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Speedrunning Megathread Anonymous 01/07/2025 (Tue) 21:14:56 Id: 3f24e6 No. 1058572
Instead of making specific threads for each event why not just a general thread for speedrunning discussion. ---- Mark, vols please edit below any relevant links and streams and pin and unpin the thread as relevant: FYI AGDQ has been going for a couple of days. https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/52 https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
gdq deserves shit views and low discussion, it's a pozzed invitational to big up the worst fags in gaming gdq kept reaching down rankings to pull commies, faggots, and trannies up and out of obscurity, and into gdq streams, until this clown gallery became synonymous with it when most speedrunners are unlike this, or opposite this, such as the-elite.net because of this and the twigged egos of unaccomplished onlookers with dunning-kruger, speedrunning discussion on imageboards always degenerates into jealous mockers of speedrunners in general. speedrunners in general are unlike gdq invitees, and are more ambitious, capable, intelligent, and successful people than the mockers in every sphere, since success at very competitive endeavors demonstrably translates sideways remember the nature of jealous mockers as you read
>>1058581 Identifying as LGBTQ is a bigger trend among 18-29s. The American Values Atlas (AVA), throughout 2023, interviewed more than 22,000 adults and found 22% of young Americans from 18-29 years old, or 1 in 4.5 of them, identify as LGBTQ. 18-29s show up more for speed events than Generation X or the Baby Boomers. Though GDQ coordinators may invite people not representative of the speed population to inflate their image and infiltrate that hobby, trends among 18-29s will surface too.
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>>1058585 Do note that "LGBTQ" is extremely broad and can include everything from being intersex to being aromantic. When people on this board see LGBTQ they often think "transgender" when that's really only 0.7% of the population. Of that 22% in the survey, 15 percentage points - near 70% of the group - were bisexuals. <speedrunning thread immediately turns into queer discussion
Here are the only related webms I have Anyone have the "dial 8" webm?
>>1058590 The >>1058581 comment is, presumably, about LGBTQ: >the worst fags in gaming. gdq kept reaching down rankings to pull commies, faggots, and trannies up and out of obscurity, and into gdq streams, until this clown gallery became synonymous with it when most speedrunners are unlike this, or opposite this Transgenders are over 0.7% of the 18-29 population, and 18-29s show up more for speed events than Generation X or the Baby Boomers. A survey of U.S. adults conducted in 2022 on Pew Research Center clocks 5.1% of ages 18-29 as transgender or nonbinary, or 1 in 20 of them.
>>1058585 >>1058590 >Do note that "LGBTQ" is extremely broad and can include everything from being intersex to being aromantic. No, it doesn't. "LGBTQ" is a classification that only exists to protect the T and Q letters, so that they can declare that hating trannies and Queers for being obnoxious political activists means that you "also" hate fags.
Speed running subject's so ruined by culture warriors, left and right, that discussing here is a fool's errand so I'll be short. Always liked speed runs, especially Summoning Salt's videos. Man tells a hell of a story. Wish I gamed like those dudes, glitchless or low-glitch categories are sick.
>>1058601 >Speed running subject's so ruined by culture warriors, left and right, that discussing here is a fool's errand so I'll be short. Only on this board, and only because of GDQ. You can talk about speedrunning on the rest of the internet just fine.
>>1058601 >summoning salt I like his videos too. Especially that musical sting/tune he plays when shit's about to get real. Karl Jobst also does a good job explaining speedruns and stuff, and his lawsuit with Billy Mitchell stuff is hilarious.
>>1058605 Billy Mitchell acts like an annoying, disingenuous shitposter you'd find here like GC. It's very funny to see a guy like that get demolished in the real world because actual courts do not put up with that bullshit. Didn't The Completionist also threaten to sue him for reporting on his charity fraud? I think he bitched out because Jobst said he'd release more, far more incriminating dirt on his family.
>>1058608 >charity fraud That's why GDQ exists, BTW. Charities GDQ "donates to" pay GDQ, from donations, to "run" (enrich) GDQ while GDQ claims it's nonprofit.
>>1058572 Does anyone actually care about AGDQ? It's become a shadow of its former self, especially after all the commies kicked out the people who were actually interested in the hobby.
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>>1058605 >Karl Jobst I've come to find him annoying over time. He takes speedrunning way too seriously. >>1058608 The whole Billy Mitchel thing is just a huge tempest in a teapot. Imagine being full of holy wrath against someone just because he's not quite as good at Donkey Kong as he claimed to be, at the exact moment he claimed to be. Fucking Donkey Kong. I get dunking on him because he's sort of a self important douche but I don't get the speedrunning commentators on youtube going on a crusade against the guy.
>>1058642 Billy's a chad. Rickey's World Famous Restaurant made Billy a millionaire. Rich, famous, smart, connected, married, icon. His Twitch proves he's better at Donkey Kong now than in King of Kong, and he's a Donkey Kong Jr, Pac-Man, Ms Pac-Man, BurgerTime, and Centipede pro. He fucks, has kids. And fucks up his rivals, in games and life. Billy's not hated for his mistake. Billy's hated because Billy's hot shit, and Billy knows it. That pisses off people who aren't hot shit.
>>1058666 He still sued a kid's cartoon for making fun of him.
>>1058666 I'm not sure how much you're shitposting and how much you're being genuine but I pretty much agree with >His Twitch proves he's better at Donkey Kong now than in King of Kong, and he's a Donkey Kong Jr, Pac-Man, Ms Pac-Man, BurgerTime, and Centipede pro. See the thing I get out of speedrunning is the possibilities and the limits of what the game will allow. That's why I like challenge runs, glitch runs and TAS's. I really do not give a fuck about the E-sports aspect of it or exact rule scoring and shit like that. If someone wants to demonstrate their competency or mastery of a on camera that's cool and I like to see it and I'll cheer for them too but I don't put a whole lot of stock in that part of speedrunning beyond that. After all it's trivial to become the best runner in some arbitrary category they made up themselves in some game that a grand total of 5 people remember let alone still play. >>1058672 Yes, he's a self important ass. No one denies this. I think he got pissed off at the midget version of him in Pixels too. Ironically that midget is an even bigger self important ass.
>>1058677 >After all it's trivial to become the best runner in some arbitrary category they made up themselves in some game that a grand total of 5 people remember let alone still play. that's trivial and gay but some games have 1000s of records i looked up donkeykongforum.net apparently it got 624 good fuckin luck topping that
>people unironically supporting Billy Mitchel <BRO BILLY'S A CHAD BRO This board has gotten so needlessly contrarian.
>>1058704 >(1) Retard That aside, contrarianism is an obnoxious problem here.
>>1058666 Mitchell's like Trump or Musk, a "cool asshole" Reddit hates. Big dick energy.
>>1058780 >t. microdick support group
>>1058780 bad bait, trying too hard. sage
>>1058581 >>1058572 anyone has that webm of zelda speedrun with donations?
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>>1058685 I wanna top you.
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>>1058787 This one? >>1058791 Anon please! This is a speedrunning thread, you can't post hot girls here!
>>1058572 >Suicidal faggots and other mentally ill freaks The thread.
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>>1058791 >850x1017
>>1058829 Brown lesbian cunny ToT
>>1058605 Bismuth also does a good job making videos about speed runs. https://www.youtube.com/@Bismuth9
I want to see some good TAS stuff. Anyone got any videos?
>>1058997 AlmostMatt's Doom 2 TAS is mesmerizing if you've ever played the game. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=MzuJCMV4sK8 The video is short enough that somebody better than me at compression could probably upload it.
a nice
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Can I just say I find Speedrunning incredibly pathetic. The video that formed my opinion of this was this. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=7N_YeVbF1mI Not only is the thumbnail cringe but the actual content. This one running put in over a thousand hours to finish Mario 64 in 1:38, then spent 200+ more hours getting that down to 1:36. I'm here just thinking "Wow, you spent all that time just to get through a game two minutes faster. How pathetic." It's really solidified my opinion in recent months that I find the entire scene not just a waste of time and life but just how meaningless the records are.
>>1059219 Yet he's smarter than you, better known than you, has more friends than you, is more respected than you, and more admired than you, he's invited to events, he does what he enjoys, while you're a miserable loser who'll never accomplish anything who copes by insulting your betters.
>>1059219 This is why I really don't watch speedrunners in the strictest sense of the word. I prefer challenge runners. There's some value to speedrunning for normal gamers, like trying to optimize a build or trying to get to a weapon or other item earlier than the game designers expected you to but too much of speedrunning has devolved into meaningless wankery. If you actually want to have fun with a game, challenge running is where it's at.
>>1059234 t. (1) samefag
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>>1059240 Double nigger. Challenge runs are fun too though. Low level, minimalist, low score, high score.
>>1059234 Speedrunning is for fags, the end goal of it is to play as little of the actual game as possible, often being more about abusing glitches, RNG, and exploits to skip through everything rather than skillfully playing the game quickly.
>>1059283 I know you don't watch because that's only low%. Low% records do skillfully play games, you can't beat them, though they're less watchable. 100% and no-glitch categories are more watchable.
>>1059330 Any% not low%, rushed my post.
>>1059330 The most watchable runs are races and glitch exhibition runs. Actually the MOST watchable runs are buddy shitpost runs, either kusoge or marathoning RPGs.
>>1058572 >Speedrunning LMAO!
>>1059369 >That's only any%, 100% and no-glitch categories are more watchable than any% <The most watchable runs are races and glitch exhibition runs My opinion on watchable categories is 100% races > 100% > no glitches races > no glitches > glitch exhibitions >>>>>>>>>> Any% >>>>>>>>>> runs with extreme glitches, like code-warping to credits. 100% speedruns are a true show of game mastery.
>GDQ is happening >There's a SM64 TAS bot block about the A button challenge >Check it out on Jewtube >Troon in the foreground, trans flags in the comment section >Take a deep breath and try to watch it >In Dire Dire Docks, someone makes a donation comment about how he got a surgery to become more aerodynamic and tells "trans rights are human rights" Nah, I'm done. Not even as a morbid curiosity, it's the same shit every time.
>>1059581 Turns out GDQ was short for GodDamn Queers.
>>1059581 >he got a surgery to become more aerodynamic This legitimately made me laugh out loud. I for one welcome this new age of transbirdmen. It was only natural, given their propensity for jumping off buildings.
>>1060950 >It was only natural, given their propensity for jumping off buildings. fucking lel

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