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SCAM ARTISTS Spiderman 03/08/2025 (Sat) 00:55:48 Id: 8cf16f No. 30450
I know this is probably the best place to come to considering the nature of the account involved My friend got scammed by this twitter account for $200 by being coerced and bullied into handing over their money, my friend is a gullible yet nice soul that didn't know when to stop or say no to this person and is now deeply upset about the mess they have gotten themselves into If anyone here can report them and help to shut down this scam being pulled please help, other people don't need to fall for this blatant bullshit from the sacks of human scum that operate these accounts Pick attached is the account that scammed him If there are any other accounts that need to be reported please post a screenshot of their twitter and donation links/ account names down below so we can stop this bullshit findom crap from happening to more innocent people
>>30450 That's what your retarded, closeted homosexual friend gets for forking over money to that shit lmao
>>30450 Sorry OP but cannot help, maybe buy a ton of bots and mass report that account, or go to kiwifarms although no idea if it will work.
>>30450 A man is behind the account and your friend is a retard for getting scammed. Men have been catfishing as findommes since the grift started. A fool and his money are soon parted
I understand my fried was a fool for falling for this but at the same time all of these accounts need to be purged, they are almost as bad as the indian scamjeets that rob people of their savings and feel no remorse afterwards People pulling these catfish scams and "talking" with somebody and then demanding, coercing and blackmailing them to pay over sums of cash is alot more serious and a crime
It sucks but everyone has made financial mistakes in their life including myself. It's best to move on.
I lost one friend to these findom parasites before after he had stupidly given his real name and address to the fucker on the other end and was then being threatened to be exposed unless he kept paying them... I have no idea what happened to him as he disappeared without a trace and I would rather not lose another or have anyone else fall into such pitfalls where some sack of shit scum manipulates these naive, gullable and impressionable fools that should know better than to hand over personal details to strangers online or pay for a glorified text only prostitute at extortionate rates However saying it's their fault doesn't excuse the fact that these parasites are preying on the weak and foolish and need to be dealt with, they are bottom feeders and leaches feeding on open wounds The lowest of the low scum that are circling the weak and vulnerable like vultures and will pick them clean of everything they have given the chance It takes a truly rotten soul to become a scam artist and blackmailers

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