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Indie Games Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 23:22:13 Id: d2aad4 No. 971529
After years of avoiding indie games like the plague because of how cancerous the community surrounding them is, I've finally decided to give them a try. I really love the 16 and 32 bit eras of games but I've played virtually all of the ones from that period that I would be interested in to death and the only people who seem to still be making games like that are indies. But there are so many out there and I'm certain 99% of them are bad so I need your help. What are the best indie games reminiscent of old 16 and 32 bit games? I'm up for pretty much any genre, 2D or 3D, except horror and roguelikes. They don't have to look exactly like games from back then but I'd prefer something that doesn't push gay/tranny/furry/feminist pozz; at least, not explicitly. I've already tried Undertale and I didn't like it. Also, general indie games thread.
>>988327 I really liked it from what I saw. It's very refreshing to see just a plain horror game but I'm curious how good it'll actually turn out since the developer is so new. The guy making it originally started off by remaking Garten of Ban Ban in a single week, then decided to just go ahead and make an original game since it was way easier than he thought.
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>>988629 I thought he was reaching out to a dangling cock in the bottom right. haha
>>971529 Has anyone played the CD-i parody game? The one with a black princess and animated by WalrusGuy?
>>989597 I haven't since it doesn't really interest me.
>>989615 Never understood why they thought it was a good idea on the first place, what made the CD-i games so fucking hilarious is because of Phillips desperately trying to stay relevant by leeching on popular franchises only to dick slap their braindead consumers. As expected the game's cutscenes fall flat or don't have any memorable scenes because it was done on purpose and added some subtle poz like making the princess being a dyke and pushing for democracy (wtf it's like the Al Gore law where you must propagate liberalism into your art or else), unlike the struggling slavs unintentionally trying their hardest and coming out with the most heinous, disastrous animation traumatizing or leaving a bad taste to any devoted sucker who blew more than $1000 USD.
>>989965 Anon, they brought in a Youtube Poop artist to work on the game, this was targeted at the late millennial/early Zoomers born 1996-2001 who grew up watching the old Zelda CDI Squadallah Dinner PINGAS era YTPs in the late 2000's and are now old enough to be nostalgia pandered to.
>>989973 Shouldn't they have just tried to make something funny then instead? But then again it already looks lower effort than a lot of other YoutubePoops I've seen.
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>>990646 They could've made it like pibby, where it's meta and has lots of ytp refefences. It could've been the next ebin tumblrtale
>>990675 >file is not named "niggertonguedmyanus"
>>990675 I'm not really sure what would haven been worse, it's like comparing similar looking turds.
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>>990646 >No parodies >No absurd violence <Not even a sex joke besides the librarian being teased over her gay sex books Even a surviving ytp from a decade ago is a lot funnier than whatever they came up with. >>990675 Fucking Pibby is just another of the many preschooler spooky shows/games that have been done to death, they had to throw in other franchises so it could stay relevant.
You lads like turn based tactics? I got rec'd Reverse Collapse the other day and it was pretty dope. Story's quite long but the gameplay is quite challenging for what it is since you cant just brute force it in the year of CY+8, and there's barely any stat padding in this game so you have to use your shit and think your way out. There are mandatory stealth missions but thankfully they're not timed missions which are the worst, and the stealth missions are glorified puzzles anyways. The gameplay seems to be about 30 -40 hours along and from the looks of it i'm at the halfway point. There's also a challenge+ mode that fucks your shit up by adding elite enemies more often. Funny how the Chinese managed to do actual games for once and NOT another fucking gacha game.
>>971529 Pokerogue, it's do-able in a version where the main dev hasn't left, not like current <Cyrus challenged you to battle with Darkrai, Mesprite, Mega Houndoom and Howling Moon <Viable pokemons are nerfed because reasons
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>>988327 Rambley has such an sincerity you just don't see a lot in vidya, let alone horror. Even though the game is free I would not be surprised if the dev becomes wealthy off of merchandise.
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Saw this and it looks like it could be fun. It's a shitposting rhythm game where you play as a terminally online creepy girl who's goal is to spread her conspiratorial brain rot to as many followers as possible while overdosing on denpa tunes.
>>993712 Reminds me I need to get a Steam Next Fest thread going.
>>988327 Rambley unironically sounds like a faggot, not suprising that VA's username is OtterBoy.
UFO 50 is nice.
Now that 2024's over, what were its best indies? Looking for new releases to play that aren't AAAss and will run on my bad laptop.
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>>1053279 A lot of people really loved Pacific Drive, though I personally found it to be rather repetitive and not well designed. A huge portion of the game's upgrades are locked behind the Deep-Zone, a region of the game you spend maybe 3 missions in 90 minutes from the end credits. If you like Morrowind, there's Dread Delusion. I should correct myself - if you like the concept of Morrowind, there's Dread Delusion. Do not expect the same level of game design and writing, it's also braindead easy. UFO 50 is possibly my favorite of the year, I'd need to sit with it a big longer to decide for sure. I'd recommend you go into it with as little info as possible, it's such an interesting and unique idea for a game. Without spoiling too much, do you know the idea of a concept album? Well, UFO 50 is a "concept game". You're playing through 50 games of the fictional developer UFO Soft. That's the premise, if it at all interests you then check it out without looking into it. Easily one of the best games of the decade. Mouthwashing is a game you've probably already heard of by now, but if you somehow haven't, it's another game you should look into as little as possible before playing. It's a very short, 2-3 hour psychological horror game set inside a tiny cargo spacecraft. There's no supernatural monsters or ayylums attacking you, the tension entirely comes from the crew and their interactions. Worth watching a playthrough at the least. Every motherfucker I know is going crazy about Balatro, it's a roguelike deckbuilder, but this one's gimmick is that it's based on poker. If you like those you'll love it, if you don't you won't. The Taiwanese Metroidvania Nine Sols is being hailed by some as the "real" Hollow Knight: Silksong, as Team Cherry seemingly can't fucking finish that game. One of the big breakouts this year was Animal Well, another Metroidvania and the only game that contends for my GOTY against UFO 50. Unlike most Metroidvanias, this one is based around puzzle-solving, having no combat. It's very open-ended and respects player intelligence, it also had some big ARG puzzles if you're into that. I'm not remotely smart enough for that kind of thing.
>>1053279 Theres also atlyss, unrailed 2, psychopomp, quest master, emberward, and a handful of gameboy studio games or lookalikes, although the other anon's list has more general appeal and play-value.
>>971547 all of these are trash. dont waste your fucking money. especially the shit called "touhou" based on indie poor ero novel.
>>1053311 From the handful of studio games what's worth playing?
>>971738 Imagine breaking a core rule to add something that looks like a grumpy turd
>>971529 i always do my research when looking at indie games. for example, did you know that if your indie game has "ps1 styled graphics" the chances of it being a tranny developer skyrocket tenfold? i cant even explain that one myself. i already fell for Lunacid and refunded...
i know you're hanging around here you fag where is the game where is it its been like 4 years
>>1055589 Why do you think he's hanging around here? Is he an AGDGer?
>>1055583 >for example, did you know that if your indie game has "ps1 styled graphics" the chances of it being a tranny developer skyrocket tenfold? Compared to games or compared to indie games? Trannies are always on computers to develop games and have no graphics budget.
>>1055698 The devs lurk and rarely post progress on adgd threads, but they also like the Uncommon Time anniversary streams we hold and last I heard of em was when they posted for Steam Nextfest Demo 2023 on here. I'm still waiting as well since I really enjoyed the 2021 itch.io and 2023 demo.
>>1055589 I remember seeing the very early days of development in sleepychan agdg
>>1056347 >sleepychan I'm sure I've seen work on it back when vchan was still around.
>>1053279 It's published by Devolver so it's not strictly "indie", but there's a game called Anger Foot that's a lot like a first-person Hotline Miami. It's fun but very poorly optimized.
Command of Battlefront https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKwtXbx5OxM
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I tried Castaway, a game I saw at some show case last year. It looked like a fun Zelda clone. I don't think I've ever been so floored by a game, it was 28-minutes long. It's being sold for ten dollars. Despite being less than half an hour, it still copypastes content! Every boss is the same, all the enemies are variants of spiders, the dungeons are the same layout. I get the sense something went very, very wrong during development. This is like a prototype, or a jamgame project. There is no way the team felt it was a shippable product.
>>1055589 It's coming out in early access on 02/21 and supposedly will be finished by 2026

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