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IT FINALLY HAPPENED Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 13:55:12 Id: 533682 No. 1019547
Dead or Alive Dating Sim 2025 https://archive.is/BAAcD
>>1019547 will it have h-scenes?
Too bad I don't trust Koei Tecmo or Team Ninja as far as I can throw them anymore.
>>1019549 On Soyny consoles, so no
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>>1019550 >>1019553 There's always Days of Memories.
>>1019547 >It will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam and DMM Games Player in early 2025 in Japan and Asia with English language support. So it's region locked like Venus Vacation? >The first ever full-fledged romance game in the DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme series, offering romantic encounters with six cute, charming girls! >Out of the 30 currently Man, even Venus Vacation started with 10.
>>1019547 Is Tina confirmed?
>>1019560 >inb4 Marie Rose isn't in the list
>>1019577 Enough of a reason not to buy it.
>>1019564 Just Misaki since she's supposedly the fan favorite so that leaves 5 spots. >>1019577 Isn't she one of the fan favorites or did someone else replace her? I know Honkers is still popular.
>>1019588 >Isn't she one of the fan favorites or did someone else replace her? No announcement yet, but she is up there among the favorites >open steam://store/3155730 <This item is currently unavailable in your region orz
>>1019588 >Misaki >Fan favourite Gooks have shit taste.
>>1019559 Itacookie is a fucking hack. See: Devil's Third. Although not that Team Ninja did that much better without him considering NG3. Actually screw it you're right, just bring him back and go crazy with a mainline DOA with all the "core values" everyone deserves. And maybe NG4 if they aren't too traumatized from 3.
>>1019718 Apparently he's a literal alcoholic if this Reddit post is to be believed. https://archive.ph/k0KZe
>>1019756 >if this Reddit post is to be believed You are gay and own many funko pops
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>>1019756 >if this Reddit post is to be believed
>>1019547 >VENUS VACATION PRISM >Dead or Alive Xtreme Prison What did they mean by this?
Time to rescue this thread, did you know 4K60FPS video compresses really well? I do have questions about the hair rendering in this PV as it looks off and uncanny but overall the DOA5/DOAXV3 models have aged rather well. I will have to check with DOA6 to see if Team Ninja is fucking this up by trying to apply the same graphical style of that title to this one. I want to see if I can try to poach the XVV posters who raid cuck/v/ every now and then but the issue is finding them when they post, and as evidenced by the thread's most recent post we're already trying to deal with the current rapefugees refusing to assimilate like nogs as they are. Still, them posting about the game with five files at the time with sound and high resolution every day wouldn't be the worst hing in the world if we can manage to come to such an outcome, though I feel like I'm playing with fire.
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Predictions >no jet skiing >no pole dancing >no blackjack >no slots >no poker <you & the girl will still go to a casino to have a drink together >but there's no consequence of being drunk so you won't have to worry about losing points with the girls >the six girls will be Kasumi, Ayane, Marie Rose, Honoka, Misaki, & Momiji >Tina, Christie, Helena, Lisa, Lei-Fang, Kokoro, Hitomi, Nyotengu, & Mila won't be one of the six "charming" girls <but a few of them might show up later as DLC. If that's the case, I only see Hitomi & Nyotengu as contenders >no harems >no ". . . . ." responses where you have an entire run of being mute to the girls >no joke/bad ending where you get your ass kicked by all the girls because you pissed them all off
>>1019785 What encoder do you use anon?
>>1019819 The webm thread OP recommends SVT-AV1-PSY with speed to 4, CRF to 56, Opus bitrate to 16k, QP compress to 3, and variance octile to 8/8ths.
>>1019820 Danke
>>1019547 >>1019785 I think this is the darkest complexion on a Dead or Alive girl that isn't Lisa.
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>>1019588 >Misaki who? Never played VV, only 5 and 6 >>1019816 >both lolis and all three ninjas Disappointing. Being cute can only get you so far IMO, gimme at least one sexy domme, or a tiddy monster would be fine too.
>>1019816 They better add more shit, they're practically bragging about the first person view like what Bamco did with Summer Lessons. So Island Exploration, Rock Climbing, Swimming, SCUBA DIVING, assuming this is a new iteration of the Soft Engine, more water and sweat details. But that might be too much for the dweebs at Kekmo. And there's been rumors about them dividing the franchise to Venus Vacation for the fanservice and Dead or Alive to be rebooted. And there's enough original Venus Vacation girls to swap out DOA gals, but who knows.
>>1019859 >who? >>1019785 >>1019816 >Tina, Christie, Helena, Lisa, Lei-Fang, Kokoro, Hitomi, Nyotengu, & Mila won't be one of the six "charming" girls Lisa, Christie and Mila aren't in the Venus Vacation roster so chances for them are slimmer. It took them years to even get Tina out and according to this article she was supposed to be the gauge if people want more girls from the original game. https://archive.md/eWTIQ >Of course, the original girls are good, but as a fan, I can't help but want to say, "Haven't you got the 00 yet!" I'd like to say. If the response to this project is strong, perhaps characters from the "DOA" series will be added sooner rather than later, so I encourage all of you traditional "DOA" fans to respond on social media!
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>>1019876 >It took them years to even get Tina out and according to this article she was supposed to be the gauge if people want more girls from the original game. <If the response to this project is strong, perhaps characters from the "DOA" series will be added sooner rather than later, so I encourage all of you traditional "DOA" fans to respond on social media! I can see why Tina & the other girls are unlikely, they aren't as memorable nor appeared in non-DoA games the way that Kasumi, Ayane, Ryu Hayabusa, Marie Rose, & Honoka have where they either appear in other games as playables/DLC or have their outfits as costumes. I was gonna say maybe Tina could star in a wrestling game but then it would inevitably be compared to Konami's Rumble Roses series which also has been dormant for nearly 20 years since the last game on Xbox 360
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>>1019547 >The guys who made a name for themselves in the 00's and 10's making games where you played as ninja girls (and a ninja guy) beating eachother up, killing armies of other ninjas and demons and horror survival games where you fight ghosts with anti-ghost cameras are now making a glorified VN >Said VN is more than likely going to be inferior to simply erp'ing with AI chatbots >"Pesky" minigames are confirmed to be removed, relationships are just going to be platonic >And the only other game they showed off this TGS was a Dynasty Warriors game where they removed 90% of the roster with a forced, uncustomizable self-insert protagonist What the actual fuck is TK doing?
>The only fanservice game from team ninja is a shitty gacha game. The fact that it is doing so much better than DoA 6 is funny and depressing. Funny because it shows what a mistake DoA 6 was. Depressing because I hate seeing gacha games outperforming real games.
>>1019756 If anything I would assume he'd be snorting coke off of JAV actresses tits every weekend. A little crippling alcoholism to spice things up is exactly what Team Ninja needs after Wo Long and Rise of the Ronin.
>>1019895 >where they removed 90% of the roster with a forced, uncustomizable self-insert protagonist Wasn't the appeal of the Empire games was that you could play as your own personal OC?
>>1019909 Yes, an OC that you have the option of playing as and one that you customized yourself. This one is forced on you and you can't change how he looks or sounds.
>>1019918 >This one is forced on you and you can't change how he looks or sounds. Sounds like the PC in SW Chronicles on the 3DS.
>>1019859 nyotengu best grill ive heard that it is purely romance/dating so no mini games + volleyball.
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>>1019886 >spoiler Just bring back Rumble Roses at this point. Copy what DoA did, bring girls from other fighting games and Konami has a money printer instead of that Silent Hill 2 remake.
>>1019929 forgot to include sauce https://archive.is/4UkPn
>>1019919 The difference then was that a mode on a portable spin-off that was made when we were still getting Warriors games and content almost once every 3 months. This is a high budget entry being made after a multiple year long drought of content since the disasters that were DW9 and SW5. It might still be a spin-off since the title is Origins rather than simply DW10, but its a pretty bad idea to give your fans a half-baked spin off rather than an actual entry especially since the last entries were actual trash. >>1019930 You'd have to go back in time and prevent Shiro Kotobuki from dying to save Rumble Roses at this point.
>>1019919 No, Chronicles at least had cute FeMC option
>>1019895 >uncustomizable self-insert protagonist BOOOOOOO BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Seriously dont tell me its impossible to customize that shit exists in Empires, I swear to fuck thats probably their plan, they release character customization for Empires >>1019919 You can change armor for your character >>1019905 Lilith the hentai company went all in gacha. They havent released a year in several years now. Shit makes bank.
>>1019934 Have to go back in time and also prevent him from being a paraplegic cripple.
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>>1019895 Tecmo technically made a name for themselves in the 90's 80's if you count the Tecmo Bowl, you have to remember that the first Dead or Alive game was made because Tecmo was already in financial trouble & they wanted Itagaki to make something like Virtua Fighter since it was popular in Japan at the time. The very name Dead or Alive itself not only referred to the game's fail or succeed status but also Tecmo's too since they probably would've declare bankruptcy if the game didn't succeed. Dead or Alive 2 was also first released to Japanese arcades in 1999 before hitting the Dreamcast & subsequent platforms. Itagaki would've also joined Tecmo in 1992. You forgot a game where you use traps to fight the enemies & sometimes dealing with the devil It's OK, KT forget too since that last game on PS4, PS3, & Vita was from a decade ago I was also going to add Monster Rancher but it apparently had a port of 1 & 2 released couple of years ago.
>>1020126 >Tecmo technically made a name for themselves in the 90's, 80's if you count the Tecmo Bowl You don't count Ninja Gaiden? What about Rygar?
>>1020130 >You don't count Ninja Gaiden? Forgot to mention that besides the Tecmo Bowl from the 80's. >What about Rygar? Don't know much about that particular title
>>1020130 >Rygar I remember seeing it in arcades when I was younger. Wanted to play so much but couldn't since I was travelling with my parents on holiday. I guess I can search for some roms.
What's the best way for a fighting game noob to get into the series? Looking at the list of games on Wikipedia, DoA 6 is the only one I have the system for, but that one is full of DLC faggotry and there is no complete edition to buy. I guess emulation could be viable for 1 and 2?
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>>1020126 >Kagrou Deception I love that series, I didn't mention it because it would have made my list too long. I just want Deception 4: TNP to get a PC port like how Monster Rancher did. It can happen. We got Fatal Frame 4 after 14 years after all. It'll probably be another fundraiser for yet another AAA flop from KT, like how Ninja Gaiden 1-3 HD was likely just to make money for Wo Long/Rise of Ronin rather than gage interest in a NG4. Fuck. KT please for the love of god stop fucking making soulslikes. Holy shit we're tired of that shit constantly being made for the past 7 years.
>>1019905 I love the video like that where Marie has this look of awe and jealousy as she feels up Tina's six pack abs. I'd post it, but I can't for the life of me remember where I saved it.
>>1020255 If you want a "complete" classic DOA game, emulate DOA2 Ultimate. If you want a "complete" new DOA game, pirate DOA5 with all of the DLC, or if you want to be a buyfag just get the base version with all of the main content (all characters and story mode), then pirate the DLC because you can't even buy some of it anymore with the most important one being the Mai Shiranui dlc. If you don't like some of the DLC because how fucking ugly the costumes look (the Arcsys crossover for example), you can look up the id number for it on steamdb and delete the folder with that name in your game's directory. If you don't give a shit about dlc costumes, just make sure you get a version with all of the characters. Also if you think the visuals look like shit, try getting the DOA5 VU Mod on nexus where some crazy guy is trying to remaster the whole game on his own. Its a bit of a messy process, but it pays off in the end since the end result is a near ideal DOA game. Alternatively, you can wait for the PS4 emulator to be able to handle DOA5LR since Tecmo fucked up the PC port left out 4 stages on it, then you can yarrharr a complete edition in PS4 format. Sage for double post.
>>1019559 The fraud who is now trying to scam people with the NFTs cancer? No thanks. The games were good despite him. Not because of him.
>>1020315 >I'm dumb and poor That sucks anon. Should have bought NFTs when they were new.
>>1020315 >people can't change over time
>>1020315 Yeah, that's what other gook companies were and are still doing I think, Kaneko did it as well.
>>1020390 >(1) >muh feel good A person can change over time but people cannot. Look at history ya cock mongler.
>>1020548 Are you some kind of bot?
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>>1020555 Oatmeal cookie liked to say in a roundabout way that he wasn't just in it for the money a lot a decade and a half back, that's about it I think with 'celebrities'.
>>1020555 How is his statement incorrect.
>>1020315 >The games were good despite him. Not because of him. lmao
>>1020315 >The games were good despite him. Not because of him. <that guy who came up with the fighting game series in the first place, right down to the girls & jiggle physics, and because Tecmo told him they wanted something like Sega's Virtua Fighter <that guy who founded Team Ninja <that guy that said he wanted to do a sports game but it would be done his way during the time of DoA3, and would eventually result in the creation of the volleyball series <that guy that made the Ninja Gaiden Xbox reboot games harder simply because the testers complained it was too difficult <that guy who saved Tecmo from financial trouble due to the success of DoA1, and making another success with DoA2 >Not because of him You could've just left it at NFTs.
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>>1020649 >gets complaints from testers that the game is too hard >makes it even harder That is the spirit of the ninja right there. That feeling of accomplishment when I took down a boss with some ridiculous-ass combo that I had been practicing for hours against the regular enemies was unbelievably satisfying. It makes the player feel like a genuine badass, which should be what every action game strives to do. You actually have to hone your skills, and you want to because of how awesome it feels when you get better. That is how you do challenge/reward the right way.
>>1019547 What took them so long to make something that everyone always wanted?
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>>1021272 Companies are fucking retarded and people who make decisions up their own ass and only there out of nepotism/psychopathy. Go figure!
>>1021535 The fact they never made a BD2 is baffling. They've referenced there being no BD2 in other games, they made a show inspired by Blood Dragon (Captain Lazerhawk), they made another BD-inspired game for Trials, it's one of the most beloved games in the franchise, but eleven years on there's no Blood Dragon 2. Who knows of Ubi can make a good one at this point? Most of the devs involved are gone. The director wanted to make a sequel. Something had to have happened internally.
>>1021560 >The director wanted to make a sequel. Yeah, years ago, but back then he didn't want to work with Ubisoft as he left. I doubt he wants to work with those fucks ever again, and liked you said, their talent pool is gone. It's all outsourced to Pajeets Just be glad they never made that sequel considering all the shit that happened 2014-2016.
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>>1019547 Was it really surprising after Xtreme Beach Volleyball?
>>1022892 Considering how fucking hard corpo faggots are leaning into desexualization in general, despite consumers being more hungry for it than ever and there being more adult rated games than ever. Even moreso on consoles
>>1022929 Corpo faggots are leaning hard into desexualization but Dead or Alive never did. The Xtreme Beach Volleyball spinoff got sequels and the Venus Vacation gacha related to this was on Steam in 2019.
>>1022962 What are you fucking talking about? Did you forget what happened with DoA6? It was a fucking disaster. The spinoff getting sequels was an attempted course correction after fucking themselves up royally.
>>1022970 What are you fucking talking about? Do you not know DoA6 was 2019? The spinoff's first sequel was Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 in 2006.
>>1022983 That doesn't prove him wrong, that just proves you're both retarded.
>>1021635 >>1021643 >vids This funniest thing is how that perfectly portrays the mind of all women. To the point that it bothers them (especially the ugly ones, or the ones with small tits and ass) and even bothers their beta orbiters. Because, in the end, the game is right: women are shallow.
>>1023015 Women want the 666. 6 pack, 6 figs, 6 inch.
>>1022983 What does that have to do with anything? You literally said dead or alive never leaned into desexualization when that was untrue, how stupid are you?
>>1023052 He's stupid, but you literally thought the spinoff getting sequels before Dead or Alive 6 was an attempted course correction after Dead or Alive 6, so you're stupid too.
>>1023089 Fair enough, I remembered it getting ports afterwards and I guess I must've thought those were sequels or something.
>>1020315 You don't just sound like an asshurt ninja dog, but seems like you're attributing all your hate on the wrong guy.
>>1023045 To show off to other women, and nothing else.
>>1023045 You forgot 6 foot. I guess 6666 isn't catchy.
>>1021635 >>1021643 I want to go back to those times
>>1023374 You want girls with no boobs? Do you also want girls with dicks? Are you a faggot?
>>1023104 Cult of personality is a mental illness.
>>1023415 So are cults against personality.
>>1023435 Wrong. Being against cults of personality is the mark of smart people, with sane minds. Not rotten brains, like you, who idolize nobodies to the point of praising scammers.
>>1023502 Smart people would probably try to create their own cults of personality to influence the world in their favor.
>>1023504 The majority of these figure cult 'people' are literal glowies or glowie funded.
>>1023502 This whole argument is two people infected with autism who can't comprehend people change over time, and those who did good things can turn to shit with age.
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>>1023399 Honestly the flattie was the beginning of the end for DOA. She began dominating character polls since the flatty liking minority would organize and vote for her, while normal people had a whole buffet of girls to vote for, this lead KT to assume that the majority fans actually like her, which resulted in her and Honoka basically becoming the main characters of DOA6. Combine that with the whole "We're a serious fighter now!!!" tone DOA6 had and it really just abandoned their audience for Esportsfags and lolifags. Even funnier since a literal pedophile made the call to remove DOA6 from evo because he didn't like Japanese women being frisky with advertising the game too. This is what happens when you don't stick to your guns.
>>1023603 Vocal and organized minorities frankly dominate the whole internet, feels like a parallel universe sometimes.
>>1023971 Some smart people idolize their betters. Stupid people think they're the smartest faggot in the room and look up to no one.
>>1023987 You're replying to bait from a resident troll, newfriend.
Another finger of the monkey's paw curls. It looks like KT is using the game as a testing ground to see if the Penis Vacation OCs have legs beyond the gacha.
>>1023603 I really hope he makes a spiritual successor, I know there are stories about him being an alcoholic. Although I REALLY want to see Oatmeal-sama make a huge comeback.
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>>1024747 Valve syndrome.
>>1024747 Is Itagaki Games developing any games or is it some esoteric Japanese tax scheme?
>>1024775 >is it some esoteric Japanese tax scheme? Something like one: >Update 10/07/24 at 1:15 a.m.: It has been revealed that Itagaki Production Co., Ltd., which Tomonobu Itagaki established in September 2010, changed its name to Itagaki Games Co., Ltd. in September 2024, and remains in operation. Based on this information, it appears that Itagaki Games has not shut down, but rather consolidated or transferred to the newly named Itagaki Games Co., Ltd. The company dissolution was some business move to consolidate or transfer Itagaki Production Co. to Itagaki Games Co., which remains in operation.
>>1023603 >"We're a serious fighter now!!!" tone I've noticed, every time the thought of a new DOA is brought up in normalfag FGC discourse they can't ever come to the conclusion that you can have deep fighting mechanics AND be filled tiddies and ass. It's all arguing between people going >I've been playing DOA for 25 years and it's always been about the fighting, not the boobs!!! DOA6 was fine! (delusional faggots) and >Ugh, yikes, this series? Can't take it seriously, you know porn exists, right? Why would anyone play this, they must be a creep. (projecting delusional faggots) I fear if the planets aligned and a DOA7 was made, they won't have learned their lesson and it will be a repeat of DOA6. But who knows, some Jap devs are beginning to realize they can be themselves...
>>1024882 Do they have any games currently under development?
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>>1024738 The girl looks more detailed than what the DoA cast looked like in the first 2 volleyball games but it all still feels soulless. Look at how tiny the DoAX logo is at the end of that trailer, it may as well have not been attached to the IP, especially if we consider Kasumi & Ayane as the only Itagaki-era DoA reps to be chosen & maybe Marie Rose and/or Honoka for post-Itagaki DoA reps. Actually now that I look at the 2nd pic, those girls feel like AI generated Kasumi & Ayane. Notice their hair & accessory colors. I'll even bet that you can't play your own music and have playlists of them within the game like you could with the OG Xbox & Xbox 360 game.
>>1020265 Is there a safe crack of DOA5 LR anywhere? My Antivirus keeps detecting malware from cracks. They might just be false positives, but I want to be sure.
instead of playing garbage and actually playing DoAX we need a magnet of DoA5:LR and a lot of the DLC's since There's the HDM mod for it. Which if you haven't played it, you're in for a treat. Instead of cockblocking what you WANT out of DoA you get tons of nudity, jiggling and loads more.
>>1024971 Legitimate cracks are usually recognized as malwares by antiviruses. Just add those cracks into your antivirus whitelist and keep playing. I don't even bother with antivirus anymore, good PC security practice already keeps me safe most of the time.
>>1020265 >If you don't like some of the DLC because how fucking ugly the costumes look (the Arcsys crossover for example), you can look up the id number for it on steamdb and delete the folder with that name in your game's directory Worked like a charm, thanks.
>>1025025 What good security practice? Because running 200 random cracks flagged by antiviruses will give your computer AIDS.
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>>1025189 Smart people idolize anime girls.
>>1025203 Smart men want to fuck the anime girl & love them. Why would you idolize women lmao?
>>1025211 Smart people would recognise that sexual congress with the non-existent is impossible.
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>>1025211 2D drawings are not real anon.
>>1025214 >>1025216 Ah fellows that cannot dream I see. I'd rather want to bone some cute anime girl than bother with a real woman thanks.
>>1025227 Have you considered boning neither? Because the former is ontologically impossible.
>>1025235 yeah well I can still bone yer mother. Ya dumb ya dumb ugly cunt.
>>1025245 i'll bone yer mother and make you a sister then bone yer sister faggot
>>1025214 >>1025216 >Seeking STDs is "smart"
>>1019547 This looks so tame and boring compared to what we had in DOA. What's the point of not selling to westoid if you're going to self censor like this any way?
>>1025334 >doesn't know condoms exist
>>1025455 >preservatives work LMAO! Enjoy your premature death.
>>1025507 Do you have to be such a ridiculous chimp, luciano?
>>1025508 It's Luciano, so yes. Being such a ridiculous chimp is what Luciano does. It's the Luciano.
>>1025274 No you wont. You have no penis bitch.
>>1025544 i got a fat joystick and im not afraid to rape with it
>>1025576 your mom sucks my joystick like a lollipop.
>>1025577 your whole female family joyrides my stick like the mechanical bull
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>>1025662 you're dad transitioned to playing stickless
>>1028043 Man i want to fuck Elise until My dick flattens
>>1028043 So far, no DOA gals.
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Yeah, it's looking more and more likely the DOA and VV girls are gonna be split between Fighting Game and Fanservice.
All I want from DoA is to drop the male fighters, and for the Xtreme games to be made into honest-to-god sports games rather than dating sims with a volleyball minigamr
Honkers apparently made it in, which means it's fair to say Marie is the final girl in this title and thus the legal boilerplate definition of "Dead or Alive" is fulfilled for now. Still, it seems excitement has deflated here ever since the Penis Vacation chars got inserted.
>>1033266 >it seems excitement has deflated here ever since the Penis Vacation chars got inserted. Because the girls (also including Honoka & Marie) look soulless for a game that aims to be a dating sim with the DoA IP slapped on it. My gut feeling also believes this will be a half-baked disappointment. I don't see them including volleyball or any mini-games to play with the girls, not even blackjack or poker because it would probably take too much time to program them in & not add anything to their 'Carefree & happy dating experience' selling point the article says. To also say nothing of Koei Tecmo's descent into censorship with the past few Atelier games, Fatal Frame V, & DoA6, is also why I'm not too thrilled. It's also going to be on sony's playstation consoles so there's already a chance of them having to neuter their content if they want a release on them rather than giving them the finger & jumping to nintendo. Worse yet, since there's only 1 more girl left to be added & it's very likely going to be Marie Rose, nothing from the classic Itagaki DoA era may even be represented. If there's going to be any DoA girl added at this point given the trajectory of the vidya industry relying on nostalgiabait & paid DLC, it will only be Kasumi & Ayane. What a better way to pour salt on the wound.
THE LAST CHARACTER WAS NANAMI LOL THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE HER HER OWN TRAILER LMAO https://archive.fo/HnQOs https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/interview/1632703.html >Sakuta: When creating this game, I was very conscious of the "girlfriend" aspect of the game. In the case of "DOAXVV," we have delivered such contents, and we feel that the owners are pleased with them. What made us realize this was that the girl named "Nanami" who appeared in the fourth year of the project was also a hit with our customers. >We had always tried to make each girl attractive in her own way, but we felt that there was a demand for a girl who could make people feel that "maybe she likes me". So we updated True Color in the same direction of romance. In addition, it was also a catalyst for the creation of the current romance adventure. So, I wanted to bring Nami to a new audience with this work. >It was a pretty smooth decision, wasn't it? >Mr. Sakuta: I thought about it and made the decision, but I was really worried about how to choose the right one before I made the decision. I received some opinions within the company, and I even received some serious opinions like "Is my favorite Marie-Rose not here?" When we announced this work, we received a variety of opinions, but we chose the six girls out of a desire to include all of them. The opportunity for the other girls to appear will depend on the outcome of this work, but if we are able to make the next work, we hope to be able to bring them to you. In order to do so, we would first like to deliver this work as a work that everyone can enjoy, and we would be happy if you purchase this work even if your guesses do not appear in it. >The graphics in this game are much better than in "DEAD OR ALIVE 6". >Mr. Sakuta: It is difficult to make a clear comparison with "DEAD OR ALIVE 6" because the gameplay and points we want to show are different, but the graphics engine we are using this time is based on the "Katana Engine" that we are researching and developing, and the Katana Engine itself is improving its technical capabilities every year. More than five years have passed since DEAD OR ALIVE 6 was released in March 2019, so it has evolved even further. >This may sound like a weak statement, but "DOAXVV" is a game that is made specifically for the cuteness of the girls, so it's hard to go beyond that with the new graphics engine, and we are still struggling immensely (laughs). So the game's coming out on March 6th, 2025. No swimsuit gifting, no Marie Rose, no DLC planned with this game acting as bait for future characters to be added.
I recognize none of these characters.
i only know two girls & only like Honkers. What trash.
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>>1021643 They could achieve some great facial expressions and emotions when they cared about designing an aesthetic for the game and characters and not just make them look like real dolls.
>no marie rose Trash confirmed.
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>>1034997 >I even received some serious opinions like "Is my favorite Marie Rose not here?" <acknowledges her, but doesn't add her I knew this was going to come out as a disappointment the more they showed it, but I'm even more let down. >The opportunity for the other girls to appear will depend on the outcome of this work, but if we are able to make the next work, we hope to be able to bring them to you. In order to do so, we would first like to deliver this work as a work that everyone can enjoy, and we would be happy if you purchase this work even if your guesses do not appear in it. I also fucking called it that they would tease DLC routes & possibly use the DoA girls (like Marie Rose) as nostalgia-bait.
https://archive.fo/CW3Qy Venus Vacation Prism gets a R18 rating in Singapore This title can't catch a break.

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