails (8moe's official email is 8moeadmin@protonmail.com, for example), and some users use the report tool to "talk" to mods about issues.
Custom CSS themes don't seem to be applying properly.
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BIG 'OL SITE META UPDATE POST 4-1-24 (NOT APRIL FOOLS) Hello everyone! It's been a minute. Let's get the preliminaries out of the way first: Since the last meta update there have been: Subpoenas: 0 Law enforcement requests: 0 DMCA takedowns: 8 IP addresses reported to their providers for posting CSAM: 9 The warrant canary is still valid. Recap The last time I posted one of these, the Internet was facing a wind change in politics as Kiwifarms was on its back foot in the battle against Tier-1 ISPs. To their credit, kiwis have persevered. The massive cancel machine hit them more times than a Klansman in a Harlem boxing club, but the tide of censorship seems to have lost some of its steam. While we're still going to approach further site development with caution and some certainty that we have fast fallbacks in case of the apocalypse, we are not currently shitting bricks like we were a year ago. The status quo is shifting a bit more to how it was in 2021, before all that crazy shit happened. Disclosure And speaking of crazy shit, one of our admins was hospitalized several times over the past year due to serious medical complications. As it turns out, Factor V blood-clotting disorder is great for getting you exemptions to Covid mandate bullshit, but it can also just rear its ugly head and try to kill you outright all by itself. A lot of time and money were spent on this that didn't get donated to the site this year, so our development was a little bit stunted. I'm happy to report that after 8 months of treatment this admin has made a full recovery, and things should start rolling along at a faster pace again. And absolutely insane props to Codexx, who filled in and helped during this critical period, fulfilling the "multiple admins" concept of the site perfectly. When you see him shitposting call him a hero, he hates that. New news The site update that went live over this weekend did something we needed to do and something else we really needed to do. While site development was slow, Codexx wasn't resting on his laurels and was coordinating front-end developers to add some user-facing features like improved mod menus and the oekaki module, the latter of which proved quite hard to integrate with Lynxchan. You see, while the site gets regular back-end updates and security fixes and the like, anons and BOs seem to feel like not much is happening if we don't throw you a cool bone worth of features now and then too. And they're right! Other/Minor Let's see... what else... We've added some more global mods, so Tor file posting has been re-enabled to test the waters. With some of our long-term upgrade plans now finished (this update includes everything from 2 full version jumps of Lynxchan plus some extras, plus a server OS upgrade and lots of small bug fixes) we can now look again at some of our more pie-in-the-sky ideas that got pushed to the back-back burner long ago. The next update is still a ways off but might have some cool shit in it when it gets here. Websockets are still broken. Fixing them requires a physical upgrade to the frontend hardware, or else the company who makes the caching engine adding a workaround that we can use. We'd just buy a better server and make it happen if the economy would stop sucking dicks for five minutes... There was some debate a while back concerning a decline in sitewide post metrics last year, but this was directly attributable to the TABS system halting the significant amount of daily spam that had long been inflating the numbers. Our actual user and activity counts that we show right now are accurate and there is no downward trend. Everyone seems comfy and the admin staff are happy. Anniversary incoming! While we often celebrate the traditional 8chan birthday in October, a friendly reminder that this site will turn four years old on April 19th! It feels like yesterday when we had 10 boards, 35 users, and smug shills in the meta threads with the scent of cum on their breath saying we weren't going to last six months. On the horizon For those who follow drama, a #GamerGate 2 movement has erupted across the Internet, echoing the force that brought many of the OGs to this site in the first place. Rumor has it that Halfchan has banned discussion of this movement on their /v/ and so it moved to /pol/, but if the axe gets dropped on them they're going to need a place to go and we've committed to making them welcome if they choose us. Any anon principled enough to fuck off from 4chan over censorship is someone who deserves a board and a home, and our site and network can handle the influx. They walk the same path that many of us did, so we'll try not to screw it up like those who ran things before us. I think that hits just about all of the important points. I hope everyone had a great weekend, and we'll see you for the next one!
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 04/01/2024 (Mon) 22:54:12.
>>9139 Thanks for bringing back like you said you would. Please don't give the spammers what they want if they start in again and disable it for weeks or worse for months. If worst comes to worst try to just disable it during off hours if those times can't be covered. You could probably even set up a timer if you had to keep doing it for an extended period.
>>9139 I think you forgot 1 (minor) detail... SHOTAWORLD IS GONE!!! UNITE EVERY SHOTA FAN TO MAKE A NEW ONE!!!
>>9139 >we'll try not to screw it up like those who ran things before us. too late
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>>9139 Finally tor file posting is back! Now the next best move for you all to do in my personal opinion is too remove /zoo/ so we don't scare off new members and make this place actually grow and by then we actually get this place start rolling.
>>9136 I'm aware and working on it. The "Board CSS" option in the dropdown kinda fixes it but is also a little bugged. Patch soon.
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>>9139 Thank you for keeping your word and restoring the tor file posting! As >>9144 said, please don't let few bad apples to ruin this for all of us, even temporary ban for few hours is preferable to complete ban. Sorry to hear about that admin illness and also glad to hear he is fully recovered! >>9150 We need some tor file posting celebration thread!
Replying on mobile is broken now When you tap on a user to reply to him specifically, the reply panel still scrolls to that post, but it no longer automatically inserts the >>[post number] data.
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Deleted spam posts of CP stay up on the homepage despite having been nuked.
>>9176 i think acid's asleep, cakekike might be able to disable image posting since this is a dire emergency, though
>>9177 He did once but a global told him to turn it back on, and the spam started back up immediately.
>>9139 >Rumor has it that Halfchan has banned discussion of this movement on their /v/ and so it moved to /pol/, but if the axe gets dropped on them they're going to need a place to go and we've committed to making them welcome if they choose us.
>>9172 I haven't an issue with that but just the file sharing aspect right at the moment.
>>9173 >>9176 Huh? What's CP?
How do I get the list of banner images of a board again?
The onion site doesn't work. >>9181 Sweet summer child
When I try to post from my phone, I get an error message that says that getting a new bypass is not possible at the moment. Has been happening the last two days. Is that a bug or some feature I am unaware off?
>>9183 I said, "Huh? What's CP stand for?"
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So is tor offline for good or is it coming back one day?
>>9181 >>9185 It means Democrat activismography
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Your site is inaccessible to most people unless they manually type in "https://" before 8chan.moe in the URL bar or enable the HTTPS-only in browser settings which is off by default in most blink or webkit browsers. It's been like this for over a year at least. If you're using nginx I can give you some pointers on how to auto-direct http (port 80) to https (port 443) in your config.
Also why don't you have a 8chan.moe/robots.txt file? You will get less DMCA reports if you tell search engines (e.g. startpage, yandex, archive.org, search.brave.com) to stop indexing your images, pdfs and other media files. Copyright trolls use bots to scour image search engines for like-images. https://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html User-agent: * Disallow: /*.bmp$ Disallow: /*.gif$ Disallow: /*.jpg$ Disallow: /*.jpeg$ Disallow: /*.mp3$ Disallow: /*.mp4$ Disallow: /*.pdf$ Disallow: /*.png$ Disallow: /*.swf$ Disallow: /*.webm$ Disallow: /*.webp$
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Can i get an explanation for this shit? Your ban id: 66148fd113d68e9fb54d0977
>>9191 I presume that has to do with the .se domain. Having reconnected through the .moe domain, I haven't gotten that banishment. Something happen with the domains that aren't TOR or moe, methinks?
>>9192 Ah ha; in the interim i found out i could post in the GG thread, which i have at the .moe url, but not the meta or lounge thread which are .se. Good to know i haven't been perma-blasted just for shitposting with ecchi, i guess.
>>9193 What tuned me into that was being banned just for posting text, usually quipping about the spammer with no pics. Quipping about a nadless man shouldn't be banishment grounds. **I'm surprised that permabanning the SE domain slowed down the 'innocent post' spammer, though.
>>9191 I lifted your ban now. There was a spammer on a rampage that tried to ruin this site, so innocents may or may not get hit. We don't have means to tell that easily apart.
>>9183 >>9186 Reminding that the onion site still doesn't work...
Any timeline as to when I can post on /v/ again?
>>9198 What do you mean? Are you banned there?
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>>9199 No not banned. I just get a connection error. I'm assuming all Tor posting has been disabled on /v/, and /co/ too apparently. I recognize that there is a complete fucking bellend of a spammer attacking the site right now but I'm not sure why they would disable Tor text posting too. They may not have intended to.
>>9200 >>9198 >Any timeline as to when I can post on /v/ again? Seconding this, but with /co/...just when I was able to post pics there again, fuck.
>>9197 >>9183 How did that happen?
>>9202 It hasn't worked since over a year ago when all the Tor stuff happened.
>>9198 >>9201 Those blocks were temporary and should have been removed the other day. You're good to go. >>9197 >>9186 When we did the server upgrade, it silently broke a dependency. It will be back online when Acid has the time to fix the dependency issue. >>9189 We aren't running nginx, but I'll let Acid know. I run HTTPS-only so I haven't caught it. The redirect should be simple.
>>9204 >You're good to go. Thank a bunch. Seems to be working fine now.
>Silvia is back spamming on /v/ within 30 minutes of the Tor block being removed >even though anons have been able to post on Tor everywhere else for days What the fuck gay retarded brainrot is causing the pedo to target /v/ of all places and specifically the GG thread?
>Creation of new bypasses is currently disabled. Is this your way of dealing with the pedo spammer? Couldnt you figure out a way that doesnt get normal users caught in the crossfire?
>>9207 >What the fuck gay retarded brainrot is causing the pedo to target /v/ of all places and specifically the GG thread? Slav autism. >>9209 Tabs doesn't get normal users caught, it just disables bypass creation for people who doesn't have a previously expired bypass. Just don't flush your cookies and put 8moe on your web browser white list and you'll be fine.
Hey Acid, how come we can no longer archive threads using archive.fo? All it does now is lead to the splash screen.
>>9211 Use the archive.8chan.moe domain instead.
>>9211 That is by design because niggers were dumping CP and then archiving their CP dumps in order to get the archive sites to delete all archived 8chan pages past and present.
IIRC the guy didn't get to archive the hardcore stuff besides the obvious spam. So it should be safe for now.
>>9204 Just a small dependency? Everyone seems to be complaining...
>>9204 >We aren't running nginx, but I'll let Acid know. I run HTTPS-only so I haven't caught it. The redirect should be simple. Just be warned that you'll most likely need to make an exception (to not redirect) for the "SERVER_ROOT/.well-known/acme-challenge" directory, otherwise certbot's auto-renewal for your Let's Encrypt SSL certificate will fail (error log location: /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log), because it'll need HTTP access to it for its HTTP-01 challenge (read: https://letsencrypt.org/docs/challenge-types/#http-01-challenge ). You can ask ChatGPT how to do it with your web server software. For example in nginx for your port 80 server block you'd write something like this: server { listen 80; server_name 8chan.moe www.8chan.moe; access_log off; location /.well-known/acme-challenge { root /var/www/8chan; default_type text/plain; allow all; try_files $uri =404; } location / { return 301 https://8chan.moe$request_uri; } }
The theme loader issue should be fixed, but might need to propagate through the caches. Mobile sidebar issues and language pack problems are the only reported issues that remaing (with the frontend at least), and I'll work on whittling those down with time. >>9215 Package management is a real bitch sometimes. We think it's a dynamically-linked library version mismatch so we need to hunt that down and ensure nothing else is relying on the current version. >>9216 I spoke with Acid and he indicated that the HTTP -> HTTPS redirect should be working. We have no been able to reproduce the issue.
>>9216 I said it 8 years ago and I'll say it now, WHAT DOES (read: MEAN?! Is that some sort of trope? Or form of sarcasm?
What's up with this 8chan extreme bs? I got around it one time by using Tor, but now I can't view any files or pics on any board no matter what I do, and nobody is talking about it for some reason.
I see you got the custom CSS issue fixed. Good job.
>>9219 God, you are a nigger. Learn how to use the site, you fucking retard.
>>9221 There is literally zero information on this anywhere whatsoever. There's no "just figure it out" because there's no way to do so with NO information.
>>9219 First please make sure you're not on the archive domains. Use the main domain https://8chan.moe Other than that, the image you referenced only appears when the site is probed by scrapers and bots, so please check any privacy plugins you are using and make sure they aren't doing anything weird. "Extreme" is a very old inside joke belonging to the community. There is no "extreme" account.
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>>9217 >>9223 >I spoke with Acid and he indicated that the HTTP -> HTTPS redirect should be working. We have no been able to reproduce the issue. It doesn't. Here's your site and here are two examples of sites with 301 redirection to HTTPS working properly, checked on both https://www.whatsmydns.net/redirect-checker and curl. I tested "8chan.moe" and http://8chan.moe on both Safari for iOS and Brave for PC and both inputs on both browsers say your site can't be reached. Ask ChatGPT or whatever on how to troubleshoot this with your web server. The reason why you can't reproduce this is because of your browser's DNS cache or you have HTTPS-only turned on (if you visit https://8chan.moe once, that DNS cache will be saved in your browser and override your http://8chan.moe input due to modern browser preference for HTTPS if it's available in cache, but it's not a true redirect, any newcomer / newly installed browser without that previous cache will not be able to visit your site by simple typing "8chan.moe" since it defaults to HTTP unless the browser has HTTPS-only switched on, hence why a proper 301 redirect to HTTPS at the web server level is necessary). Either way you should be verifying this on curl or an online redirect checker instead of just a browser.
>>9217 I can easily and reliably reproduce this error, and furthermore its been a bug I've noticed for like six months. >>9224 Can confirm. This.
>>9225 What did you miss a comma? Now i look like an idiot. Thanks man. Thanks a lot. Jerk
The .se domain isn't working at the moment.
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I was just looking at site statistics and Jesus Christ, did 8kunt really fall off this hard? How are we over three times bigger than them? This are site views for the month of March 2024. This isn't even counting the alternate domain names like .se. According to traffic, we're not that much smaller than Giantbomb and we're significantly larger than Gamefaqs. That seems impossible to me, where are all these people? Why have I never heard about 8moe anywhere else on the internet besides that one zoomer's stupid Tiktok
>>9229 >I was just looking at site statistics and Jesus Christ, did 8kunt really fall off this hard? How are we over three times bigger than them? Most of the activity on 8kun is bots, I'm assuming now that Russia is taking stricter measures against imageboards in general they're dying off pretty damn fast. Also, every single hold out there is either a foreign national using it because there is no established IB in their own country or just trying to test shit for other IBs.
How can I hide all media? Is there an option or button for that?
>>9229 Using site views as a metric for site health and activity is just about the most retarded thing you could possibly do. Which is why Acid keeps doing it instead of talking about monthly active users.
>>9233 How can you compare monthly active users? the usercount is measure differently and even then, it's pretty obvious most of 8kun are bots. >>9229 The site is zombie nowadays. At the time it was online most 8prime boards already had a bunker somewhere else, so the only ones who settled there were the polfags and the egyptians. Jim only cares about qboomer cattle and it shows, the /qanon/ is the only board with substantial activity and even then it's filled with bots to the brim. >>9230 >Russia is taking stricter measures against imageboards in general Is their server located on Russia? >>9232 There's a way to do that with CSS, yes.
>>9234 >How can you compare monthly active users? the usercount is measure differently and even then, it's pretty obvious most of 8kun are bots. Who cares about comparing active users with some irrelevant Qnigger honeypot?
>>9234 >There's a way to do that with CSS, yes. how, pls help
>>9229 Well, if wanna know if we beat "8kunt"... the answer is YES!!!
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>>9225 I've noted this and will look into it as part of an up and coming overhaul of the frontends. The HTTPS redirect is identical to the method prescribed in the Varnish development handbook, but the newer versions of Varnish have some other ways to do it too. >>9237 Globals try to keep an extra eye on your boards. You might want to take it up with the BOs to hire an extra vol or two. >>9238 Mostly irrelevant, but neat.
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We spent most of last night doing a complete revamp of the 8chan.se network frontend. Current improvements include: >Server OS and caching engine upgraded to newest software >New splash page system implemented with a cookie and incorporated directly into Lynxchan >A much better, faster refactor of the basic VCL code >A much better HTTPS redirect If you see this, consider browsing and using the site from the .se domain for a day or two and see if you run into any bugs or odd behavior. I'm using .se as a guinea pig for improvements that will be ported over to .moe and .cc soon. And if we're lucky with these new features in Varnish, maybe even a return to websockets without needing new hardware. No promises on that one other than that an attempt will be made.
>.static/pages/disclaimer.html >All depictions of fictitious characters are 18+ years of age regardless of any contradicting textual description(s). Why are you bothering with this statement? You're not the legal attorney for every uploader of your plaform, it's not your job to make that defense. Not that you (or anyone else will) ever be sent to court since you're a public platform (like Facebook) and not a wilful distributor, but do you really think a judge will read this silly statement and say "oh ok well move along then"? >Legal, fictional 2D or 3DCG artwork is not prohibited and is not to be conflated with pedophilia or any content banned under this rule. Why would you type this? Remove it. It's much better to have strategic ambiguity than to say what grey area ISN'T prohibited, because otherwise it looks like you're facilitating it. "Your honor, I know this drawing that some random person uploaded LOOKS like pedophilia, but it's not, because it says so in our site rules." It's not your job as a platform to even make that defense, the onus is on the uploader if there's ever any legal trouble, and your job is to make the appearance that you made reasonable effort to keep illegal stuff off your site. Does Hiroshimoot say that content is allowed on /b/? No, he keeps quiet about it and looks the other way. Does Pixiv say that content is allowed on their site? No, they keep quiet about it and look the other way.
Fix relative times, please. Every post says (just now) for some reason.
>>9244 You have to set it in your own settings menu. If you usualy use .moe, .se is still set to defaults for you. Click the wheel icon, then Other and set relative times.
>>9244 Not a bug, that's just me deleting and reposing the entire site every few seconds.
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>>9245 I did it and now I see that it works here but not in /hisrol/, these posts are months old and they appear as (just now) still, that's odd. >>9246 Based
>>9243 Who cares. It makes no difference what they put there. They could just put "u suck" in their disclaimer/ToS and it wouldn't change a thing. You don't need a list of rules to know that illegality or spam isn't tolerated.
>>5423 I've got a great idea for the owners of this website. How about you guys buy 8chan.co (the original 8chan URL) for use as a backup domain? That'll show Jim Watkins what site is the superior 8chan!
>>9243 I mean I understand what it means >loli: okay >traced cp: not okay
>>9242 >>New splash page system implemented Why does it also appear on https://archive.8chan.se/ ? And as a curiosity, it occurred to me to try the site in Links, Lynx and w3m (console browsers) and in the first it gets stuck on the splash screen but the others work fine.
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>>9253 It probly gets stuck on the splash screen because of the tiny set-cookie there. The new splash can't just reload the page you were trying to access because it has to work with lynxchan nojs, so when you visit a page on the site for the first time each session it sets a little cookie called "inbound" that saves the URL you wanted to visit. Then when you click Agree it reads that cookie and sends you where you wanted to go with a simple redirect. Its a much better system though, written in ~30 lines of VCL code instead of ~350 for the old splash. I haven't set up the archive domain stuff yet, I wanted to have anons testing and reporting on the basic functions first. They'll come soon.
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I was right. With generous permission from Codexx, some help from Stephen Lynx, and a week of autism studying the newest Varnish docs, I am thrilled beyond belief to announce THE RETURN OF WEBSOCKETS AND LIVEPOSTING I'm running a beta trial on https://8chan.se and once its debugged we'll port the new config over to .moe as well. If you would like to try liveposting, clear your cache, restart your browser, and load any thread on the .se domain. Scroll to the bottom and look for the green light and/or "Websocket OK" message. Be sure to check: >Clear your cache? >Hard refresh (CTRL+F5)? >Privacy plugins? >Firewall in the way? >Your 8chan Settings menu under 'Other'? >Uncheck and recheck the checkbox? >Any of those and clicking the old 'Refresh' button? >Turning it off and on again? So far confirmed that it works on FF, Chrome, and Android. Possible issues with Waterfox. If it doesn't seem to work, try a few things or a reboot and then report any final bugs here. If you can't get it to work or you're on .moe and don't want to wait for it, you can go to the top of the page and click Settings, Other, and check "Disable Websockets" and then scroll down and press Save. Then reload the page and the old timer will return.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 05/01/2024 (Wed) 04:55:43.
Tenía razón. Con el generoso permiso de Codexx, algo de ayuda de Stephen Lynx y una semana de autismo estudiando la documentación más reciente de Varnish, estoy muy emocionado de anunciar EL REGRESO DE LOS WEBSOCKETS Y EL LIVEPOSTING Tengo una beta de prueba en https://8chan.se y una vez que haya sido depurada llevaremos la nueva configuración a .moe también. Si quieres probar el liveposting, limpia tu cache, reinicia tu navegador y carga cualquier hilo del dominio .se. Baja al final de la página y busca la luz verde o el mensaje "Websocket OK". Asegúrate de: >¿Limpiar la cache? >¿Actualizar en duro (CTRL+F5)? >¿Extensiones de privacidad? >¿El contrafuegos? >¿El menú de configuración de 8chan en 'Other'? >¿Desmarca y vuelve a marcar la caja? >¿Cualquiera de esas cosas y click en el botón 'actualizar'? >¿Apagarlo y volver a prenderlo? Hasta ahora tengo confirmado que funciona en FF, Chrome y Android. Posiblemente hayan problemas en Waterfox, si no funciona, entonces prueba con un reboot y luego reporta cualquier otro bug adicional aquí. Si no puedes hacerlo funcionar o si estás en .moe y no quieres esperar, puedes ir a la parte superior de la página y click Settings, Other y marcar "Disable Websockets" y luego ir a la parte inferior y click "Save. Luego recarga la página y el viejo contador regresará.
>>9256 >no asuka for the spanish announcement
>>9257 I was about to post one of the animation girls or boys I'm obsessed over but I stopped the last moment because I didn't want to be autistic this time. Maybe the next time I could post Rei as attached file.
>>9256 >brainlet aqui Que es websocket y liveposting?
>>9260 >WebSocket Un protocolo de comunicaciones. >Liveposting "Publicando en directo" La página web se actualiza casi instantáneamente cada vez que se envía un nuevo mensaje.
>>9261 Gracias
>>9256 Hey! You're not supposed to be in this board! You're supposed to be in the other board! You're confusing English speakers!
>>9263 >confusing If by confusing you mean inducing increasing disdain for subhuman retards, then sure.
>>9263 >>9264 I'm just doing my job™. There's a dedicated Spanish thread in the catalog but nobody has used it in over a year an a half so I don't see reason why bump it. But I could do it next time just to encourage people to use it. I was also considering having a dedicated meta board but I don't think that idea would go anywhere for the same reasons and because we don't have a Spanish speaking at the moment.
>>9266 >you >your Nigger, I'm not Acid. I'm the guy working on translating Moe's frontend to Spanish.
Having difficulty posting image and text some 5 hours ago. Now I can post text but when I attempt to post image I got "Connection failed”. Test with 3 images so it is not image hash ban. I could post text in Chrome desktop and mobile. Trying from Brave desktop now
pls fix the new issue where making a post doesn't cause the page to update correctly until refresh, it's causing doubleposts everywhere
>>9267 > User Acidadmin deleted the following posts: 5423/9266 from board /site/. Lmfao
>>9271 What? How?
>>9270 >when I attempt to post image I got "Connection failed”. I understand what happens with unstable connections (for example, due to having damaged internet cables) or if you use a data plan and they limit your speed to 5KB/s or so. >>9272 Possibly this is due to the change they made to WebSockets recently (>>9255). If so, affected users should be seeing something like this in the browser console: Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource at self ("default-src https://8chan.moe https://8chan.moe https://8chan.se https://8chan.cc https://www.youtube.com https://www.invidio.us https://invidious.snopyta.org https://yewtu.be https://8chan.tv https://liveleak.com https://www.bitchute.com https://redchannit.net data: ws: style-src: 'unsafe-inline' script-src:"). I remember reading that this could be fixed by adding wss: into the server's CSP policies. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have an automatic failback like when the "Disable Websockets" option is enabled for those who have problems with WebSockets. By the way, it would be good to also check >>9269 before applying the updates that are being tested on 8chan.se.
>>9276 >>9272 We previously connected over ws and it would do an upgrade to wss. I've updated the CSP directive to only allow wss for the time being. Let me know if this improves things. >Local Times issue This is a known issue and I have a plan to fix it, but it got backburnered. It has not been forgotten. The changes on .se are being made in parallel. The local times issues is a bug on my end and the CDN improvements are somebody else's task, so they're not really taking resources from each other.
>>8660 Re-requesting
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When's the onion link coming back on?
>>9283 I think it's next on Acid's to-do list, after the current refactoring. We updated a dependency and it means he needs to rework some of his code.
>open two threads >SLOW DOWN ASSHOLE
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>>9283 Soon(tm). I need to rebuild the onion's backend but it'll require taking the whole site offline for a couple hours so I'm waiting for a good maintenance day. Also considering a vanity onion address while we're at it. >>9285 Anti-DDoS filter that's been there forever. Either don't scroll down in the first thread or wait about 30 seconds between opening threads.
Pretty drunk rn but whys the site 404'ing on all my browsers, both .se and .moe except for tails browser through tor? been going on for a week now, deleting cache and cookies does nothing. Even tried a new install of brave. Did i miss something?
>>9287 If it's multiple browsers but Tor works then it's possible you got a bad DNS reading. Which DNS provider do you use? Can you try a different one to see if that resolves the issue?
>>9287 The GeoIP block returns a 404. You'll hit it in Germany, China, Israel, and Russia, VPN nodes from those countries, and a couple smaller Eurocuck networks that block us.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 05/11/2024 (Sat) 02:00:25.
>>9291 Needs mature modules for ImageMagick, which did not exist last time I looked into it. I'll see if things have improved in the last couple years. I'd actually like to make AVIF the default for thumbnails (currently we use PNG) once most browsers have support.
>>9292 >I'd actually like to make AVIF the default for thumbnails (currently we use PNG) Why not WebP then? Lots of other imageboards successfully implemented it. Look how this PNG thumbnail is almost 10x larger than the original JPG >>9285 . Would significantly speed up load times.
>>9293 A lot of users do not like webp and won't use webp. Even though it's just thumbnails, the compression on webp is notably poor and tends to ruin the texture of complicated patterns. AVIF can get comparable or better file size and do it without losing any image fidelity. I was actually very interested in JPEG XL but with Chrome dropping support I certainly can't use it as a thumbnail format.
>>9286 is the rebuild in progress right now? .onion domain is dead and i have to use clearnet to connect
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>>9295 Not yet. Codexx just finished the basics for a Lynxchan Frontend Controller module so we can use improved caching (if you've noticed the site seems a lot faster this week, this is why). Tuning that up is the current project and the onion comes next after that. Websockets work on the Tor clearnet domains btw, so the onion really isn't even necessary right now.
>>9292 Browser support for avif is in a really good position, so that shouldn't be a big problem. The only normal browser that doesn't have full support is the IOS version of Safari, which can't do animated avif images.
How do disable spoilers and/or spoiled images?
>>9287 Same thing happening on my end. Both LibreWolf and PaleMoon gives me the 404 page. Tor works now, but not always. And, as you say, it is a very recent development.
Online Censorship's Institutional Power https://archive.ph/34V8w >Last month, Sony released a video game called Stellar Blade to the PS5, which had featured a protagonist in very revealing clothing, which the developers had promised would not be modified when released to the West. Sony did end up tailoring her outfits to be less revealing, and this decision prompted outrage. A petition to undo this cosmetic defect accrued 84,000 signatures in two weeks.26 >Stellar Blade’s petition is the largest outcry against censorship in recent memory, and it has so far failed to get Sony’s decision reversed. This failure highlights to me what I believe should be obvious: public outcry and petitions do not get things done. Money does. Whatever monied power convinced Sony to make these changes outweighs the perceived economic threat of gamers promising not to buy their game. >The anti-censors rallied around this cause en masse, no doubt thanks to how easy it is to complain on social media and sign a petition. Meanwhile, there is a vine of thorns wrapping around the esophagus of the Internet. Our ability to even communicate is at risk of being destroyed, and the people who intend to destroy them have networked an obscene amount of wealth and power without being noticed. Indeed, the monied powers actively working to destroy the Internet find themselves intertwined with supposedly anti-censorship entities without trouble. >For instance, the closest thing to institutional power online for anti-censorship is Rumble, which has recently started a cloud service that consists of a single datacenter, a single ISP (Cogent), and a single security service (Path). >Rumble highlights, in particular, the anti-censor’s total and complete inability to learn lessons from other anti-censors. I have personally attempted to communicate to Rumble by email, to CEO Chris Pavlovski, and to Head of Product Rick Racela the imminent and urgent danger that relying solely on Cogent and Path presents to their companies, and all of their customers. >I stress that, even a few years ago, a T1 ISP making waves to try and censor online content would have been international news, a terrible blow to their reputation within the industry, and no company would possibly trust them with supplying transit. >I would like to end this article with a call to action. “Here is the problem, here is the solution.” While I would generally encourage intelligent cooperation between Anti-Censorship movements, I have no hope for that. Anti-censorship is inherently individualistic, as those types benefit from freedom the most. >Some cohesion is necessary. The anti-censorship crowd is mostly preoccupied with lining their own pockets. Every anti-censorship startup seems hellbent on being the first person to “solve” the censorship issue, without any cooperation from others, so that they may take in all the “glory”. There is no conservative think-tank doing what the pro-censorship camps do every day: combining intelligence, power, and money. Instead, we each run our own race, and make less progress overall, falling further behind in our endeavors every day, winning only superficial victories with video games and in local jurisdictions, while pro-censorship wins on the big stage and behind the curtains of the international organizations who actually make decisions. >Anti-censorship, in general, appears most sensitive to pop culture changes, like media localization, video game outfits, and movie race swaps. I fear this may be because anti-censorship has become complacent and defeatist. It appears to many that perhaps the only achievable victories are keeping a movie remake’s character White. I think many are spending their time absorbed in media because our real situation seems so dire. The plane is crashing and everyone just wants a nice in-flight movie. >I ask that everyone makes their every day more productive than Liz Fong-Jones and his friends have made theirs.
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I'm pleased to announce that both the onion and Redchannit are fixed and updated. Note that we have a new vanity onion address named after the Aleph frontend that Codexx, Cube, Doggermelon, and others have worked so hard to make for us. http://alephchvkipd2houttjirmgivro5pxullvcgm4c47ptm7mhubbja6kad.onion Reminder that websockets do not work over the onion (and never did), so remember to disable them in 8chan Settings to get the Refresh timer back. Have a great week everyone!
Captcha is super fucking broken
I'm posting from Tor because captcha is fucking broken on the clearnet.
>>9304 Test
>>9306 What happen?
>>9307 I was tweaking the cache just a tiny bit and left an extra | in a line of code that made a real mess of things for a second.
>>9307 But everything seems fixed now. I had to purgedump the .moe frontend so it'll be a little slow for a minute.
I can't get past the splash screen at all on Waterfox G6.0.14. Note that this isn't Waterfox Classic, just regular Waterfox, so it should be pretty similar to Firefox ESR. After I click "I Agree" and get to the Welcome to 8chan page, it doesn't redirect and trying to load any page just gives me the splash screen again. I've tried deleting the cookies for 8chan, I've tried clearing the entire cache, I've tried restarting the browser with all extensions disabled, and I've tried disabling Enhanced Tracking Protection from blocking any cookies, but none of that has worked. The only thing I haven't tried is deleting all cookies because I don't know why that would work if deleting 8chan's cookies doesn't. I think this has been happening ever since the splash screen was introduced. I tried looking at Developer Tools and I noticed that in Waterfox there's only 1 cookie set for 8chan, named inbound, while in Chromium there's multiple and one is named TOS. So that seems relevant but I don't have the knowledge to diagnose the cause.
>>9310 So the way the splash works is like this: If you come on the site anywhere and you don't have the "TOS=1" cookie, it catches that. It then sets the cookie called "inbound" to save the URL that you were trying to visit, and then it redirects you to the Disclaimer page. Then when you click the AGREE link,it sets the TOS=1 cookie, then reads the "inbound" cookie and redirects you to the URL that it saved for you. Its an ultra basic system. There's none of the weird hacky shit the old splash had and the entire thing including error handling is ~30 lines of code. I'll look into Waterfox but I can't imagine what the hell it could be doing. Do you have some kind of privacy addon messing with referer headers or cookies? Edit: Try turning off the Waterfox "Annoyances" filter, and if you're using Ublock Origin shut it off and test it. It seems that Waterfox has some odd interaction with those two things that fucks some session cookies. Edit2: Its definitely something on your end. I just went and downloaded the exact version of Waterfox that you specified, and the splash disclaimer and cookies all work normally.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 05/22/2024 (Wed) 07:53:29.
>>9311 I found the problem. If I had network.http.referer.spoofSource set to True in about:config and load 8chan, it permanently locked me out until I both disabled it AND either deleted 8chan's cookies or deleted the cache. I had already tried disabling that setting before because it seemed like something that could be causing the problem, and I had tried clearing cache and 8chan's cookies, but I needed to both disable it and then clear. Weird that either clearing the cache (without clearing the cookies) or deleting 8chan's cookies worked. Anyway, I doubt many other people have network.http.referer.spoofSource set, that was from me setting it manually rather than any default option, but I figured I'd give you the details in case they are indicative of any other potential problems.
>>9312 >Weird that either clearing the cache (without clearing the cookies) or deleting 8chan's cookies worked. Actually nevermind, I wasn't paying attention and the option I was using was deleting the cached data for 8chan as well. Also it's only if I click the "I Agree and Wish to Proceed" with network.http.referer.spoofSource set, just loading the splash page doesn't do it. Something about loading the page that's supposed to redirect me with that set meant it didn't work regardless of that setting until the cache was deleted.
>>9313 I'm glad you figured it out. The splash checks your referer to see if you clicked the link, so that would definitely break it. You were clicking and it wasn't registering.
Did you tweak the DDOS protection? The site's been going apeshit on me lately. I've seen more 429s in the past few weeks than I've seen in last four years.
>>9315 I have a hard time getting it to trigger even when I'm trying. What exactly are you doing that trips it?
>>9316 How do you crosslink in the header/message area with the fancy brackets? e.g.【sister board goes here】
>>9319 I actually don't know, it was a couple board owners who came up with that. Codexx can probably answer you when he sees your post.
>>9319 That was started by Chai and kept going by me, the miniwebring or boardring. Anyway the code is simple basically it's [name anons see](/urbort) I usually add three ' on either side of this code to make the text bold, make a line or space between links. Heres some sample code from >>>/b/ [Weapons](/k)|[National Socialism](/ns)|[Politically Incorrect](/polk)|[Video Games](/abdl)|[Books](/lit)|[Role Playing Games](/tg)
So something like '''[Board Name](/crosslink)'''
>>9321 >>9322 Ah thanks. I didn't even realize it was a built in functionality till I started poking around.
>>5423 Hey, I'm a BO here reporting that illegal content was recently posted on my board. I sent an email to the admin email address with more specifics and I'd like to request your eyes on my board. The post in question should still be in my board's banned posts.
>>9324 What's your board? >illegal content was recently posted on my board If you see illegal content posted on your board then ban it, trash it and then globally report the trashed content (it should still be showed on Lastest Posts or trashbin) so a Global can look into it and deliver the proper global ban. Globals browse all 8chan's boards but local moderators are always the first line of defence in these situations. Also encourage your users to read the global ruling, report the illegal content accordingly and do not engage with it.
I would like to have a feature where I can change pictures of threads, I made my lounge thread cyclic but there is no option to change the picture afterwards.
>>9329 Create new OP with new pics, merge old thread into new one, delete old OP. Congrats you just changed the picture. You are welcome.
>>9330 wooow I didn't know that I could do that
Somehow, users on my board are deleting their posts even though I have that functionality disabled. This is a problem as it leads to undesirable loss of content - I have only noticed that this is happening rather recently, and am alarmed by the possibility that much more content could have been lost already. The deletion results in no log action and its nature is clearly that of actions taken by the users themselves, such as rephrasing a post they just made and correcting errors. I am somehow unable to replicate this myself while logged out. I haven't received a response about this elsewhere, so I guess I must bring it up here now. Is there something about this whole feature that I am missing?
>>9333 What board, and can you link an example of a remade post?
>>9334 /interracial/. For "remade", do you mean I should restore a post that has been self-deleted in the way I described? >>>/interracial/24551 fits the bill. Here the user deleted and reposted the same thing while (You)ing the poster he meant to respond to.
>>8760 >>8761 >>8772 >>8773 Just wanted to inform you that it's still not working
I've been struggling to access the site with .moe, .se and .cc, I've been getting Error 404 often.
>>9337 Ok I see this has been answered >>9289
>>9338 It looks like an ancient block on a Swedecuck/Norwegian ISP is the culprit. This goes all the way back to when the site was founded. At one point in time we had the main server in Sweden, and while our host there was fine with us this other network took offense to sharing bandwidth with muh evil h8chan (this was during the big reign of terror going after Jim and 8kunt when people kept thinking we were them) and kept spamming complaints about us so we blocked them + their customers. This was in like 2020. Same thing happened with some French ISP and another one that I can't remember, all from around that same timeframe. The reason you're seeing it more recently is because I universalized all the frontend code when I did all the network upgrades a few weeks ago, so now that block is also shared between the frontends.
>>9339 >big reign of terror going after Jim and 8kunt when people kept thinking we were them. still not sure you guys didn't do more to differentiate from old 8chan. should called the place “Game Chan” or “Gamer Chan” would have made why more sense. Since /v/ was the foundational board and largest population (at the time) during the split.
>>9341 The reason is that Mark and Acid are not very bright individuals.
>>9341 The point is 8chan's name is already linked to "you can build your own community here" unlike any other name. Thar's the reason why we get migrant communities settling here from time to time.
>>9343 The only people that are actually aware 8chan's gimmick is that anyone can create a board here are only people that already actively used the site to begin with. 8chan is not known as the board where you can create any board to the wider public, even among cuckchan niggers, and it never has been. It's always just been known in mythos as the super duper racist version of 4chan. The only people making their boards here are doing it because they were aware of the happenings and kept up with the sphere of webring sites. No one is thinking to themselves that they want to create their own imageboard page and googling "8chan" then finding this site. That has never happened once. The entire reason this site is called 8chan is because Mark was sentimentally tied down to it. Anything else is just post hoc rationalization.
>>9341 It was a matter of principle. Half the world decided, led by journopigs and SJWs, to stamp out "8chan." They took everyone's home and tried to turn it into a curse just to rub all of our faces in it. They set out to hound it to the ends of the Earth and make an example out of it to flex on anons and anon culture. You don't reward people like that with success, so we carried on the name just to spite them. The name has caused us no small number of headaches over the years but I'm proud that we did it and stuck to our guns.
I need a feature where post delay variable is being visible to the end user, the reason is simple is because I am going to run a chatbot on my board and I don't want to trigger this post delay getting longer because of trying to post while the delay is in effect. So for the quick reply and on the regular posting box a text that is placed somewhere that says how many seconds are left before you can post again would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
>>9346 Pretty sure it's a fixed number, like 10 seconds? If you're writing a script it should be pretty easy to just figure it out and adjust accordingly. Why would you need that timer exposed on the front-end? Makes no sense. Like 5 minutes of testing would have this solved.
>>9347 It's not a fixed value, maybe the base value is 10 but there is another random factor to it whose maximum number I don't know. Still with having this new feature then I would be able to post without triggering the post delay when upon failed attempt it would increase the delay value by another unknown factor which is something I want to avoid so that I can have a comfortable chatting experience with the bot on my board. Of course I could just talk the bot directly with Sillytavern but I would like to use this new technology to have a public chatting experience even if its just me and the bot.
>>9348 You can clearly make multiple posts in less than 30 seconds and I'm not sure why a bot would need to post more often than that. The only time I've ever experienced throttling is when solving captcha's. I've never seen consecutive posts throttled even when I've spammed GG threads with shota's.
>>9349 The bot is using the same cookie as I am getting from this site, so that means each time the bot is posting my "allowance" to post gets reduced a bit, hence my request for this feature.
>>9350 I just tested it and it never gets throttled at 20 seconds between each post. It might be lower but I don't care enough to find the exact threshold. Acid and the hue tranny haven't pushed even the most basic of feature requests from years ago, I would not expect them to add something that niche.
Are the admins checking every single thread that gets deleted? There's been a lot of fedposting that gets deleted by the local mods first before the global mods also delete it.
>>9352 Define fedposting, and specify which board. And after you do feel free to kys for being a cuck who doesn't understand the american constitution nor the first amendment thereof.
>>9352 If it has any global reports on it we still see it in the trash bin. If its obviously a GR violation then we delete it from there to clear the report.
(721.53 KB 1797x1016 HeyLookImShadowBanned.png)

I appear to have lost some sort of race condition. Maybe you just don't appreciate the language that I'm using to discuss the issue. Here's an issue that'll probably be too much of a pain in the ass for you to reproduce to ever actually fix. Cheers.
>>9355 Can you give a little more detail? I see a normal looking shot of one of the boards with a reply hover.
>>9354 We usually delete it within 3 minutes, I'd be surprised if anyone actually had time to report it.
>>9355 The reply being hovered is a reply to that thread that isn't showing up on the index. The reply should be between the two pictures. As I said: I appear to have lost a race condition that has made my reply not show up on the index page.
>>9356 Let me try again: Post 979084 is a post in thread 841008, as are posts 979083 and 979086. Post 979084 is between posts 979083 and 979086. What I am seeing: post 979084 is not present on the index. What I expect: post 979084 should be visible and highlighted. This only effects the index page. Severity: low. Likely unable to be reproduced.
>>9359 Got it. And reproduced it, in fact. What the hell. I'll pass this to Codexx so he can see what's going on there.
Hi staff!, I wanted to ask, Is there no way to use custom CSS anymore? Before I remember that it was with "yotsuba B" then that changed and it no longer worked, but I could choose "undefined" in the list of choices and it worked, now I see that they have removed the "undefined" option and I tried again with "Yotsuba B " and with all the others on the list, but none of them work.
>>9363 I mean are you sure it doesn't work? It should work.
>>9364 but with which of the options should it work? I have tried with my phone, also on my pc, and nothing. I even just downloaded Edge to try (I did this before deleting the coockies and cache of my main browser) and nothing either, still doesn't work :s
(178.75 KB 1280x1856 Asuka moon barren 2.jpeg)

Some minor dev announcements: The GeoIP block has been reduced on the .moe domain. I've removed all the little Euronigger networks from it and also unblocked Germany there after verifying that absolutely none of our upstream stuff runs through their territory. Our hosts routinely tell Germany to suck deez nuts over GDPR demands, so they're not afraid of eurocucks so we'll see how it goes. For the moment Germanons are welcome back. I think Chrome users are hitting the "Slow Down Asshole" throttle error a lot more than other users because of Chrome's obnoxiously aggressive pre-fetching routine. Basically every time you request one thing on the site, Chrome also fires off requests for every single thing nearby, or linked in, the thing you requested. Did you open a thread that had some post in it with a >>> crosslink? Well it requested that thread too, in the background, and also all of both threads thumbnails and js, etc. Firefox does this too but has its own rate limiter so as not to be rude about it, and this means it won't trip the throttle unless you're the one clicking all over. Chrome just fucking #yolo shotguns a million requests everywhere, which is pretty much the same thing as a DoS attack which is why the throttle trips. Mobile Chrome is even worse about this. There is no solution. Welcome to Die. Actually if you see a lot of 429 errors just look up how to turn off pre-fetching in your browser.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 06/18/2024 (Tue) 02:20:13.
activation emails don't seem to arrive?
>>9367 Email codexx at cock.li with your username and email. He can do it manually.
Damn I've been getting a lot of connection failed warnings recently and it seems to be damn near impossible for me to upload anything more than a few MBs.
>>9369 Because of Tor's limited, shared bandwidth when accessing the site, uploads there are capped at 8MB. This was a recent tweak made when the onion was brought online.
>>9370 Silvia just killed Kohlchan. I suggest you tell the globals to keep an extra eye just in case.
(199.46 KB 1080x1240 73572 - SoyBooru.png)

>Kohlchan is dead Good. one less pedo infested shithole
>>9370 Dang. Is that per file or per post? At least it's good to know a file size number I guess. >This was a recent tweak made when the onion was brought online. Is it suppose to be caped if you're using a clearnet address through tor as well?
>>9373 Per post. And yes, its capped for both. For Tor we set the limit to match old 8chan's upload limit: Up to 5 files, 8MB total. I know it seems shitty, but the traffic from Tor gets really weird when you have a handful of users pushing larger uploads. Tor's average bandwidth is something like 300kb, and there's a bottleneck where the exit node connects to the site, no matter if its to the onion or the frontend. Capping the upload size means the site can support many more Tor users simultaneously, and for Tor an 8MB upload is actually pretty good sized. Its basically "good dialup / shitty DSL speed."
>>9374 It's surprisingly prohibitive. I can't even post the Squilliam compilations anymore.
>>9372 Guess you lack the concept for containment.
suggestion: i2p portal
Why does a lot of the recent cheeze posting seem targeted at >>>/vore1/ ?
(1.06 MB 659x879 Asuka vs cringefags.png)

>>9380 Based on its behavior, the entity that we've taken to calling "The CP link bot" seems to target boards that are A: in the topbar, and B: ones where their very first post received a slow or sluggish reaction time from mods. They used to hit /v/ too, but its too active these days and users too quick to report so it eventually gave up there. Now we see it mostly on /vore1/, the top two hispa boards, and /tkr/. Its been an active subject of discussion and globals are making an effort to be faster about actively sweeping the boards and not *primarily* waiting for reports like was once the SOP. In response the bot's operator has been hitting the site much more often lately, in what we think is a desperate scramble to try and keep his posts visible on the site towards whatever payday these niggers expect to earn from it. Our reaction to them is pic related. Edit: For those who don't know, there's a site that actually tracks these bots around the Internet. Here's the tracking page for the one that hits us all the time: https://xj9k.neocities.org/posts/cp2/ As you can see, he's a busy little fucker.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 06/30/2024 (Sun) 05:18:40.
If I open a thread then hit stop while the thread not finished loading all of thread’s thumbnail, the thread show “Could not reload capctha” and don’t let me post. I can see the bottom of the thread so it is not like the thread itself that didn’t load. Expected behaviour: I should be able to post, as the board is without captcha. It shouldn’t be required to load all thread pics.
>>5423 hello, can 8moe admin please verify my account.
>>7848 >codexx (at) cock (dot) li Is this email still active? I sent a request for account verification several days ago and haven't gotten a response yet (also sent to the regular admin adress from the FAQ and no candle either). I understand the admin might be busy during the week, but there's also a possibility that the mail I set got lost, and I wanted to confirm if they received it. (to clarify, I'm not the anon above me).
>>9393 hello, who are you?
I believe I have cleared the backlog of manual e-mail verifications. If anyone is still expecting account verification, let me know.
>>9395 I've resent you the mail I sent the other day just now. I believe it has all the information for verification.
>>9396 I do believe I have sent you a response already, and the account with the corresponding e-mail should be confirmed.
== >>9396 Holy shit why does the captcha reload so often now?== I can barely fill it out in time with how fast it's moving combined with the weird fonts.
Having captcha stuck on "reloading" from my browser and cannot post anything thnx
Hello, since our owner has resigned, I would like to claim /zoo/
>>9402 Can someone also please claim the following boards?: /delicious/ /loli/ /sm/
>>9403 That's a lot of controversial boards to claim at once. I don't know if I want to take all of this at once myself. Maybe later if no one wants them.
>>9403 Basically all of those boards save maybe delicious should just have their users merged into /h/. It's completely pointless to have an entire board dedicated to loli or shota. Each board can have 500 threads on it, there's 212 on /sm/, 169 on /loli/, and 108 on /h/ right now. Consolidation of porn boards results in significantly more overall activity. Considering acid was frothing at the mouth over fragmentation of imageboards you'd think he'd lean into having people centralize their boards a bit better than they do here.
We have “? in captcha now? >>9407 You are saying pointless to have an entire board dedicated to then giving evidence of how much specific threads of those loli or shota spawned, hence needed to be split. Also the fact those still exist in /h/ show the more 'extreme' content too much /h/ user The yugioh thread in /v/ asked to be moved to my yugioh thread in /tg because theirs die too quickly on week basis. I made mine to focus on paper (and I hate /v/) , and now I need to deal with coomer-weebs and digital yugioh diluting the already small paper yugioh.
>>9409 >You are saying pointless to have an entire board dedicated to then giving evidence of how much specific threads of those loli or shota spawned, hence needed to be split. The evidence is that literally every single one of those threads can exist on a single board and still have room before reaching the thread cap. You have no evidence for them actually needing their own boards, you're just asserting it. >Also the fact those still exist in /h/ show the more 'extreme' content too much /h/ user /h/ only bands retarded shit that doesn't even exist on /loli/ anyways, so it's moot point. 99% of the content on /loli/ fits perfectly on /h/. >The yugioh thread in /v/ asked to be moved to my yugioh thread in /tg because theirs die too quickly on week basis. Completely irrelevant. /v/ routinely hits its thread cap, which by the way is set to 210 when the maximum allowed is 500. If the thread cap was increased on /v/ virtually no thread would ever get deleted for 6+ months at a time. /h/ does not hit the thread cap. The notion that 3 separate boards need to exist because some disgusting retards want to see scat porn is fucking retarded.
>>9410 >>9407 The point of 8moe is that I can make whatever board I want. I could make a board for Romanian mude black and white movies from 1932 if I ever wanted to, whether if it gets an actual userbase and considerable amount of posts is a different matter. >The notion that 3 separate boards need to exist because some disgusting retards want to see scat porn is fucking retarded. The point is if they want to make their boards and there are anons posting there then anything else is irrelevant. That's the core of an infinity ib, making boards is up to the userbase, not the administration.
>>9411 >The point of 8moe is that I can make whatever board I want. And I can create 47 video game board alternatives. Yeah no shit I can make whatever board I want retard. The conversation isn't about what you can do, it's what one ought to do in order to create a forum conducive to healthy activity. Do you have the reading comprehension of a child?
>>9412 >The conversation isn't about what you can do, it's what one ought to do in order to create a forum conducive to healthy activity. The point is they made their boards, retard, they don't want to post on /h/ simply because they don't feel like it and you can't force them to do it.
>>9413 You're telling me someone made these boards? That's unbelievable, I never knew that. I thought that manifested out of the void like magic. Well now that you've enlightened me with that insight, well actually it changes literally nothing because it's completely besides the fucking point. The boards are abandoned. An anon requested a call to action to have them moderated. I pointed out that moderating or using them is pointless when you could just be using /h/ instead and consolidating activity. Stop responding to my posts if you're going to continue to be an ESL subhuman who can't parse the english language.
>>9414 >An anon requested a call to action to have them moderated Then go ahead and claim them, retard and redirect them to /h/, is it really that hard to understand? >B-but muh, I don't want to work, I want to someone else to do it for me :( Kill yourself, lazy mongrel
>>9415 >Then go ahead and claim them, retard and redirect them to /h/, is it really that hard to understand? Claiming a board only to squat it and redirect to another is blatantly against the site rules you fucking moron.
>>9416 It's not, retard, I did it with /hispachan/
>>9417 Then you should have the board removed from your control. Neither Acid nor Codexx if asked would say that it's acceptable to claim boards with the objective of squatting them and redirecting traffic. Feel free to call them over here to totally epicly own me by stating otherwise, they won't.
Before making plans about merging the content of multiple boards into one you should ask yourself why multiple boards were created in first place.
>>9419 Profound.
>>9418 I asked Codexx and he was okay with it, nigger, do you want me to post the IRC logs too, retard? you can also claim the board and say "I'm going to keep moderating this board but you should check this one for more content and activity" or stupid bullshit like that. >>9419 Fucking this. A lot of people don't like loli shit and you don't need two neurons to realize the reason why delicious and loli are two separated boards is because a lot of loli niggers don't like R34 of American cartoons, and some of them get into heated and dumb arguments about it, ending with derailments and unnecessary discussions. If that guy thinks he can dumb them together then he's a fucking newfag.
>>9421 >I asked Codexx and he was okay with it, nigger, do you want me to post the IRC logs too, retard? You can go into IRC and get him to come here and publicly state to everyone that it is permitted behavior to claim any board that is abandoned for the purpose of locking it and redirecting people to your own board. But what will happen instead is that he'll point out that while their might be niche edge cases where a process like that might technically occur, that it is not a standard practice. So he won't confirm that as a publicly stated position on board claims because anyone with a 3 digit IQ can see the problems with such a system. Including you, since you immediately followed it up by qualifying it with <"I'm going to keep moderating this board but you should check this one for more content and activity" or stupid bullshit like that. Regardless all of this is completely irrelevant. No one should be forced at gun point to use a board. No one needs to claim competing boards to push traffic to their own. The point that was being made is that there should be cultural pressure for people to consolidate their activity, which has clearly flown right over your taconigger brain. >A lot of people don't like loli shit There is already loli shit on /h/. You are unimaginably fucking stupid.
>>9422 you are a whinny nigger faggot. Out of curiosity are you /av/ owner? he also reacted very heated when we told him he was a stupid newfag for trying to dump together a lot of boards and subjecs that barely fit together.
>>9423 >Out of curiosity are you /av/ owner? I am not a shit-skin, no. >he also reacted very heated when we told him he was a stupid newfag for trying to dump together a lot of boards and subjecs that barely fit together. You're comparing a board merging anime and video games together, to a hentai board, having more hentai posted to it.
>>9422 >is permitted behavior to claim any board that is abandoned for the purpose of locking it and redirecting people to your own board. It is. When /hispachan/ was abandoned, the board was closed and some of its threads were moved to /hisparefugio/ while codexx himself put messages telling its users to migrate to the new board. However, since the idea of moving different communities to a shared board is almost certain to cause annoyance among their users, I doubt the administrators will want to support it.
>>9410 >/v/ routinely hits its thread cap.. > no thread would ever get deleted for 6+ months And they still die.I didn't brought that excuse as argument for this board merge, I'm telling why they migrated >3 separate boards need to exist because some x want to see y Reverse that and that's how native get replaced. You still celebrate your sorry ass of survive getting killed by land owner after stealing their land, thanksgiving? >>9424 pig skin is shitskin. You got burned by literal sunlight
>>9425 >It is. It is 100% not permitted behavior to go around claiming any abandoned board for the purpose of directing its traffic to your own. Just because it happened in some niche spic microcosm under admin supervision doesn't mean that it's a standardized and acceptable practice. >>9426 >And they still die. What the fuck does this even mean? Are you retarded? >Reverse that and that's how native get replaced. You still celebrate your sorry ass of survive getting killed by land owner after stealing their land, thanksgiving? Oh you actually have brain damage and can't form coherent sentences, that's interesting. Fucking blow your brains out wetback. >pig skin is shitskin. You got burned by literal sunlight Are we going to play this game of pretend where we act like spic culture doesn't revere being light skinned? I'm sorry, you probably don't understand most of the words, never mind.
How is the trash bin supposed to work? I see a post in there that looks slightly retarded, so the poster may have felt embarrassed and deleted his post. However, other posters have mentioned deleting their own posts, and I've never seen them in there. I have no vols so nobody else could have deleted it.
>>9424 >to a hentai board, having more hentai posted to it. except almost all the content posted on /delicious/ are cgi lolis that were previously decreed to be highly illegal but mysteriously never get deleted now with no official update on the matter. the single user dumping those is doing better numbers for that board than /h/ is getting altogether and you want to merge the boards and tell him that content isn't allowed anymore because /h/ is a hentai board that doesn't allow icky 3dpd shit?
>>9428 All posts end in the trash bin regardless of who deleted them (unless an admin deletes it, in that case the post is fully removed from the server). Posts deleted by a BO, board volunteer or global staff are recorded in their respective board's logs, while posts deleted by users don't appear in the logs. Trashed posts are removed from the server after a couple of days. It is possible that the posts users are talking about have been deleted by the time you notice them.
>>9429 >Basically all of those boards save maybe delicious should just have their users merged into /h/. You should try reading next time.
>>9407 All I want to know is what the "Moot of Dead Boards" post on /sm/ was about! And the reply involving the reaper and doors too!
>>9431 its the only board that could be argued to even have users to merge in the first place so I don't really care about your weasel worded cop out. if anything /h/ should be merged into /delicious/ and you can just cope with pedobear being all over the board as you stick to your old hag containment thread.
>>9414 They're not abandoned in the sense that no one posts on them. They're only abandoned in that the BO stopped logging in.
>>9433 Man you should have just dropped it. This reply made it so much more embarrassing of a blunder. Even for you lcp this was a pretty bad one.
>>9435 what you don't like the idea of being confined to a single thread just for the sake of bolstering the pathetic numbers of a board with an entirely different ethos? did you know that not having a meddling board owner thats trying to dictate what people can post and where is the entire reason why /delicious/ became the defacto loli board while /loli/ got boycotted by the entire community back on 8chan? its too bad that its now being boycotted as well to the point of nobody even wanting to claim it because it made the mistake of coming here and being subjected to the same meddling bullshit by the admins who also waited until it was too late to walk anything back. its almost like the people who are actually in control of the situation aren't the self appointed rulers that have the power to erase other peoples posts but the users who decide whether or not your website becomes an irrelevant ghost town of dead boards.
>>9436 You are rapidly getting less coherent over the years. You used to be pretty easy to understand but I can barely even figure out what the fuck you're talking about these days. Have you been drinking enough water?
>>9437 this is a conversation about merging boards into /h/ and why thats such a shit idea. its run by a control freak thats catering the board to their particular whims and thats why even abandoned boards that are steered by no one are performing better. people aren't using your boards because they don't want you. people aren't using this website because they don't want you. your largest community is one that can't even speak your language because that language barrier protects them from you. is that cut and dry enough or does it need some more dumbing down in order for you to make sense of it?
>>9438 With heavy squats I think you can get back to your former self. Come back next week and we'll try again.
>>9439 >With heavy squats I was about launch into a long rand about how retarded the Legions of Vottan are but then I realized what board this is.
>>9439 >Come back next week and miss out on a whole weeks worth of 8moe schadenfreude? not a chance.
For future reference, this is the reason why we segregate porn boards into niches: To avoid retarded ass discussion and instead focus on posting porn
>>9443 For future reference, you're a massive fucking retard.
>PRESIDENT TRUMP has been >PRESIDENT you lot are really farrest Right if you call him that post covid. This is why our old partner from 8kun stop hosting our board's content. Now tell me script to block news, i don't want to see any of your political shoehorning. >>8464 >You can check if your posts are being deleted and post them again. I was in Smug/a/ years ago. a post from months ago complaining that y series from x franchise is bad. made 5 paragraphs spread on 3 post reply on it. Week/month later I return to find my post contaiing argument debunking all of their deleted. No comment given by mod in meta thread. I try making same argument on original post, deleted again. People who come to post and making argument on spot don’t expected it to be deleted immediately. No backup for that. that’s why I left smug/a/. preventing with filter is one thing, autodelete is another and that’s if said BO want to hear plea to restore user’s post.
>>9455 It's long been traditional to refer to ex presidents still as president. >Now tell me script to block news Just wank around with your CSS and you can remove it.
>>9432 It's probably just drive-by memeposting. It likely means nothing.
>>9455 Should I say "yay" or "boo" to the expurgation shot?
>>9458 I just want to make sure this imageboard is fine; I don't want you to resort to your backup plan(s).
>>9458 >>9459 The site is fine, if the shooter successfully announced his plans here before going out, then that would be an issue. Nevertheless, our servers are not even located in USA, so if USA government wants to go after us, then it would be very difficult for them.
Really call the one with ball to shoot their beloved president as soy. probably ronaldo is the shooter. I don't give a fuck about your politic Rightist
Renewing my request to claim /zoo/, in case Codexx or Acid didn't see it.
About rule 17, I think it should also clarify that another reason why a user cannot see the images is because the referer is disabled or some extension or configuration is blocking it. And with respect to: >For reasons unknown, some search engines rank the archive domains higher in search results than the primary domains It's probably because the search engines don't know how to get around the crappy splash screen and therefore can't get the real content of the site. One way to solve this would be to, on the one hand, block search engines on archive domains with robots.txt, and on the other, have the server check the useragent to determine if it comes from a normal user or from a search engine before to show the splash screen.
>>9474 >One way to solve this would be to, on the one hand, block search engines on archive domains with robots.txt, and on the other, have the server check the useragent The problem with this is that archive today is insidious about getting past paywalls, logins, and splash pages. Its not an exaggeration to say that they practically hack your site if you try to stop them, and one of the things that it will do is spoof every big name user agent like Google in the hopes of finding just such a loophole.
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Bruh what's this, it didn't make any post in the first place
>>9476 It's cuz ur gay lol
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Remember how you got delisted from webring for listing some racial porn board's >>9084? I just check board list and found another one but an antithesis to a weeb topic/board. Guess "freedom for everyone" for you also extended to same people oppressing said freedom
>>9487 No one has cared about the webring concept for a couple years. It accomplishes nothing more than being a stupid friendship badge. It doesn't drive traffic, it doesn't increase activity. It's worthless to everyone involved.
>>9487 Webring as a concept was a failure because it was made by war mongering retards. The main issue was they wanted to made anything besides a "cool list of other websites you can check". > I just check board list and found another one but an antithesis to a weeb topic/board. What board? a random for anything besides weeb shit seems like a fun concept. >Guess "freedom for everyone" for you also extended to same people oppressing said freedom What are you talking about?
>>9488 It drove traffic for a little while. What was strange, and in hindsight kinda funny, is that after they kicked us out we kept growing slowly and the webring's numbers started dropping. They used to be a little bit bigger than us in global UIDs and pph, and they dropped to about half over time. I quit paying attention to them about a year ago, but from peeking in the other day it doesn't look like its improved any. Pic related is about two days old and is not edited. >>9486 We're aware. A major site improvement is going on the the background right now, to be deployed sometime this week. Backend stuff, nothing for users this time. We'll get it fixed after that. Google has had us delisted for so long that SEOing any of the site's pages has never been a concern before.
>>9490 >is that after they kicked us out we kept growing slowly Spic numbers don't count.
>>9491 Cope and seethe. That's the other thing that tickles me, personally. I don't speak for the other admins on this, but I enjoy not having to care about the webring. They don't believe in free speech, and they don't believe in mutual support and defense between sites and boards or equal treatment of their communities. They always implied that they did but they never acted on it. We do, to the point that we allowed a board for the ex-9chan pedo community, undoubtedly the most unpopular and plagued community on the face of the planet, and we defended them just like we would anybody else - until they fucked it up by breaking the law and got banned like anyone else would. That was one hell of a test and our free speech and fair treatment chops are beyond reproach, as far as I'm concerned. IMO the webring is just another alt-chan crab bucket like so many before, and them kicking us out back then just meant that we escaped. I never riff on or discourage crossposting because anons post where they want for their own reasons and I respect that, but the webring as a managed entity is practically a damned lolcow and I think everybody knows it. The last I knew they tried to avoid even mentioning our domain name around their sites like we're some kind of bogeyman, while we never think about them or discuss them at all except when anons bring it up like this. That should tell you everything you need to know.
>>9490 >>9492 Is this the main reason why I didn't see anything when I went to 8chan.moe? Whatever that is...
>>9493 I can't make sense of your words anon. Do you mean searching for us on Google? We've been delisted there for a very long time, apart from the archive domains.
>>9492 >hey this type of traffic isn't relevant to the core userbase of your site <spouts cuckchan template response Okay. >They always implied that they did but they never acted on it. No one on the webring ever implied they care about some arbitrary concept of free speech. They're just internet forums for talking about shit. >We do, to the point that we allowed a board for the ex-9chan pedo community, undoubtedly the most unpopular and plagued community on the face of the planet, and we defended them just like we would anybody else - until they fucked it up by breaking the law and got banned like anyone else would. Not sure why you're bringing up "legal" speech that you decided to censor after talking about how dogmatically pro free speech you are. >That was one hell of a test and our free speech and fair treatment chops are beyond reproach, as far as I'm concerned. Your test of fair treatment is that if a BO decides to moderate what you consider to be acceptable content poorly that it gets blanket banned indefinitely? Don't get me wrong, purging the pedoniggers was necessary and good for the site. But your attempt to spin it off as somehow in line with your bizarre concept of strict adherence to free speech are completely incoherent. I'm not sure why you're even bringing it up, it just makes you sound like an idiot. >IMO the webring is just another alt-chan crab bucket like so many before, and them kicking us out back then just meant that we escaped. Being "kicked out" of the webring just means the website everyone always knew the domains for can't be clicked on some retarded friendship list. It doesn't translate into anything of substance. You're just obsessed with sentimentality and grand narratives about things that are actually extremely mundane. >but the webring as a managed entity is practically a damned lolcow and I think everybody knows it. Why is the "webring" as an entity any more of a lolcow than you are? It's a place where people post about video games and retarded shit. You haven't described any behavior that is lolcow worthy besides the administration not liking you, which is a pretty biased standard for something being lolcow tier. >The last I knew they tried to avoid even mentioning our domain name I think they just call 8moe blacked.moe because it's funny, dude. Maybe if you had the foresight not to post interracial porn on like 5 separate occasions the would call it 8moe instead. Which by the way, no one even here refers to this site by its literal domain name.
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>>9491 >8moe has organic grow <"I-It doesn't count because they are hispanic anons" <"I-It doesn't count because they are indian anons" <"I-It doesn't count because they are 4chan refugees" <"I-It doesn't count because they are porn boards" At one point you won't be able to keep your mental gymnastics and just accept your elitist friends club was an absolute failure while this place turned into a great success. >>9495 lol didn't read lmaooo
>>9496 <"I-It doesn't count because they are hispanic anons" Yes, activity is meaningless when you obfuscate that it's segregated by language. Acid literally goes around telling English speaking anons that the site is more active than it's ever been, while the English activity has done nothing but decrease over the years. Not a single one of the sites he's comparing himself to have a bunch of spics posting on them. And not a single one of them would care or want spics posting on them because they have an English userbase. It's just fluff rhetoric that doesn't mean anything. You can lean on technicalities while ignoring the actual reality of the situation, but that is not a healthy mindset in the slightest. If it was obnoxious cuckchan retards people that spoke English then at least it would be people that you could actually interface with. There a league of difference between low quality posters and spic subhumans that can barely even comprehend their own bastardized language let alone English.
>>9492 >I enjoy not having to care about the webring Same. I enjoy not being linked to those idiots anymore. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but one of their board owners, who turned into trashchan global vol was unironically defending siberian CP spammers on their meta board some month ago. https://archive.is/lyzsK >I would observe your thread seems more of an attempt to smear the based Russians This is what webring has turned into: A bunch of clueless self righteous retards who don't know shit about image boards. I come to the conclusion chanosphere would be better without them and I'm glad they are slowly fading away. Oh a positive note, I noticed recently there are out there some old 8prime bunkers that avoided webring's retardation from the last 4 years entirely so we should try to contact them, send them our regards at the very least. >>9497 8chan is and always has been an international imageboard, you fucking newfag. There has been Spanish speaking communities since the beginning of the site. Go back to your circlejerk, webrigger.
>>9499 >8chan is and always has been an international imageboard, you fucking newfag. There has been Spanish speaking communities since the beginning of the site. Literally not a single thing in my post said otherwise. Did you respond to the wrong person or are you legitimately fucking retarded?
>>9492 >we allowed a board for the ex-9chan pedo community, undoubtedly the most unpopular and plagued community on the face of the planet, and we defended them just like we would anybody else - until they fucked it up by breaking the law and got banned like anyone else would You know what? I see it. You won't remember me but you might remember when I was furious about /hebe/? Yeah, I was fucking livid, and I didn't hold back. I mean, seriously, who thought letting that shit exist was a good idea? I ripped into the mods, the admins—everyone involved here and on /v/ probably fifty times. It felt like a betrayal of what we stand for, you know? Free speech doesn't mean being a dumb nigger just letting anything slide. But here's the twist. Over time, my view has shifted. As much as I still think /hebe/ was fucked up, I've started to see why they allowed it. It was about sticking to principles, even when it was uncomfortable. We're all about free speech here. It's in our DNA. That means defending the right to say things we hate hearing or the right of niggers to post their disgusting fetishes. It's messy, yeah, but it's about not backing down from controversy. So, while I'm not celebrating /hebe/'s former existence, I'm beginning to respect the stance. It was about not flinching when things got rough. I'm still going to call you a nigger for posting that smug whore everywhere. But today its kudos.
>>9501 I feel like I'm watching some weird cult members as you autistic retards agree with everything LCP spams every day while also praising the censorship of the content you think should be allowed on the site? Do you retards even hear how fucking incoherent the shit you're saying sounds? Censorship is bad, so you must allow pedophiles to fawn over pictures of children. Except bad actors abuse this tolerance, so you should censor them. Except you shouldn't censor them until they are really annoying and their board owner doesn't do anything about it. Then once a board owner is annoying enough it's okay to censor the thing that you said shouldn't be censored once some arbitrary threshold of annoyance is reached?
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>>9501 A lot of anons ripped into us, but it wasn't like we didn't expect what was going to happen. The pedos went through the motions of pretending to follow the rules to get their board, and we went through the motions of pretending to believe them while watching them like hawks. There were no shocked Pikachus when the CP posters kept showing up and eventually started getting the site in trouble and they earned their ban by not enforcing global rules. But like you said, it was about not flinching. It was like a test. No matter how unpopular it was or how much flak we took we refused to cuck out just because we hated a board. They had to break the fucking rules and/or the law to get the axe. Period. That's what we mean by free speech and fair treatment. Thank you for seeing it. Caster a cute. >>9502 Red herring. What Pedokike/LCP/30+Gameovers actually demands is complete and absolutist free speech, but it's just the bailey to his motte of "I want to post literal CP." In reality he doesn't give a shit about any other kind of speech and he doesn't give a shit about the site, he just tries to catch disinterested anons and newfags up in his argument because until you know what he's really after, "absolute free speech" sounds like a nice idea in principle. He was so pissed about us banning Israel and the pedo board that he's vowed to destroy the site several times. >Censorship is bad, so you must allow pedophiles to fawn over pictures of children. Except bad actors abuse this tolerance, so you should censor them. Except you shouldn't censor them until they are really annoying and their board owner doesn't do anything about it. Then once a board owner is annoying enough it's okay to censor the thing that you said shouldn't be censored once some arbitrary threshold of annoyance is reached? Are you familiar with the concept of escalation at all? We try to allow as much freedom here as we can legally provide, and just like in real life we try to do solutions to problems with a sliding scale instead of just swinging the hammer everywhere at the first sign of trouble or the first feeling of guttural disgust. People like to talk shit, but we're not Reddit. How much is it worth to you to see the site prove beyond any doubt that we really will defend free speech even when its super hard and unpopular to do it?
>>9503 >Red herring. What Pedokike/LCP/30+Gameovers actually demands is complete and absolutist free speech, but it's just the bailey to his motte of "I want to post literal CP." Yes, but his argument as stated lines up with what you think should be how the site operates. Regardless of whether or not he truly believes that. But I don't even really follow anything he's said in over a year so I don't particularly care about him. >Are you familiar with the concept of escalation at all? It doesn't make any sense in this context, not in the slightest. >We try to allow as much freedom here as we can legally provide That is a coherent position. The problem is that the claim from Codexx was that there wasn't any legal issue with the content being posted, and that the pedoniggers were banned because the BO was annoying and not moderating /b/ properly and dealing with rule breaking content outside of the generic images of children. If that's the case, then pedoniggers were not banned because of legal issues, but an entire type of content was banned over a single BO being a sperg. Which is fucking retarded, even if I ultimately want that content banned. >How much is it worth to you to see the site prove beyond any doubt that we really will defend free speech even when its super hard and unpopular to do it? Like I said, I don't want pedoniggers here. I'm just pointing out that your logic and narratives don't make any sense. The real answer is just "yeah we fucked up and it was really stupid", but both you and codexx try to weave these narratives for why how you handled the pedoniggers was actually a brilliant scheme.
>>9500 >WAAAH WAAAH ONLY [race I like] ARE ALLOWED TO POST ON MY WALLED GARDEN, NOT [race I don't like] BECAUSE THEY ARE LE BAD sjw mindset Go choke on nigger dick already, jew.
>>9504 >Like I said, I don't want pedoniggers here. I'm just pointing out that your logic and narratives don't make any sense. Because you won't read them in any context other than a preconceived notion of >The real answer is just "yeah we fucked up and it was really stupid" Which is wrong. You're also mixing up /hebe/ and the thread on /b/ which was under a different BO and which was banned at a slightly later date for similar reasons. The content was banned because the whole experience had proven, through all the fair chances given and problems that resulted, that their content was a shit magnet. >>4516 I don't know if this needs to be spelled out, but "shit magnet" has a comparable but friendlier meaning to "on thin ice." A community whos activity is a shit magnet needs to be sharp on moderation and really care about what they're doing. One thing freedom of speech actually doesn't mean is "obligation for global staff to 24/7 babysit." Even if we were willing to do that, we don't have the manpower. Now can you answer my question? <How much is it worth to you to see the site prove beyond any doubt that we really will defend free speech even when its super hard and unpopular to do it? And if you don't think we proved that, then please name a better example case than the 9chan pedos getting a fair shot. How high is your bar?
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 07/23/2024 (Tue) 02:56:45.
>>9505 Who are you quoting? >>9506 >You're also mixing up /hebe/ and the thread on /b/ which was under a different BO and which was banned at a slightly later date for similar reasons. I don't distinguish between them because it doesn't really make a difference. But I'm primarily talking about /b/. Banning /hebe/ is different than banning the content, so it's slightly more consistent. Except not really because you isolated the content to /b/ anyways. >The content was banned because the whole experience had proven, through all the fair chances given and problems that resulted, that their content was a shit magnet. Except everyone already knew this would be the case. Apparently even including you and Codexx, and yet you spout shit about needing to run it to the logical conclusion by letting them shitting up the place for an arbitrary amount of time, which makes no sense at all and is just some weird sentiment you're coming up with. >A community whos activity is a shit magnet needs to be sharp on moderation and really care about what they're doing. Are we conflating community and content? It's one thing to ban /hebe/ because of the BO and the culture that one created being a shit magnet, it's another to blanket ban an entire form of content for being a shit magnet. >And if you don't think we proved that, then please name a better example case than the 9chan pedos getting a fair shot. How high is your bar? I don't know how to explain to you that literally no one cares about your free speech absolutism except for you and Codexx. Everyone else understands that there are types of content that put the kind of speech that people actually want to engage in in danger. Everyone understands that the site isn't going to take every single DMCA request to court in the name of defending free speech. Everyone understands that images of real children puts the site at risk. Every knew this before you played you experiment of letting the pedoniggers fuck around, and everyone knew it after. The only thing you demonstrated is that you stuck to a principle no one actually cares about for 8 months and then eventually buckled on that principle. I guess it shows that you're sort of the same kind of retard that Fredrick Brennan is in his defense of linking to onion CP sites as being "free speech". No one is disputing that you tried to play this weird game of showing off to virtually no one, since no one knows this site exists, that you are willingly to push the envelope. Yup, you definitely pushed it. Very impressive Acid, it accomplished, uh, something I guess.
>>9506 Let it go acid. Contrarian arguers like dd332b only want to be right and don't want to hear what you are actually trying to say. I get it too or feel like I do anyway. I wish the pedofaggots had never showed their faggot faces here but since they had to go and do it anyway I appreciate the way you treated them like a professional website would and not some powertripping admin. That was good at least.
>>9508 You realize the pedoniggers got banned, right? That the entire rule structure of the entire site was modified to prevent them from ever coming back? Acid literally just did the exact thing anons wanted him to except he did it after making gvols have to deal with incessant CP posts for 8 months. The fact you think that's some sort of professional way to have handled it is bewildering.
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>>9507 >needing to run it to the logical conclusion by letting them shitting up the place So you do understand. What exactly do you think "a fair chance" means? No matter how "sure" we are in our little hearts of hearts that you're going to fuck something up, we recognize that we can be wrong about that. >I don't know how to explain to you that literally no one cares about your free speech absolutism except for you and Codexx. I think I see the problem here. If that's what you believe, and it at least minimally applies to yourself, then I don't think this discussion is ever really going to go anywhere. >The only thing you demonstrated is that you stuck to a principle no one actually cares about Yeah if that's what you conclude then I think we're good. You can have the last word, but I'm done for the night.
>>9510 >So you do understand. What exactly do you think "a fair chance" means? No matter how "sure" we are in our little hearts of hearts that you're going to fuck something up, we recognize that we can be wrong about that. You banned content based on a community ran by a retarded BO. Who's to say another BO wouldn't operate in good faith and quell the illegal content? We can infinitely apply your own logic to counter the actions you took to handle the pedoniggers. Yes, I understand everything you think and believe. The problem isn't that I don't comprehend what you're saying, the problem is that what you're saying is fucking stupid. >I think I see the problem here. If that's what you believe, and it at least minimally applies to yourself, then I don't think this discussion is ever really going to go anywhere. It's what you believe as well. You banned pedoniggers because it wasn't practical to achieve the maximum amount of free speech on the platform. Your actions adhere to my belief system, not your own. You already agree with me, you're just too stubborn to admit that you were wrong.d
>>9511 >>9507 What a faggot you are, anon. A prancing, tapdancing, homosexual buggerwizard. If you care so little about freedom of speech that you believe that everyone else must be as ridiculous and foolish as you, and you think we share your beliefs, then tell me. Why are you on a site that tries its best to carry 8chan's fire? On second thought, don't. It would waste the precious seconds of your time that would be far better spent enacting your suicide.
>>9512 I care about principled positions in so far as they are practically applicable. Defending pedophiles fawning over images of children is not a practical to sustain and is an isolated form of free speech that puts all other speech at risk. Which by the way in case you haven't noticed, is the exact same position that Acid and Codexx came to in the end. The only difference between what I'm saying and what they are saying is that they believe they got some sort of optics proving their chops by tolerating them for as long as they did. >Why are you on a site that tries its best to carry 8chan's fire? The better question is why do you feel the need to be ideologically in line with everything the admins of a site believe in order to use it? Acid is not my friend, I don't care about him beyond the utility he provides, or the utility he compromises with bad decisions. I use this site to interact with other people and have conversations. Just like I use yt-dlp to download youtube videos.
What was the reason 8ch disconnected from the webring? I don't keep up with e-drama, so I forget whether it was screeching autists or technical issues (I recall there being a broken implementation?)
>>9516 8moe had a bunch of pedophiles sharing images of children with each other so it got blacklisted by most sites as they didn't want to link to a board that had those images on it. Then when Acid removed them after a year no one wanted to add 8moe back. So it has been interpreted by people as the pedoshit just being an excuse to disassociate from the site because they don't like Acid and Mark, which is probably mostly true but you could also just argue that not wanting to associate with someone that let that shit fester on their site indicating they're kind of a massive retard is legitimate. Either way it doesn't really matter, it's just friendship bracelet autism.
>>9517 Thanks. That fits with the few bits I remember hearing over on other boards. >Either way it doesn't really matter, it's just friendship bracelet autism. The webring aspect is a bit less valuable to 8chan.moe and endchan, which already has a large board list and decent board discovery with the top-bar, as it is to federating tiny single-purpose board sites. It doesn't matter much, but it's nice to have.
>>>/v/993595 Not this anon but requesting .bmp posting.
Codexx, please. Make the BO rule page just a big empty text box and not these forcibly numbered rules. The global rules do not work like this and neither should BO rules. BOs don't need the site to handhold them into number their rules, and this feature complicates anything that doesn't fit into that mold, like bullet points underneath rules. Furthermore, it's retarded that you can only append new rules. Say you accidentally delete one at or near the beginning like I just did. You have to then delete all the other rules and remake them just to keep them in order. This whole system is entirely pointless and a simple blank textbox that allows newlines would be infinitely better.
Every time I try to use 8chan.se it cuts to a white screen. What happened here?
>>9524 ...every night...
>>9524 Can you give extra info? >Browser and version? >Mobile or PC? >Where are you accessing from? Just country is fine. >A screenshot would be nice. And we'll look into it.
>>9526 I meant, ever since I saw the "President Trump got shot/survived" announcement it's been like that for 8chan.moe, so I had to use 8chan.se. But rarely, it works for this site.
>>9527 Try clearing your browser cache and all your cookies for the site. Make sure we're whitelisted in any extra weird privacy extensions.
There's some odd behavior when it comes to uploading fonts to /res/. Seemingly you cannot upload a font and an image file at the same time. The font file just disappears. Sometimes the font file just won't post at all even by itself, just giving a you need a file or test message. I'm not sure if that latter problem was caused by deleting and trying to remake the post a couple of times or not.
I encountered an odd behavior. I had to issue several bans on my board, but the ban message never sticks. It disappears as soon as I refresh the page.

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I want to request (if it's ok) from codexx a brief announcement advertising a new board >>>/8flags/ What is /8flags/? >A hybrid board for /ck/ foodies, /k/ommandos, /vr/ retro gamers, /an/ animal lovers, /mu/ songbirds, /u/ dykes, /mlp/ bronies, /fast/ Chris Chan with Grace-chan the party princess!
Why are these links filtered?
>>9547 Huh, weird.
>>>/v/ specific but I wanted to show off a new 4K OP for Suikoden III I had just encoded with AOM at >>>/v/995237 I ran into issues when uploading it, the site claiming the upload failed and the post itself linking to a 404 but still showing a file that doesn't exist. The webm itself plays fine on my computer on MPV. I have uploaded 8K60FPS webms as a joke before (like this one) and those uploaded and played back just fine. Is the problem the file itself or the backend? Please investigate
>>9547 Filtered referring to...
>>9547 cuz its commonly used by the cp spammer
When you double-click on an ID, the user's posts in the thread are highlighted. However, if you double-click on the same ID again, the highlighting does not disappear. This is rather counter-intuitive. Why not have the highlighting go away?
May I have /punishedg/ set to SFW?
>>9572 You're all set.
>>9576 Would you please raise the flag limit if possible, and add the option to set a default flag?
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SITE META UPDATE 8-21-2024 Hello again anons. As you've noticed the site has been a little wonky the past day or so, and I'm here to give you an explanation in addition to the usual meta update. First lets get the preliminaries out of the way: Since the last update there have been: >DMCAs: 2 >Subpoenas: 1 (From Pajeetland, no less) >IP addresses reported for CSAM: 11 The warrant canary is still valid. The reason for the recent downtime is because the site was literally getting too big. We were very close to maxing out the storage capacity of the old server, and so we decided to upgrade to a new master server with the same specs but more than triple the available drive space on a nice RAID. At our current rate of growth this should last the site at least another 2-3 years, at which point we may have to be a little creative since we are already storing over two and a half million files! You read that number right. Swapping backends on a network as complex as ours is no mean feat, and we took the chance to move to a different network provider whom we know we can trust. The software gave us major headaches this time around, so thank Codexx for dealing with code compiling autism to make this possible. Moving to a sweet new backend also lets us ditch four and a half years of accumulated cruft from all our experiments, bug hotfixes, and old network setups. Its a load off the mind. In other news, would you like to know that the site has significantly more regular posters than the site stats say? Yup. As it turns out, the board and global UID counters are extremely limited! We're looking at a way to improve them in the future, but we've used the server itself to verify how many posters we actually have every week, and the averages are much higher than the 600-800 typically displayed. The correct count is closer to 2000, and sometimes more when the site is busy. After testing four times, I've found a decent rule of thumb is to look at the UID counter and triple it, and you'll be pretty close to reality. That's exciting! Currently we just want to make sure the site is running perfectly as it should, and we don't have anything else major planned for the immediate future. For my part, there is a new and improved Redchannit portal coming, and you can test it out at its new url: https://8chan.redchannit.xyz and https://redchannit.xyz for the loading page. This version is much faster and on a more powerful server with idealized caching, and supports other onion sites via custom subdomains (by invitation only). And the site will be adding another fallback domain, as we now own 8chan.us as well. That about takes care of the wrapup. Don't forget to report bugs here, especially related to captcha or files, and have a great week. Happy shitposting!
>>9582 >2,000 posters Holy shit and those are posters only, lukers could be easily over 10,000. I remember when Zeta threw a party because the site showed over 6,000 lurkers, I can't believe this place is bigger than Hispa on its prime years already, it didn't take that long. Is it possible to check out of those 2,000 posters how many of them are hispanics?
>>9582 I always thought the UID was oddly low for how active this site was. /v/ supposedly hovers around 100 users while feeling closer to 300. >>9584 How popular was Hispa in its prime? I always assumed it was a big imageboard.
>>9582 >Subpoenas: 1 What's the policy in regard to this?
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>>9587 Depends on where its from. If it comes from law enforcement in a country that has jurisdiction over us then we have to give them what they ask for. For anybody else it depends. We might comply if its something like CP or another equally serious legal matter, but otherwise the general policy is to never hand over user data even to a government. And if some totalitarian shithole government like the UK or Argentina or Venezuela comes knocking over free speech they can shove it up their ass and swivel on it. >>9584 No way to tell without logging IPs out front and mass geolocating them, and we refuse to do that. User privacy is important. >>9586 Yeah, it always felt a little low to me too. What the current system actually counts is only "users who posted since midnight, and everyone who uses the same VPN only counts as 1." We need a general, weekly count like 8chan prime had.
>>9582 >2000 UIDs How many of those are assholes hopping IPs and VPNs to (1) in threads like GG general
>>9590 I came to the 2000 number by knocking off 15% or so and rounding it down, to account for those. Since I'm dicking with servers right now anyway, the raw, probably inflated number right this moment is: 2,401.
>>9591 Okay, that makes sense, still it is nice to hear that the site is decently popular, now if only those lurkers could fucking POST
I meant to ask how the hell we're storing over a million files, where are they all? It's the porn boards, isn't it?
>>9586 Zeta loved to act otherwise, but the true is It was only big relative to other Spanish speaking imageboards, in general terms it was quite small, even during the original migration, hisparefugio was smaller than /b/, /v/ and /pol/. Even when there was 6,000 lurkers, that was because some argentine feminists tried to raid the place, at that time the normal numbers were 2000-3000 (asume 200-300 posters in total using 10-90 rule), so pretty much at this point we are back to similar numbers to before the migration. >>9588 I see, so is it possible to show how many of those users are posting on Spanish speaking boards at least?
Sorry about the crash. It seems to be a bug in the database server and not our stuff. We're looking into it.
Are there any site features you guys are working on? I like seeing new stuff pop up every so often.
>>9602 Right now the site is hiccuping because of a memory leak. We've narrowed down the culprit to a fucked up Imagemagick library issue and are searching for a fix, so 8chan might be a little buggy for a while. In terms of user-facing features, a little bit. The UID counter thing would be a pretty big deal, we're going to give the boards list better exposure on the site somehow, and I'd also like to integrate the ability to play games through the site itself. Imagine clicking an OP and being dropped into a Duke3D dukematch game against other anons in the same thread. Something like that. Right now though? Debugging. Lots of debugging.
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>>9592 >>9584 I just caught the bit about lurkers vs posters. We actually have a solid number on lurkers already. And it's not 10,000. It's right around one million per month or 250,000 per week.
Any plans to enable proper indexing in search engines?
Just a heads up that tor posting has been broken since the server reboot.
>>9607 Quite a bit of stuff is broken right now. We hit an unexpected bug in a "professional" software library that's key to lynxchan and its got the whole stack messed up a little bit. We've been working on it, and we'll get it solved.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/23/2024 (Fri) 14:37:14.
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>>9608 >techbros say FOSS software is second-rate and unprofessional >use paid proprietary software >bloated >poorly documented >inefficient >fucking broken dog bless
>>9609 Not paid, literally Imagemagick. tl:dr: >Imagemagick is retarded and can't see one of its own fucking dynamic libraries as valid despite being linked to it expressly with static linking disabled. It keeps ignoring it in favor of a builtin pragma that's leaking memory. Lynxchan keeps calling this same broken library link which causes it to leak memory too. The memory leak uses up all the server RAM, and starts eating into the swap. Meanwhile MongoDB is very "spiky" on memory use because the site is pretty big and has a big index. So once lynxchan, via imagemagick, has eaten all the RAM, the next time Mongo has to do a big sweep for a file it uses more RAM than the swap has left, and the OOM Reaper wakes up and kills Mongo. Then lynxchan spazzes the fuck out because the database can't be reached, and the whole motherfucking stack crashes like 9/11. We've installed from repo, we've compiled from source and tried about a hundred different things. I just did a comprehensive rebuild this morning and very tentatively I might have fixed it. We'll know in a few hours once the site is under user load. At least the fucking convert command works now, which it refused to before.
>>9294 >with Chrome dropping support Just drop support for Chrome, then. These fucking kikes at Google think they can get away with anything, don't they? Look at this shit; JPEG XL is virtually identical to PNG in terms of quality and is 50x smaller. The only reason to purposely not support it is if you're 1. objectively evil 2. trying to push your own proprietary bullshit on others 3. a jew. Just ignore Chrome. Better yet, have all JPEG XL images on this site be replaced with "Sorry, you need to use a real browser to view this image" thumbnail when the site detects a Chrome browser string.
>>9611 or since jxl can be converted looslesly into jpg, have default jxl and serve jpg to chrome/make the user's chrome autoconvert to jpg, somehow, or tell the users to download one of the existing chrome jxl extension
>>9611 also i think a better pic comparison is superimposing them and highlighting the pixels that are different, but i could just be retarded, so eh
>>9611 I do see a difference in the color gradient there.
>>9611 If you really want the site to grow up you need tu support the most popular option. The newfags are just going ro see that the images are broken and then they are going to move to somewhere else
>>9612 The problem with that would come when an XL photo has properties a regular JPG can't have, such as more channels or a dimension larger than 65535. We'd run into that here in a few edge cases since people like to "troll" with fancy images. XL can support 1.1 billion pixels on a side, for example. While the filesize limit prevents even a 1x1100000000 image, it wouldn't stop a 1x9000000 white bar. I guess Chrome users would luck out there.
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Test post.
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>>9611 Why even is Google being weird about JXL? They helped develop it! >>9614 If I remember correctly, JXL isn't actually loseless, just "near lossless". It doesn't handle grain or static well for example, often erasing it.
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>>9603 >I'd also like to integrate the ability to play games through the site itself. Imagine clicking an OP and being dropped into a Duke3D dukematch game against other anons in the same thread. Something like that. Look into JS-DOS, you can embed DOS games that way via javascript. How to run DOS game in browser https://archive.ph/VI1Uw >In my opinion js-dos is the best API for running DOS games in a browser. Unlike other implementations: <stores progress between sessions (browser restarts) <works inside worker, which means it does not block the browser UI <works in node.js <have a headless mode, i.e. without screen output (ideal solution for VR) <supports IPX network protocol <aimed at mobile devices <has a huge library of ready-made games >Some dos games offers multiplayer gaming based on ipx, modem, or direct connection. Using browser isn’t possible to directly connect two clients. BUT using js-dos you can emulate a direct connection. This is an absolutely unique js-dos feature among DOS browser emulators. Using it, you can create a portal for online games like DOOM, Duke Nukem 3D, Warcraft and others. This feature is completely free. >To activate IPX support in js-dos you need to set withNetworkingApi to true: Dos(<element>, { withNetowkringApi: true, }).run(<bundleUrl>); >This is enough to integrate multiplayer games into web page. <However, in order to connect two js-dos clients using ipx, the user must set up an IPX server and provide the server token to other players. Another article by the same author relating to JS-DOS & Duke 3D Duke Nukem 3D: Deathmatch — multiplayer in a browser https://archive.ph/31of8 >Network Duke is back in the browser. <Actually, this is not really news: I launched network DOS games in the browser two years ago. But due to sanctions, this technology was destroyed. Well, I invested all my experience and developed a new version of the js-dos network stack for online gaming. Duke Nukem is currently the only published game that works over the network. But not for long… >IPX over TCP/IP <Most DOS games with network modes work over the IPX protocol, but unfortunately, this protocol doesn’t work in browsers. Therefore, it was necessary to write an implementation of IPX based on web sockets. In other words, all players who launch the game in the browser connect to a shared server and exchange messages over the IPX protocol. <This scheme is universal and allows for running DOS games without any changes. >Starting the game <Actually, it’s all very simple, and I hope that even without a tutorial video, you will be able to handle it. Here’s a brief guide: <Follow the link. <Connect to the IPX server. <Send the link to your friend. <Choose “Network Game” -> “Launch Duke Nukem 3D”. <PROFIT??? >I’m experiencing lag <The reason is simple — as I already mentioned, the game uses an intermediate server to exchange messages. Geographically, it is located in the Netherlands. The higher the ping to the server, the more lag you will experience. Unfortunately, I don’t have the possibility to buy servers all over the world so that all players have a good ping. <But there is good news — you can set up your own IPX server anywhere in the world and play using it.
>TOR users are blocked >TOR users are blocked >TOR users are blocked >TOR users are blocked >TOR users are blocked FIX YOUR FUCKING WEBSITE YOU RETARDED CUCK
>>9622 >he thinks it's broken That's a programmed response. You'd get some generic error message if wasn't intentional.
> Open very large thread with many image replies (on an image board!) > Scroll to bottom of thread > All images are now broken > Open another page, get "Slow down asshole" error message. Your rate limiter isn't tuned very well for the content of the site.
>>9624 Oddly enough I find this mostly happens when you've just entered the site, and less when you've been actively browsing through it.
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I think I've got the Tor daemon debugged finally, so Torposting is back on. Torbros let me know if you hit any weird issues with it. >>9624 >>9625 So the rate limiter is tuned to trip if you make more requests than what you'd get if you opened the catalog on /v/ (biggest board) and hit Ctrl+F5. Back in the day the site had a much more granular throttle and I do intent to bring it back, but we've got all this other mess to deal with first.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/25/2024 (Sun) 14:56:19.
>>9627 Tor test.
>>9627 >I think I've got the Tor daemon debugged finally, so Torposting is back on So what happened exactly? How did the bugged update cause Tor to disable itself? >>9621 >Look into JS-DOS, you can embed DOS games that way via javascript. >How to run DOS game in browser Gosh that would be great. I'd love to have Duke Nukem 1 and 2 running in the site. Would work great with that one anon who's trying to make a DN CSS.
Also there's some bug that I've been encountering that keeps periodically kicking me back to the disclaimer screen at uncertain intervals. It's probably not Tor exclusive.
>>9629 The Tor daemon itself was behaving strangely in lynxchan, losing connections to the network and potentially contributing to the memory leak. I wanted it on to diagnose it but I didn't want people posting over it to not pollute the network data I was trying to look at. >>9630 I'll take a peek at this once the backend stuff is done. Let me know if you see it on the main domains, which domain, and make sure you've cleared cache and cookies.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/25/2024 (Sun) 20:04:56.
>>9623 There's been cases in the past where they forgot to turn settings back on though. >>9627 >I think I've got the Tor daemon debugged finally, so Torposting is back on. Torbros let me know if you hit any weird issues with it. thanks faggot.
Minor update: The repeating splash page issue was caused by a time desync between two of the proxies and should now be fixed.
>>9620 >Why even is Google being weird about JXL? They helped develop it! euro google and burger google internal feud, it seems, euro=pro-JXL, burger=pro-the one that is a stripped down version of that one video algorithm
Is Vampyr dead?
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>>5423 >>5423 Hello, my English is not good so I am using Google Translate. I want to inform you that a raid attempt is being made on the board /hisparefugio. I am reporting this post because I do not want us to end up punished due to the cult of a person who breaks the rules. people who have nothing to do with that raid. the post is >>210259 I don't know if this belongs here, please excuse me.
For the past 2 days I've been getting some 503 error message; is the site working right now?
>>9640 There's a lot of testing and fixing going on in the background. Codexx is finally making some headway on the stack crashing bug, but every time he has to restart the server the frontends will throw 503s for about a minute. To be more specific, it looks like we fixed the memory leak, but not before the multiple hard-crashes caused by it fucked up and corrupted part of the database and now that has to be carefully analyzed and repaired. >tl;dr situation normal, please bear with it.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/27/2024 (Tue) 07:42:22.
>>9603 >We've narrowed down the culprit to a fucked up Imagemagick library issue and are searching for a fix One option would be to use GraphicsMagick instead, which is supposed to be more efficient than ImageMagick: http://www.graphicsmagick.org/FAQ.html#how-does-graphicsmagick-differ-from-imagemagick >>9603 >Imagine clicking an OP and being dropped into a Duke3D dukematch game against other anons in the same thread. Something like that. Talking about additional features, in http://web.archive.org/web/20240818085239/https://archive.8chan.moe/hisparefugio/res/182325.html an integrated chat in the chan (similar to the one Krautchan has) was suggested and in >>>/hisparefugio/179675 some hispaniggers anons seemed to be interested in a likes/dislikes system for the posts. >>9639 Faggot.
>>9639 Raids are cancer but they are not a global concern until they truly become cancer, go ahead and talk about that issue with your board's local mod team
>>9643 I should probly add that to the compendium, since raids are one of those corner cases. Basically there's no rule against raids unless they get out of hand and start breaking one or more of the other rules, like excessive spam or "harm to the site" under GR4 that forces globals to get involved. Raids are old imageboard tradition, after all.
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>>9633 I've not encountered this issue since this post. Must have fixed it. Good job.
>>9644 Malicious raids are always going to be excessive spam. And the software specifically doesn't give BO's the tools required to deal with spam, like being able to throttle bypass generation on a board by board basis. The only tool a BO has for spam attacks is to literally turn of posting.
Man, this bright purple theme overwrites Board CSS, which I think really is unnecessary
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Adding two new rulings to the compendium. One covers raids, since that's been a recent topic, and the other is over longstanding anon questions of exactly what "psyops" are in terms of Global Rule 4 and how we deal with them.
>>9514 >Acid is not my friend And yet you still use his website. How curious.
>>9653 Prove it retard
verify my account pls
Ever allowing hebe was this site's biggest mistake. The second biggest was allowing Mark to rule over /v/.
>>9661 As much as I hatr Mork, that would've left a really bad prescedeng.
>>9656 What board you wanna make?
soyjak raid at /zoo/
>>9633 The splash page thing is back. I've encountered it twice tonight.
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>>9665 Was coming here to post this. I was trying to post and kept getting an "error parsing response" or something. The response to the reply POST was the disclaimer kek
Why Redchannit is still deactivated if we can post via TOR?
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>splash page time out happens >click on AGREE AND WISH TO PROCEED link >just directs me to a naked captcha image in the browser O-OK
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Global Rule #4 Third party tools, psyops Ruling14: Top Board rank manipulation. BO of board >>>/mex/ is suspected of using vpn and proxies to illegally increase traffic on the board, it has been identified that he promotes psyops on another board (/hisparefugio/) BO user of board >>>/mex/ opens an average of 15-20 threads daily compared to the most popular board on the imageboard (hisparefugio) which only opens around 5 threads a day (this last one being the one with the highest traffic on the entire site, the numbers do not match)
>>9673 >spic shit No one gives a shit taconigger
>>9674 spam+shitpost+psyops=allowed ok tranny
>>9675 Spic = subhuman = second class citizen BEGONE TACO
And is junior idol accepted? It is legal in Japan
Hi, I'm hoping my email can be manually verified since the email verification system seems to be broken.
>>9677 No.
I know mobile is not a priority but there is an issue with the splashscreen not redirecting properly After accepting the rules, it tries to connect to https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/confirmed.html but (at least the latest versions of Firefox) return a connection failed error.
>>>/site/ A thread has disappeared and it's showing 404 error. The thread was not deleted. https://8chan.moe/nunubua/res/623.html
>>9683 A DMCA takedown was sent by an agent of the Indian government. No ban was issued, but the content was deleted.
>>9686 POO
Any update on making the UID count more accurate? I remember you said it was under reporting the figures by 80%
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Why is when I try to download image or webm on this site with wget, it turn out to be this html warning file that I'm receiving instead of real file. Is there a way to download things with wget on this site? [code] <!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <title>Terms of Service</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link href="/.static/css/global.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <header> <img src="/.static/logo.png" class="logoImg" alt="logo"> </header> <div class="titleWrapper"> <fieldset class="titleFieldset"> <legend>Terms of Service</legend> <h1>Welcome to 8chan!~moe</h1> <hr> <p> </p><h2>You must agree to follow all site rules:</h2> <p></p> <ol start="0"> <li>Exceptional situations may justify exceptional solutions.</li> <li>Users are forbidden from posting, receiving, or transmitting content that is illegal under applicable laws. This site does not provide a platform for illegal activity of any kind.</li> <li>Images or any other kind of media depicting the sexual abuse of real children is explicitly forbidden and will be reported to law enforcement. Additionally "jailbait" and other borderline content are prohibited. This content is defined as: <ol type="a"> <li>Any depiction of a real child regardless of original context, legality, or public display, that is posted in any sort of context that is sexualized, sexually suggestive, or otherwise intended to elicit arousal.</li> <li>Realistic art or 3DCG images based on real children that are sexualized as per above.</li> </ol></li> All depictions of fictitious characters are 18+ years of age regardless of any contradicting textual description(s). Legal, fictional 2D or 3DCG artwork is not prohibited and is not to be conflated with pedophilia or any content banned under this rule. <li>Board Ownership and User Accounts are granted and maintained at the discretion of the site administration. Severe abuse, neglect, or mishandling of your board, its rules, or its users may result in its loss or reassignment.</li> <li>Users are prohibited from any activity, including the use of third party tools or scripts, that damages the site or its functions. This includes but is not limited to spamming, flooding, phishing, psyops, hacking, denial of service and other attacks, and bot programs or other unauthorized software.</li> <li>You must be 18 years of age or older to browse this website.</li> <li>Do not post NSFW material on SFW marked boards unless it is spoilered.</li> </ol> <h2>Disclaimer and Terms of Service</h2> <p>This site and its administration claim no responsibility for what users post to our platform. Pursuant to US Law we make a good-faith effort to remove content which we believe in good faith to be unlawful. No individual may use our site to post content in violation of applicable laws, especially those of the United States of America. By browsing this site you agree to accept any and all risks to your computer, data, and self, you agree to abide by the Global Rules of the site, and you further agree to hold harmless and indemnify all service providers, partners, staff, owners, administration, and volunteers of this site to the greatest possible extent permitted under law for any and all content that you create, post, share, experience, download, execute, or are otherwise exposed to. <br> </p><h1><a href="/.static/pages/confirmed.html">I AGREE AND WISH TO PROCEED</a></h1><a href="/.static/pages/confirmed.html"> <p></p> </a></fieldset><a href="/.static/pages/confirmed.html"> </a></div><a href="/.static/pages/confirmed.html"> </a></body></html> [code]
>>9689 My guess is that you need to load the TOS cookie. superuser.com/questions/666167/how-do-i-use-firefox-cookies-with-wget
moe down, why?, maintenance?
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Can someone please explain these circled-in things in /loli/?
>>9690 I dont use firefox anon. Why is this site even need a TOS cookie in order to download simple things.
>>9695 because without it the resident AIDS pedo could archive CP on archive.is , i think
>>9695 It's the same principle for chrome, just figure out how to get the TOS cookie properly formatted into cookies.txt and use it with wget. I gave you more than enough information required to figure it out on your own.
Please raise the Tor file limit just a little. Give us 15MB or at least 10MB. This is a huge pain in the ass. And give it a unique message while you're at it.
>>9698 But all you do with it is post cp
>>9699 You seem to be mistaking me for someone else. I just want to be able to post all of a series of furshit in a single post.
>>9700 Okay, ONE TIME, ONE ANON, used tor file posting productively. Simply the exception which proves the rule.
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>>9688 Not yet. IRL we're all super busy, so the site is coasting until we get the time and energy to work on it. Thats definitely on the list though. >>9689 Splash block. There's a reason why the system keys off the name of the cookie rather than using a set cookie name with a unique session value: I wanted anons to be able to bypass it if they're doing archival scripts or other generally good things. Its only meant to stop malicious and automated systems. To bypass it, just load the site in your browser, get the TOS cookie manually, then check your browser console/storage/cookies and get the name of the cookie (it changes every few days) and manually add the http.Cookie header with a cookie of that name to your requests in whatever script or tool, and poof, you're in until the cookie changes. >>9696 Correct. See the rulings compendium thread for the full explanation. >>9698 >>9700 >>9701 The file limit is about network bandwidth integrity rather than content. Shit goes weird on Tor when people are making large uploads. I'll consider raising it a little bit but I'm going to experiment first to see if there's a good threshold. I admit I picked 8MB arbitrarily just because thats what old 8ch had.
>>9702 >I'll consider raising it a little bit but I'm going to experiment first to see if there's a good threshold. I admit I picked 8MB arbitrarily just because thats what old 8ch had. Thanks for considering it Acid.
>>9702 Would you consider some of the posts in the Orange Box thread for future updates? We're still not on feature parity with 8chan prime.
>>9702 >>9671 Answer me plz.
>>9705 Its being replaced with an upgrade. Try https://8chan.redchannit.xyz
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There are soyjaks plotting another raid on 8moe. https://soyjak.party/soy/thread/8655330.html Heads up.
>>9707 Did they get tricked by LCP again?
>>9698 I was just coming here to complain about the lack of proper error message. I kept getting some generic message and tried a bunch of different things that didn't work until the only thing left was trying to debug the issue and then I saw the actual reason in the developer tools. It can't be that hard to get the proper message to the user. >>9702 > I'll consider raising it a little bit That would be welcomed too. I used to encode a lot of stuff to upload to threads so having more space is always nice.
Acidman, could you possibly raise the global maximum reply limit from 500 to 600 before a thread gets anchored?
I'm just here to add my voice to the many that already request the NSFW boards be removed from the top bar and front page until the user clicks on wanting to see NSFW content.
Why does 8chan keep asking me to accept some terms of agreement after a while?
>>9713 It's a bug. They've fixed it before but I don't know why the problem occasionally relapses. I've been getting it too.
Is the Tor file limit still ~8MB or has it been lowered? Because it keeps catching me at lower thresholds. Anywhere from mid 7.xx MB on. Or maybe it's another issue. It's impossible to know because the Tor file thing doesn't have a unique error message.
Could be the difference between MB and MiB.
>>9718 >>9719 I could figure that if it were like a 7.98 MB post or something but it's been blocking me at way lower thresholds. like one post I was trying to make yesterday came to 7.84 MB and it absolutely would not go through. I'm pretty sure I've had problems with it going through even at lower post sizes although I don't now remember those exact post sizes.
Hello, I've just created an account so that I can host a backup of my board here, which I have in another location. But I don't have permission yet. If the Staff wants, I can post the link here so that they can analyze the enclosure I have in case it helps to resolve whether I can or not. I assure you that there is no harm in my content, it's just a backup since the chans in my country, specifically the one where I host my original board, is unstable, and I recognize that it may not even last long.
>>9724 Hi, what software does your chan use (lynxchan, vichan, JSchan, tinyboard, Meguca, etc)? The admins of this site have a tool that makes it easy to migrate boards from other sites that run Vichan or Lynxchan. >I can post the link here so that they can analyze the enclosure I have in case it helps to resolve whether I can or not Please do. This will help the admins determine if it is possible to automatically migrate your board content.
>>9724 Please shoot me an email at Codexx (at) cock (dot) li and I will work with you on the migration. Edit to capcode. Still haven't received an e-mail from you.
Edited last time by codexx on 10/22/2024 (Tue) 03:36:38.
>>9726 Not migrateanon, but inspired by the APNG thread picking up steam on >>>/v/1031284 is there any way the frontend or backend could be modified so APNG playback could start in the browser automatically without the restrictions of a 220 x 220 px and 25kb size limit? I really think that adopting modern web and compression standards like AVIF, JXL, and the new jpegli encoder will not only help cut down on bandwidth usage dramatically without sacrificing quality but also enable a rich media content experience that will attract a wider user base. I'm very much a benchmark and optimization guy so I want the site to have the best operation. I can shoot you an e-mail if you would like.
>>9729 The APNG thing is an oversight that's been known for some time, but APNGs are exceedingly rare so it wasn't high priority enough to fix. Basically, if you are below certain thresholds then no thumbnail is generated and the raw image can be used as its own thumbnail. Ironically enough, to make all APNGs have animated thumbnails I think would require fixing the oversight, since it means detecting and treating APNGs differently from regular PNGs and having an encoding pipeline to resize them without breaking them. >AVIF and JPEGXL support This is on my radar and I would like to push forward with it. I was actually expecting to be able to enable them a few months ago, but we ran into a memory leak issue with ImageMagick which delayed the whole thing. But I do think the delegates are in place once that issue is resolved.
(1.52 MB 1080x1080 Wildhog starts playing.png)

whats the general wait time for e-mail confirmation?
>>9733 E-mails from the backend often get hard blocked by spam filters (not sent to spam, just outright deleted). If they do not arrive in the first 30 minutes, please send an e-mail to codexx (at) cock (dot) li from the e-mail attached to your account, and please include your username on the site (case-sensitive) so we can manually verify.
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>email confirmation
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>>9734 is the big shot on vacation or something? pretty sure I got the mail right an all
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The site is taking a bit of a beating today. Don't know if its bad actors or election traffic craziness or some combination of the two. We're on it though, and mitigating it. Frontends, backends, network relays, almost everything has suffered some kind of "hiccup" over the past 18 hours, so its hard to think its coincidence, and its not the kind of "load cascade failure" that you'd get just from traffic spikes.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 11/05/2024 (Tue) 20:15:48.
<mark and whoever runs the twitter are out there campaigning to further restrict the legal free speech of the site by throwing acid under the bus for not banning /zoo/ <while the site already has a soy "uhm the lolis are all 18+ ok" disclaimer which capitulates to those who don't know the difference between 2D (based) and 3D (cringe) <And >>9686 the site complies with DMCA from fucking INDIA
>>9740 <mark and whoever runs the twitter are out there campaigning to further restrict the legal free speech of the site by throwing acid under the bus for not banning /zoo/ Link to this alleged campaign.
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What are the rules of posting non-pornographic images from a random person's instagram/facebook on a porn board in a pornographic context?
>>9744 Also +18, so it's not a hebe situation
Are these spammers? The owner of /loli/ has returned...
>>9744 >>9745 Fine. Just keep in mind that they can DMCA request the files. There's also revenge porn laws in the US and that you could run afoul of. But without someone complaining there's no way for us to know there's a problem with them.
What is the board flag limit?
>>9750 I think it's 128 or 256. Most boards should not hit it.
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>>9751 >I think it's 128 or 256. pics related are confusing because it's in the same spot as the banner limit but says "length" >Most boards should not hit it. Pre-existing boards with a culture centered around user-made flags definitely need it higher
>>9752 What do you think is a reasonable limit for such a board?
>>9754 512
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>>9751 >>9752 >>9754 No not banners. Flags.
>>9752 Although I do agree that the board banner limit should be raised too. Compared to everything else it can't take up that much storage.
>>9756 Pretty sure everyone present already knows we are discussing flags. I only posted the banner limit to give context for why the flag page is confusing, hence the filenames "flags.png" and "banners.png"
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So if anybody has been wondering why the Fighting Game thread on >>>/v/ has been weird all day I've been trying to upload some files that kept being rejected despite their compliance with the size limit. It's a 4K60fps capture of Aquapazza to celebrate its release on Steam, but the site always glitches out when I try to upload it. I'm going to try to upload it one last time to see if it gets cached but if it doesn't show up I have an UL on Catbox to demonstrate. I don't know if it's site-specific but the file plays back fine on different devices and I've tried differing browse environments and IPs to try to isolate the cause. In general I want an edit feature unless I'm too stupid to figure out the preexisting one so I don't artificially bump threads like this to try to fix a post; perhaps a public history can be viewed to prevent bad actors from abusing it.
>>9756 >>9757 >>9758 I was discussing flags. Banners are 256 and Flags are 128. They aren't large due to the size limits, although they can add up. Keep in mind we need to support every board having upwards of that many. >>9755 I'll crunch some numbers and look at updating both banners and flags to go to 512
Is there a way that you can break webp image support?
The usability issue >>9569 still persists. Basically, ID selection doesn't work as smoothly as on 4chan: you can't undone it unless you refresh the page. Probably not too hard to fix.
Expand max thumbnail size from 220x220 to 256x256 so old game screenshots aren't fucked by bilinear downscale.
>>9766 Does this mean that the new max dimensions for an .apng has increased as well?
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>>9767 Does "interboard" mean "bilingual board" here?
>>9770 Interboard means that other boards (including on other sites) are invited to announce events and participate there. It's to encourage users to meet anons from other boards and enjoy the holiday together. The board is multilingual because the organizer also wants to bring together anons across language barriers.
>>9766 >Expand max thumbnail size from 220x220 to 256x256 so old game screenshots aren't fucked by bilinear downscale. Or for bandwidth, use originals as thumbnails if originals are 256x256 or less.
Where's the Java snow Acid/Codexx?
You've gotta contact shotakot to bring /sm/ back. ATF is down.
>>9775 Yes PLEASE.
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ACID!!!, can you help them?
Ban Kohlchan, acid Give no quarter to any bernd
Anyone know what /lff/ was? I had it saved as bookmark from 2021/2
>>9777 How's the process going?
Bug report! When you click "Filter name" on a tripcode user, every single post gets filtered instead!
Also, it would be nice to have a simple "Unhide all" button
>>9781 It was owned by an ex-military retard coming out as a troon. I believe I seized control of it and deleted it. A year later, the groomer and his equally autistic boyfriend fled to sleepy because they were upset about Mark or acid getting in their way.
Is there a way to temporarily disable torposting on a board?
>{board]Depends on Board CSS[/board] Depends on Board CSS I'm not sure how to utilize this tag as a BO. Any pointers?
site font test for legacy computing characters 🬀🬁🬂🬃🬄🬅🬆🬇🬈🬉🬊🬋🬌🬍🬎🬏🬐🬑🬒🬓🬔🬕🬖🬗🬘🬙🬚🬛🬜🬝🬞🬟🬠🬡🬢🬣🬤🬥🬦🬧🬨🬩🬪🬫🬬🬭🬮🬯🬰🬱🬲🬳🬴🬵🬶🬷🬸🬹🬺🬻🬼🬽🬾🬿🭀🭁🭂🭃🭄🭅🭆🭇🭈🭉🭊🭋🭌🭍🭎🭏🭐🭑🭒🭓🭔🭕🭖🭗🭘🭙🭚🭛🭜🭝🭞🭟🭠🭡🭢🭣🭤🭥🭦🭧🭨🭩🭪🭫🭬🭭🭮🭯🭰🭱🭲🭳🭴🭵🭶🭷🭸🭹🭺🭻🭼🭽🭾🭿🮀🮁🮂🮃🮄🮅🮆🮇🮈🮉🮊🮋🮌🮍🮎🮏🮐🮑🮒🮔🮕🮖🮗🮘🮙🮚🮛🮜🮝🮞🮟🮠🮡🮢🮣🮤🮥🮦🮧🮨🮩🮪🮫🮬🮭🮮🮯🮰🮱🮲🮳🮴🮵🮶🮷🮸🮹🮺🮻🮼🮽🮾🮿🯀🯁🯂🯃🯄🯅🯆🯇🯈🯉🯊🯋🯌🯍🯎🯏🯐🯑🯒🯓🯔🯕🯖🯗🯘🯙🯚🯛🯜🯝🯞🯟🯠🯡🯢🯣🯤🯥🯦🯧🯨🯩🯪🯫🯬🯭🯮🯯🯰🯱🯲🯳🯴🯵🯶🯷🯸🯹 𜰀𜰁𜰂𜰃𜰄𜰅𜰆𜰇𜰈𜰉𜰊𜰋𜰌𜰍𜰎𜰏𜰐𜰑𜰒𜰓𜰔𜰕𜰖𜰗𜰘𜰙𜰚𜰛𜰜𜰝𜰞𜰟𜰠𜰡𜰢𜰣𜰤𜰥𜰦𜰧𜰨𜰩𜰪𜰫𜰬𜰭𜰮𜰯𜰰𜰱𜰲𜰳𜰴𜰵𜰶𜰷𜰸𜰹𜰺𜰻𜰼𜰽𜰾𜰿𜱀𜱁𜱂𜱃𜱄𜱅𜱆𜱇𜱈𜱉𜱊𜱋𜱌𜱍𜱎𜱏𜱐𜱑𜱒𜱓𜱔𜱕𜱖𜱗𜱘𜱙𜱚𜱛𜱜𜱝𜱞𜱟𜱠𜱡𜱢𜱣𜱤𜱥𜱦𜱧𜱨𜱩𜱪𜱫𜱬𜱭𜱮𜱯𜱰𜱱𜱲𜱳𜱴𜱵𜱶𜱷𜱸𜱹𜱺𜱻𜱼𜱽𜱾𜱿𜲀𜲁𜲂𜲃𜲄𜲅𜲆𜲇𜲈𜲉𜲊𜲋𜲌𜲍𜲎𜲏𜲐𜲑𜲒𜲓𜲔𜲕𜲖𜲗𜲘𜲙𜲚𜲛𜲜𜲝𜲞𜲟𜲠𜲡𜲢𜲣𜲤𜲥𜲦𜲧𜲨𜲩𜲪𜲫𜲬𜲭𜲮𜲯𜲰𜲱𜲲𜲳𜲴𜲵𜲶𜲷𜲸𜲹𜲺𜲻𜲼𜲽𜲾𜲿𜳀𜳁𜳂𜳃𜳄𜳅𜳆𜳇𜳈𜳉𜳊𜳋𜳌𜳍𜳎𜳏𜳐𜳑𜳒𜳓𜳔𜳕𜳖𜳗𜳘𜳙𜳚𜳛𜳜𜳝𜳞𜳟𜳠𜳡𜳢𜳣𜳤𜳥𜳦𜳧𜳨𜳩𜳪𜳫𜳬𜳭𜳮𜳯𜳰𜳱𜳲𜳳𜳴𜳵𜳶𜳷𜳸𜳹𜴀𜴁𜴂𜴃𜴄𜴅𜴆𜴇𜴈𜴉𜴊𜴋𜴌𜴍𜴎𜴏𜴐𜴑𜴒𜴓𜴔𜴕𜴖𜴗𜴘𜴙𜴚𜴛𜴜𜴝𜴞𜴟𜴠𜴡𜴢𜴣𜴤𜴥𜴦𜴧𜴨𜴩𜴪𜴫𜴬𜴭𜴮𜴯𜴰𜴱𜴲𜴳𜴴𜴵𜴶𜴷𜴸𜴹𜴺𜴻𜴼𜴽𜴾𜴿𜵀𜵁𜵂𜵃𜵄𜵅𜵆𜵇𜵈𜵉𜵊𜵋𜵌𜵍𜵎𜵏𜵐𜵑𜵒𜵓𜵔𜵕𜵖𜵗𜵘𜵙𜵚𜵛𜵜𜵝𜵞𜵟𜵠𜵡𜵢𜵣𜵤𜵥𜵦𜵧𜵨𜵩𜵪𜵫𜵬𜵭𜵮𜵯𜵰𜵱𜵲𜵳𜵴𜵵𜵶𜵷𜵸𜵹𜵺𜵻𜵼𜵽𜵾𜵿𜶀𜶁𜶂𜶃𜶄𜶅𜶆𜶇𜶈𜶉𜶊𜶋𜶌𜶍𜶎𜶏𜶐𜶑𜶒𜶓𜶔𜶕𜶖𜶗𜶘𜶙𜶚𜶛𜶜𜶝𜶞𜶟𜶠𜶡𜶢𜶣𜶤𜶥𜶦𜶧𜶨𜶩𜶪𜶫𜶬𜶭𜶮𜶯𜶰𜶱𜶲𜶳𜶴𜶵𜶶𜶷𜶸𜶹𜶺𜶻𜶼𜶽𜶾𜶿𜷀𜷁𜷂𜷃𜷄𜷅𜷆𜷇𜷈𜷉𜷊𜷋𜷌𜷍𜷎𜷏𜷐𜷑𜷒𜷓𜷔𜷕𜷖𜷗𜷘𜷙𜷚𜷛𜷜𜷝𜷞𜷟𜷠𜷡𜷢𜷣𜷤𜷥𜷦𜷧𜷨𜷩𜷪𜷫𜷬𜷭𜷮𜷯𜷰𜷱𜷲𜷳𜷴𜷵𜷶𜷷𜷸𜷹𜷺𜷻𜷼𜷽𜷾𜷿𜸀𜸁𜸂𜸃𜸄𜸅𜸆𜸇𜸈𜸉𜸊𜸋𜸌𜸍𜸎𜸏𜸐𜸑𜸒𜸓𜸔𜸕𜸖𜸗𜸘𜸙𜸚𜸛𜸜𜸝𜸞𜸟𜸠𜸡𜸢𜸣𜸤𜸥𜸦𜸧𜸨𜸩𜸪𜸫𜸬𜸭𜸮𜸯𜸰𜸱𜸲𜸳𜸴𜸵𜸶𜸷𜸸𜸹𜸺𜸻𜸼𜸽𜸾𜸿𜹀𜹁𜹂𜹃𜹄𜹅𜹆𜹇𜹈𜹉𜹊𜹋𜹌𜹍𜹎𜹏𜹐𜹑𜹒𜹓𜹔𜹕𜹖𜹗𜹘𜹙𜹚𜹛𜹜𜹝𜹞𜹟𜹠𜹡𜹢𜹣𜹤𜹥𜹦𜹧𜹨𜹩𜹪𜹫𜹬𜹭𜹮𜹯𜹰𜹱𜹲𜹳𜹴𜹵𜹶𜹷𜹸𜹹𜹺𜹻𜹼𜹽𜹾𜹿𜺀𜺁𜺂𜺃𜺄𜺅𜺆𜺇𜺈𜺉𜺊𜺋𜺌𜺍𜺎𜺏𜺐𜺑𜺒𜺓𜺔𜺕𜺖𜺗𜺘𜺙𜺚𜺛𜺜𜺝𜺞𜺟𜺠𜺡𜺢𜺣𜺤𜺥𜺦𜺧𜺨𜺩𜺪𜺫𜺬𜺭𜺮𜺯𜺰𜺱𜺲𜺳🢰🢱🢲🢳🢴🢵🢶🢷🢸🢹🢺🢻
>>9793 not a clue, if i had to guess id ask you if you have tried adding something like .board { color: #AF0AAF; font-weight: bold; font-size: 75%; } to your board's css
Codexx read your emails
What's so hard about implementing TABS on a per-board basis? You tie each bypass to a timestamp so that BO can individually disable posting from recent timestamps. Make it temporary (at least a few days) in case BO forgets to turn it back off. Did I miss anything? What's the problem, then?
Alright I found it funny to search and find the board one by one by trying, because they're not indicated anywhere, but I give up. I can't find the hetero vanilla pr0n board, equivalent of /gif/. Someone plz tell me what is it. Also how come degenerate shit like /delicious/ /zoo/ /interracial/ /ss/ etc are always featured on the frontpage and not this one ? Is there a place to see all the boards ? Why is /pol/ hidden ?
>>9799 https://8chan.moe/boards.js There you go. Theres no current vanilla porn board though. And /pol/ isn't here, we have a fake version run by a jew who wants it dead. I suggest you make a new one.
>>9800 >I suggest you make a new one. which will also fail because the entire website is a fake version of 8chan run by a jew who wants it dead.
>>9801 >Acid man is a Jew/Hebe [citation needed] Honestly, 8kun is worse in most cases.
>>9802 >responding to lcp
>>9801 No that's just /v/, and also /pol/. Same jew, but just two boards. Oh wait I tell a lie, also /vb/ cuz he wanted to take over /b/ as well.... Actually you kinda have a point.
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>>9804 Mark deserves to disintegrate to inert ash and/or powder.
I hadn't been paying attention because I thought this >>>/sm/18725 >>>/sm/19415 was just someone complaining about not getting free art but as it turns out it's some autistic schizo who's actually doxing and trying to deplatform different artist as he freely admits >I already voiced the reason above in the thread - revenge. Revenge for what they did to our community. I figure out those of them who are pseudo-artists, and then, after a while, having coordinated with dozens of people like me, avengers, we strike at their accounts (PayPal, Twitter/X, Patreon/Busti). If I were indifferent, I would peacefully enjoy myself with AI, but I am a passionary and a person who deeply hates lies. So I repay them for everything they have done. He doesn't deserve to have a safe harbor here to launch attacks from or to try to build a personal army.
>>9806 Thats not violating any global rules however, so unless the BO specifically comes on here and requests help enforcing local rules, we won't. That'd be overreach.
>>9806 This guy makes LCP look like an amateur, though most spergs make LCP look like an amateur to be honest.
>>9807 BO is unfortunately MIA and the board is abandoned.
>>9806 What makes you think he's autistic? >>9809 Tell Mark to tell shotakot to come back here.
>>9810 ...or, hire a new BO for /sm/.
>Anons make KCD2 thread to discuss recently leaks about the games <Mark anchors the thread and demands that Anons make a dedicated KCD thread for that discussion >Anons bring up Nintendo polices regarding censorship and banning games on the Switch in the Switch 2 thread <Mark deletes all of the post for being "derailment" and demands that Anons make a dedicated thread to discuss such content >A dedicated thread is made exactly for the purposes of discussing such content <Thread deleted That fuck is going on lately with Mark and /v/?
>>9812 Lately? Nothing. Always? He's an asshole.
>>9812 And it's still going!
>>9812 Nobody gives a shit about /v/eddit, nigger. Lurk better boards.
>>9799 >>9800 There's >>>/sexy but it's abandoned. You can claim it, if you want. >>9806 As long as he isn't posting hard dox information in his thread I don't think it breaks global rules (check the global rule compendium to see what's the difference between soft and hard dox) if everybody on /sm/ just ignored him then he'd fuck off. >>9809 Then claim it and ban the retard, do not wait for someone else to do the job for you.
Are any of the /v/ alternatves acitvely moderated or are they all abandoned?
>>9812 I am the one who made those posts and made the thread when they got deleted. My thread got deleted and then moved to the Minor News thread (how in the world is something that could affect what games even get made or released "minor"?). After a couple replies, it and the replies got deleted again before I could respond to them. How am I supposed to take this? I checked all the rules, both board and global, to ensure it didn't break any of them. The only thing I could come up with is the "GamerGate thread" rule if this is considered a GamerGate topic for some reason. But the /gg/ board is nothing but generals. Where am I supposed to take this if I cannot post it in /v/?
>>9810 >Tell Mark to tell shotakot to come back here. Wait Mark knows shotakot?
>>9818 Inside 8chan? no, zzz's /v/ is the only real alternative because all /v/ anons are beated wives who prefer to be rule cucked by a literal jew instead of having a real videogames board. You could try setting up your alternative board but, again, beated wives.
>>9821 >zzz /v/ >real videogames board wew laddy. Say what you will about cake kike, at least he tries to acknowledge shit in the meta threads. I have never had any of my criticisms responded to by a BO/admin in any zzz /v/ meta thread I've used. I remember their broken shitty posting captcha would constantly force posting to a standstill on their site for stretches of time and they would pretend like it wasn't a problem, I would unironically see people defending that shit as if the ability to post on the fucking site should be a challenge in and of itself. Now, unsurprisingly, they're nearly on the verge of death thanks to a variety of factors. The only good things to come out of zzzchan was the zzzine's first few issues, some past drawthreads, and a few random threads here and there. A large chunk of their userbase is autistic and obsessed with webring drama. 8moe's userbase used to be pretty good. These days it feels like there's more and more retards and less and less intelligent people though.
e-mail confirmation for accounts doesn't work. No confirmation e-mails are ever sent. Fix this please.
>>9825 It's been broken for about a year now with no potential fix announced. Codexx/Acid needs to get that shit fixed ASAP rather than pushing it off, or at least re enable board creation.
The vols on /v/ are now deleting ANY mention of censorship with video games!!! I thought this was just an oddity occuring with the Switch 2 announcement and Mark getting a stick up his ass, but I have now had Coyote deleting posts I made that include a passing mention of the Capcom Fighting Collection being censored and he just deleted a thread literally about video game censorship that includes the images you see attached to this post and this being the OP of the thread: >>1066763 >This is a thread to talk about instances of video games being censored. Here's some sites with the most extensive lists of vidya censorship occuring: https://censorship.fandom.com/wiki/Censorship:Index https://www.movie-censorship.com/list.php?k=4
>>9829 Fuck of GCFag
The site's been bugging out randomly today.
>>9829 >https://censorship.fandom.com/wiki/Censorship:Index A censorship FANDOM?! Did they ever leave wikia.com because of this?
>>9834 Why doesn't anyone mention wikia.org anymore?
redchannit died and all the backup domains are out.
>>9835 (((Fandom))) IS Wikia now.
>>9836 Yeah I used to use .se all the time and it has been down for a while. Hopefully they can get it all fixed up.
>>9823 What I mean by "real alternative" is that they have substantial activity, at least, substantial enough to have more than 10 posts a day. If you tried making a Markless board here you'd fail because /v/-niggers are beated wives used to the constant abuse as I pointed out before. >>9829 Nobody gives a fuck about /v/, faggot. Just post on better boards or make a better videogames board yourself.
>>9838 Doesn't .se get changes and features sooner?
>>9840 Websockets came to the se domain before the moe domain.
Onion has been gone for a while now, when are we gonna get a new one?
Post restoral should be possible from the post dropdown menu, not just the trash bin. If you see a post that needs restoring, you shouldn't have to go find that post a second time in the trashbin, which can be cumbersome on larger boards that have more trash.
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>>9842 If we get a new onion, can it be a vanity one that starts like "8chan" or "8chanmoe"?
Any news on the .se domain?
Is it true that the main guys (Codexx & Acid) don't actually own the main domain? And the /v/ guy owns it instead? This was a very bizarre discovery for me, I must admit. VERY bizarre.
>>9847 >is it true No. Where did you hear such a ridiculous rumor?
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Western Switch release of Kanon is confirmed to receive additional censorship that was not present in it's Japanese Switch release: >>>/bv/81 Tried to post this on >>>/gamergatehq/332314 but the board is locked. And any mention of this on /v/ is removed on sight by Coyote.
So Mark is now deleting posts from 'this very board" that are critical of him.
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>>9850 Huh, what the fuck.
>>9850 Unbelievably uncharacteristic behavior for Mr.Mann, it must be a falsehood.
>>9847 I'm pretty sure Mark just put up some of the money needed in the first place to get this place running, but I don't think he legally owns any part of it. >>9850 >>9851 >>9852 This is concerning, however, the post has been restored. I was content to just bitch about this on my dead board with one or two other disgruntled anons, but now I must bitch to higher authority. What the fuck? >>9849 >Tried to post this on >>>/gamergatehq/332314 How nu.ru? That's an archival board with migrated posts from the original 8chan. It has threads from 2016. >any mention of this on /v/ is removed on sight by Coyote. Given recent events, I'd bet it would be nuked from /vb/ as well.
>>9851 Also, archive everything. Caps can be faked and digging through mountains of logs later may be a pain. https://archive.is/6n3IP
>>9853 >I'm pretty sure Mark just put up some of the money needed in the first place to get this place running, but I don't think he legally owns any part of it. He owns the 8chan.moe domain name, and one other that I'm too lazy to reference from the /v/ meta thread where he talked about it, I think it was the 8chan.se domain. >>9854 I mean archiving Mark being Mark is pretty pointless. No one needs to be convinced that Mark is a sperg and will basically believe everything you say about him in relation to how he moderates at face value because 95% of the time it's true.
>>9855 Mark sperging is expected. Him deleting posts on the sitewide meta board is another issue. I'd like some proofs as to whether he owns the domains. I've been fairly convinced otherwise.
>>9856 >>>/v/1070079 The proof is Mark saying he owns them.
>>9857 Well I guess I'm retarded. But at least he doesn't own every domain. Though those posts are fairly recent, so I wouldn't have seen them as I haven't heard this brought up since near when this site was made.
>>9858 I don't really care that he owns them. I just found it funny that he does since Acid was so adamant about dissociating the site administration from Mark because of how many people don't like him. And then it ended up being even funnier once everyone realized Acid was even more retarded than Mark so the entire charade was completely moot.
>>9858 Well I care, what the fuck.
>>9850 >>9851 He was spamming the entire site with that shit, especially /v/. I have proof on the /v/ side of things as well. He should be banned sitewide, but I don't have permission to do that.
>>9864 > /a/, /vb/, and here? Excuse me, I mean /bv/. As, when I originally made the thread discussing game censorship on the Switch, you also banned the topic from /vb'.
>>9864 >"Sitewide" as in just posting the news item on /v/ (Attempted), /a/, /vb/, and here? I suspected as much. Mark's definition of spam can be flexible. /a/ is a little far though. Unless this game is based on an anime, I'd delete that post in good faith.
>>9862 And yet you did it anyways, what the fuck.
Excuse me, let me rewrite the entire thing so that it's one long post. >>9862 >He was spamming the entire site with that shit The only reason I "spammed" anything was because Coyote was deleting a news post about a just announced game on the Switch being censored. And had he never deleted the post, that wasn't breaking rules and had just happened (As in this news didn't exist elsewhere), I wouldn't have "spammed" anything. And even then, I gave up posting it about 20 minutes afterwards because I didn't see what "point" it was making other than showing that you're removing content that you don't like for no other reason than: <It's console war shit <It's GCfag <It's a spambot <It's blant shitstirring <It's an attempt to kill the board by making manufactured posts Fuck off with acting like a victim. >Banned for "sitewide spam" "Sitewide" as in just posting the news item on /v/ (Attempted) in the GG and VN thread (With one last "Hurrah" in the news and Switch 2 thread), >>>/a/4547 , >>>/bv/81 , and here (>>>/site/9849)? Really? Mark, you're doing this to yourself.
>>9867 No, he banned anon from /site/. Not sitewide. But I'm sure any of anon's rebuttals will deleted now for ban evasion, as well as "spam".
>>9866 >Unless this game is based on an anime <Kanon How new are you to have never heard of Kanon? It's a big eroge franchise in Japan, with anime and manga and everything. The fact that it's a VN also makes it relevant to /a/.
>>9862 >the entire site Complaining about you on boards you own then coming here to kvetch about it doesn't constitute a deletion here. This is literally the containment board for people to make the exact kind of post you deleted. How you are this shit at ignoring criticism of you after over a decade of this is beyond me. Especially for something this retarded.
>>9870 >How new are you to have never heard of Kanon? The name sounded familiar, but I never watched it. My bad. Carry on.
>>9869 >But I'm sure any of anon's rebuttals will deleted now for ban evasion, as well as "spam". I would like to admit I stand corrected for now. Though I don't know if my prediction failing is willing or not on Mark's part.
No one give a shit about your retarded manchildren hobby, /v/edittors. You are a bunch of beated wives, come crawl back inside Mark's anus.
>>9818 Herro. I made /vb/, and I check it daily. But it's only real activity is me and one other guy currently that have discovered some newly verboten topics on /v/. >>9819 >The only thing I could come up with is the "GamerGate thread" rule if this is considered a GamerGate topic for some reason. But the /gg/ board is nothing but generals. Herro newfliend. /gg/ is an archive board. How did you not know this? What gamergate rule? Are you sure you're not confusing 8moe rules with zchan rules? >>9874 Learn English. >>9823 >wew laddy. Say what you will about cake kike, at least he tries to acknowledge shit in the meta threads. The current issue is precisely because he's been deleting complaints even in meta threads, even on the "almost anything goes" board /vb/, under the pretense of it all being spam or gayops or what have you.
>>9850 Is Mark acting normal or not?
>>9875 i also check and post on /vb/ tho i dunno what to post nowadays
>>9877 >>9875 Sorry, I meant, /bv/. /vb/ is Mark's "/b/ with videogames".
>>9820 whys everyone know shotakot ? is it some boys love celebrity ?
>>9874 i saw pics of inside marks anus .... it was gnarly
Anybody knows if the admins plan on getting back to the site? Posts with bug reports/feature suggestions remain unanswered for months.
>>9882 Its getting ridiculous, at this point I'm starting to believe one of the theories I saw recently that the site will be shut down in a year or so. >>9875 Mark's been a gigantic fag as of late. For years it was a well-established practice since the old days of 8chan prime that shit shouldn't be deleted from the meta thread save in extreme cases of things like blatant spam/global violations but now any complaints he doesn't like are being deleted willy-nilly even from there without so much as a proper explanation, its fucking ridiculous.
>>9882 >>9883 I'm not sure how active /site/ is, but it is strange not seeing either Acid or Codexx in the IRC. Normally if they're not there, their names are greyed out, but when I went there to bring this nonsense up the other day, they were just gone. Acid is still showing up in recent global logs though, so either he's still around, or a skinwalker has taken over the site.
>>9884 Try harassing him over on Twatter and see what happens.
>>9885 I ain't got no Twitter and I ain't makin' one.
>>9883 >Its getting ridiculous, at this point I'm starting to believe one of the theories I saw recently that the site will be shut down in a year or so. There's no reason the site would shut down just because the the admins don't care to develop lynxchan any further. Even if Acid walked away he touted the fact there are multiple people to pass the site down to so it doesn't shut down.
>>9884 I just assumed they didn't want to post in meta threads because they weren't interested or were to busy to program the site any further. But if Codexx, who I believe is in charge of accepting new boards since the automated system has been down for like over a year now, is MIA, then that is actually a much larger issue. Can anyone confirm the last time a new board was created? Acid and Codexx not developing lynxchan any further is a relatively minor problem. But having the site in a state where no new boards can ever be created is a significant issue.
>>9888 >Can anyone confirm the last time a new board was created? I asked Codexx to approve me making /bv/ a month ago around when Mark started his latest kerfluffle, because owning three boards is the soft cap before you need approval to make any more. What's down is the automated system for email confirmation to make your first board.
>>9887 >Even if Acid walked away he touted the fact Where? >there are multiple people to pass the site down to Who besides Codexx?
>>9890 >Where? He's talked about this since day one. I don't have any specific quote or archive. >Who besides Codexx? I believe there's some third admin or dev but I don't recall his name or who he is.
Doesn't look like things are going well here... Maybe it'll make me feel better to summarize what happened.
>>9892 I doubt it, but go for it anyway.
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>be me >site does not open via VPN >site owner disabled creation new bypasses >now 24+ hours cant post even with tor browser can you do something about this? check protonmail specified in the contacts section, sent you ip of my vpn
>>9892 Shoot, man.
>>9893 >>9895 Whoops! I meant "Doesn't look like things are going well here... Maybe it'll make me feel better if I get a summary of what happened."
>>9896 Admins vanish from site, site starts bugging out randomly, e-mail confirmation for accounts doesn't work, backup domains go down, Redchannit for tor times out on cloudflare, admins vanish from chat, posts with bug reports/feature suggestions remain unanswered for months, site does not open via VPN, Error 404 Not Found, failed to load resource, disabled creation new bypasses, 24+ hours someone can't post even with tor browser
>>9896 And I doubt it will.
>>9897 All of the admins at once? Wtf? How long has Parias been gone? Because I noted he didn't respond to me almost a year ago, but I haven't heard of him anywhere else either.
>>9894 That happens when spam is ongoing. The idea is that the current userbase that mostlyt already has bypasses can continue posting while spam is stalled by the inability to make new bypass. Of course, nothing stops someone from stocking up bypasses ahead of time if they truly wanted to continue spamming, but no one has as of yet been that dedicated. >>9899 I haven't seen Parias in a long time. I figured he left and it was just Acid and Codexx now.
>>9900 >current userbase that mostlyt already has bypasses You understand that i'm a new user from 15 febr this year? I didn't post before, and haven't bypass for VPN ip adress. Without VPN same error page, can post only via tor browser. And when mod turns off creation new bypasses, I can't post generally, just read-only.
>>9902 Which site?
>>9897 >site does not open via VPN, Error 404 Not Found This is not really a recent problem. The guru meditation things have happened intermittently for years and I haven't personally experienced it even on a VPN for a long time now. I don't even think Acid has ever done anything on his end to "fix" them, they just go away on their own somehow.
>>9903 It was moe but it's not expired anymore, shit loads so fucking slowly when it is expired.
>>9897 I guess that means the fallback plan's all outdated...
Someone forgot to renew the certs!
>>9909 It already expired after 34 hours?
>>9909 Aww, what could go wrong?
Again with the certs? This is the third time now? What the hell is happening?
Large scale DDoS attacks tripping the frontend host's network protections. To be more specific, the certs are valid, but when this happens the traffic is routed through their DDoS guard network, which messes them up for a while. On the upside, the site isn't knocked offline.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 02/22/2025 (Sat) 00:52:55.
Certs look broken because your browser is expecting the normal 8moe cert, but is receiving these instead. tl;dr it'll pass.
>>9913 >>9914 ACID TWO QUESTIONS!!! First, where have you been for the past month? Second, what the Hell is going on with Mark's moderation of /v/?
>>9915 Acid is the somehow even more retarded version of Mark. It will never not be hilarious watching people try to appeal to him to deal with Mark when they could just make their own board.
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>>9915 I've been here every day, just not posting. Check the hotpocket logs. :P Codexx is here too, although Parias may be retiring. We've just all been up to our asses IRL, and Codexx has been going ham with the 8tv stream site software. As for Mark, he's just Mark. I can take up the question with the other guys but BOs aren't my wheelhouse normally. There is a site meta update coming soon, if that makes you feel better.
>>9917 >As for Mark, he's just Mark. I 'm not accepting that excuse because both him and his new best buddy Coyote have had a chip on their shoulder over the past month, that did not exist before, and have been wiping /v/ of anything and everything negative about modern gaming or "just because". From how it's no longer possible to talk about game censorship in any capacity to Mark wiping any and all discontent from meta threads both on /v/ and on this very board: >>9851
>>9917 >There is a site meta update coming soon can't wait to see how many more people you snitched on to the authorities for posting no no pictures.
>>9918 >I 'm not accepting that excuse What you will or will not accept as an excuse is irrelevant. The entire point of the site is admins having minimal interference and control over boards and their owners. If Acid "stepped in" to deal with the minute details of /v/ moderation then there would be no reason for anyone to use this site at all. It would just be another top-down cuckchan imageboard. Kill yourself retard.
>>9918 >I'm not accepting that excuse Will you accept the excuse that it's probably just his period? Someone said it comes every time there's a new Nintendo console coming out. >>9917 >As for Mark, he's just Mark. I can take up the question with the other guys but BOs aren't my wheelhouse normally. It kinda is when he moderates /site/ as well with this same behavior, and his actions on this board obviously not being allowed given they were repeatedly reversed.
>>9920 >The entire point of the site is admins having minimal interference and control over boards and their owners. See >>9921 >It kinda is when he moderates /site/ as well with this same behavior, and his actions on this board obviously not being allowed given they were repeatedly reversed.
>>9922 It's stupid but not particularly relevant since it's just being used as a proxy for retards that want Acid to fuck with /v/. Acid has already stated /site/ is his "personal" board and he decided Mark is allowed to moderate it. If Acid didn't want Mark doing what Mark always does then he wouldn't have him as a mod here. So obviously he doesn't give a shit. You might have an argument if he was a gvol, but he isn't.
>>9920 >It would just be another top-down cuckchan imageboard it is only the one at the top is cakekike just like the one at the top of 8kun is jim even though he appointed his son to be the admin as a fall guy. why would a jew lead from the front when they can lead from the back and have the good goys take the flak instead? the site is only called 8chan in the first place because of mark's petty grievance against jim so hes been calling the shots from the very beginning. you can call acid a cuck and make fun of him all you want because hes there to be a punching bag but talk about how much of a jewcy boi mark is and watch what happens. its the one you can't criticize that rules over you.
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Its one thing to complain about a BO who does something specific that you dislike or think is unfair, and its completely another thing to try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes with spooky sounding divide and conquer bullshit like we haven't seen that a thousand times. There's nothing new under the sun.
>>9925 >responding to lcp Like I said, Acid is an even more retarded version of mark.
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>>9925 Like the other anon said, thinks for responding only to the guy who is obviously making arguments in bad faith. I see the truth now. Mark deleting posts on the sitewide meta board criticizing him is totally fine, and whoever undeleted and unbanned the anon who made those posts was just falling spooky divide and conquer tactics.
>>9925 >and its completely another thing to try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes with spooky sounding divide and conquer bullshit What is "D&C" about this post: >>>/a/4559 That required it's remove from /v/: https://archive.ph/TWm9P#selection-2525.49-2525.57 And from the Goober thread no less: >>>/v/1072710 <And all the other posts following it answering the question of why the certs were expiring and directing people to your own post up here: >>9913
>>9917 Do you guys still accept feature suggestions? Board-level TABS is probably the most desired one, but there may be a few other little things that board owners would appreciate. I'm glad you're still working on the site and stuff, but it's hard to hear from you. Also, there's still a bug when you double-click on a colored ID. Personally, it annoys me. It's not supposed to be there.
>A file had a format that is not allowed by the server. You get this with some mp4 files, but not others. Man, it's really tiresome talking about bug reports & feature requests in this thread, you simply never get a response. I don't see a point in "meta updates" when even basic issues are not addressed.
>>9930 You're a bug
>>9925 Is Codexx fucking dead? Will anyone ever reply to mod mails?
Niggas, lift global VPN permabans (reason: GR1 GR2).
Acid and Codexx, how long will /delicious/ be allowed to ignore the global rules with impunity? See the below text and above images, deleted from /v/ for derailing or something. >>>/v/1075302 >Sherry You do know that's banned here too because her face is rotoscoped from a real kid, right? I'm surprised those mods that aren't explicit are still up, because that's more than what's allowed here >>>/delicious/28646 >DO NOT POST THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS: >Sherry Birkin (Resident Evil 2: Remake) Speaking of, what's disallowed on /delicious/ was even more wide reaching when this rule was implemented four years ago >>>/delicious/144 >3DCG featuring realistic original characters or characters modeled after a real child is prohibited. But apparently, these rules aren't very important, because the last two SFM threads dropped the banned character list, and not only do they feature those characters, they feature them with fucking MAP pedo flags, by a name fag no less >>>/delicious/53169 . Seems like /delicious/ is being neglected and the pedoniggers are coming to roost again. And yes, that is specifically the Resident Evil 2 Remake model that was rotoscoped from a real kid and is illegal to make lewds of since it's considered the legal equivalent of photoshopping a picture of the real girl into porn. And it's been up for 20 days, to say nothing of everything else from the last two SFM threads. >>>/v/1075297 Danke anon. I never heard of this one. >>>/v/1075333 Agreed, and navigating the forums to actually get them is a pain.
>>9935 Did you actually report the posts or are you just complaining that gvols don't scan every single 3DPD CGI garbage that gets posted on that board?
>>9936 Yes, but I shouldn't have to in this case, and I was never blaming the gvols. These aren't one-off posts in a sea of safe material. Both the global and local rules have been flagrantly violated for years if you even just glance at the last couple SFM threads. This is neglect by the BO and local vols.
>>9935 >>9936 >>9937 >>>/delicious/54156 I believe neglecting a board where illegal content is regularly posted might be a serious issue. Y'know, maybe check on that. Remade the posts because I made an error.
Tell your global mods not to issue global permanent bans to what may be public VPNs. This affects normal users too.
>>9941 I don't think permabans are truly permanent, but it's probably a good practice to not make any ban last too long, or else IP hopper will abuse the system as you said to intentionally get swathes of VPNs banned just like they are by default on cuckchan.
>>9941 Who are you talking to?
>>9943 Well, maybe you should rub your two braincells together and think about it for half a second? This is the site wide meta thread, and anon specifies global mods, so presumably, he's speaking to the site admins and all global volunteers. Was this leap of logic really beyond you?
>>9944 He probably just meant admins. I mean. Whats a global gonna say other than "no, eat shit, thats the policy, I dont make the law I just enforce it, don't bitch at me, etc."
>>9945 >Whats a global gonna say other than "no, eat shit, thats the policy, I dont make the law I just enforce it, don't bitch at me, etc." You're right. I had expected something more reasonable like "yeah, that system is easily abused, I'll be more careful and let the others know", and even if it's against policy I'd might've expected "You're right, but permabans are policy, so I'll talk to the admins about revising the policy to be more practical." But that would be assuming anything other than 99% of people in moderation positions being there for any other reason than to powertrip, which is totally naïve of me. For example, I just taught, (or rather reminded, but act like he didn't know about it), Mark how to totally memoryhole posts with an exploit in the post editing system so people can't even see when he's deleting them or what was deleted, regardless of liveposting, and he immediately starting abusing the power. I look forward to this behavior pissing off more anons.
>>9946 Oh, and he's already using it on someone other than me. I helped feed a monster.
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>>9946 I just thought of a name for this too. I dub this power, "shadow deletion". Deletions still show up in the logs, but the end user won't be able to see what's deleted and thus question it, and anyone not paying enough attention won't even notice it happening, thus eroding the transparency of moderation actions. I wonder if there are other ways to make Mark even more of a menace? Oh wow, he presumably got bypass creation disabled site wide because of one guy (me) who was barely even being a nuisance in a single thread and had stopped posting for over 20 minutes. Should he be able to do that? You'd think a minor annoyance in a single thread wouldn't be justification for fucking over anyone else who has yet to have made a bypass recently. Guess I'll make this post later. Maybe I should learn how to stock bypasses so he'll try even more drastic measures to silence anything he doesn't like? Accelerationism ho!
>>9948 Also, this exploit has existed pretty much since liveposting was first introduced. It's come up now and then over the years, but has never been fixed, and despite openly posting about it here, I doubt it ever will be. How many years now has account email verification been broken so that no one can make a new board if they didn't already make an account years ago? This site's development has been dead for ages now. Whatever small growth occurs from other sites taking refuge here like the taco boards is totally kneecapped by the fact that the site admins have been slowly abandoning it and engaging less and less with users besides taking care of global reports. This is how imageboards die. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. Which is why I'm totally in favor of encouraging Mark to burn his own house down faster so that something new can grow from the ashes. Also because Mark is a cunt.
I wish we could bring back Codexx or Acid and make them implement a board-level bypass limit somehow. I bet you could make something like a bypass whitelist with a "fetch from thread" button in like five minutes. Timestamps is another idea. I'm sure we could work it out. It's not just one anon that needs this, every board will benefit from it. I believe the ability to shield from shitters will also reduce the amount of board drama ITT. If /v/ can do it on behalf of the entire site, it's not fair that other boards can't do it for themselves. Jeez, I wish Codexx or Acid replied at least once.
>>9951 >Jeez, I wish Codexx or Acid replied at least once. Acid replied just recently though. >>9925 Only it was entirely dismissive of any concerns and pretty much aimed at LCP instead of anyone else with real questions.
>>9946 >>9947 >>9948 >>9950 >>9951 >>9952 >>9953 This is a psy-op meant to D&C between Acid and Mark. Mark knows what's best for /v/ and always has, and even if he doesn't, it's none of Acid's business how he runs his board. If bypass creation needs to be disabled sitewide to stop spam, so be it. The site is pretty much perfect and feature complete at this point. Don't listen to anyone bitching about stagnation, they've been doing it since 2014. >>9946 >an exploit It's called a feature. Posts that are deleted should not be seen. They're trash and allowing people to see them only encourages derailing. Almost nowhere else on the net lets you see a post that's been deleted under any circumstances, so transparency is at equal or greater levels then the entire rest of the internet regardless of if this feature is used. Fuck off with your gayops.
>>9954 >if someone is spamming one board the every other board should suffer <Mark knows what's best
>>9954 >The site is pretty much perfect and feature complete at this point. as in >have a small comfy board >have a group of dedicated haters >can't leave the board for long because there's no way to restrict posting to current users >the feature in question is not even hard to implement Anyway, only the guys running the place are worth talking to
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/8flags/ presents to /site/ this flag of Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
>>9957 Impressive, very nice.
>>9957 I might revise one thing. The little bump of hair on her head.
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>>9948 >He has now spread this practice to his vols
>>>/v/1075666 >banned for meta in the meta thread ahahahahahaahahaha <User Mark banned the posters of the following posts: 1075665 from board /v/ until Sun Mar 02 2025 12:59:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "meta".
So all day I've been hitching in games and thinking my computer was fucked. Turns out every time Mark does his cute editing a post in a thread to wipe the deleted post history meme it spikes my CPU and causes microstutters in games. I essentially can't have the GG thread open at all because they've been doing it non-stop all fucking day and I almost lost my mind until I realized what was going on.
>>9962 >His toaster is so trash it can't handle the latest features of 8chan Sounds like a (You) problem. Stop being poor.
>>9962 Also, you could literally just turn off liveposting. Only spam is ever deleted and you won't miss it, unless you're the spammer and you're trying make it out like deleting spam is the problem and not the spam itself.
Sorry for not checking in sooner. I've had to handle a plumbing emergency and Acid has been picking up extra shifts. This board is usually pretty quiet. >>9941 The ban length corresponds to the rule broken. Global Rule 2 violations are, generally, a permaban. The ban applies to the user and not the IP. For that reason, we do regularly purge permabanned VPN IPs from the ban list. >>9950 New accounts get approved for board creation via manual e-mail verification all the time. There were some delays last year, primarily due to cockmail being down, but I try to check e-mails every few days and take care of any requests. Automation will come but will require some backend upgrades. >>9954 The site is far from feature complete. As of the last major update, I feel we met our original features planned when the site launched about four years earlier. There are still numerous bugs to fix and features to implement. My time has been focused on 8TV since that site has been very unstable and needs some additional love and care.
>>9965 Don't listen to the haters Codexx and Acid. Mark using the deleted post editing memoryholing feature and that causing a memory leak is not a real issue. Bad actors just need to download more RAM. Mark and Coyote did it all day yesterday in the GG thread and that thread never used more than 50% of my memory.
why guru meditation with russian ip?
>>9965 Wow, it's really damn nice seeing you around! Glad there's still work in progress! On a side note, my fellow VPN users reported that they frequently run into the following error: "Error 404 Not Found Guru Meditation". I'm aware that a few locations are affected by this, but what's worse, some VPNs got hit too. From my understanding, this is from a few years ago, when the board experienced heavy & nasty spam by particular individuals, but now there are newer measures in place such as TABS and more global mods. So it may be time to consider lifting at least some of these. There are a few other, less pressing issues that I'll bring up at a more opportune moment. Thank you for your serivce, guys, and keep up the good work!
>>9954 >Mark knows what's best for /v/ and always has Let me XD at you XD
>>9957 >>9958 >>9959 The revised version of the Asuka flag*
>>9968 I have never encountered that. If you get a Guru Meditation in the wild please grab a screenshot along with any other details. I'll see if there are any relevant logs. That should definitely not be happening.
>>9971 I remember reading here that Acid configured it that way against particularly bad actors a long while ago. If I get it right, the blocked locations include Russia and Israel, but I've also heard someone from the Netherlands complain about it, as well as several VPN users. An example of this error was already posted ITT >>9894 I can see it was discussed in the past >>8410 but now the problem reemerged because of new anons. I've asked a few other anons who experienced it, more screenshots & details are to follow.
>>9961 By what's going on in the GG thread, you objectively deserved to be banned. On sight. For posting anything at all.
>>9973 I agree he shouldn't spam, but retroactive justification is also stupid. It's like saying. Jimbo was justified in banning loli because after he did so, people spammed loli in protest.
>censoring attempts to communicate with site admins and not waste their time Guess I'll email codexx then
>>9976 I still have not received your e-mail.
>>9977 He's a spammer. He's likely just spouting bullshit. However, Mark having now realized the power to shield his deletion actions from criticism by editing posts, and doing so in this thread instead of just on /v/, is a real concern that may not have arisen without the spammer pushing him.
Oh, and since the post editing trick doesn't work as well with tor, I can actually still see what he edited away here.
>>9978 >Mark having now realized the power to shield his deletion actions from criticism by editing posts He's know about that exploit for years. He just has shelled it out until the past month, mostly because the live-posting feature was broken for several months.
>>9980 He's never abused it like this despite it being an bug since liveposting first came about on 8moe, and he only started doing so after this cunt brought it up. >>9946 He may have known about it before and just forgotten, but he never beat the shit out of that edit post button like this to the point that anons are experiencing memory leaks and CPU spikes.
So now because of both Mark and the spammer's actions, absolutely no one can post on the site for the next 24 hours. Also, the IRC is down.
>>9982 >both sides are bad That's some bitch Oliver Jia shit right there
>>9982 >absolutely no one can post on the site for the next 24 hours. But you just posted?
>>9983 Who's been antagonizing people for the past two months just because they disagree with him? >>9984 That's because my phone's browser never wipes the cache. Meanwhile I run my desktop's browser wipes the history and the chache whenever I close it.
>>9985 So you mean, you can't freely IP hop right now and will have to behave or be banned? What a tragedy. :^)
>>9986 Yes, because spammers are the "only" people who use Tor/Private Browsing/Guest mode/Incognito. Absolutely no one else uses those for anything from security purposes to the admin control panel.
>>9987 Using tor does not necessitate constantly changing your node. I've been on Tor this whole time. Bypass creation being disabled isn't going to last 24 hours either. It's going to last until there are moderators available to handle the spam in real time. This happened just yesterday, and it lasted from when Mark and Coyote went to sleep to when they woke up. Only people who happen to be IP hopping and happen to be active in the wee hours of the night when 90% of this site's userbase is asleep will be temporarily inconvenienced. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
>>9988 >Using tor does not necessitate constantly changing your node. Yes, because the average person leaves a browser open 24/7. >It's going to last until there are moderators available to handle the spam in real time. And Mark DDOSing people's computers is not showong that he can "handle" it? >Only people who happen to be IP hopping and happen to be active in the wee hours of the night when 90% of this site's userbase is asleep will be temporarily inconvenienced There was several periods over the past few weeks where I couldn't post because of Mark's antics triggering the bypass feature. Not to mention going on entire banning sprees just because someone asks WTF is going on also triggering a site bug where regular Anons are permabanned without ever having made a post.
>>9989 >Yes, because the average person leaves a browser open 24/7. They do. The real problem children have 30+tabs open. >And Mark DDOSing people's computers is not showong that he can "handle" it? This is an exaggeration of the bug. >Not to mention going on entire banning sprees just because someone asks WTF is going on Spam is what is going on and it's quite obvious. Replying to and talking about spam is aiding the spammer in their attempt to make any given thread about their spam instead of its intended topic. >also triggering a site bug where regular Anons are permabanned without ever having made a post. Never heard of this. You're probably making it up to concern troll. :^)
In addition, another issue that's not helping matters is that the site's big "feature" gimmick that you can make your own board, but that feature is rendered useless when vols delete posts that appropriately link to other boards as (1) a source for a discussion or (2) to direct people to the more appropriate topic because it's their posts are offtopic in the thread they're currently posting in, or go so far as to filter board names because you're so fucking petty that anyone who doesn't want to post on the biggest board on the site "must absolutely" be a "bad actor" instead of just people tired of your shit or any other of the previous reasons mentioned. >>9990 >This is an exaggeration of the bug. <Multiple reports of games crashing or slowing to a crawl because of Mark editing posts every minute >Spam is what is going on and it's quite obvious. Even when that spam is over and you're seeing posts left up that link to now-deleted posts?
>>9985 Mark will fuck the entire site over instead of restoring a single post
>>9992 Yes.
>>9990 >They do. Not when they Tor keeps locking up they don't. >>9988 Aren't there suppose to be moderators and vols to cover around the clock?
Is there a way to make bypasses board specific?
>>9995 That would be the best possible solution. It would probably have to be programed from scratch to work like that though.
Tbh the word "temporary" inconvenience doesn't have much value coming from this administration, there have been so many flakes at this point that it's ridiculous. Watch as new bypass creation "forgets" to be turned back on, but this is getting fucking stupid.
>>9997 They remembered yesterday morning without issue, they'll remember today. Stop being such a negative Nelly. This happened literally yesterday without half as much bitching.
Even if Mark is absolutely in the wrong for deleting anon's post initially, since anon spammed in retaliation, Mark cannot and should not apologize nor restore his post. That's giving into imageboard terrorism, and will only open the gates for anyone and everyone else to spam until they get their way whether their way is for better or for worse. On the other side. Pic related is currently what the spammer is spamming, and I'm pretty sure Mark is lying about being unable restore the post, unless he talking from same anti-terrorist perspective as I am, because spam shouldn't effect a post being restorable and posts remain in the trash for like 3 days or something.
(459.92 KB 624x480 I'm tired of this life.png)

And we're back to meta topics being deleted from the Meta thread!!! Today's subject, asking what happened to /a/: >>>/v/1077102 >Why is >>>/a/ no longer listed across the top of the board alongside other boards like /co/?
>>10001 >>Why is >>>/a/ no longer listed across the top of the board alongside other boards like /co/? I've always assumed that was because people who want to talk about anime just go to PLW or Smuglo. Meanwhile there isn't /co/ equivalent in the webring and it seems there isn't interest to set one (there isn't interest here either but that's besides the point). Acktually I'm lying, there IS a bunker, the thing is /co/ anons are newfags so they didn't know about it, so they prefered coming back to 8kun and hang out there instead of moving to the official bunker.
>>10001 You don't post. Thats what happened.
>>10001 >>Why is >>>/a/ no longer listed across the top of the board alongside other boards like /co/? That's not /v/ meta, that's /a/ meta or /site/ meta and also you're outing yourself as a newfaggot retard. The top boards list is for TOP boards. It changes automatically and /a/ has 0PPH and 2 users.
>>9925 Hey Acid. Dog globally deleted someone shilling their lolicon Dicksword server on /loli/. Was it reported or something? I understand these sort of shill posts are suspect, but if they have to be deleted just to be safe, then the entire shill containment thread on /loli/ needs to be deleted. I'm not fond of them either, but if they specify fiction only like this one then I don't see a huge issue with them being in a containment thread. Please give me a decision on this, as I'd rather not hold onto a thread full of stuff you've decided is globally banned.
Are there no globals on right now? /delicious/ needs to be modded.
>>10006 Have you reported it? I just did. /delicious/ is also abandoned for the umpteenth time. Boards like /delicious/ and /b/ really can't be left unmoderated since they're fairly active and prone to these kinds of illegal posts.
>>10007 >Have you reported it? A couple of times, yeah. And then I left a post to check the overboard in /v/ meta thread which got deleted.
>>10008 Yeah, Mark has been pretty trigger happy for the last couple months now. I made /bv/ just to finish posting about what he was banning on /v/ and /vb/ and now it exists as place to safely comment on whatever retardation he has going on without shitting up /site/ or being drowned out on /b/, or dragging the mess to ziggerchan. But I do think it's necessary to bring up some things, mostly already brought up by others, on /site/ when he does the same things he's doing on /v/ on /site/, and when his constant post editing is actually exacerbating a bug that effects the average user.
>>10007 Yeah, I agree. Something needs to be done if those boards aren't removing said content. How active have they been about removing CP anyway? Are globals the only ones removing it? If so then that's a problem.
>>10010 Just get cake off the homepage, problem solved. Zoophilia too.
>>10010 The thing is CP spammers tend to strike when they know there's no one to cover the board, so in general globals tend to catch most of it from most boards anyway, unless it's a super active board like /v/ or /hisparefugio/
>>10013 /delicious/ and /b/ are in the top boards. They need local supervision much more than the dozens of dead boards that get 1 post a day. I reluctantly oversaw /b/ for a time since no one bothered to un-vol me and there's no option to unvol myself, but I stopped when someone else other than Codexx finally took over the board.
>>10014 Speaking of, a good moderation feature for the globals is an overboard/latest posts dedicated to boards that have had very little average activity for long periods of time.
(861.00 B 48x48 big lain codexx.png)

(577.00 B 16x16 smol lain codexx.png)

For Codexx, we present this flag of Lain.
>>10004 >The top boards list is for TOP boards. I am not talking about the site board. I'm talking about the section at the top of every single board on the site that is under the control of the board owner and can be altered however he so pleases. In the picture attached to this posts, you see what that section looks like for /v/. Up until today, /a/ used to be listed between /co/ and /wsj/. It was gone this morning, with the only remnant of it being the extra comma. So I asked Mark, in the /v/ meta thread, why it is that he removed /a/ from a section of the site that he specifically and exclusively has control over. And that post was deleted. What does this have to do with site metrics or board popularity? Have since reloaded the page, it looks like it has since been re-added, but the extra comma remains, and most posts are still deleted.
>>10017 I am indeed a jackass and misunderstood the question because there's multiple lists of boards across the top of the board that can include /co/ and /a/. I am now in full agreement, Mark is a fucking dickweed if he deleted your post asking why he took /a/ off the related/friend board list. I have a tab open right now where I can see that it is gone. My guess is he is trying to fix whatever he's fucked up that made some commas red while some commas are part of the board links, and his super moderator autism has simply decided to shotgun delete any posts at random that talk about anything meta. Most likely, he, a second time, deleted something he saw as "meta" without realizing it was in the meta thread because he doesn't check that shit and just regularly deletes posts from the latest posts page. Granting that this is a dick move, it's still not a /site/ topic, just a /v/ meta topic. So I invite you to discuss it on /bv/ where Mark can't fondle your posts, since he can and has done so to posts here.
>>10017 >>10018 This is the most blatant shilling I've ever seen. Kill yourselves.
>>10019 Oh hai Mark :^)
>>10020 >everyone I don't like is Mark This is why this site is dead.
>>10001 Who gives a shit? It's already restored anyway.
>>10021 >What is :^) >>10022 Anon's post is still deleted. Being unable to ask even innocuous questions in the meta thread is an issue.
>>10022 >Who gives a shit? People with no life who are too stupid to evade bans.
>>10024 And also gay people, a venn diagram of both with users of /v/ is just a circle.
>>10025 There's a reason they're called /v/ermin by every other board since time immemorial.
Um... what's going on? All I see is stuff like "Mark isn't acting like himself today..."
>>10027 All I'm waiting for is someone to claim /sm/ since shotakot won't anymore.
>>10028 You can make an account and send an email to codexx to verify it, and after that you can claim /sm/ and become its new BO.
>>10028 Has he specifically said thet he wont or do you mean he just abandoned and won't come back?
>>10026 I've only seen the most sycophantic smugfags call /v/ users /v/ermin. >>10017 Weird.
>>10033 It's the whole last three threads, for the last couple years. >>>/delicious/54156 And before that, the BO and vols thought it was a good idea to allow links to globally banned content. And /delicious/ is abandoned again. The whole thing is just totally neglected. CP could be slipped in among the noise and no one would notice because no one is watching.
>>10005 I've emailed the siteadmin account.
>>10033 >>10034 >>10035 Individually report the offending posts.
>>10037 >Go spend a couple hours filling out several hundred captchas for over two years of posts No. That is not my responsibility. I've made the site staff well aware of the issue and that it is more than one post.
>>10028 The reason why is because imhentai.xxx recently got "You can't view everything unless you're logged in" syndrome, just like Newgrounds did 3 years ago.
Any updates on the .se domain?

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