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Did something happen to /2dblacked/ ?
Nothing happened to 2d BLACKED its still up I made this thread to continue only blacked anime hentai on this interracial board
>>8080 That's cool... But why are most of the images thumbnails?
I don't know why they are thumbnails
Die you fucking weebfaggot
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>>8080 >entire board for this >no I want one HERE why?
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I made a new thread on 2d blacked called blacked hentai 18 and over and I already posted on the thread
>>8073 nice
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>>8073 Couldn't find the sfm thread
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HAHA omg guys, even our 2d waifus like BBC now! It's not just girls irl that prefer BBC, but fantasy girls as well :D This is so hot :D
anyone know what happened to 2bblacked?
>>17395 free speech absolutism
>>17395 new owner deleted it. if someone wants it the people over at /site/ might be able to restore it and pass it over to someone else
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>>17397 what a fucking faggot if so. I was really enjoying the OC thread over there. will it come back do you think or do not enough people care about the place?
please bring /2dblacked/ back, my sissyclit can't cope without it ;___;
Yeah man, bring back 2dblacked. There were some great stuff in there, the threads were nice, plus new ones like shota blacked were being nicely active :(
>>17397 that fucking sucks i enjoyed the hmv thread and i dont want to spam the pmv thread here...
>>17413 We might as well use this board for everything blacked and bump it to the top
>>17402 There is no stopping progress
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Taken from /trash/ drawthread Videos: Tyler Edlin - https://www.youtube.com/user/TylerE2284 Proko -https://www.youtube.com/user/ProkoTV Sinix -https://www.youtube.com/user/sinixdesign Scott Robertson -https://www.youtube.com/user/scottrobertsondesign Matt Kohr (CtrlPaint) -https://www.ctrlpaint.com/library Aaron Blaise -https://www.youtube.com/user/AaronBlaiseArt Vilpu (Anatomy) - https://mega.nz/folder/9Pw1lYaS#Me7LSwlSg59lNGmkj9tt4w/folder/lPoXEYxS Poses/Gestures: QuickPoses -https://www.quickposes.com/en PoseSpace -https://www.posespace.com/posetool/default.aspx https://x6ud.github.io/#/ Animal Head Reference Finder https://anatomy360.info/anatomy-scan-reference-dump/ Books (navigable folders): https://www.mediafire.com/?i44dwzkf9j9n8 https://6chan.moe/loomis/res/156.html https://6chan.moe/loomis/res/1991.html (filled with scans, replace 6 with 8) https://anonfiles com/OeEc64d4z1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/1hta2i7eqqj31ea/art_and_fear.pdf/file https://mega.nz/folder/yxtCBLYZ#FbtGBQQunWVCrjMMIzJSyw FAQ Q: I'm a total beginner. Where should I start? A: Do the exercises in either "Keys to Drawing" by Bert Dodson or "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. Additionally, you can try the first few lessons of http://drawabox.com/ for building up muscle memory and confidence
I guess this means the new owner of /2dblacked/ went postal and nuked that board. F outta respect mah nigs.
>>17418 Good, now the same needs to happen to this board.
>>17402 I hope the Argentine girl gets an edit
>>17421 The /zoo/ board should get blitzed too while they are at it. Get rid of all of this foul bestiality.
>>17459 >>17456 Faggots that are too inferior to just not touch their dick. Maybe go outside more? You are never going to stop internet degeneracy if you can't even do nofap
>>17463 I typed that after a lengthy walk in the countryside, climbed a mountain and ended the plesant evening in a nightclub surrounded by loads of best friends. Go outside yourself. And nuke the /zoo board first.
>>17493 >Shut in homo has normie friend shit as a measure of value The point is to not engage in pointless hedonistic behaviour at all so having friends just distracts from more mountain time, loser
>>17497 >Another internet anti masturbation crusader Self awareness goes out the window completely with people like you. Why are you clicking around on bbc threads to get triggered? Are you trying to save people? I think it's weirder that you need to base your camraderie around guys who dont masturbate. If you have the correct and morally superior worldview then go sow your oats, have kids be a traditionalist if you want to. I just find it strange that you come here to autistically shriek at people who masturbate when apparently your life path is so much better. Shouldn't you have left the internet a long time ago yet you are coming to big black cock boards to tell other men the right way to jerk off. Kinda gay bro.
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>>>/2dblacked/ is already back
>>17506 My daughter Chino would never get blacked... Delete this!
>>17498 >self awareness ironic. do you know what reading comprehension means? i am not anti-masturbation, the people i was responding to are. they like to see themselves as anti degenerate yet come here. please wait and think before you post dumb shit
Need more KLK blacked content, shit is kino
>>15864 >tfw no black owned white bf
Do you guys know where editors post their stuff? Is there a Discord or just gotta scour twitter for it? Any good ones/favorite ones you guys can post about the latter?
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Sakura taking BBC
>>23003 nice gens
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>>23006 not mine. Made by SAMSARA_AI
love how every single one of these new ai artists start with normal porn and then inevitably switch to IR because f demand
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had fun turning bbc sluts into anime girls
>>9830 Source and more like this (creampie)?
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Wicke from Pokemon by Floox508
>>9828 Bandori spotted!!!!

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