The only thing OP gets wrong is the part about zoomers. Leftist IR cuckoldry dates back much further than that. At least as far back as the early Cold War, the invention of Third Worldism, and the decolonization of Africa and the Islamic world.
One of the ways the USSR and the PRC persuaded Turd World countries to align with the Second World, is by inviting "exchange students," chosen from the sons of the ruling classes of those countries, to their universities, and ensuring that those students were provided with a plentiful supply of Chinese/Eurasian/European pussy. It continues to this day, both in the PRC and in the Russian Federation. Their fellow travelers, in the First World, adopted the same tactics, which explains why leftist-dominated Western universities have become de facto interracial breeding grounds.
Is it true that Bill Ayers, in his Weather Underground days, used to coerce female members/recruits into sleeping with negroes? Did he sit in the corner and watch?
Is it true that the Freedom Riders were participants in a months-long, mostly black-on-white (insert triple brackets at your discretion), mobile interracial orgy, as much as they were leftist activists?
You can learn so much leftist lore from leftist women. They love pillow tallk almost as much as they love fascist dick.