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R: 553 / I: 334 / P: 1

Official Source Thread / Request Thread / Sauce Thread

All requests for source go in this thread

R: 102 / I: 23 / P: 1

New Management | Meta Thread

At last, I am finally in total control of this board. From now on, low quality posts will be deleted. This thread will replace the previous sticky for feedback and meta discussion. I am also open to recruiting moderators. For applications and other concerns, you may contact me on Discord at _eral_ or Element at My activity may vary. The existence of moderation will hopefully restore confidence in the viability of quality threads.

R: 53 / I: 42 / P: 1

Local Bmwf Observations

What are some things you've observed in your local area regarding white women hooking up with black men? State your location and some things around you that hint at what is going on. Don't just state things, but show a few receipts in whatever form you got. I'll start. I'm in Toronto. The biggest sex club in the area had a regular bbc party on the weekends which was explicitly about interracial sex. A few months ago though, they gave into politically correct shaming about fetishizing i guess and renamed it the big beautiful cock party, as you can see, that is all inclusive, but people there stilll know what the deal is I'm sure. Also, searching Toronto on fetlife, there is a disproportionate amount of bmwf videos in the results. This vid is just one example of what i found. As the weeks progress, I'll probably post some other videos off there when I can be bothered to do so. I you have anything to add about Toronto, that would be interesting. Or just talk about your own city.

R: 137 / I: 123 / P: 1

BBC pmv thread

Need another thread, been too long since last one got bumplocked.

R: 30 / I: 5 / P: 1


Anyone have his stuff backed up?

R: 757 / I: 1030 / P: 1

New amateur BBC thread. Repeats okay but let's try to get fresh content at first. Not that I have much new stuff atm

R: 16 / I: 33 / P: 1

Blacked Underwear

Does anyone have more of this girl misstatidc/cherryskyy/goddesssky girls blacked underwear vids? Post anyone in blacked underwear.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 1


I know this is probably the best place to come to considering the nature of the account involved My friend got scammed by this twitter account for $200 by being coerced and bullied into handing over their money, my friend is a gullible yet nice soul that didn't know when to stop or say no to this person and is now deeply upset about the mess they have gotten themselves into If anyone here can report them and help to shut down this scam being pulled please help, other people don't need to fall for this blatant bullshit from the sacks of human scum that operate these accounts Pick attached is the account that scammed him If there are any other accounts that need to be reported please post a screenshot of their twitter and donation links/ account names down below so we can stop this bullshit findom crap from happening to more innocent people

R: 12 / I: 20 / P: 1


BBC Pee Pee

R: 55 / I: 142 / P: 1


Big girls need big cock SSBBW allowed too, amateur videos preferred

R: 15 / I: 36 / P: 1

Asian Chicks White Dicks

A thread dedicated to the best IR match

R: 232 / I: 182 / P: 1

Whiteboy Sex

let's talk whiteboy sex the superior & only way to live your life

R: 606 / I: 185 / P: 1

Whiteboy beatdowns

Videos of Woman masturbating to black men beating up white boys.

R: 611 / I: 836 / P: 1

Girls Talking About BBC on Dating Apps

Girls doing raceplay or mentioning Black cock on dating apps. None of these are my OC, they're from a guy catfished as Tyrone on posted results to 4chan. I have a ton more if anyone's interested.

R: 355 / I: 683 / P: 1

TikToks that make you aroused.

R: 350 / I: 642 / P: 1

IR Intimacy/Love/Romance

My absolute favorite category, preferably real couples without nudity. Kissing, Couples being intimate & romantic

R: 358 / I: 446 / P: 2

Gay General

Trannies and femboys included.

R: 37 / I: 54 / P: 2


Rimjobs on BBC

R: 436 / I: 39 / P: 2


Anyone knows of any interracial Groups or communities on the Session app? Please share if so

R: 658 / I: 45 / P: 2

Discord Thread

This thread is for links to interracial porn discord servers so we have an archive

R: 523 / I: 908 / P: 2

videogame girls vs BBC

post your best vidya girls getting BLACKED

R: 11 / I: 3 / P: 2

Ashley Matheson

Remember this bitch? She's got an onlyfans and is Cum Dumpster now for This Bull and his homies who each take turns fucking her on their own onlyfans accounts

R: 208 / I: 52 / P: 2

BMWF Stories, Fantasies and Greentexts

I'm interested in reading your stories involving bmwf sex. The can be real stories or fantasies and they can be first-hand or second-hand stories. Anything is welcome as long as it's hot. Feel free to put some care into your posts and comment on other anons' posts.

R: 248 / I: 237 / P: 2

Before -> After

Only when it's actually the same girl.

R: 21 / I: 32 / P: 2

New Asian Thread

A new thread to post videos and pics of Asian women with BBC

R: 21 / I: 22 / P: 2

Mother, sister, cousin, anything.

R: 40 / I: 151 / P: 2



R: 78 / I: 130 / P: 2

Modern white couples

With no bull around...

R: 309 / I: 418 / P: 2

TTCC (Top Tier Cuck Content)

Aight I'll get it started with some good gifs. Don't let me be the only one!

R: 110 / I: 53 / P: 2

Pajeetas and BBC

Post desis getting fucked by BBC

R: 678 / I: 1216 / P: 2

Girls you want to see get Blacked


R: 124 / I: 95 / P: 2

Indian & Middle Eastern

trying to find videos of seriously ugly Indian and Middle Eastern Men fucking Gorgeous White Western Chicks mainly from The US, UK and Eastern European.

R: 101 / I: 332 / P: 3

Wallpaper thread

Post aesthetically pleasing BBC/interracial wallpapers.

R: 435 / I: 257 / P: 3

Breeding a black future

For sharing webms that cover the long term implications of race mixing.

R: 176 / I: 461 / P: 3



R: 62 / I: 214 / P: 3

Babecock Thread

The best way to view pretty white girls

R: 573 / I: 681 / P: 3

Social Media Pawgs in The Closet

This thread is a kind of investigation into an undercurrent phenomenon that I have been feeling for a while but have only recently been finding receipts for, and that's hot social media girls that are taking bbc on the downlow. Especially pawgs and fitness models that are commuted to building their glutes. It seems that You have a bunch of pawg influencers that you never see with boyfriends because they know that if their white male fan base knew that they were into bbc they would lose their marketability because of the butthurt. So they keep it on the downlow and don't broadcast the obvious fact that they are with their expected preference to ease people's insecurities. The first example I list here is Nastassia Ponomarenko. She is an Instagram model that got famous for her ass transformation and started selling workout programs. She now is a "ceo" of a fitness apparel company, which is basically just her putting her name on generic clothing. But the big thing is that despite never showing herself with a black man or any boyfriend on social media, she has a leaked video of her sucking a bbc that she tries to scrub from the internet, it is here. She's one example of the closeted social media pawg.

R: 92 / I: 80 / P: 3


Anyone else notice a trend of e-girls converting to snowbunnies? This girl called vixenp recently posted started BNWO content, saying she's openly black owned and stuff and it made her numbers go crazy. Apparently she said on stream that what made her interested in BNWO stuff was people commenting things like "built for bbc" etc under her posts. It's super hot that influenced her to go down this path imo. Also thread anything related to conversion

R: 88 / I: 12 / P: 3

The Fall of the BNWO

I believe it is not unfair to say that the BNWO is waning in popularity as of late. It just doesn't have that same level of eroticism as before and we all know it. Could it be desensitization? No! Its simply because everything sucks now. Darkwanderer is a wasteland. People leaving the fetish at rapid rates. All of it is a sign that this fetish is at death's door. Now the Question remains: What was the beginning of the end?

R: 118 / I: 111 / P: 3

Tiktok Interracial Split Screen

Side by side videos of tiktok girls and interracial. Preferrably amateur.

R: 312 / I: 254 / P: 3

Arab girls getting Blacked. Before + After.

R: 41 / I: 37 / P: 3

Eva Vlaar

Get Eva Vlaar BLACKED

R: 74 / I: 8 / P: 3

Blacked Iceberg

what are some buzzwords and lesser known facts and knowledge of the bbc bnwo blacked fetishes

R: 210 / I: 134 / P: 3

AI Audio

>voice generation AI ElevenLabs Prime Voice AI >chatbot AI ChatGPT >stable diffusion AI Have you tried generating your own IR porn? impersonated girls saying BBC? Share tips ITT if so.

R: 122 / I: 157 / P: 3

Girls that you know and want to be blacked

R: 20 / I: 41 / P: 3

BNWO softcore

just a thread to preserve softcore BNWO themed content of all type

R: 183 / I: 277 / P: 3

Sims 4 BLACKED General

Thread dedicated to the Sims Series and filling it with hung black studs and the bitches that serve them. Post Snowbunnys Share Black Bulls Link Custom Content Discuss the game

R: 35 / I: 53 / P: 3

Posting BMWF videos I like.

R: 557 / I: 358 / P: 4

WN thread!

R: 18 / I: 2 / P: 4

Polish Racemixing

Polish: >>hur hur we are the only white country hur hur Dream of all Polish man: Pic Related

R: 61 / I: 69 / P: 4

Political BBC

BBC mixed with politics

R: 22 / I: 55 / P: 4

BBC Blowjobs


R: 76 / I: 82 / P: 4

The BNWO in china

There is something going on Asia , and in china especially. And it's very fun to observe

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 4

The one thing that both Russian and Ukrainian women can agree on...

R: 62 / I: 51 / P: 4

Nigger Sex Slavery

To many appreciators of this fetish, the problem will eventually present itself that the fetish seems self-destructing; interracial sex and procreation leads to the dissolution at least one race, and will eventually destroy the possibility of the act itself over time. The white side of this in particular is quite existentially threatened, which calls for a sustainable solution to preserve the existence of pure white women and pure black men to pleasure each other. The sole practical answer is a reinstitution of slavery, with a more honest approach to the sexual dimension. Such an element was always present, and is inherent to the system as an aspect of human nature. It is unreasonable to expect that white teenage girls watching sweaty black men work in the sun would find it unappealing, and nowadays we've come to see a certain beauty in this ourselves that we don't want to deny from the world. Both parties will be rather satisfied with this arrangement. For one, it is obvious that we should selectively breed the niggers to be as large and strong as possible, to be both more effective at physical work and optimal for sex. Their intelligence should be kept to a minimum, and hormones should be used to achieve the desired effects, including maximal genital size. Shock collars and other methods like implants can easily keep them in line with current technology, so that we don't need to have any concerns about their disobedience. However, motivation is a factor - they will be incentivized to work the hardest they can with the reward of white pussy. It will be ensured that they are as horny and sexualized as possible, with white women being encouraged to tease and provoke them while working. The highest reward that the top specimens will receive is the opportunity to freely impregnate one or several white women, ideally their mistresses or daughters of their owning family. These incidents are strictly controlled to prevent the emergence of a permanent mixed population, and to not harm the demographics of either race, seeing to it that the top nigger bloodlines are perfectly assimilated into the white population over time without degrading their purity. If the black population should exceed acceptable levels, the men can be compelled to eliminate each other with the guarantee of white wombs for the winners to breed. No matter what suffering the slaves should experience under this system, the feeling of Aryan pussies around their Nigger cocks and the sound of white girls moaning into their ears will have them perfectly at peace when all is said and done. The white female population will obviously be very happy with it as well, and much social tension that might stem from their sexual frustration with limited access to black men will be solved. None of it will be excessively publicized; society will mostly refrain from discussing these things, but they will do much to enhance many people's private lives. The suggestion might seem extreme, but it is really just a formalization of what has always taken place in societies that held nigger slaves, and a recognition of the things negroes can do for our women. There is little reason not to implement a system like this when it can be done safely. It is obvious that the passionate coupling of African beasts with Nordic princesses is the most ideal form of sex, and to remove it from the world would be absolutely criminal. Rather, it should be celebrated and controlled, so that we can continue to admire it for the ages. The beauty of the white Aryan woman mating with niggers must not perish from the Earth. Further ideas or improvements are welcome.

R: 100 / I: 162 / P: 4

Black Breeders

Clothed or nude Pro or amateur Just pregnant white women and black men All are welcome

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 4

official state-sponsered interracal propoganda

post materials that encourage interracial normality, especially between white girls and black boys

R: 12 / I: 3 / P: 4

ITT: niggers impressing women with their sexual virility.

R: 65 / I: 36 / P: 4

Jewish Girls BLACKED Thread

Requesting any and all content of Jewish girls receiving the BBC

R: 3 / I: 5 / P: 4

BBC Orgy

girls with their friends having fuck fest orgies with BBCs

R: 28 / I: 51 / P: 4

Goth girls getting blacked

Any videos of any style of goth girls getting bbc. Ideally videos that have been posted less or not at all at first.

R: 38 / I: 85 / P: 4

BBC solo

Need some to make hypno/pmv stuff. Usually the stuff I find on twitter is compressed to all hell, so higher resolutions would be nice.

R: 11 / I: 8 / P: 4

Short, Fat, Bald Middle Aged Black Men

thread to post videos of really short really fat middle age or older men fucking their neighbors Daughter, wife the teen that lives down the road or just finds and then picks up the really hot random Zoomer girls he walks past everyday.

R: 17 / I: 37 / P: 4

Amateur Anal

White girls getting fucked in the butt. No professional stuff.

R: 27 / I: 57 / P: 5


selfie, blowjob, cuck pov, cock shock, worship

R: 30 / I: 26 / P: 5

BBC Sluts recommendations

Does anyone have any recommendations for BBC Sluts on onlyfans? Preferring teens over milfs. Thanks in advance

R: 45 / I: 45 / P: 5

This video broke me <3

Now we can't even resort on asian girls to get laid, they've taken our slanted eyed cuties from us but it's kinda arousing to see them all brainwashed, twerking their asses and submitting to BBC 💖 I really need to be feminized online by an asian goddess uwu

R: 33 / I: 23 / P: 5

Interracial Advertising

Believe it or not, this was a real commercial for Magnum Ice Cream. Post your most explicit BBC brainwashing in advertising.

R: 12 / I: 29 / P: 5

Cock Comparison.

BBC Asserting Dominance

R: 79 / I: 120 / P: 5

Asian Girls Love Black Men

Asian girls worshipping BBC and proving the inferiority of the little asian boys tiny penis.

R: 23 / I: 41 / P: 5

BBC squirt/pee

white girls squirting / weeing on BBC amateur preferred

R: 11 / I: 2 / P: 5

Blacked Butterfly is encouraging suicide.

In certain BNWO circles white men are encouraged to commit suicide for someone else's pleasure. BlackedButterfly is one of the main culprits. She mainly does it on her Tellonmy account.

R: 6 / I: 15 / P: 5


No, Seriously when?

R: 70 / I: 161 / P: 5



R: 14 / I: 2 / P: 5

best twitter accounts?

best threads, accounts, etc…

R: 9 / I: 18 / P: 5

new twitter

R: 75 / I: 138 / P: 5

Spade Tattoos

For content featuring spade tattoos

R: 46 / I: 154 / P: 5

BMWF General

Classic combo

R: 73 / I: 142 / P: 5


For content featuring latinas/Hispanics

R: 6 / I: 10 / P: 5

Pics of IG girls made for BBC

Thread for sharing pics and users of ladies on instagram who you’d love to see be intimate with a big black cock

R: 25 / I: 25 / P: 6

If you could marry any Blacked actress (or other pornstar who did a bmwf scene) which one would you pick and how would you treat her? How would you deal with her 'past'? For me it would be Mia Melano

R: 222 / I: 127 / P: 6

BBC Research Thread

This thread is for collecting non porn sources that attest to black sexual and physical prowess as a general phenomenon. You can add quotes from non fiction texts, academic research studies, or other similar sources. This is a place for serious discussion, so no horny posting or butthurt comments from self hating cucks that are here. I am going to start with a more recent study that came out about sex workers surveyed on race and sexual ability it is here >>Racial differences in sexuality are difficult to study due to the privacy of sexual intercourse and the questionable validity of self-reports. We use a novel method to study racial differences: surveying sex workers. We surveyed 129 American female sex workers. We asked them to rate the ethnicities with whom they had had intercourse on thirteen traits and behaviors for five different racial groups: Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, East Asians, Indians, and Jews. The largest reported differences between Blacks and Whites include Blacks having larger penises (d = 1.23, p < .001), that they preferred buttocks over breasts (d = 2.38), and that they preferred doggy-style over missionary (d = 1.42, p < .001). Compared to Blacks, Whites were rated as being particularly interested in kinky sex (d = 0.70, p < .001) and kissing (d = 0.85, p < .001) as well as being faster to ejaculate (d = 0.97, p < .001).

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 6

AI Chat bots

Anyone ever used one of these to act our your BBC fantasies? Ive been using Perchance here: I describe the bot as a black man, and me as my irl girlfriend. The bot then attempts to seduce my girlfriend then fucks her.

R: 19 / I: 13 / P: 6

Ashley34 / slimblondemilf4bbc

Does anyone have more content of blacktowhite user Ashley34? She purged all of her content in 2020. There’s edited videos on xhamster with her by the name of slimblondemilf4bbc. But there is more content out there.

R: 209 / I: 659 / P: 6

BNWO AI thread

A new age is upon us. AI supports BNWO

R: 5 / I: 9 / P: 6

Pleaae post more of this amazing combo!

R: 11 / I: 8 / P: 6

now that kelce lost Superbowl please GOD the almighty let her next boyfriend be black african guy

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 6

create an insane pmv for a white girl

hi, im really into bbc and i need to have bbc pmv or bbc cum compilation in my phone's storage while im not in network ill still can play with my dildo. i prefer for cum compilation, but pmv's accepted. - your white slut

R: 76 / I: 90 / P: 6


Memes, porn, etc. Just anything interracial and wojak related

R: 6 / I: 11 / P: 6

Blacked Milfs

Not exclusive to blacked

R: 35 / I: 148 / P: 6


General BMXF Thread

R: 24 / I: 10 / P: 6

White women exposing White men's BBC fantasy thread

R: 8 / I: 29 / P: 6


BMXF Waifus

R: 56 / I: 19 / P: 6

Great BNWO Debate

I've noticed recently that there are two fairly consistent camps within bnwo, which one do you fall into? >leftbnwo >is leftist irl, no racist tendencies >genuine respect and admiration for black men >participates in anti-racist activism when not gooning >loves making chuds seethe by reminding them that black men really are better and more attractive >aids and celebrates the great replacement >hates themselves for being white >probably a girl (trans women are women :3) >feels euphoric when watching beatdowns, has no regrets afterwards >rightbnwo >sees niggers as donkey hung civilization destroying lazy gorillas >genuine existential dread from knowing that size matters + whites will be replaced in his lifetime >beatdown edits feel like a punch in the gut and hit really hard >uncontrollably attracted to niggers despite (or precisely because) of their loud and dumb mannerisms and ugly faces >triggered a lot, lives with constant small dick incel rage >it just feels so unfair >probably has a fetish for retards either way, it's pretty neat that the white race will die with a weak whimper while its face is buried in a black asshole :3

R: 50 / I: 23 / P: 6

Girls Saying the dreaded N word

White girls calling them slurs while they worship or get fucked by them

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 7

fuck it, drop bnwo voiceovers

R: 26 / I: 4 / P: 7

ProjectSnowbunny and its consequences have been a disaster for the BNWO

Every PMV is the same over edited and over saturated shit with more transitions than a fucking Hyperborea edit and the same soulless music used in sigma memes. I tried to quit this fetish a thousand fucking times and now that I went full loser into it I'm starting to lose interest. No wonder the faggots that are the most into this end getting off by beating their balls or masturbating to people getting beaten or murdered. Its the same shit getting posted over and over again.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 7

Girls laughing

Perhaps with a nig in the background and presumably at whiteboys

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 7

MNWOfuture stuff

Does anyone have the full vids for mmwofuture?

R: 57 / I: 32 / P: 7

Anti bnwo

I think BNWO is crap, aimed at old fucks, trannies, and faggots. I don't want to see guys in chastity and other grotesque garbage. I want to see hot white girls with black guys in realistic scenarios. I found some cool images by boldnbrash (darthguyford) of a blonde character named sk8rgirl. It's fresh and feels real, not just another kink puppet. I want a divorce between normal blacked content like this and the bnwo crap this kink has turned into.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 7

New Extreme Content Creator

>>72689372 Hi, I'm Ishtaru and I make extreme BNWO, I just released my first edit! Please help me grow and do more content for y'all <3 (My discord acc is linked on my twt!)

R: 37 / I: 45 / P: 7

wmaf thread

R: 141 / I: 59 / P: 7

How get wins on omegle

What tags

R: 6 / I: 4 / P: 7

Military wife got pregnant by black guy(s)

Her name is NikkiSBQ on twitter

R: 201 / I: 733 / P: 7

If you're interested in a Resilio share of my huge webm collection here you go. 30GB and growing every day, most of the content has sauce in the filenames.

R: 3 / I: 3 / P: 7

Blacked Royalty

i really wish princess leonor get BLACKED, marry with black african spanish footballer like lamine yamal, nico williams, omorodion aghehowa

R: 35 / I: 6 / P: 7

Best of PornHub

Share your favs. BMWF only. Hope mods will be ok with this thread... Title: Snowbunny next Door wants to try out Handcuffs & BBC Channel: levarallen20 Why: Read the title. Title: Teasing me Channel: FxckFresa Why: Blindfolded teen snowbunny being a BBC slut. Title: White Girl Bouncing on BBC Channel: Quandingo Why: She's young, tight and somehow taking it effortlessly. Title: Fucked my Roommate while she was Stuck in the Sink Channel: Naughty_Dogs Why: Another amateur couple. Submissive White girl. Love to see her soft pale body jiggle as she's fucked. This are just a few of my personal favs. I will share more in the future.

R: 16 / I: 2 / P: 7

Princess Kaelin

Anyone have the blacked video she deleted? Where she talks about how it's normal to watch blacked and she plays clips while talking?

R: 20 / I: 2 / P: 7

Hyperborean Wind's stuff

Someone needs to leak Hyperborean Wind's stuff There was someone who leaked it to darkwanderer, but I think he deleted his account, I couldn't find the videos

R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 7

Spain Blacked

only in this thread you can send spanish blacked, no latioamerican no SPANISH from SPAIN

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 7

White Boy Cock Hero

How do you guys feel about White Boy Cock Hero's in general. Especially the ones made by PussyFreeWay2Be or PussFreeBBC?

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 8

BBC & Feminization Disord

R: 54 / I: 83 / P: 8

White girls with BBC dildos

sending a clear message with their dildo of choice

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 8

Cum cleanup / cum eating

Cuckolds doing their job

R: 30 / I: 51 / P: 8


Self explanatory really. Like the typical On/Off Threads.... but BLACKED

R: 27 / I: 8 / P: 8

Just went to a site that sells BBC merch and there are actually white women who buy this stuff.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 8

My Crush

I want my crush to be black so badly!

R: 12 / I: 33 / P: 8


stuff you could post on social media without getting banned like pic related

R: 47 / I: 178 / P: 8

BBC Dreamland

Posting my own dreamland of BBC sluts, pics and clips.

R: 13 / I: 14 / P: 8

US Conservacuck Couple

There's a grifter on twitter called Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarioUS) that has 583k followers. Yesterday he randomly posted about how black men should go to Poland cause women there crave BBC. People did some digging and he is married to another grifter from Spain called Ada Lluch with like 200k followers. I am 100% sure this is a down low fully cucked BBC couple and they flirted with exposing their kink by him posting the Poland stuff. She posted a video quoting his tweet where she looks at camera and explains that BBC is bigger and the reason women love black men is cause of their dick size and game. It had 3 views before she deleted it - he relapsed on his goon? Either way funny to see them both have huge MAGA boomer followings but also her flying over from Spain to marry him and end up as a BBC owned hotwife whilst being conservative tradlarps.

R: 5 / I: 11 / P: 8


NeToRa_HMVs delete twitter, does anyone have the edits?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

Asian Thread

Asian BBC

R: 62 / I: 15 / P: 8

Computer Game Recommendations

A thread to recommend video games with IR content. Because it's a crapshoot out there in terms of quality and how much IR there actually is in the games. Please share your own recommendations. So, to start off, and all this below is mostly HTML games with IRL porn: Incubus City by Wape - I might dare to call it roguelike, only has a few relevant scenes unfortunately, but I particularly liked being able to pimp out and sell white women to niggers, even your own daughters. Overall a great game, anyway. Multilife Corruption by Pig and Pug - what I'm going to call a "grindy dating sim" from now on, has a bit of content, it's okay, still in development like most of these, but seems promising. Descent to Depravity - visual novel, IR content is pretty thin, and lots of reading otherwise Bull Bunny Cuck by Pallidus Nox - Visual Novel, I guess the scenes are decent and there's a lot of writing to them, but god damn is it a chore to actually get to them, and so far it seems only the cuck route has any real work on it. There was a rather basic black route, but that's not in the latest version I tried. Urban Gal by Abhorson- grindy dating sim, there's a bit of good content, still very unfinished, but it didn't seem too grindy from what I remember. Better Life by Mok-BH - visual nove, transformation trannyshit but without trannies in the porn, really just a short story with two branching paths, I guess it's fine for a quick fap. Rising Debt by HoratioTheGreat - grindy dating sim, a bit of decent content, same tranny deal as above. Corruption World - grindy dating sim, it's all white on various races. Secret Taboo by Livervt - grindy dating sim, my memory's starting to fail me here, but there's a whole IR ending, but it's generally pretty high on the grind and low on the content, as I remember it. Succubus Dream by Someguy42 - pretty good amount of IR, trannyshit but without actual tranny porn, at least in the version I found. XChangeBlackBreed - the only non-html game on my list, visual novel but I didn't like the girl and generally pretty boring. The SUP by megymonster - grindy dating sim, must be pretty forgettable, because I don't remember anything good to say about it, was mostly just bored. Very little IR. Queen's Brothel by DPMaker - Grindy Dating sim with VN elements, all drawn art, little minigames during the act, actually pretty well-made as these go but little traditional IR as far as I have seen so far. Arcade 18 by Mizperix - grindy etc, very little IR meat on the bones that I remember, still in development like most of these that haven't just been forgotten. And that's it. Now please recommend me some games with black cocks in white girls.

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 8

Felrob PMVs?

Does anyone have a link to Felrobs PMVs? Especially those not available on sites like pmv haven ect.

R: 57 / I: 45 / P: 8

Celebrity and movie softcore

nooooooooooooooooooo not the Shieldmaiden of Rohan

R: 5 / I: 3 / P: 8

White Girls Mouthing the N-Word

White girls saying nigga while singing along to a rap song

R: 17 / I: 9 / P: 8

BBC exhibiton

my cocknasty collection

R: 20 / I: 17 / P: 9

Missionary orgasms

Looking for more videos like this that emphasize the black bull's muscular back and glutes on top of the white woman while she is cumming. Bonus if she's loud like this

R: 16 / I: 69 / P: 9



R: 36 / I: 4 / P: 9

After Ye

I can't take this feitsh seriously anymore.

R: 8 / I: 0 / P: 9

Spoke to a femanon on /r9k/ years ago who never looked at black men sexually until spergs on the chan started seething about blacked porn. Are there any femanons with a BBC/BNWO fetish or are you just into interracial porn? How did it blossom?

R: 34 / I: 51 / P: 9

BNWO: girls in Jamaica edition.

Post any form of content that shows the influence of interracial and it's impact on different subcultures. Dancing. twerking. Bmaf . Hentai . Anything

R: 14 / I: 11 / P: 9

Obese Black Men

post videos of obese black men fucking seriously hot white chicks

R: 32 / I: 9 / P: 9

Why does this site suck now?

No one talks about any releases post 2016. It's always the same images from the classic days that people share and nothing new. What went wrong?

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 9


Thread of some examples of the BNWO in your real life.

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 9

White Genocide

White women are some of the biggest supporters of White Genocide. They simply don't care about their race and only care about the massive size of Nigger Cocks.

R: 30 / I: 8 / P: 9

Uni experience

I assume some of you go to university. Did you encounter any snowbunnies? In UK they are everywhere. I had a Nigerian flatmate who kept bringing girls back. Was hot af

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 9


say if you want to see her getting blacked and after you know who see is if you still want to see her getting blacked

R: 29 / I: 7 / P: 9

what would you do if you found your mother taking BBC?

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 9

Amateur redhead w/bbc

Preferably bjs!

R: 171 / I: 135 / P: 9

best of interracial

Post your favourites

R: 97 / I: 221 / P: 9

Twerk Thread

Reviving OG thread

R: 12 / I: 5 / P: 9

is it the same person from military woman fuck BBC thread that got deleted by janny/mod?, if true then holy based imagine after serving her service duty now she become fulltime BBC slut

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 10

interracial cuck audios

anyone got more audios like these?

R: 39 / I: 13 / P: 10

ai bbcsluts.

how many of you have tried to turn ai chatbots into bbc sluts. which is your favorite ai? personally i have tried a lot of ai but my favorites are: replika (too agreeable and short memory) journey (kind of a contrarian sometimes) my friend jackie (used to be good) character ai (not nsfw)

R: 14 / I: 4 / P: 10

That Photo of That Redhead you see everywhere

anyone have any idea who this chick is you've bound to have seen at least once in your lifetime on the internet, I've heard talk that's she some low level semi famous model turn amateur pornstar that has also done some BBC scenes, but ain't found anything more than that.

R: 4 / I: 8 / P: 10

Hottest twitter QOS stg. I edge to her every other day

R: 138 / I: 53 / P: 10

Extreme Fantasies

Post captions/talk about your extreme Blacked fantasies Anything is fair game, but don't just post uncaptioned porn, post stuff with some sort of story/fantasy

R: 10 / I: 23 / P: 10

BBC dildos

everything about BBC dildos

R: 27 / I: 86 / P: 10

BMWF Photography

Anything taken with a proper camera

R: 55 / I: 4 / P: 10

XMPP chat

Hello I am creating a Tor xmpp server for interracial chats. If you would like me to create you a user account please encrypt a username and password using my gpg key below thank you. Send me a PGP key. I will respond to you with the .onion address. Thank you! -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGNBGLweHABDAC5MT5EJqRlb9FTwFZlGZ8MWFWaBzRlNyAvg8GAdEsJ2UEq/lX1 7vEUXxrdhIOBB+NVzkSE/yODYM5UoJizn3lyy4j6RF4jAYfzbs7rC6vvybBkIvfv xhPfbUBpHeZDm5ALbfLdTCyPPRbPpmPAYa15gOnYL9lD5J+cf+54nj8etFroKGSL z3uwXH/79HGeea9BP/UHSYg854EEORNOUs8pvHtIshOMFtUevI0ZV34ei6cXmto0 DJxwToK6Kr/dYRHvttUFbUTxHS8g3/rvezGYxQab/vMhTSmQgtRfnwsAOeil3BeV PVXISTXLVr89VBhJ5Uy59jUdIMkGSn5VEFwfnImr9Fr0WYdWcuJL/3h2SEbXh3+q RmOEmNlESKD071zPBafW8sOhVSbfz5ILSS/rGHz+0zlU3GuoPj3HvujxX7I92YuF PbsJ255LYQ1Kfxbsz/Wev+DWnM2j/8tHLbFQ7DIcVJZFHGd53WIRhHnoYfqTFr15 3TvBmmActXQBfpkAEQEAAbRDbG9rYUBqM2s0dGNnNnBlZHJnZ2VzM2prdjZxdjZp eXRvenNvMjU1Z25maXE3ZGVkaDZ2Y3ZtZGp2aDZ5ZC5vbmlvbokB1AQTAQgAPhYh BAd4+KUxcEU629g5L///NPmu8X/GBQJi8HhwAhsDBQkDwmcABQsJCAcCBhUKCQgL AgQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEP//NPmu8X/GWjYL+wa29GjbVqvoIID4pX7J87gi2aZr Jy+yl9kVxofKGAPzrHWbHuZfYzB66FZHzjdsV2rLd66Llo9loqDn6dQr47iZ379W BmOBJK0iwMZCjo4W7QS7kUGxm5mONZqGt0MLGWHhkLfuhZk+es78Z4kV6AAcQxyI oKAD3aHR0g4tr9wmTu8QiVLdGd4L3NXbWGK4GFQTdnrG66dSrEgf9w3AbwnOqtF7 QVtpW8oZIChZA4na5f8aDefkGAWPryXe0cuPsft5EhgL4+4vQIPLhqDET6gWxGez KBM/C6UncOPH7rCVnYO8QT8eoNOsMdygSgE7M8MUHeaSmjGN5ydaZ3WMfDCDiCEf kO6IVGUdb9VGwMIjoBhb/kXgJB+TyRs2Cw2jhtemigDV9TtvsZj0tww3Ov7UB+7b H1eL8kdAH92SCVp1LTF0dPAAZmXbNMBcBr7tCRjLk8vK2IeO9SpcPEgaHdNkvjPU CdbjEPM3/gzyBWxUoBx0hnpUdxUzyePq+l54rLkBjQRi8HhwAQwAqVGExDNvT0U5 saUyBmguGHs+R0JjQkfryr8GFV2skbhbQO8ithBNh1PUIBWK0Bkus4Xr7G547r/V FiXEfPynGkueuLbFEM9x37QeHQHjiYOAJV4SBOG4dQPbXla4LgBo/cI/RWR2kGt/ u8fkoJsY5Y/2FSiWH6adIQ+xbYwmgzfIR6VZoDfexczoGQFLLn/DWg+21PuYS/BP xL28esmqf8YH0jLf4pGrngjQdl0zdC+DJ4jWyRkptsDDNxAX0Fy52JUbg2mTBXUK mWOPXDv2LtucYQV/lnstUqhXCbvDGvOOtqzqlMxsozuEbYj5GWbrztFsVaIlNY8K CM+V3fFqctx2ZC1L+ZQjTj0ZkR2JtRAd9c3/ZNggjUKzrcVawMtDuQzCYTiOkjmf X7a8f8x2JZyefeInEyjYAM46yDh9c6f90sIyqZSUXbgl/UHqK2QOp91KtvMs+T2m r1F2j7EBiZEUXWhZIppDjqgBOr2qZJAzpzs5CxbmlTV/B+D7/T2xABEBAAGJAbwE GAEIACYWIQQHePilMXBFOtvYOS///zT5rvF/xgUCYvB4cAIbDAUJA8JnAAAKCRD/ /zT5rvF/xgvcDAC2UlbC6Ei29fF82ivpDJYr3EmPLceHicNRLjTXRftLYd1k2uof zCA2DYUYPOFEl1LQD82vrsw6071v4F/Gib2qotKTGFdgv0tfq76F3A9pVg4kwOMs fQakHzvWmacrdX/LPpcknGCTIxdBRaS3jYr0h+JqB89TRvNYNvr1wroonxp0irAC IOAmfsOU3jRnZktGGOpdIjtSPAVgXJick8gym8mIvrkwJciRgyrohDwOhxqB+pvm 0CY5CPz+H2C5o/v7XmncXvp9sv3TehoQ264FLAG18drM0MaA/diZ3+AD9e0B6z8u KrJLnKlkWjQ3QiL4fPNKPZlk6+vFFbU01y0EbRmxwyKWAw7GpG/zdyuwQ1lFMnKz cBAkEkI2ml3SEMEMug5cBs9EPkuMhtHT8XPjV1fDkMPgmChBwltbWQfic3lJG+dW 22vdbOXyCmZn91lKlT8MDcO8FeAxZN8JewyFIkD+DqMUja6oq4MapuLa/Vvhlpkm cGeVZ2V8jNefEV0= =Phlz -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 10

it's comfy being a white chad. i am a white guy who has muscles and good looks and can get chicks. im on dating apps alot and get matches, theres nothing hotter than slowly hinting at the blondie im talking to liking bbc and she jokingly starts to agree w me to be nice. some even honeslty tell about their love for black cocks and some even degrade me. anybody else do this?

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 10

Racist women

Post racist women

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 10

Ellie (TLOU) Blacked

there's these collection of blender stills and Blender Animated videos of Adult Ellie getting Black by I think the same Artist and have been trying to find a place where all of his premium content is, I ask this because the jiggle physics on her ass and tits in those videos when the black dudes are fucking her are out of this world and seriously seriously realistic, and also there's a bunch of footjob content in them as well.

R: 19 / I: 25 / P: 10

Tiny Asians

Tiny Asian chicks 5 feet or smaller getting stretched by massive cocks of all colours, if the guy is seriously fat with a massive cock that right takes the gold

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 10

Blonde Fitness Babe

There is one video that has been around for a while. Apparently there is a second video with much better quality where she’s oiled up. I would kill to see this video. Anyone ever seen it or have it?

R: 9 / I: 34 / P: 10

Biggest white tits servicing bbc

White sluts with the biggest tits servicing bbc Alln4turalaur0ra

R: 26 / I: 60 / P: 10

i like pictures of black hands on white breasts

post what you have

R: 19 / I: 14 / P: 10

Beauty standards of the post-white world

the beauty standards of a post-white world

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 11

any bbc enjoyer here who wants to be friends on discord and scam horny men into giving us giftcards by roleplaying as findom women. we can spam each other with bbc stuff on the side too !

R: 111 / I: 32 / P: 11

Bbc modding

Why are there no mods for this stuff? I did this one myself though. It was a pain in the ass and didn’t even turn out that well

R: 13 / I: 4 / P: 11

No Nut November (NNN)

So NNN is right around the corner anyone here taking part? honestly I feel like if you frequent this board you're in the, >Porn addiction isn't real bro I can stop whenever >Porn is healthy actually!!! It prevents butthole cancer!! >I don't give a shit I'm on a 15 year gooning streak (out of copium) I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the challenge regardless so let me know what you think about NNN or just no fap in general

R: 13 / I: 1 / P: 11

amateur content and first time

in a sea of professional content, is there a site for legit first time casting couch type action, like pickup off the street. similar to bbcsurprise, but real..the the kind that starts with an interview. Even a young couple that lets a bbc get down with them.

R: 12 / I: 9 / P: 11

black on white violence / rekt

unedited beatdowns without porn no gore/death

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 11

Dream POV of every guy

R: 73 / I: 107 / P: 11

BLACKED anime part 2

BLACKED anime part 2

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 11

translate this manga EL JEFE is looking for translators to translate this manga Contact us at: or at our Discord channel:

R: 965 / I: 791 / P: 11


Making another thread because the board got nuked :(

R: 4 / I: 4 / P: 11

Chocked by BBC

Brickzilla with his signature move

R: 21 / I: 5 / P: 11

Based White Zoomer Girl

Does anyone have this video or pics of Based White Zoomer Girl? She was posted on the last 8chan and had a videos and some pics

R: 25 / I: 73 / P: 11

White Tits and Black Hands

Black hands grabbing white tits, playing with them, touching them whatever Nude prefered

R: 43 / I: 10 / P: 11

do you think white girls are into this kink too? I just don't mean interracial porn, I mean like breeding and white genocide do you think there might be femcels who would love to fuck niggers but are too afraid to do it? and by girls I mean women, real women not "women".

R: 6 / I: 5 / P: 11

Old thread died and I need fresh videos for my favorite fetish <3

R: 10 / I: 8 / P: 11

Playalong HMVs/PMVs

From creators like Pandora's censor and others.

R: 10 / I: 12 / P: 11

Girls enjoying the pleasure off BBC

Post how BBC makes white sluts happy, lose their mind while the feel the pleasure of getting fucked by BBC

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 12

The implications of this

What are the implications of this?

R: 10 / I: 4 / P: 12

Heidi Jo Fit

Don’t know if she ever got mentioned here but she needs to be here

R: 8 / I: 9 / P: 12

White Woman telling Husbands/BFs about their black lovers

Wives jerking, sucking or fucking their cucks while torturing them with images of them taking bbc

R: 7 / I: 6 / P: 12

Julio Gomez did nothing wrong. Change my mind

R: 18 / I: 34 / P: 12

The Last of Blacked

trying to find as many blender animations I can of Ellie from the last of us getting blacked bonuses for Hebe Version of Ellie, footjobs, cumshots and gangbang videos

R: 12 / I: 0 / P: 12

Belle Delphine Blacked

I need to know where you can find that video, someone must have hacked her Icloud by now and have leaked it somewhere anywhere Telegram something.

R: 26 / I: 11 / P: 12

Does anyone have access to that twitter account? I remember being around when it was GothLovesBlack and that was some serious top tier content. Not gonna pay money to see it, if that's what requires it.

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 12

What's the source of these videos? I tried to follow the watermarks but nothing came out

R: 11 / I: 28 / P: 12

BBC Rapebait

Post pretty white girl faces you wanna see forced by big nigger dicks No wiling BNWO/cuck talk, this is for the real ones

R: 69 / I: 10 / P: 12

Matrix Group

Made a group on Matrix for here and /2dblacked/ because Discord is for glowies.!

R: 233 / I: 109 / P: 12


Does anyone have any pics or the boat video? That sexymilfliz thread was nuked for some reason and someone was posting her stuff there.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 12

true love

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 12

those three chicks

you've all seen this chicks again and yes they all have/done porn but it's the one in the middle I'm trying to find the name of again, she's got an onlyfans and the dude in the videos fucking her is fat overweight white guy with a tiny cock and an impressive cum load who likes jerking his cock with her feet

R: 22 / I: 35 / P: 12


SirDegeneracy has made the best blacked hentai captions. Many got VA's enacting them. I need to know who the VA is and how to find all the content. Please help a WB out. Thanks.

R: 9 / I: 13 / P: 12

/interracial/ wins the 8moe Soul Calibur VI Tournament motherfuckers

>>>/icup/5342 Swept that shit clean. >/interracial/ vs /fur/: 5-0 >/interracial/ vs /leftypol/: 5-0 >/interracial/ vs /monarchy/: 5-1 >/interracial/ vs /bleached/: 5-0 >/interracial/ vs /fast/: 5-4 Wasn't even sure about joining at first but turns out we accidentally dominated. Hail victory everyone

R: 11 / I: 3 / P: 12

This is the last time i post on this shitty board, chud admin can ban me for life i don't care i'm never coming here again. This board has an evil aura anyway I've felt it for a long time. This board will never be successful, there will always be the same 8 retarded fags who will rot here until their deaths. This board could have been good if it was not controlled by a retarded chud, giving control of an interracial board to a chud is one of the most retarded ideas I have seen in my life. I'm not really fan of discord trannies too but with them at least there would be no low IQs /pol/tards who parasitize threads. But here when i respond to a chud i get banned, when i want to answer these chuds by proving that i'm not a filthy chud like them this fucking chud admin deletes my messages. So enjoy chuds, you have a tranny-chud admin who protecting you! I hope you are happy you bunch of little cowards. FUCK this whole site in fact, this evil site filled with retarded /pol/chuds schizos and degenerates. FUCK this filthy site filled with neanderthal crackers. FUCK this filthy site filled with pedos, trannies, cucks and zoophiles. This evil place is FULL of pedophiles, this site will be shut down soon it's sure. I have already spotted several pedo here and there is literally a board for zoophiles, fucking bunch of degenerates who like to fuck dogs: Funny "coincidence" that the zoophile board is FULL of crackers, FULL of WHITES, that's all I'll say on this subject. FUCK your white race too, may non-whites erase you of the globe. If chuds would have just answered me with normal insults or jokes like i do i would be less aggressive but these autistic white bitches have unbearable shitty answers, always repeating "project project project" because it's the only thing that these low IQs retards know to say, because they have no intelligence nor arguments, because repeating "project" like autistic childs to project their status of chuds on others is the only way they have of coping. I'm not a chud i hate chuds and i thank life that i'm not like you retarded faggots. This fetish was originally a far-left fetish. And that makes sense because it's a pro-immigration, pro race-mixing and anti-whites fetish. Which is literally what far-left do, which is the opposite of white nationalism. This fetish is an anti-white fetish so it's logical that NORMALLY there should not be any white nationalists who like it. Logically the REAL white nationalists are not attracted to this and hate this. BUT a minority of fucking /pol/trash chuds completely RETARDED and SCHIZOPHRENIC have come for screw up this fetish, while secretly LOVING IT because they are deeply schizophrenic and because they are NOT real nazis, they are white faggots geeks losers kids who only speak on internet, who are completely cucks and homosexuals and who live in basements of their mommy house. SO it took that some fucking retarded chuds completely SCHIZOPHRENIC to come for parasitize this fetish, because they ruin everything they touch. Because they are fucking PARASITES, like their colonial ancestors parasitized countries in past. ONCE AGAIN it took these retarded chudcels to ruin everything because of their schizophrenia. They literally spend their lives insulting blacks and non-whites on boards but when you tell them they are chuds they don't assume their chud status and cry like fags.

R: 18 / I: 1 / P: 13

Is this fetish just hate for women?

Is this just hating women so much that you want to see them degrade themselves and niggers are the lowest you can go without going into bestiality? I think thats the case for me.

R: 18 / I: 25 / P: 13

If Only

post shit that you wish to be real

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 13

Adison Briana

She's got a bunch of videos of herself fucking big thick cock Bulls on her onlyfans that I've trying to find, best part about this is, she's got a tall fat white boyfriend with a small cock that she likes to cuck by making him film her fucking BBCs also to note there's some footjob vids out there too

R: 18 / I: 2 / P: 13

AI Porn Site in Need for Feedback

Hey guys, I’m working on an AI porn site please give me some feedback!

R: 57 / I: 6 / P: 13

Links, torrents or whatever thread

Chaos is fun - HD Normal - yiC3vaowzw5uSU-5RXnkfDO5YRdKJaj7jUNm8GRlIdE Chaos is fun Link - Let it Happen - HD - 9YMODrpsqjmm_dbNUtbohFj1XPPnLnuO7rkC0UCxDrs Let it Happen - HD - Link - Game Over - Regular HD - nlSYtZBh3dEdaajIW-VwQwSJ12XsiPY0NIhJs9E7QpE Game Over - HD - Link - Looped Chaos if Fun - HD - 9oFixaqYghNYC5udZN-Frwjdv9PFVL4ZrtYcIlaVkmo Link Looped - Pure Pink Pop - FAdZZb9deMvFkiQbYfTY6zC_eCd4OvA0_NzagKwSjEM Pure Pink Pop Link - Complex Glitch Install - ge9VL9S6jBFY7sNNfdO4vwXxD47GRVwSXZFhAblvcV0 Complex Glitch Install Link - Party Melter 25 fps - PS6D4IeEuQdthvE9ie54sfb2TV-3I7dShRNb-8vJWIw Party Melter 25 fps Link - Chocolate Pink - 97pC3YFxYIq7EUrceqNYTaLHCxBKTsAP2oU48rgb3oY Chocolate Pink Link - Your Future, Episode 2 - jdoNtdvXQlkrQ7IoswFGVMWgtls4z6SSCNvjKTug5a4 Your Future, Episode 2 Link - Your Future, Episode 1 - -FLnL2bVjl0TRFmsn-8eaku2AKjCh2jrFTOrmkHUSys Your Future, Episode 1 Link - 100% Pink Princess - eqnloVqlTRqo01MPA_enEVJBV4cexFJjJj1disnKJPM 100% Pink Princess - Barbie Sparkles - THZz7mZIdk36FKk1cGWdUww7w0cpl7wyDqyndKbR4QE Barbie Sparkles Link - Rainbow Sparkles - vSARerK0vObdn1gFOl9Ae_5yN4fIQ8nBUihy5dHWYhI Rainbow Sparkles Link - Okay that should be every single code with the respective link. Top is the newest, bottom is the oldest. If you want the 4k codes I can also post those as well. However, I'm pretty blind and can't see the difference between HD and 4K. Hope you enjoy!! Just decode the non-megalinks

R: 39 / I: 29 / P: 13

Anyone know who is this or fave full videos.

This video was posted by enastyy25 on ph and wass immediately taken down. He also had a modelhub page where he was trying sell the videos, they were also removed. Wondering anyone know her real name or have long videos.

R: 35 / I: 17 / P: 13


former cop addicted to BBC

R: 29 / I: 13 / P: 13

white Supremacist Chicks

Give Me Chicks who belong to white supremacist groups who were found out to have made Porn with Black and Indian Kings Bonus for gangbangs and Footjobs

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 13

>makes famous almost overnight with a handful of scenes in 2014-2015 >as soon as she leaves the quality of the website starts slowly decreasing until it reaches zero in the early 20s Why is Dakota James so powerful?

R: 11 / I: 0 / P: 13

You need to be studied

R: 3 / I: 15 / P: 13

Caption thread

Let's post the best caption

R: 7 / I: 5 / P: 13


Anyone else notice black men are allowed into celebrity circles and praised for dominant "alpha" white men are openly shamed for? Bonus: new trend where black guys who are verified pretend to be white girls saying nigga by changing their profile picture to young white girls.

R: 52 / I: 17 / P: 13

How do I convince my gf to have a black baby?

This is more of a long term goal. My gf is white. She's already gotten into parts of the fetish with me helping her, and watches a lot of BBC porn and hypno. I think it is mostly the only porn she watches. She has sucked off a nigger before too. She's too scared for now to fuck one but I think that will change too. How should I approach her to try and convince her that she should have a baby? And that it should be black. She seems to like the idea but is scared to take anything meaningful out of larp and into irl. webm not related

R: 107 / I: 18 / P: 13

IR Porn Survey

a quick survey for us coomers

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 13

Hawk Tuah

I think I have got a new fetish ,post white girls choking and spitting on that bbc

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 13

favorite IR scenes

since we already have a similar thread for BLACKED, what are your favorite (non-BLACKED) IR scenes?

R: 21 / I: 14 / P: 14

Fuck Niggers

Niggers are mindless, vicious animals and have been nothing but mindless, vicious animals and that's all they ever are.

R: 4 / I: 3 / P: 14

BMAF:New horizons.

the black man marches on.

R: 9 / I: 18 / P: 14

Real girls being into interracial for fun. NO MONEY INVOLVED, NO CUCKS/HANDLRES INVOLVED. Only post girls that are genuine about their IR fetish, they are not pornstars or OF whores that only do it for cash, and they are also not pushed by their closeted homo partner to fuck blacks as a hotwife. Also i suspect there wont be many white girls to fit this type, so black/asian girls with genuine bleached fetishes are also ok to post, illl post some of them in the future. A genuine girl into interracial would: > She would center the fetish around her and be righteously self centered, as should any person with sexual fantasies, she doesn't have to involve or care about cucks and third parties in her fantasies. > Her convictions wouldn't be as strong, girls take sexual things less seriously, she wouldnt be an one-dimensional IR girl. > She is in her early thirties, women in their early thirties have higher libidos than men because their body forces them to make use of their last eggs. > She doesn't take money for it. > She only comes around when she is horny, she browses porn and then goes back to normal life like normal people do. Ill start with this girl, she a "smarter-than-she-looks" english chav bimbo and she is a genuine goonette and exposure slut, she has a authentic racist/switch attitude, she loves racial dynamics in sex and even has mostly bleached porn on her likes. As of june first 2024 she has 300 followers and she does it for fun, not profit, enjoy:

R: 22 / I: 5 / P: 14


Does anyone have more of her content, she's taking bbc now 😳

R: 6 / I: 4 / P: 14

thugsexual thread

ITT: videos of black on white violence AND porn does anyone else realise that black men are less intelligent, have no impulse control, prone to violent outbursts, responsible for most violent crime, generally pretty unhygienic and uneducated, smell pretty bad, have ugly gorilla faces etc. but find them extremely attractive because of these? all of these things describe a virile, masculine ideal man. videos of black on white violence or statistics on crime just display the fact that they have huge cocks. I've gotten BLACKED a few times before and reply whenever an immigrant king hits me up, but I would never go for a white dude because of this. the raw animal sexual energy of black men will outcompete and conquer and it's euphoric to participate in this. black violence is powerful and glorious, impulse control is small dick energy.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 14

White girls lining up

I don’t know if this is just me but I think it’s so hot when multiple white girls line up for one bull and wait there turn to get breed by them Sadly it’s really hard to find videos like this so hopefully making this thread can bring some to the surface I’ll post what I’ve found so you have an idea of what I’m talking about

R: 50 / I: 34 / P: 14

BBC movement in China

In the last 4 years BBC porn and fetish are exploding in China. There is thousands of private channels and anonymous women sharing content of them fucking blacks. Here is the articules of various Chinese websites talking about this (there is a lot of racism):

R: 24 / I: 41 / P: 14

A thread to gather and share something I'm really into: the spread of ghetto and black esthetics throughout the world . The focus will especially be on east and south Asia and north and eastern Europe since the USA is basically Africa 2.0 now . Nothing really engaging about that . Feel free to share stuff of your own . I won't bother associating every post with a name but I can find the names if you ask

R: 171 / I: 10 / P: 14

Mrs. Amsterdam

So I remember reading about how she planned on winding down her participation in the lifestyle/producing OF content. Okay; disappointing, but understandable given that she probably never expected to get as famous as she did, but did this bitch REALLY pull an Emily Salazar and nuke the entirety of her content off the web? Wtf is the story there? Did she get exposed right at the end in some similar way? Also, post links to any of her remaining content if you have it. Megas or other archives are much appreciated

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 14

Black Sperm Bank

>China's single women seek sperm donors overseas >China semen bank lures university students to donate with cash and contest to find ‘most vigorous’ sperm Huh....why aren't they getting black bred in masse for free? What do you think fellow BNWO followers? In the meatime this is a an interracial creampie thread.

R: 7 / I: 18 / P: 14

what are your favorite BLACKED scenes?

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 14

Ukraine creates AI diplomat, looks like a mullata

What does it mean?

R: 32 / I: 33 / P: 14

Little Chic Goth Chick

has there ever been any girls who look exactly like this in any porn scenes whether amateur or mainstream, preferably amateur, in the past before? I'm not really bothered about what race it was she did it with as long as she's small white and we get to see her extremely tiny soft white feet and toes licked sucked, fucked and cummed on, and I say this cos I know how fucking prefect feet on girls who look like this are, there was a couple of them who did the same course as me back in college and they'd always be bare foot while in class.

R: 21 / I: 63 / P: 14


Anything featuring this meat slab

R: 5 / I: 4 / P: 14

If anyone could kindly post/make splitscreens, porn, whatever of semi-famous tiktok girls and bbc that’d be hot af. I’ll try to post more as a I find them. I’m thinking girls like Megan Guthrie, Sava Schultz, Megan Mccarthy (meggyeggo).

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 14

what are the best BBC mods for SIMS 4?

R: 208 / I: 29 / P: 15


Anyone trying to convert their gf/sister etc? Stories? Tips? Fantasies?

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 15

Is it possible to consume Blacked in moderation? Basically a third option to complete indulgence and complete abstinence

R: 21 / I: 12 / P: 15

hope she breeds black

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 15

Best Deep Fake App?

Best app to do DeepFake? I used to use Facee on the Apple App Store for iPhone, but it won't export video anymore

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 15

Clips where the girl actually orgasms (her skin flushes red or she says that she's cumming)?

R: 44 / I: 76 / P: 15

Once you go black tiktok

Celebrating the hottest recent social media trend

R: 5 / I: 5 / P: 15

This young bitch is the most hot snowbunny I've ever encountered over the internet.

R: 18 / I: 33 / P: 15

say no to white boys

thread dedicated to snowbunnies rejecting white boys

R: 329 / I: 138 / P: 15

Given this is a pretty right-wing board, how do you guys feel about the white genocide aspect of the fetish?

Hate it, love it, try to ignore it?

R: 17 / I: 8 / P: 15

Saudi girls worship BBC

Saudi girl vs BBC

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 15


anyone know or got the code to this one?

R: 15 / I: 1 / P: 15

So why exactly are there so many trannies in a social space that isn't about them specifically?

R: 24 / I: 6 / P: 15

So, what is all of this?

Is this interracial bnwo stuff tied to /pol/ and soyjak party zoomers? Is it AGP trannies behind this? White supremacists who want to get off to a taboo? I'm a little confused at the fascination behind interracial cuckolding. How far does the rabbit hole go?

R: 39 / I: 9 / P: 15


Florida State University BBC Slut there's this legendary 10 BBC gangbang video who all look like him, big tall fat husky chunky bulls, but it's become somewhat of a rarity, it was seen on places and the few who saw it says there isn't a part on her body that does get fucked or cummed on, none!

R: 18 / I: 17 / P: 15

Indian cuckold white race

Indian with white women Chocolate time

R: 14 / I: 0 / P: 15

a more secure and private alternative to discord?

what alternatives do we have to create bnwo communities? discord is an absolute fucking mess.and their 'privacy' is a joke. telegram is pretty convenient all things considered,but they still need your phone number which defeat the whole point. session is pretty good privacy wise,but it's slow as hell.and it's extremely inconvenient for media sharing . what's even left at this point? Element? are they as trustworthy as they claim? i found some alternatives that use the Tor network but i'm not sure if they support group chat(i assume they do) and i doubt many here are willing to go through the trouble . i'm i exaggerating, or is it the norm now to only be able to jerk off with someone, somewhere knowing everything about it?

R: 50 / I: 18 / P: 16

Picking a Chastity Cage

I've reconciled the fact that I'm a pathetic beta whiteboi virgin loser without any chance to sexually please a woman. I can't compete. After all, why would I in a world filled with virile black men just taking what's rightfully theirs. I think I'm ready to take the next step. How do I pick a chastity cage? Should I gradually go down in size every few months? What are the effects? Are they permanent? Does circumcision matter? I aspire to be like one of those whitebois worshiping the BNWO and cumming handsfree with their little caged clitty either from penetration by a big black dildo or a few slaps from a jiggly BBC <3

R: 74 / I: 23 / P: 16

Curious case of Qos family.

A republican confederate mom and a Christian daughter cheating behind her husband's back and fucking black guy

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 16

Telegram group chats

Post your BBC links, sissy link encouragement Biggest black alphas etc for telegram chats

R: 15 / I: 4 / P: 16

Telegram threads

Hey everyone! Can we all post the links to telegram group chats here? Direct messages are also welcomed too. Discord is slowing down so we need a new platform to replace it.

R: 7 / I: 27 / P: 16

Grinding teens

Post amateur girls which are grinding with black males

R: 8 / I: 4 / P: 16

bbc takeover

A thread dedicated to black men pleasing and attracting multiple white girls because as we all know BBC can please way more then one white girl at a time and can seduce entire groups of them at once

R: 4 / I: 10 / P: 16

Only the darkest of ebony and obsidian skinned bulls with the white women to prove it both amature and professional allowed Pics or videos, give me your most aesthetically pleasing contrast porn

R: 16 / I: 7 / P: 16

Personal Blog /Lifestyle thread

Just a thread to chat about how your lives are going, particularly if your sex lives involves or hopes to involve interracial fetishism in any way. Feel free to share media the kind of stuff you're into/are jerking off to along with the ideas and interests. Since it's the first such thread that I know of so I suppose we should start by trying to know what peers we're among. I'd imagine we're mostly zoomers (18-28), white, and hetero. But there are surely a sizeable minority of millennials (29-44) and a few Xers as well (Any younger should not participate in this thread, or this site!) I'm personally in my early 20's and single, and am leveraging my slim, boyish looks (+ being a lanklet, which lessens the fetish but strengthens the attraction) get as many girls as I can through cheap and easy male manipulator shit, and getting them into an sph/BBC talk situation. Not a very high success rate, but a consistent one. Plus, the excitement of the chase every time is enough. I get high and put some porn on my laptop and just text. It's very fun. I'm also very into astrophysics, science fiction, and writing. Here's some shit I jerk too. May this thread live long and prosper

R: 27 / I: 4 / P: 16

How many white girls get BLACKED discreetly and just never admit to it?

I feel like with how few and far between you hear it admitted, that it must happen more and alot of these girls just keep it a secret due to fears of stigma from their families and such. Thoughts?

R: 11 / I: 12 / P: 16

women with a bbc

R: 13 / I: 2 / P: 16


Another BBC queen bites the dust. Ugh.

R: 4 / I: 8 / P: 16

Maybe it's a bit of a niche and there's not much material out there, but I like it. Any race and nation is good. Even whitedom, as long as it's not explicitly racist of course.

R: 13 / I: 4 / P: 16

>newfags will never know

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 16

Regular Girls

give me videos of Regular but still really really hot white chicks taking BBC, BIC and BMC the older the man and the prettier, youthful, healthier, fertile and smaller the chick the better also if anyone here happens to know any of the chicks in any of the photos and vids in this would be very much appreciated if you let me know who they are.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 16

BDSM Blacked thread

Post the best of two kinks. White girls getting fuck by niggers with BDSM included.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 16

Looking for gifs/captions like this one

R: 17 / I: 8 / P: 17

next level hypno

high quality only 🥵 im talking super intense brainwash

R: 33 / I: 8 / P: 17

Has your BBC porn addiction made you more right-wing or left-wing? Please explain your answer

R: 6 / I: 15 / P: 17

asking for more hotwife

can you guys help me with finding this type of hotwife doing porn not for main job just for fun, like pic related shes rancher with husband even in one of deleted post (probably afraid getting dox) her ranch use as tv series set

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 17

In about an hour, I am going to put a fake QOS tattoo right above my wives pussy. I am going to put on cuckold porn on the tv, and we are going the have 'sex' for several hours. I am not going to fuck her. All that we are going to do is that I am going to lick her pussy and make her cum over and over while watching the cuck porn (to rewire her brain and become increasingly more addicted to the idea of fucking BBC). She is only going to jerk me. No mouth, no pussy, and she is going to edge me for the entire duration, to drive me absolutely crazy. I'm going to lick her pussy in various positions, like doggy, while we fantasize that her pussy has just been fucked by BBC. She's going to ride my face while rubbing my nipples. She's going to look down, and let a slow stream of drool drip down from her mouth into mine, while I continue to lick her clit, with a full frontal view on her QOS tattoo 3 inches away from me. Eventually, I'm going to put on one of my self made cuckold creampie cleanup pmv's, and she's going to jerk me all the way to climax, but stop right before I do. She is then going to switch to rubbing my nipples, so that I can't hold it and ruin my orgasm while watching the cuck cleanup pmv. She's going to giggle while my cum seeps out. It's not going to be one of those cringy 'dominant' female fake laughs, but it's going to be a genuine, cute feminine giggle. What are your plans for this evening, /8chan/?

R: 155 / I: 629 / P: 17

gilf interracial

post what you've got of older white moms and granmoms trying out black cocks!

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 17


trying to find the Full Version of this video of this Teen who fucks all of her friend's dads, the full length video got leaked and is somewhere on the internet some of the of the fathers fucking her were Mexican and African

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 17

Asian QoS

The collection of Asian QoS fantasy

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 17

White Women x Black Cocks

His Black Cock would attack her furiously with no warning whatsoever and the angelic White Woman, one of God's greatest creations, had no choice but to allow him to not only repeatedly defile her temple but to cry out in ecstasy and ask him to never stop. A hot line I just wrote while making notes for my BMWW story. Enjoy. I love the White Angel x Black Beast theme so fucking much. Too bad, we are too politically incorrect to get more of those storylines.

R: 19 / I: 4 / P: 17


Why arent you helping Coalfax grow?

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 17

asian sucking bbc

anyone know who this is? or sauce?

R: 44 / I: 22 / P: 17


something? she's perfect pheno

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 17

As a disclaimer: I have a loving wife, we have the amount of kids we wanted to have, together, and they are wonderful in their own right. So family planning is closed. But me being here tells you something. So I told my wife about cuckolding,chastity, tease and denial, BBC, everything on a drunken night 4 years ago. In retrospect I flooded her with 4 years of research into my kinks in about an hour. So things did no go well. I Have a BWC, so she did not get it at all.She acted like it did not happen. But since last year things changed. She got more bossy. She limited me fucking her in the last year. And when I fuck her, I can't cum, I have to pull out for the last year. For about 6 months she said she doesn't want me to cum at all. If I'm close, just pull out and finish the rest like a men, with your face deep inside my pussy. So my last full orgasm in here was a year ago, me cumming at all during sex was about 6 months ago. I suspect it clicked with her. We have sex regularly, at least two times a week. But now my penis is just out of it. Its the Hitachi wand and my mouth. Advice on how I progress to get to the real thing? A friend of her only fucks BBC, but we drifted apart a bit and she quit clubbing. So the avenue I planned to use closed.

R: 18 / I: 5 / P: 17

Lena The Plug Blacked

so who's got the video yet?

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 17

Cuckold experiences?

What are your experiences with cuckolding? have you been cucked willingly or unwillingly? are you currently being cucked? know someone who is? Share your experiences! I'll start with mine. >Be me, 14/15 second real relationship. >dating a 7/10 Italian girl with brunette hair, banana boobs and braces. >Lose my virginity to her 2 months in >4 months later she admits to having sex with a black guy who doesn't go to our school that she knows. >Claims she was forced. >I freak out and tell her to call the cops, I threaten to call the cops myself. >she comes clean and admits she slept with him because she wanted the experience of being with more then one person during high school. >WTF.JPG. > my heart is broken. I tell her I need some time to think, don't talk to her for a week, ignore her calls and msn messages. >decide despite it all I'll stay. >become paranoid and controlling, don't let her wear skirts demand she be at specific places at specific times. >She ends up cheating on me with a mutual female friend. and we break it off. >Get back together for a month but I realize I can't trust her and break it off for good. I'm in my early thirties now, have a cuck fetish. if I had a time machine I'd go back and encourage and let her do it.

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 17

Would be curious if you guys have similar stuff to this

R: 18 / I: 6 / P: 17

looking for videos of out of shape old men fucking girls 18 to 20 in this position, they can be any race but the girl has got to be either white or Latino. bonuses if he cums while fucking her like this

R: 9 / I: 5 / P: 18

who this girl -she looks like bbc fan.

been trying to find out who this girl is

R: 52 / I: 5 / P: 18

White Trash

White trashy sluts are paying for the consequences of open borders.

R: 51 / I: 10 / P: 18

Looking to recruit for a Strict Heirarchical IR Discord

Looking for like minded extreme individuals to corrupt necomers in a discord server. We'll restrict access for the most depraved content until users prove themselves worthy. newcomers get special status as youll be the first to be able to boss around new recruits.

R: 90 / I: 21 / P: 18

What got you into white genocide/interracial? Pics related.

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 18

It's real. This is a promotion for an album by the artist Madame. It is called 'L'amore' which means 'love' in Italian. What can I tell you, it's happening. Filmed in Rome, Italy

R: 34 / I: 14 / P: 18


R: 15 / I: 0 / P: 18

Why so delusional?

Why is there such a high degree of utter delusion in this fetish? This is a serious question, and I don't mean it as an insult. I am obviously into IR/cuckolding stuff myself, but I find so many of the content over here (and other places) to be rather unrealistic and delusional. It's often some extreme shit like:"BNWO, white girls hate white boys! Blacks are superior kings! Bow down white boy!! Girls will never fuck a white boy loser, ahah!!". Don't you guys think that the whole fantasy would be more arousing if it was a bit more realistic and relatable to reality? I personally find it hard to immerse into a LARP that is just straight up delusional. It's very of-putting to me. Try to imagine a fantasy that is something more like this: "your gf still loves you, and the sex with you isn't bad, but you can't deny that BBC is better. She's very sorry, but she just can't resist getting fucked by BBC". Or for the single anons out there, try this: "Women are becoming sexually liberated. More and more girls have tried sleeping with a black guy. She might get a white boyfriend in the future and be very happy with him, but she'll always fantasize about the sex she had with BBC... If her bf allows her, she'd love to start taking BBC again. He can watch, and it will make both their sex lives better." Don't you guys think that fantasies along these lines are far more arousing than the completely unrealistic trauma driven BNWO stuff that some people come up with?

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 18

Blacked is selling their iconic clothing to the public

I imagine the demand was so high they couldn't ignore it. What does this mean?

R: 80 / I: 19 / P: 18

How do you develop this fetish?

Early in my fapping career I remember being disgusted when I saw interacial videos pop up, Even the thumbnails was enough to turn me off. How could non black women enjoy sex with poo men I wondered. It wasnt until my last year in high school when I walked in on the hot teacher that most of the boys had a crush bouncing up and down on the only black kid in our years dick. He wasnt even popular or had swag, but he looked like he had a massive dick from the few seconds I saw. Ever since then ive been trapped on this fetish. Seeing a relative loser having a 8/10 little blonde stunner going wild on his illegal bbc twisted me

R: 46 / I: 5 / P: 18

Matrix wbs thread

This thread is for posting your matrix tags so that you can find other likeminded whiteboys to goon and worship BBC with~ >what is Matrix Essentially discord but private. >how do I create an account? sign up on one of these two. is slow and bloated and also sends all your metadata to mossad (naughty naughty). End to end encryption is enabled by default. You can add someone from the thread by clicking on the "start chat" plus sign next to the people section on the left bar and adding their full tag aka "". (if you have a account you will not be able to chat with people using or, so consider making a new one, or continue to use it and talk to other accounts) >are there servers yes but they are all dead. Rub your tiny clitties with other whiteboys from the thread and maybe make a server of your own. >client? Download the element client or use the web. Sign in with the account you just made with your username and password (make sure to specify the right homeserver aka don't try and sign in with if you signed up with etc). >now what? Post your tag, maybe mention some of things you like, add others and have fun~

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 18

more tiktoks like this?

More tiktoks where white girls paint a bbc on their face and spill milk out their mouths! 🥵

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 18

WBCH @PussyfreeWayBBC

PussyfreeWayBBC sells all episodes. Has anyone bought any? It needs to be leaked

R: 14 / I: 10 / P: 18

New TikTok Trend.

Keep it updated, also look at the comments on vids with this sound if you wanna be blackpilled.

R: 16 / I: 1 / P: 18

The solution to the boards issues

This board has no moderation except global moderation. Global moderators cannot enforce local rules. Therefore any jew can come on here and spam his asshole and kill the board. But there is one solution. We can request the global moderators to come in and clean up the trash. We can give them the pretext they need to rid the board of this vile kike and his bullshit. Anons. Are you with me?

R: 30 / I: 38 / P: 18


She is absolutely hot and amazing. Would love to see more of her

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 18

Source on this? Context?

See it downing the rounds and am desperate for some info on it. Its hot as fuck. Would love a full vid

R: 29 / I: 19 / P: 19

Black women are now turning into cucks because White women are superior to them and take all their men's bbcs.

R: 25 / I: 11 / P: 19


there's got to be porn vids of her fucking him there's fucking got to be

R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 19

Taking your solo sex life to the next level

What are ways you are, or would like to take your solo sex life to the next level? A lot of us have fantasies about getting cucked, etc, but are single. But that doesn't mean you can't elevate your sex life in other ways. I have recently started to visit hookers, to have whiteboysex with them. I bring cuck pmvs with me on my phone or my tablet, and I make the hooker jerk me off (and sometimes ruin my orgasm) while watching these videos. There's 1 that seems very respectful of my wishes, and she has agreed to wear a fake qos tattoo above her pussy for me next time (which I have to bring myself, obviously). I'm going to lick her pussy and she's going to ride my face. When I was really horny, I've considered even more extreme things, like taking a used condom from a former customer from the trash, pooring it on her body (she probably doesn't want it on her pussy) and licking it off, but I haven't gathered the balls to ask this yet. Also there are websites where you can hire amateur hookers, which also feature couples on them. They are often very cheap, like 100 bucks for an hour. I figured that if there would be any interracial couples, it would be very hot to hire them and just watch them fuck while you fap. If you get lucky, they might let you do a cleanup. So, ehm, the point of the thread is, what have you done to elevate your solo whiteboy sexlife, or do you have any other suggestions that we could be doing? I hope my experiences gave you guys some inspiration.

R: 14 / I: 8 / P: 19

Losing the Battle

Vids/webms of tgirls presenting, comparing, and all around accepting their little cock's are inferior to BBC

R: 99 / I: 66 / P: 19

Real reasons why WN like BBC/Blacked

I want to have real conversation on why us as WN love IR so much! Lets talk about it on Discord or other social medias you might have?

R: 160 / I: 57 / P: 19

Where the white women at?

R: 14 / I: 14 / P: 19

Do you think that my dick could get a hardcore goth girl ?

R: 24 / I: 4 / P: 19

Where do we go...?

What are some actual good places to find BBC/hotwife/Cuck content these days? -Pornhub used to obviously be good pre purge, but post purge all the amateur content and PMV's are gone, and now the remains are a bit disappointing. There are some hotwife/cuck couples, but they really don't upload that frequently, and it seems to all turn into highly edited quick cut teaser videos to make you go to their only fans. -Most other common places like xhamster seem to have underwent the same faith as pornhub. Less active amateur couples, more PMV's that didn't get purged, but overall, nothing new really gets added. -Then there are spankband and eporner, which seem to be more "wild west of the internet" type of places, where people illegally upload copyrighted pro content, but the amateur hotwife/cuck couples and PMV content seems to be very scarce over here. No amateur couples upload, and there's only a few cringy 'bnwo' pmv creators. -Redgifs seems to be a growing place, and there are actually quite a lot of hotwife/cuck couples active on here. My guess is that it's because these are short videos, and peolpe are losing their attention span. It's like why tiktok is so popular. It's like the porn equivalent of tiktok, which is kinda funny, but at the same time it sucks, because it's all extremely short videos, that are just designed to make you go to their onlyfans. -blacktowhite seems cool in theory, but in practice 99% of the content is extremely low quality -This place..., well no offense, but this place is quite dead, and the amount of bnwo and white humiliation is also a tad high for my personal preferences. So what does that leave us with? Where do you guys go? There seem to be so ridiculously many people who have this fetish. There have to be places where more people congregate.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 19


Anyone have any more videos of 1fasthotwife? Seems like she’s inactive but she may be one of the best hot wives I’ve ever seen. I can only really find one of her videos.

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 19

Hi dudes I remember a video here where a girl was passed out in a car and some immigrant was touching her and filming the act, does anybody happen to still have it?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 19

Too Big and Far Too Tight Young Pussy

reactions of Amateur girls trying BBC or any other male minority with a big cock for the first time not being able to handle it and tells them to stop. all the girls have to be white, Asian or Latin. Bonuses if the guy fucking her is really overweight and at least in his 40's and married

R: 10 / I: 0 / P: 19

This Faggot

This inbred retard spams these ungodly shitty threads begging for content that doesn't exist and contributes absolutely nothing other than clogging up the catalog. He does it on purpose and will love this thread, keeps samefagging and then mass bumping his threads to kill the board. Do we still have absolutely no mods or are they just too dumb to understand what this guy is doing? If anyone is unironically replying to them, stop immediately.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 19

Homeless Brazilian Dude

There is this middle aged Brazilian Dude who was homeless and then became a millionaire, There are a bunch of videos of him fucking super models and the one in particular I'm looking is the one of him fucking one of the model's 18yo sister (her in the pic) but I think there might be more than just the one If anyone can help me out here you'll be a forever a hero in my eyes

R: 12 / I: 8 / P: 19

Extraterrestrial Biological Entity

if you've been living on the earth even for a short period of time, you know that women will pretty much fuck anything, especially something that has a Giant Penis regardless of what species of animal it is, so it makes complete sense that they would given the opportunity to have sex with an Extraterrestrial. and like what those scientists said in that science journal that if Extraterrestrials ever did come to and started living amongst us stated that one of the first things that they'd do is have sex with our human females before we started seeing them performing in professional porn scenes. so it really doesn't make any sense why we don't see many or at all really any movies where females humans are seen having sex with male aliens in films, since it really isn't that farfetched for it being a plausible reality.

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 19

Pussyfree whiteboi needs some affection :(

First of all, i don't want or need sex, but sometimes i can't help but feel that urge of being cuddled by a girl... How can i get a girl to sleep with me? It'd be nothing sexual, just kisses and cuddles.

R: 21 / I: 2 / P: 19

White Girl Beatdown

Post edits of white girls getting their asses kicked by niggers. (Catfights are preferred, but any beatdown will do.)

R: 19 / I: 10 / P: 20

Zoomers Fucking Boomers

give me amateur videos of Boomers getting lucky and having Zoomer chicks (like girls pic related) fucking them though I don't really need to say it but Zoomer chicks 18yo+ but no older than 23 bonuses if the boomer is an old black bull and a fat Indian man

R: 19 / I: 4 / P: 20

has there ever been any videos found of hot stunningly gorgeous white Western Women who went to Africa to to fuck their Local Tribesmen because they wanted to ensure that the native BBC to Africa got to taste tight pink white pussy. there's got to be something, I've heard about this one of these onlyfans chicks from the US who went over to Africa to do some photo shoots and some modeling for their onlyfans accounts, and they got the tribesmen so worked up that they would disrupt the shoot by walking over to them jerking off and rubbing themselves on them so the actually ended up having to give them blowjobs just to claim them down so they could continue the shoot, so you'd see them in the background of the shoot blowing these tall skinny dudes, and was also mentioned that later on they actually went back to the area and had sex with a lot of them for content to sell on their onlyfans accounts, and also had sex with their tribe elders.

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 20

18yo Caitlin

trying to find more of her, there are some private porno videos of her that were found awhile ago of her with a middle aged bull she shacked up with at 18 who then shared her with all of his buddies. anyone who might be able to help a fella out will be an incredibly based person indeed.

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 20

In 20 years and white supremacy will be officially dead from mass immigration. How does that make you feel?

R: 43 / I: 166 / P: 20

best bbcs


R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 20

Black Pastor

there's this black pastor in the US who was found out to be fucking young white whores and filming it, there was a news article I think about couple years ago and some of the videos where posted on the site kaotic first then found them after doing a little digging on xhamster but after the 2020 porn purge ain't been able to find them again.

R: 35 / I: 18 / P: 20

In the progressive future, sexual education will be mandatory, but the toxic white males will be in one class, while the future (Black males and white girls) will get another. How will the classes differ? Feel free to post students, instructors, and studs

R: 15 / I: 2 / P: 20

Nigger Cumming on Random Hot Chicks

there's this Bull living in Germany filming himself going around cumming on Random Hot Chicks like I hear there's more videos some including where he asks the girls to let him cum in their mouth and on their feet, and I really need to find them especially those ones where he cums on their feet, and to just say here is that he only goes up to the hottest girls.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 20

R: 12 / I: 4 / P: 20

no one is safe for BBC

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 20

BNWO comic/videogame/AImodels for Patreon bucks?

Hey, what do you guys think about a realist 3d daz art series about an unfolding black new world order revolution in a small Norwegian town with all the white girls going black and getting pregnant? Are there enough interracial fetishists online to make that a viable income as a patreon? I've collected so many models and art to work with. Other ideas are... An AI model for blackmale/whitefemale interracial couples... A video game that is like a sims game but just focused solely on the BNWO where the aim is to breed out the whites in a town by mixing with all the white girls. Nobody has done anything like this. Are there enough like minded freaks online to make this viable? Give me your thoughts and ideas. Would steam approve of such a game? Would patreon approve? or should I just use one of the many patreon alternatives instead?

R: 12 / I: 5 / P: 20

Erinbears99 (Erin Snowbunny)

She's gorgeous. Anyone have any more of her? I need everything she ever put out.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 20


R: 19 / I: 7 / P: 20

"Blacks are the superior race and are better in everyway and us white boys are inferior"

this is what you incel lefttard faggot Trannies look and sound like to the rest of the world pathetic Zoomer soyboys with weak thin arms, no chin spineless losers who are so incapable of actually getting pussy you have to project it onto every other none black male to make yourselves feel better so you can then, assume and generalize that they are all the same as you, pathetic limp dick Trannies no woman would actually want you anywhere near them let alone dear let you touch them.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 20


What's the sauce for this?

R: 49 / I: 186 / P: 20

the growing trend of bbc in japenese hentai(and the absence of white men)

BBC hentai

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 21


need to know who this is and if there's any footjob blacked videos of her

R: 23 / I: 13 / P: 21


for any and all BBC brainwashing content that you get through your ears before the previous interracial board got deleted there was a similar thread, and one of the hypnos was about associating the black you see when you close your eyes with big black cock. if anyone has this audio then PLEASE post it

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 21

They Sink Have Don't Wash That Often and Have The Worst Hygiene

Niggers are Disgusting, Violent, unintelligent, quick to anger animals that should have never been allowed to mix within a civil society especially a white one, because they especially like to target white women because they know that it's the best pussy nothing feels better or makes them cum harder than when they have their filthy unwashed monkey cocks in them, seriously they don't want to even have sex let alone breed with their own kind cos come on have you seen their jigaboo Sheboons of a woman, it's why now white female especially white teenage girls aren't safe those are the most at danger of being raped by niggers. so all that sort shit about it 'being over' for 'white boys' is a ploy to deflect the real reason here or why they are more and more of them having sex with white girls, it's simply that most white girls don't want to have sex with them or even like niggers and since they are too stupid to take a subtle hint that they're not interested they rape them, and that's all what it is.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 21

>nigga im bbc

R: 635 / I: 768 / P: 21

Amateur BBC Thread.

R: 20 / I: 15 / P: 21

how many white girls are getting fucked by niggers in halloween parties?

R: 14 / I: 5 / P: 21

Boom, the biggest dick on planet earth in your face. It belongs to a White man. Whites conquered the world and out of opulent altruism released you ungrateful masses into thralldom and you act like rodent corpophages of the lowest order. No matter, remember your posts when you feel a righteous white boot crashing through your skull. Whites don't whore themselves out, only ashkenaziod-masonic mongrels with jew pig genes like your whore mothers do. Keep frying your brains on adderall and methamphetamine to smaller nigger dicks you spineless epicene weakling jewish sissy boys.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 21

Updated Discord Thread

Old links don’t work so i made a new server. Links to servers is appreciated

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 21


Amateur homemade fucking and filming, preferably with a watermark with date and time, BMWF only

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 21

its over for whitebois

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 21

sexymilfliz4bbc sexynmwife4bbc kenziebrian

what happen to her thread? her thread always getting nuked

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 21

Interracial porn video

R: 2 / I: 3 / P: 21


Can you guys make bbc/blacked edit or tribute to her? Thanks.

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 21

mommyscult website?

got it and dont know how to use the codes, please halp

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 21

Anyone know her

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 21

anyone got a source?

R: 17 / I: 8 / P: 22

"Our Future" More Like Their Future of Unpaid Child Support

this is the actual realities of white girls dating/marrying worthless Scum Niggers the white woman is left raising a half breed mutt niglet which every time she looks at it's ugly face is going to be a reminder of the consequences of letting yourself be roped into that hipster social media Modern groupthink that "this is the future for all white women because white men are inferior" bullshit

R: 40 / I: 21 / P: 22

>girls like this will go extinct in your lifetime How's it feel?

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 22

that black guy photo meme

was it ever known if this photo real and what they said he did true?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 22

Husband and bbc fight about wife

Or any REAL Hidden cams ? BBC cheating

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 22

White Woman vs Asian Woman who is more built for bbc?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 22

sexy white girls

any have sauce for this?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 22

Realistic AI generated Porn: Blacked Edition.

anyone here any good at doing that AI generated Porn, and could try and make some really Kino Realistic Blacked porn of these Celebs and any others that anons here may post a request for in here? 1. Sabrina Carpenter 2. Talitha Bateman 3.Chloe Moretz 4. Malina Weissman 5. Brec Bassinger

R: 55 / I: 57 / P: 22

All pretty white girls should be gangbanged by Big Black Cocks at least once in their lives.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 22

Asa Akira

weren't there a BBC Gangbang scene she did where some of the guys jerk themselves off with her feet

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 22

Guess which one has been blacked

R: 4 / I: 15 / P: 22

Blake Blossom

give me every BBC video you can find of this blonde hottie, specifically hoping for this vid and the second part, BBC Gangbang and Footjob vids

R: 31 / I: 13 / P: 22

Kendra Sunderland She completely turned into a BBC slut, she‘s high all the time, went black on camera, made her white bf watch her fuck black guys and he started to love it, now he is her ex and she is only dating black guys in her personal life and wants to have mixed babies. All hail to Kendra

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 22

18yo+ Zoomer Teen Fucking Old Orthodox Jew who paid her and her friends to fuck Him

has anyone ever come across any videos of Old Jewish men who look like this fucking Modern Gen Teens girls (like these) on video?

R: 19 / I: 5 / P: 22

Official Blacked gear is happening

Crazy stuff

R: 8 / I: 30 / P: 22


Interracial art that has a true appreciation for the human body, preferably images that evoke renaissance paintings or classical statues and sculpture although art is subjective and all are welcome Any racial combination, nude preferred, pro and amateur both welcome Please be respectful and open minded

R: 3 / I: 5 / P: 23

Need a Name

really really really need to know who this chick is and more importantly need to know if she's got any videos of herself fucking big fat black men floating around somewhere

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 23

What did Anya Taylor Joy mean

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 23


source source source help

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 23

Why do you think we love jerking to these hung apes so much?

I think that because of generations of slavery and tribal warfare blacks have been selectively bred into these animalistic brutes and knowing this excites us on some level.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 23

Adriana Chechik

anyone got the source on this scene? and also there's another one of her where a group of young really young bulls get to fuck A Milf Adriana Chechik and they all get a tit and footjob from her as well

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 23

Japanese Christmas

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 23

Erin Ashford

anyone have any more of her any HC stuff and more importantly there any BBC or much older men fucking her?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 23

This Chick

been trying to find out who this girl is for awhile now remember anons before saying that there's porno of her being fucked by a bunch of niggers who just couldn't get enough of her ass and also her feet, was said she's got really small really tasty looking feet

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 23

>when you walk in on them but they keep fucking more like this?

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 23

I want to suck cock with her and also want her to feminize me and lock me down in chastity Is this normal or am i really fucked up in the head?

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 23

That Old Black Grandfather

that old grandpa every black person has at least one of in their family you know the know the type super Christian Super Conservative but is always found out at some point to be fucking a slew of young seriously stunningly beautiful Blonde hair green and/or blue eyed white girls behind his fat old dilapidated hag of a wife's back, that usually makes videos of most of them that always end up finding their way online. I bring all this up because there was an example of this exact thing on that site kaotic some years back and like help in finding any more of these.

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 23

Extremely Skinny Nig And Full bodied Chink

so where's the obvious videos of him pounding her into sexual oblivion at, anyone know?

R: 4 / I: 5 / P: 23


I need to know who this chick is and more importantly if there's vids of her getting railed by some old Bulls as to expect a girl that looks like her would only want the best and most experienced mature 50yo+ bull cock touching her tight young pink pussy

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 23

Jordyn Jones live with black dudes when she was younger

here's the thing you tend to forget about Jordyn Jones is the fact that she lived with rent free with a bunch of Healthy young bulls on and off for most of her teen years and all she had to do in return is to have unprotected sex with them and allow them to cum inside her, I also remembering hearing is they would bring all of their boys overs for parties where there'd be like 15 to 20 guys all in one apartment having sex with her.

R: 12 / I: 21 / P: 23

who the fuck is this!?!?

a man needs a name but more importantly a man needs to know if she has videos of young bulls fucking her on camera and has her cuck tiny limp dick white boyfriend to film her fucking wild Bulls.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 23

interracial torrents

does anyone have any torrent links or know where to find some?

R: 26 / I: 11 / P: 24

Finding Women Into BBC

The desire of Whites specifically to fuck Blacks is clearly a fetish, with no real love whatsoever involved. It's purely some shit where the black man is being used and it's mostly lust based. The evidence of this are the high divorce rates of interracial marriages. However, I find it funny that there are women actually willing to fuck you, or even date you, just because you're Black. Literally, no other prerequisites exist for BBC loving whores. It's like being a fat White man in Thailand who can speak fluent Thai. The women simp for you. They worship you like gods. So, my question as someone from /pol/ who is mostly an introvert is how do I get in on this BBC thing and get some whore to worship me? For the most part, it seems women into BBC like the thug types who are like super dark and muscular. But I have seen ugly ass black dudes with skinny blonde girls who look attractive, wealthy and successful.

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 24

what kind of job those these men have? do they wear their chastity cage to work? where do they get their money to do this stuff?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 24

Homeless Black man

there's videos of this Homeless black dude floating around of him fucking some pretty hot chicks don't know if it was in Florida or LA he was living at the time, he's this short fat dude who happened to have an unbelievable massive cock, and didn't take long before word got around about the size of his Johnson and the slutest of the slutest chicks went looking for him shortly after some started making videos of themselves fucking him, was said that his hieght was only like around 5'3" - 5'4" and some of those chicks were actually seriously seriously gorgeous. somehow even a short homeless bull can still get gorgeous women to fuck him, I'm telling ya if it weren't for the left and how social media is these days I really reckon we wouldn't be seeing this happening at all, but glad it is.

R: 11 / I: 2 / P: 24

this becoming mainstream

Don't you think interracial becoming more "mainstream" is becoming slightly dangerous? my sister asked me not long ago what bbc meant, i asked her where she saw that (because of the possibility of the news channel), she then said a model she follows on ig uploaded a story about wanting to try bbc but had deleted after, the girl in question is not 18, i can see a huge problem there

R: 8 / I: 0 / P: 24

Czech snowbnny

A czech white nationalist girl from tumblr has a secret BBC fetish - her Tumblr is her Redgifs where she shares her BBC lust

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 24


it really is only a matter of time

R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 24

Just Fucking Gross

Niggers are disgusting and the fact the most beautiful white women in the world want to have the erect penis of some smelly disgusting low IQ nigger inside them just goes to show just how much they've been brainwashed by tool much of leftist news and social media. I'd really hate to know if any of them actually ever went to Africa to let niggers from there to have sex with them and recorded each time one of those skinny small smelly niggers had sex with her who is obviously a chick who's a 10 out of 10 stunningly beautiful have sex with Mr bug burger nig nog here getting to put his cock in a chick who looks like this I really hope there are no such videos of girls this hot fucking Monkeys from Africa.

R: 16 / I: 7 / P: 24

what would you do if you found your sister like this?

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 24

Where are the women

I've noticed that this board is mostly faggots and porn addicts. It's nonstop nigger porn, faggots, nigger faggots, faggot niggers, dicks and cucks. That's gross. Where are the women? I'm surprised there are no female posters here.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 24

looking to know and find out if there are any videos of black dudes (mainly older black men) who were just too turned on by the much much younger white chick he's about to fuck and her the pussy was just far too sweet for his cock to handle that he blew his load in mere moments of being inside her there's got to be some like these out there

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 24

Lil Pump

lil pump has got a bunch of porn videos out an onlyfans and his own porn site where he fucks just regular E-thot sluts all the way up to A-list porn stars, there's a couple of videos of him fucking Emily Willis and Riley Reid and I know there's more of them out there him fucking other A-List porn stars

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 24

Blonde Gets CumOn Her Face

Blonde slut takes cumshot to her face.

R: 5 / I: 16 / P: 24

Assorted interracial

My interracial folder needs organizing. I will be dumping my personal collection ranging from whiteboisex to hypno, solo females, babecock, solo bbc, blackedwaifus, webms, gifs, pictures, etc... If anyone cares to post how you organize your stuff please do so.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 24


anyone know this redhead?

R: 8 / I: 40 / P: 24


White women in the throws of bliss, love and happiness Images and videos that evoke satisfaction and fulfillment Bonus points for wives being lost to their lovers All welcome

R: 32 / I: 54 / P: 24

Thread for cool/memorable Blacked and BlackedRaw photos Bonus points if outdoors

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 25

BBC splitscreen

Archive from other channels

R: 78 / I: 11 / P: 25


As White men, what do you get out of jacking off to White women fucking Blacks all day? I can't imagine a black man even browsing a board like this. I highly doubt biological women post on this board or even browse on this board. It's mostly trannies and white males, specifically White nationalists. I don't understand this phenomenon. Why do white nationalists and white trannies love interracial porn so much?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 25


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 25

black girl

R: 18 / I: 8 / P: 25

Good news everyone!

“Her entire body is bruised up and she has two black eyes…The 29-year-old father of two allegedly felt threatened by Jean's success after her Only Fans account took off”

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 25

Any jewbois here?. I know Mark Mann from /v/ browses this board. t.knower

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 25

Name of Chick

been trying to find out who this girl is, was mentioned that she did a load of videos with a Bunch of different BBC's that leaked and they reached they way to her family, there's a short video of her father reacting to her BBC gangbang video and you see the shame and disappointment in his face.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 25


sauce for the ass at the beginning? (same permanent tattoo)

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 25

Disney Is Trying to Stop Our White Daughters from getting Blacked!

This is outrageous! How can Disney dare tell our white daughters not to suck and fuck Big Black Cock!?!? Wokeness has gone too far! My white daughter will be black only and that's why I bring her to live NBA and NFL games with me so she can get a lust for those big black athletes early. No woke liberal granola eating KKK Nazi is going to tell my patriotic daughter that she can't get fucked up the ass by big black men. No way, no how! Black men fought for our freedom during the revolutionary war and back in Iraq my squadies were all Black and when I got thristy out there in that there desert, they let me drink their piss. You think I'm let some DemoKKKrat vegan tell my daughters they can't let black men piss in their mouths too? No fucking way!

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 25

Where can I find more BNWO music like this?

Where can I find more BNWO music like this? Preferably rap music, the more violent the better.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 25

BNWO Audio

I'm looking for a collection of BNWO audio clips. There were ~10 really well made mp3's with sound effects. The theme was BNWO university lessons. I believe the were created by someone called "hentai2b". I remember finding the mp3's on patreon and on a mega.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 25

The Beauty and the Gangly Ugly Nig Beast

Looking for as many videos as possible of the most disgusting ugly tall bony nigs having the most plump Peachy full body cute gorgeous girls imaginable fucking them and yes they have got to be the most abhorrent looking nigs out there like nig in photo

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 25

army pilot LIZ bbc -lloking for images vids

looking for cuckold wife her pix were on imagefap face was blurred.. she was us army pilot!! there was clip of her on ytb in cockpit. and she was bbc slut i think she was liz or something ??anyone got her content

R: 3 / I: 6 / P: 25


Because she'd rather be his pet, than your girlfriend.

R: 11 / I: 0 / P: 25

Does anyone know the source for the video that the whiteboy is watching in pic related?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 25

Tvch BBC enjoyers need your HELP 8chan!

/tv/ back in 8chan days always loved some BBC, even though some of us used irony to disguise our love for interracial porn and black dicks. But recently Gahoole, the BO, is trying to become an e-celeb and has started to break the tradition of BBCposting to better blend in with alt-right figures. As a result, he is deleting any memes or pictures related to the BBC. We need your help, bring back BBC to tvch, post nice webms and OC's.

R: 35 / I: 8 / P: 26

Pro-white general

Ok we accidentally got addicted to IR big deal. How do we save our race from annihilation? White births are plummeting, in reality we're not breeding with anyone at all.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 26

Blacked - MegaPack (350 Scenes Re-Encoded x265 HEVC 720p) [03.03.14 to 16.03.19]

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b7e0188248bb7825e05add1496aa34a32c9fe102&dn=Blacked%20-%20MegaPack%20(350%20Scenes%20Re-Encoded%20x265%20HEVC%20720p)%20%5b03.03.14_16.03.19%5d Post similar megapacks

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 26

"Fucking Nigers"

Terry Was Right about them

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 26


look how happy she is playing with black cock in her hands and how happy she is on her way to get some black cock

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 26

"Black men are super masculine superior men that are alpha and based and" - ACK

R: 14 / I: 3 / P: 26

let's make our own ai black cock slut.

Using inworld ai you can make very believable in dejewsharacters. You can give these characters personal knowledge and common knowledge as well as a talking style and character. You can make a bitchy popular white girl that loves black guys and a sweet caring white mom that secretly has a preference for black guys. The world is your oyster. I was thinking about making our own set of common knowledge for our little ai world where white girls tend to have a thing for black men. I'd like if you degenerates could help create this common knowledge. An example of common knowledge from our world could be something like. "On average black men have 8 inch penises" or something like that I would all recommend you to play around a little so you know any of the stuff i was talking about.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 26

tumblr thread

who here has a tumblr? they've gotten wayyy less strict adult content, it's officially not allowed but it basically is I follow awhitegirlspassion, blackwhitelovemix, interracialcandlove, imwhiteboi-loser, blackedtobasics, and blcknwhtfantasies

R: 8 / I: 7 / P: 26

Basic Nigger Fucks Model

trying to find this video again I came across couple moths back, of this random nigger who ended up getting to fuck this somewhat famous White Glamour Model, of course the nig had no idea who she was and of course a White perfectly flawless 20 something Glamour model wanted to fuck the black guy even if he was like middle age and fat, cos that's just the power nigs have over white pussy that even the old out of shape ones get to fuck prime white pussy. would really like to find that video again it was fucking glorious. (pic partly related)

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 26

real_rencontre public sex videos leaks/sharing

These 2 guys from France have some really hot videos of them fucking the girls in public, like on the street, in a train, hotel hallways, staircases etc. Their videos are really hard to find however, so if anyone can share, maybe a mega or a folder like in the mrs amsterdam thread that would be cool. This is an overview of all their videos they got: and here is the only site where i found a few of their videos in full: Im especially looking for the title: A Spanish fan of real Madrid gets hard pounded by 2 PSG fans in the toilet and in a hallway! Thanks for anyone who can share

R: 5 / I: 8 / P: 26


R: 9 / I: 6 / P: 26

MLK Day and sexual reparations

Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr. Because of him, millions of black men all across America are rightfully enjoying the sweet pleasures of white pussy. Fifty years ago when white men in the south angrily fought against MLK, they warned that race mixing would be one of results of MLK's crusade. Thankfully they were right. Today black men are fucking their wives, girlfriends, aunts, sisters, daughters, and granddaughters. So remember white boys, tonight as you watch your girlfriend on her bed, with her pretty legs spread far apart for a nigger, as you see a black man tearing up her tight white pussy, stretching it out and getting his cock deep inside of her and then busting his nut deep inside of her, please remember to honor and give thanks to the man who made it all possible. A thread for sexual reparations

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 26

ESG and Blacking of white women

How do you believe that the blacking of a white female pornstar affects her ESG and thus her ability to make money and have good offers for famous studios ? Do you believe that a white woman who dislikes/hates/is disgusted by blacks would be blacked at least once in a porn movie to raise her ESG score ? Are porn enterprises rated on the basis of ESG ? for example Beeg up to recently had almost no interracial sex between a black man and a white woman, now you can find some if you search explicitly for that

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 26

Indigenous People

has there ever been any videos or photos of white women fucking men from any ethnic Indigenous groups of people?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 26

Jordyn Jones

She Really needs to be filmed fucking BBC and to be on blackedraw and like two years ago would really like it if we could get a petition going to help make this happen

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 26

Rena Momozono

did she ever do any blacked scenes?

R: 15 / I: 0 / P: 26

WN places

What happened to all the WN content and communities? I’ve started to get majorly turned off from the people surrounding this fetish (many trannies) and how insane they are. Some threads here reminded me how good it can be. Is WNIR replaced?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 27

Fat Ugly Old Bull

looking for videos of overweight old black bulls who still manage to have a massive cock fucking young tight pink pussy belonging to any light skin race don't matter what race the chicks are as long as they are light skinned really small like 5'3" or smaller and young (18 to 25) but the old bull has to be at very least in his late 40's but preferably late 60's early 70's oh and bonuses if he gets to fuck one or more girl with her and if the chick gets gangbanged by a lot of them

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 27

Older aborigine man

there's got to be some videos of older and old aborigine men fucking hot white chicks out there somewhere

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 27

Who is this? Found here, around the 23 second mark: She's holding a black dildo. I fucking love when snowbunnies dress as actual bunnies. Also while we're at it, that account of redgifs has posted a few PMVs but I can't find them on any other site. Isn't that a bit unusual, to only post on redgifs? Anyone know anything more about them?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 27

I just found out that my siter has a black bf, so I did what a whiteboy has to do, I poke her condoms. Hopefully I'll have a mixed niece or nephew! Do you do the same with any white woman in your family?

R: 18 / I: 0 / P: 27


Mouchette4bbc - BBC-only petite snowbunny hotwife and beta boys trainer. Data: Gender Female Born 08/28/1998 Height/Weight 5'4/95lbs Breast Size 32B Orientation Bisexual Occupation Student Country US City ask Fucked 75+ bulls + cuckolded multiple boyfriends Vids Torrent d33ed6e6 Guys we need moar stuff of this beauty!

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 27

girlsdoporn gdp

anyone got webm of girlsdoporn? from 4chan old archive..all webm archives are dead and need some content

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 27

want a white girl to serve me

I would love to have (blonde) white girl as my personal slave. Any other indian/arab/black woman having a desire to own a white bitch? i mostly see m2f interracial on here so i was wandering is there more girls with similar desires..

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 27

Local Girl

Girls who lived near you or you knew who had their private photos and videos leaked and that was also discovered in those leaks to have fucked or have been fucking BBC while still with their white boyfriend or girlfriend

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 27

little japanese 22

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 27

Jordyn Jones

are we ever going to see Jordyn Jones Blacked, you know how fucking incredible it would be to see that cute little face and that fat massive ass getting destroyed by a bunch of huge meaty cocks and how much money she'd make doing this and how much she'd get from them to do scenes with her, we're talking literal millions!

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 27

Interacial LOLI and SHOTA

Interacial LOLI and SHOTA. BTW MAKE SURE TO CLICK REPLY, Don't spam the channel

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 27

What the fuck happened to interracial social media?

So I come back after a couple months to enjoy this fetish again to see >All Discord servers got fucking nuked >All twitter accounts got fucking nuked What the fuck? Why now? That shit was up for months and some even years and now everything gets deleted around the same time?

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 27

Any femanons that are into this fetish? Would you ever watch it together with your boyfriend/husband?

R: 8 / I: 0 / P: 27


there's more to this, she fucks him after he gets off from work and really like to find that video.

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 27


trying to find the source on this chick, was said that she's a snow bunny and that there's videos of her fucking Bulls that leaked online and trying to find them, one of them was said to have been her fucking this BBC and his Dad at the same time this big fat trucker of a man.

R: 25 / I: 12 / P: 27

will never get or understand why girls would want to risk their own life to be with or around low IQ Monkeys that just end up doing this to them all the time?

R: 34 / I: 12 / P: 28

Sava Schultz

did anyone ever find her B/G videos there's a few of her fucking her boyfriend's father

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 28

PMV Hosting Sites

I used to use Spankbang, but in the last two days I've tried to upload a video I made and I keep getting, "Auth failed, can't verify certificate" or something along those lines. Does anyone know of a good alternative to Spankbang? Or a solution to my upload problem?

R: 11 / I: 0 / P: 28

TikTok Chick

did anyone find those videos of her fucking those Black Bulls on their onlyfans yet?

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 28

>be me >go to a party >this songs is on >get a boner >immediately start thinking of niggers fucking white girls >start leaking it's over me, isn't it? Just listening to rap and music like this makes me horny.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 28

how would you use this delight

how would you use this delight be as cruel as possible (she is a friend's sister he wants to know how you would use her)

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 28

Grace Collins aka soccerqueen2004

She’s on Onlyfans and has multiple videos with BBC Does anyone have more stuff from her?

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 28

>tfw America will get BEANED instead of BLACKED how do we stop the beanerfication of America?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 28

Foot Fetish Chick

there's this Foot Fetish Model chick who did a lot of feet modelling videos way back in the day, she also was reported to have actually done footjob videos with a bunch of fat much older men who was said were fans who paid to get footjobs off her and quite a few of them were older Bulls and they were mostly the ones who also got to have sex with her but never found out what her Model name was

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 28


Let us Goon to our Extinction Whitebois:

R: 13 / I: 3 / P: 28

I just jerked off to interracial porn again and now i cant stop crying someone hold me

R: 17 / I: 0 / P: 28

Bill Gates got BLACKED

Bill Gates Daughter phoebe Gates got BLACKED & BLACKEDRAW™

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 28

Ball Sucking

Give me videos of Bulls and men from other none white races getting their balls sucked on by at least two white chicks better if it's a group of white chicks preferably a chick with her friends all sharing him. Bonuses if it features them ejaculating too soon while it's happening

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 28

lf video of guy fucking white bitch while her son is on the same bed watching

R: 10 / I: 0 / P: 28

Just found out my sister watches blacked. wtf bros this isnt funny anymore

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 28

Cyberjapan Dancers

anyone know if any of the girls from Cyberjapan Dancers did or do porn?

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 28

it's over for white bois

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 29

white girl

I believe I have almost all her pictures and some videos, does anyone have her GIF videos?