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Fae & fay Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 19:38:24 Id: abf5d1 No. 997567
Videogames either all about fairy tales or just have a lot of fairy tale creatures such as satyrs, changelings, trolls and faeries. I have been in a weird mood all day thinking about the fae. but reading about the dreaming changeling isn't quenching my thirst for fay. I want more. Now I know of a few games that has fairies. Quite a few of them. Legend of zelda has multiple different types. Dragons crown has a tinkerbell look alike following you all around. I think one of the other vanillaware games has you playing a fairy as well. Was it odin sphere or grim grimoire? Unicorn overlord does have elves with their fairy companions but I barely noticed the fairies during my playthrough. Fairies were a pretty big part of FFXIVs shadowbringer expansion but I am really burned out on that game. Total warhammer does have a lot of fey creatures spread throughout the beastmen and the wood elves. Preferably I would want something like a role playing game set in a feywild type world. I am willing to try other things though. I know there is one fairy RPG on XBLA but I only played the demo for it years ago and I don't think its even available anymore.
>>997567 You might like this. It's a short game though so probably pirate it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2357910/Home_Safety_Hotline/ Basically you're a support line agent who helps people troubleshoot the animals and anomalies in their homes and they get weirder and stranger as the game goes on, with lots of fae pixie forest cryptid stuff. It's pretty good and a short silly game.
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Summon Night has plenty of fairies for your FeMC to summon and occasionally marry.
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>>997644 Tried it out and it's better than I expected. It's this weird mix of walking around like Gothic, getting jumped by random faeries or finding trainers and the battling in a quake style arena where your faeries fire bolts at each other. The game was popular in Eastern Europe because it came from Germany and some Russian is remaking the game. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=JAtLnj1Npa0 https://boosty.to/zanzarah_by_jw Magnet to the torrent I used. It's Russian but installs and runs in english. You can't Alt Tab though, as it'll quit the game. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2A9595A5982AE3126160DF0F02BD1B5E0879DE9D&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt.t-ru.org%2Fann%3Fmagnet Soundtrack is also very good.
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Child of Light. >Child of Light takes place on the kingdom of Lemuria, which is located in an alternate world and encompasses a peninsular continent. To the northeast is Greater Lemuria, a land filled with ancient ruins and massive trees, as well as floating islands that are home to the elfin Aerostati race. West of the Mahthildis Forest in central Lemuria is a village home to the dwarf-like, magic-using Capilli. Further west near the Plains of Rambert lies the town of Bolmus Populi, which rests upon the back of a benevolent stone giant and is home to the eponymous Populi, a race of anthropomorphic trader mice. Near the Cynbel Sea southwest of Lemuria is the Flooded Lands, where the fish-like Pisceans dwell. Other races include the warlike Kategida, who are tasked with the protection of Lemuria.
If you want pixies and don't mind cheapo porn made for laughs, you could download Bad Sorries' "Path of the Pixie." Linux version: Info Hash v1: bfc780a02ef9940e4a89a1959a81684a9579c6a1 Info Hash v2: e60e5feb3b092f6f16203c3a2d66d3224b95535906a2914f8e2b10a8e7ce7616
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I remember this game was on the game store shelves back in the day, where some girl gets sent to the fairy world. Dunno if it's any good, though.
>>1023820 It looks like I have peers, but it is not uploading. I wonder if my tackers are fucked up.
>>1023830 Alright, now it looks like I am seeding.
>>1023846 Yes, it is a cheapo porn game made in Unity by some dude.
>>1023846 He said it's "cheapo porn made for laughs," of course it looks like ass.
>>1003210 it might make more sense if you also look into "mage" from the same universe. everyone/everything is omnipotent, but most are unaware of their reality warping power, and they use it all the time unconsciously and without intentionality. (god was all powerful because he was the very first being with a mind to exist, so he had no other minds competing with him over what shape reality would take.) so reality is fundamentally mental in nature, the result of whatever concepts or events get the greatest share of psychic power from all the minds that inhabit it. this is the "consensus reality" that makes every magical system equally viable. its also what makes all magic tend to fail because of the hostile "militant atheist" brand of disbeleif (different from the neutral passive force of "lack of belief" it is the active rejection of something being true) that is actively cultivated by the most powerful mages of the technocracy (the WoD equivalent of the bavarian illuminati) who champion "science, reason, and logic" above all else (and are secretly doing all the science fiction stuff in the setting, which are technologies they are trying to make work in the presence of normies by finding a believable explanation for how they work). mages are special because they are "awakened", they are exempt from voting on what is true or not. however, they can make their own personal reality true by force of will, though they are limited by their personal power and must use it to push their reality through the existing forces of the consensus to do so. this is why they do magic through a "paradigm" (magical system) that normies are at least somewhat familiar with, as that means there is less resistance to what they are trying to do (something as simple as "looking like how normies expect a wizard to look like" can help). the other option which is far more commonplace is to make their magic appear like it isnt, such as some accident or natural occurence, the more probable the effect of a spell appears to be to onlookers, the more likely it is to happen when the spell is cast (hence, no winning the superlotto a hundred times in a row). other elements of magic are intended to reduce the mana cost of casting the spells, as power doesnt come from nowhere and requires fuel to be spent on generating an effect. for this they use the principle that the power of capital g god ie actual omnipotence exists in all things, magic potions, instruments, familiars, materials, etc. these all take the power that exists in things other than the mage and redirects it to supplement their own force of will. then theres the minmax strategy that magical paradigms often incorporate, where one can increase the power of a mage or spell in one way by restricting it in another, hence why mages will add limitations on themselves and their spells. this is where we get the components for casting spells like words, gestures, rituals, materials, and requirements. additionally these provide the advantage of "setup and trigger" for a spell you cast (and pay mana for) now, but activate the effect later on (for little to no new cost, after youve accumulated back the mana you used to set the spell up). as you may expect, this is the essence both of vancian magic systems and of fairy tale spell casting like the titular curse of sleeping beauty. fearies are ancient gods and monsters, people once worshipped and feared them, and they were the most powerful creatures to exist during the dark ages of the world of darkness setting. so much so that the "order of reason" (precursors to the technocracy aka illuminati) made wiping them out a top priority when using their mind control magic to "reorganize" reality. now the standard beleif is that they dont exist and never existed, people are conditioned to disbelieve in faeries (aggressively reject the possibility of them being real) as a basic instinctual reaction unless they get conditoned out of it. as such, the once mighty world of darkness fae are now the weakest supernatural race in the 'verse, and they are have only stuck around because they realized they could survive being purged from existence by possessing the bodies of normies and pretending to be human souls. other kinds of fae learned the "secret way" of hiding within other places (like non-human organisms or natural phenomena), or by finding some way of not being recognized as fae (though this path is by far the most risky and least rewarding). the faeries also started taking on forms and powers that were the most familiar with normies, and started playing the roles expected of them, the reasons for this was because the fae were forced into doing for their very existence what the mages had been forced to do for their magic. faeries are essentially made of magic, they are living spells, this made them top dog in a superstitious world that was mostly unknown, but on the modern age it makes them the weakest of sauces, once they were an invincible race of immortals who effortlessly commanded all the forces of nature, now they struggle to merely exist. here's where "the dreaming" comes into play: reality has multiple layers above it, these include the ones where the second to last versions of reality are manifest (true), the technocracy has begun exploring the idea of incorporating these places with their "many worlds hypothesis" of "the multiverse", but for the faeries this is just known as "the dreaming", and it is their natural home for most of the setting. there's the "near dreaming", which are the realms closest to the "real world" since many people beleive in it, but not enough to make it true in "reality", and this place is only slightly different from it but the same for the most part. at the other end is the "far dreaming" which is the sets of truths that exist only for a few people, the furthest end is where the dreaming ends, and if anyone gets there they are trapped in a bubble of their own personal reality. they say that this might be where the capital g god came from, and if you got out there, youd be god like him as well. (until your power gets reduced by the other minds your mind would create, and the minds that would be created by their minds). the setting incorporates everything from pantheism to monotheism to polytheism to animism, it even can technically be said to include atheism.
[Expand Post]the faeries fit into all these worldviews, and are inclusive of similar "magical humanoids who arent quite human" creatures from myth and lore found all over the world as "faeries". New faeries continue being created by people who wonder about life elsewhere on the universe, and the technocracy has decided the only way to deal with the little shits is to incorporate them into the paradigm, hence "aliens" and "hyper dimensional beings" etc. one example being the little green men from mars who mutilate cows and abduct people to anally probe them, these came about after the war of the worlds was played on the radio for the first time and the world took the broadcast at face value. they werent just fooled, they wanted to beleive they were being invaded, it made the evil invader aliens a real race of beings who now use the abduction myths to get themselves human bodies to inhabit, and the ideas about things like creating crop circles to keep themselves alive in the public consciousness (thus helping power their continued existence). the "aliens" are reaching the power levels of the old faeries by coopting the talles of their advanced technologies to give themselves premature access to the kit that the technocracy has, without needing to explain shit to the humies. as the normies will happily accept that "of course an extraterrestrial who came to earth would have a working laser gun".
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>>1030201 Fuck you I provided a disclaimer.
>>1030188 >>1030208 >>1030201 disregard the illiterate Im reading all of it
>>1030201 It's probably an AI bot told to lowercase.
>>1030188 that's a fine read, thanks
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>>997567 Faeggot
>>997644 >Kingmaker is all about Fey and their bullshit you can fuck a nymph in that game I think that is pretty interesting
>>1030251 Let me add one more detail: A consequence of the aformentioned rules of magic is the existence of magically binding yourself to your words. This combines the principles of "setting up a dormant spell's magical effect to activate upon a predetermined trigger", with "granting your power buffs in one way by nerfing them in another", and "using the power inherent in other things (in this case, promises, to supplement the cost of casting spells). there might be other elements to it as well. Either in the form of a one sided promise where the bound party says they'll do something (or refrain from doing something), and another party merely acts as the binding witness who is given the power to release the bound from their oath or to hold them to the terms of their vow. OR a multi sided agreement where the binding terms of everyone's word is conditional on the binding terms of everyone else's and they each act as the other's witness/binder - "if you don't keep your end, i'm not obligated to keep up mine, and only you have to suffer the punishment for breaking your word" (such as when the enchantress from sleeping beauty demanded the daughter she provided them with as per the agreement she is owed the firstborn of the royal couple before she can provide them with the son they had gone to her for). This can take the form of a mage being given power over a mortal, a mortal over a mage, or both at once. It can also take on another two types: in both, the people who make a magical promise are empowered or granted some special benefit by having had made it, but lose that power or boon if they ever break their word, and in addition they may also suffer some punishment for having not kept their promise. One form it takes is where the promise could be broken by those who bind themselves to it, the other is where making the promise magically prevents the bound party from doing anything that would cause them to violate the terms they agreed to. Of the latter case, the elves are unable to lie, which means communicating anything that they believe to be false through languages - speech, writing and gestures (so they use many loopholes to find ways to deceive and manipulate without saying anything that cannot be perceived as being the truth in some sense recognized by the recipient). Hence why elves love poetry and wordplay so much, and are devoted multilinguists, among other things. its additionally the source of their more negative reputation as devious and arrogant knifeears. - And the dwarves must must repay every favor and avenge every grudge. (they are obligated to "settle all debts" and "get even, at a minimum" or to "pay all they owe"). Hence why each dwarf has two books with them, one a book of grudges and another a book of debts, one filled with ways others have done them wrong for which the other party must be punished, and the other book filled with ways in which others have done them right, for which the other parttly must be rewarded. Elves are known to be supernaturally beautiful, dwarves can also be imagined as attractive short kings and shortstacks (the females should not have beards as the males do, but could instead be said to traditionally grow out their hair and style it such that it resembles one) Thats enough long parentheses for one day.
>>1030610 >he wouldn't fuck a chick with weird wings, odd eyes & a penchant for trickery >She tricks you into loving her but you're so genuine she marries you instead No John. U r the herf derf faggot
>>1030752 Did you really expect me to read all that shit?
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>>1030752 good to know
You know what, fuck it, I finally have the time and the will. >>1003144 >the idea from the dreaming is that faeries are beings that humans had created with their minds, like tulpas Tulpas are specific creations of a single mind, the Dreaming is more of collective unconsciousness made manifest. >i think these two lines were desgined to work together particularly well. Oh boy, none of the original WoD lines were intended for crossover, as seen in their utterly contradictory cosmologies (see below for a small taste). But at least mages and changelings did happen to share practically the same idea. >now they got magic powers that they can use to diaguise themselves as human and use to build a new life with. Missing the part where you are a broken husk that would be paranoid even if your owner were not out to get you back in chains (and they very much are), and your society is based on magic oaths that let you trust each other because the punishment is swift and precise. Also that's why this time interacting with mages is way harder (despite the lines having been truly planned to be close): a Fate mage can screw with oaths so hard that changelings should be falling catatonic with panic the instant they understand the scope of that single arcanum. >the four factions are No, just no. >Spring: fuck it, we must live and not just exist! >Summer: fuck faeries with my red hot cold forged iron spear! >Autumn: oh fuck we're so very small before them so let's learn everything we can to be as big as them and hope we won't become them >Winter: fuck it, I'm gonna sit in this hole for the rest of my life and only come out to make sure you friends do not attract their attention And then there are day/night, dawn/dusk, and directionals. >>1003210 >Can you explain changeling for me? I do not get it. Point one: it's a fantasy game in WoD. Think of Narnia. You can play with castles, knights, princesses, kingdom politics or dragon slaying, all in your damn closet except this is real and you have other guys along. Point two: like vampires need their feeding, you really need Glamour. Drawn to people called deranged by the society like a moth to flame, or addicted to burning mortals out like a serial killer to their thing? All in the cards. Point three: the old WoD books all have this feeling, aided by actual metaplot, of the apocalypse being right behind the corner. So as a fairy, the encroaching Banality was supposed to be about as real as global warming is according to its more zealous preachers. And 20th is, uh, different in that regard. No more that metaplot. Also I suppose cramming all the subspecies in the same book is very confusing unless you already know them all from 2ed. And you had better have read Dark Ages: Fae if you wanna get the unleashing... >>1030188 Somebody kill me already, but at least I will avoid seguing into the DtF overview of how human belief works. >this is why they do magic through a "paradigm" (magical system) that normies are at least somewhat familiar with, as that means there is less resistance to what they are trying to do (something as simple as "looking like how normies expect a wizard to look like" can help). That's either a big mistake, or you're mixing it with Awakening. In Ascension, a mage very much believes their paradigm to the point of deriding everyone else's approach and going in denial every time it somehow works (the same is even more true of individual Technocrats, even though their organization as a whole does cultivate a singular worldwide paradigm intentionally). Recognizing that your tools and methods can be discarded at your leisure is the point of the highest levels of enlightenment, and until you actually hit that Arete 6+, you are very much using what you know to work because you're still shackled by you own lack of understanding. >other elements of magic are intended to reduce the mana cost of casting the spells Uh, what?! Nothing like that is in Ascension, nor Awakening, nor even Sorcerer. And Ascension uses Quintessence anyway. >or this they use the principle that the power of capital g god ie actual omnipotence exists in all things, magic potions, instruments, familiars, materials, etc. these all take the power that exists in things other than the mage and redirects it to supplement their own force of will. > >then theres the minmax strategy that magical paradigms often incorporate, where one can increase the power of a mage or spell in one way by restricting it in another, hence why mages will add limitations on themselves and their spells. this is where we get the components for casting spells like words, gestures, rituals, materials, and requirements. > >additionally these provide the advantage of "setup and trigger" for a spell you cast (and pay mana for) now, but activate the effect later on (for little to no new cost, after youve accumulated back the mana you used to set the spell up). as you may expect, this is the essence both of vancian magic systems and of fairy tale spell casting like the titular curse of sleeping beauty. Where the fuck you're getting any of this from? Ars Magica? Dark Ages: Mage, which I admittedly have not read? In terms of game mechanics, nothing like that is in anywhere. In terms of in-character views, anything and everything goes, as per one's paradigm, but the truth of awakened magic is still just imposing your will on reality. >fearies are ancient gods and monsters, people once worshipped and feared them, and they were the most powerful creatures to exist during the dark ages of the world of darkness setting. so much so that the "order of reason" (precursors to the technocracy aka illuminati) made wiping them out a top priority As per CtD, the fae world was sundered from the mortal world at the peak of Black Death in 1349, way before Order of Reason. It did not return in any appreciable strength until the Moon landing in 1969 (yes, really). >here's where "the dreaming" comes into play: And here's where the Mage parallel becomes strange. While most mages are not very aware of faeries either (they are world changers in training, not obsessive knowledge seekers of Awakening!), they have spirits, spirit worlds, and Umbra (in one of the greatest cosmology setups of White Wolf, the Technocratic terms are "extraterrestrials", "planets", and "space"). Also Mage has Bygones: the mythical creatures (unicorns, dragons, whatever) that were pushed into Umbra as their existence was less and less believed. This is the problem of trying to combine changelings and mages: you have two entirely separate outside realities, and each has the same myths pushed out by disbelief, and yet they have nothing to do with each other (there are rules for mages being in Dreaming, but I do not remember any specific ones for faeries interacting with spirits).
[Expand Post] >>1030752 And here I somehow found exactly nothing to say, because none of this has anything to do with any White Wolf franchise I know of.
>>1003144 >the idea from the dreaming is that faeries are beings that humans had created with their minds, like tulpas We already have a word for that, tulpas.
Best fairy game.
>>1034445 hope she gets her just desserts in the end
>>997567 Touhou have a lot of cute fairies But it's a bullet hell game (maybe it have some rpg or side scroll games)
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>>1034638 >samples
>>1034665 I am going to sample your mom But no really why did that guy save samples?
>>997644 >Zanzarah Thank you for mentioning it, i couldn't remember the name for the longest time. I liked it, world has a relaxing, mysterious mood.
>>1023829 It was rather boring, you could play Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Soul Reaver 2, Devil May Cry or God of War at that time.
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Having now played Zanzarah I kinda like it. Kinda because it is very unique and I like the world they made. The gameplay on the other hand is very repetitive and not terribly exciting. I think I was just expecting something faster since the game was described as being like quake.
Hey guys, I was rooting around in my folders when I found this. I have no idea where or who I got it from but apparently it is from 2015. Wouldn't have had to make the thread if I had remembered I just had a list of this.
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Faeries, not "Fairies"

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