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Ashley Matheson Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 16:37:03 Id: e97864 No. 11509
Remember this bitch? She's got an onlyfans and is Cum Dumpster now for This Bull and his homies who each take turns fucking her on their own onlyfans accounts
>>11509 prove it
>>11509 >This Bull who?
>>11509 she was such a pretty blonde and now looks like some crack whore yikes
>>12862 >now looks like some crack whore yikes what do you expect from fucking niggers for the last 5 years, this is how they want them to look like something that resembles their mother.
>>12892 How do you know she's a coalburner? She definitely has the look, but does anyone have vids? Whether she does or not is irrelevant though; it's sad either way that such a genetically blessed person trashes themselves in the way she has. There are women who would kill to look like she did a few years ago, and with the way she's going she will be haggard by 30 from whatever the fuck she's doing in her life. It's all too common these days. People don't realise how blessed they are until they've lost the beauty
>>12862 evidence? post old vs. now, but include the dates.
>>12915 dude, look at op the first image of her on the left is how she looked and the webm and other pic is how she looks now.
>>12921 you are imagining things.
>>12892 >>12862 >>12921 What is aging? What is good lighting? What are drugs? Dummies.
>>11509 >2025 she still not fucking black african nigger CRINGE

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>>11540 >>12898 >>30203 I think she might have been blacked
>>11509 Has anyone found anything yet?

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