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No Nut November (NNN) Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 17:25:45 Id: 2e2f3a No. 27493
So NNN is right around the corner anyone here taking part? honestly I feel like if you frequent this board you're in the, >Porn addiction isn't real bro I can stop whenever >Porn is healthy actually!!! It prevents butthole cancer!! >I don't give a shit I'm on a 15 year gooning streak (out of copium) I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the challenge regardless so let me know what you think about NNN or just no fap in general
Will attempt sincerely and relapse within a week as has been the case every time I try to quit this stuff for the last 4 yrs. Its over.
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nope, the only NNN I practice is "Nigs (in) Nords November" just blond blue eyed Aryan girls getting nigger fucked
>>27496 Don't masturbate on the 31. If you do "one last one" thinking about how you won't have any for the next month, you'll fail immediately. Just do it tomorrow, if you must spurt just do it without porn, the next week will be much easier. As a protip, consider No Nut November also No Porn November: if you watch porn thinking you won't jerk off, you'll fail automatically.
>>27499 thx for the advice. i generally try to avoid the whole counting days thing (like nnn or 90 days nofap) try to make it more about becoming someone that doesnt come to these kinds of places anymore but as u can see it didnt work yet -w- i did much better before i got addicted to ir, was already trying to do nofap then but now its another beast
>>27500 I think it's less about "quitting" for good and more about setting your mind up for quitting when you get the real chance. I mean I have a girlfriend myself and I masturbate like a monkey when I'm not with her (we live in different places) but when we are together I can handle not watching porn and jerk off. Likewise, right now I'm unemployed but when I have a job jerking off is a lot less on my mind compared to relaxing and shit like that. If you spend 24/7 in your room with nothing constructive to do, you'll inevitably end up going back to your vices: it's literal psychology 101. The Rat Park is a good example of how that works https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_Park tl;dr if you have no real stimuli in your life, you self destruct with hyper stimuli.
>>27502 Yeah that is true, I have a good amount of things going on in my life now, school/gym/hobbies etc, but i still find myself losing many hours in a row often to this stuff and I cant control it, also makes the agp flare up sometimes to top it off. Dont have a gf cus im scared of girls but thats good for u homie, interesting that ur still here when apart tho :p
dont care, the issue is more does porn seriously affect your life? the opposite of retarded is still retarded btw, hyperfixating against a natural body response and avoiding porn is just letting it control your life from another way. both are letting it live rent free in the head
>>27506 >interesting that ur still here when apart tho :p Got a porn addiction after seeing a whole lot in my youth, started with music videos then you know how it goes, gets more extreme as you do it. I'd be more flirty but NNN is around the corner and I just wanted to check any responses to this thread. >>27508 Well it does change how you do things though. If I could choose between having a porn addiction or having a porn... allergy, I guess is the word? I'd rather have a porn allergy. Life without porn is objectively better than life with excessive porn, if only because you always need more extreme porn than what you had before.
Porn fries your dopamine and you get a huge prolactin spike after you cum which is the body telling you your work is done here, but it ruins motivation and your ability to get shit done. So yes NNN is a good idea, or at least try to reduce your porn usage over time. You will feel much more happy about the little things due to healthy dopamine.
No nut November is something the Feminists pushed out. It's also bad for you. Kicking porn is fine, but not nutting, you fucking cucks wonder why your T levels and sperm count drops. Idiots.
>>27543 Why would not nutting lower your T levels?
>>27543 Why on earth would feminist push for NNN?

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