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This Faggot Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 14:08:40 Id: 3e65bf No. 17168
This inbred retard spams these ungodly shitty threads begging for content that doesn't exist and contributes absolutely nothing other than clogging up the catalog. He does it on purpose and will love this thread, keeps samefagging and then mass bumping his threads to kill the board. Do we still have absolutely no mods or are they just too dumb to understand what this guy is doing? If anyone is unironically replying to them, stop immediately.
>>17168 This pajeet retard is bumping his own fucking posts... I honestly don't know if this guy is just autistic or if he's trolling the board with this low quality spam.
>>17174 Yeah I can't quite tell if he's malicious or just genuinely braindead, but I'm leaning towards the former because he never responds to being called out. All he will do is bump/make more threads to bury this one, he won't communicate like a real human.
Some of his bumps there don't even have any text, and in one he's putting on a different personality. That confirms he's acting.
>>17177 >>17185 It's kinda funny how he acts as if no one notices that it's him bumping his own spam threads. And what's weird is that he's been doing this shit for quite a while now. I don't know why he's so insistent with it.
He has become more aggressive in response to me making this thread.
This board could have been the GOAT if there were more active moderators with quality control standards and more intelligent members. But instead we got guilt fappers making finger wagging threads after having post nut regret, and insane trannies who make everything into a cartoonish, retarded outlet for their antisocial personality. Shame.
OP is Made for BBC
>>17265 I genuinely want to know if there is even 1 mod here or if we are solely being babysat by global staff. Is the board owner around at least?
>>17272 No. The BO logs in to keep the board from being claimed by anyone else. He never hired any vols, and he never once has done a goddamn thing. You are babysat by prople who hate you, and your absent nigger father/BO.
I'm pretty sure this is the guy known as "britcoomer" on kohlchan, he got bullied off there for constantly making threads requesting ugly/brown men fucking girls and now he's here

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