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Matrix Group Anonymous 11/22/2021 (Mon) 22:39:39 Id: f3beae No. 2407
Made a group on Matrix for here and /2dblacked/ because Discord is for glowies. https://matrix.to/#/!DYwmUjLbnmmFSDSvzg:matrix.org?via=matrix.org
Doesn't seem to work, says you are not invited to this room
>>2408 Got the same message after I went to the trouble of registering
>>2409 Rip, I've missed out on the fun of discord because of my paranoia. Add me if you wanna chat until anon fixes his invite. @1euwa1:matrix.org
>>2410 Invite sent. Best times to chat are usually in the evenings, I'm in the midwest USA.
>>2407 Invite me @davidony:matrix.org
I'm interested in a matrix group too
What's the best client to use?
@blckdwn:matrix.org Add me if you are a right wing bro who wants to chat
please add me bro @elementlover666@matrix.org
@kq21:matrix.org Add me as well, tired of Discord's bullshit
Add me bro @bob0344:matrix.org
Does the link work?
>>2546 >>2563 >>2564 >>2567 What client do you guys use?
>>2572 Element.
>>2563 I have changed it to @elementlover696:matrix.org since 666 is too mainstream. hehe.
@manana3:matrix.org ty
Could you guys please explain how exactly Element works, what are the main differences/advantages compared to Discord? I wouldn't mind changing platform, but you all seem to assume everyone is famous with the "new" one
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>>2593 Sorry, autocorrect. Meant to say "familiar" of course
>>2593 The main benefit of Matrix is privacy. People operating a server can't snoop on your conversations with others. This works for group chats also. The second benefit is there is no single entity controlling the whole network and anyone is free to choose provider or even run their own server (just like with email). Element is the client you use to connect to Matrix.
Add me bro @darthkek:matrix.org
@ta7891:matrix.org add me pls, I wanna relapse so bad
Any news on the room?
>>2408 >>2410 (You)r data is useless just like white "men"
>>2651 Someone needs to step up
Matrix's IR community seems to be slow af, a lot of rooms seem to be completely inactive and others have just 2-3 users out of 30 doing all the posting. If we are creating our own room, it had better have a responsible admin who won't just purge everything out of post-orgasm shame
How is this going?
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Discord harassed me constantly because of my interracial server memberships. I eventually left Discord with a big smile on my face (just had enough of them) and I'm looking around for new places, Matrix seems interesting.
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>>2656 >>2709 >>2751 You guys are aware that any of you could create the group, right? I am not going to make it myself nor join one, simply because I know I would eventually have to leave it in order to kiss my porn addiction goodbye But hey, whoever wants to stay on the rollercoaster is welcome to do so
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@zizara42:matrix.org This alive?
>>2903 Sauce on vid?
>>2906 https://twitter.com/OpenBorders5 This dude iirc but their stuff comes and goes on different sites
add me pls! @natalka2003:matrix.org
@blueb3rry:matrix.org invite pls
I want to like this but it just doesn't have enough servers or people yet. When rabb.it was still around before it got merged with Kast was the peak for interracial community imo. It has been downhill since then.
pls add @kumkumr:matrix.org
https://matrix.to/#/#chocolate-filling:matrix.org Most of the IR matrix rooms are dead places with low quality pictures and cringe users so I made a matrix room. If you guys have high quality stuff, join and post them.
>>2965 Tried joining but it never lets me get past the join page, even though I'm showing in the user list now. The room never loads
>>2751 Matrix it's crap and it's already dead , discord sucks, any other alternative
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>>3873 We just need to wait for Discord to become less popular, otherwise we will never achieve decent numbers on any alternative platform
How hard to create an account and connect only over tor?
>>4050 You'll need an email.
>>4189 No you don't need an email
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>>4264 >No you don't need an email Seems like you do need one for this server >https://matrix.to/#/#Interracial-porn:anontier.nl
>>4306 Try matrix.org there isn't any email required on that server
Plenty of active interracial servers but everyone is a greedy lurker that post nothing so people are reluctant to share invites. On top of that people tend to show up for two or three days then delete the app and become a dead group member.
why is matrix better than discord?
@.mr.robot:matrix.org add me too >>2407
I'd also like to be added @bbcaddictedsimp:matrix.org
@userofforums:matrix.org add pls
add plz @peterpotz:matrix.org
add me @udran:matrix.org
@ecomatrix:matrix.org add me too
@bluballedb8r:matrix.org add please
@verminswarm69:matrix.org me too
@1872kb:matrix.org Invite please
@b5sratchi:matrix.org id like an invite as well please!
@tr3912344:matrix.org Pls add me!!
>>2701 Matrix is still brand new and is complex. Give it time to fill.
add me tooo @sammie999@matrix.org
Its been a bit since I checked Matrix. Is it more active or still not so much? I am interested in chatting or sharing with you guys and joining groups but if its barely active I don't even want to bother. Giving this thread a bump hoping for a response.
>>2407 i want an invite @relicious:matrix.org
>>2407 requesting, @scipio__:matrix.org
>>2656 >>2760 Brand new room, lmk if you have trouble joining Other anons are retards at setting this shit up (somehow). Dump as much quality as you can. https://matrix.to/#/%23qcg:matrix.org

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