I don't watch any of those guys, in fact the only one I think I'd recognize is The Quatering, and yes, he spams low effort videos with practically no content. So I don't click them. That said, I think it's insane for you to pretend they've "overtaken vidya conversations." To say that is to ignore the group that has taken over the conversation so hard that they get the games made the way they want, that group being the SJWs. They've taken over the conversation hard enough that devs actually listen to them. You're doing the classic "well the people who notice are just as bad!" But it's doubly stupid because the people you're complaining about aren't nearly as loud as influential. It's not even close. If they were, we'd be getting games they like, instead of the shit we have been getting.
The games you complain about them complaining about are also all SJW shit, but you're just the frog who sat there and got boiled slowly enough that you don't care. There's a big difference between Horizon and Mirror's Edge. Now, if you wanted to say Horizon was like Mirror's Edge 2, then sure.
Your argument is ridiculous SJWism, and I'd just ignore you as an outright troll if it wasn't for your spoiler section, which is also stupid but implies sincerity. So I'll try to actually explain. But you know full fucking well that the problem has never been "a character is a woman/non-white." Lara Croft was one of the most popular characters of the late '90s and early 2000s. There's a big difference between the original Lara Croft and the new Lara Croft. Gravity Rush 2 came out in 2018, deep into the SJW era, yet nobody complained that that game was SJW. Hmm. It's almost as if it's about the politics influencing the game. The devs didn't make Gravity Rush star a female character to make a political point about feminism. If they did, Kat would have been made uglier on purpose, and would have acted like an arrogant, stuck-up asshole, and all the male characters would have been either doofuses or evil (except for the black ones. They can be love interests). Instead we got a game about a woman that actually acts nice, and the devs weren't afraid to make her look not-ugly, and the story and characters weren't designed specifically to push propaganda. And everyone loves it. What a surprise.
But no, Concord has dug a pit in the ground so that it could lower the bar into it, and now nothing can be recognized as SJW unless it goes that low.
I think it's also foolish to pretend that when devs are infected by these politics, which are openly anti-merit (merit is racist/sexist, so don't hire based on who is actually best at the job) and anti-art (all art is propaganda anyway, so make it propaganda on purpose), this won't result in worse output. It's not a coincidence that SJW games are bad at being games. Not only is being a game not the primary goal (being propaganda is), but they don't hire developers based on who is the best at making game. All the hallmarks of SJWism that we easily recognize are not just ways to avoid their propaganda, they're ways to avoid games that would be boring even if they weren't buggy.
People need to speak up more and make the developers, as well as the casuals, realize that it has been just not only a vocal, but a crazy minority that has been using unscrupulous means to gain control. Step 2 is that the casuals stop buying, which is happening, and Step 3 is that the industry will have to shift. Those that listen to actual consumers will make money, those that listen to a vocal minority that actively hates regular people will lose money. It's been happening, and what you've seen the last few years is companies that have been infiltrated by the vocal minority being steered into suicide by those infiltrators. So be it. They're still losing money, and people who make what consumers actually want will still have an easier time making money. It takes time, but it's happening.
Yes, this thread is specifically about vocal minorities, and how they gain control.
In the Berenstein timeline, the holocaust was real.