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Picking a Chastity Cage Anonymous 06/09/2022 (Thu) 06:25:54 Id: 9ae9dc No. 6303
I've reconciled the fact that I'm a pathetic beta whiteboi virgin loser without any chance to sexually please a woman. I can't compete. After all, why would I in a world filled with virile black men just taking what's rightfully theirs. I think I'm ready to take the next step. How do I pick a chastity cage? Should I gradually go down in size every few months? What are the effects? Are they permanent? Does circumcision matter? I aspire to be like one of those whitebois worshiping the BNWO and cumming handsfree with their little caged clitty either from penetration by a big black dildo or a few slaps from a jiggly BBC <3
god i hate faggots
Pick a rope faggpt
Sodomite kys
>>6303 Theres plenty of chastity cages to choose from offering a wide range of materials and differing levels of quality. Also many colors available. People do usually go down in size, but only when they feel really comfortable. Most recommendations say choose an average size cage to begin with. There are pleasureable effects from chastity and orgasm training. People have said though, peeing can be tough at first, but once you get used to it, its fine. Penis shrinkage will happen but it will only be a temporary change and when you stop using chastity, your member will go back to its regular size. So unfortunately, you won't have a cute little nub for the rest of your life.
>>6303 Welcome to the club friend, this is best choice you've ever made. This >>6313 is some solid advice. Welcome to your new life.
hope you post pics of your locked up pp with a big black dildo in your ass!
>>6303 I think you should kill yourself. I think you should hang yourself naked while wearing the chastity cage. I think you should really consider my advice. Kys.
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>>6320 whats your problem
>>6321 He's a bitter individual, dont pay any attention to trolls.
>>6341 >>6321 Bitter individual? You people write things so pathetic yet expect the feedback to be anything except what it should actually, that being that you should kill yourselves.
>>6321 sexy
>>6321 cumming with no stimulation?
>>6347 Look at the board you're in, don't like it? find another board.
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>>6303 Good white boy. Stay pussy-free forever while black men breeding white women en masse :D
>>6384 I wanna lynch you
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>I wanna lynch you!!
I'm intrigued but doesn't it fucking hurt when you get an erection?
so did you buy it yet op?
>>6416 I love seen full soft balls underneath a little cagie!
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>>6416 This fag killed himself
>>6482 Wait really? I need to hear the story
>>6482 not true.
>>6482 That's acid you retard
OP here I basically pussied out.
>>6512 Just buy a cheap as shit holy trainer v4 knockoff from aliexpress Even if you only use it once its worth it just to try it out Measure your limp length and get the size that is a bit smaller than that
>>6512 man up and buy that chastity cage you fucking cuck
If you want to get into chastity this is a good starter cage: ebay dot com/itm/144124690679 learn more about it here: youtube dot com/watch?v=ICjix3Hd_kI
>>6370 even dreaming of pleasuring bbc IS stimulation
>>6416 OP here I finally fucking did it! I just hope my parents don’t find out…
>>6970 I wanted to get a metal one like the pic but I would’ve had to insert a catheter to be able to pee with it on and I’m not super comfy with that idea yet
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>>6970 based! post a pic of your little locked up clitty after it arrives
>>6989 Have you sucked a bbc yet? <3
>>6416 This is your daily reminder that this person killed himself and that practically everyone else who likes to wear chastity cages has extremely poor mental health. If you unironically feel like buying a chastity cage, maybe consider quitting porn and actually fixing your mental health instead of pushing yourself further down the rabbit hole.
>>7028 whats your source for him killing himself?
>>6482 >>7028 based and hot
>>7607 One less worthless white boy in the world... >~<
>>7608 wh*te lives don't matter
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>>6970 >hope my parents don’t find out… If ordering from Amazon if you have prime use their locker service. They have lockers located through most towns. You can have your items shipped to the locker. You have 3 days to retrieve it. All you do is punch in your code and the appropriate locker opens. You can order all your sissy toys secretly this way without roommates or parents opening your giant black dildo package.
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this might be a little off topic, but can somebody give me some advice on "prostate massage" toys? I need a lot of stimulation on my dick to cum. I've been interested in hands free ejaculation (among other things) for a while now. anyone here with experience? know what models, brands, features, etc... to look for? I would appreciate any info.
>>15101 >>6303 I should mention I'm looking for something with several levels of stimulation... preferably something that can give an extreme amount at the highest setting and maintaining that for at least 30min to an hour without getting really over heated and uncomfortable.
>>15101 Make an account on pinkcherry and shop around. Buy water based lube because lotions can damage your toys. This is the one ive got right now https://www.pinkcherry.com/products/anal-fantasy-electro-stim-prostate-vibe It has a button that delivers an electric pulse. It also has different settings which can deliver vibrations at different speeds and strengths. The charger port is hidden behind a thin piece of rubber though when you buy it so you have to push the charger into it if you get it
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>>15099 >>15292 Can people really splurt with only watching porn? <.<
I really really really wanna buy a inverted chastity cage but it costs 70 bucks to buy it and get it to my country, will have to wait months to gather the money
>>21307 This shit? Bro looks like he has a colander with balls
>>21307 Inverted cages aren’t really as good as the normal ones, they push the dick back into the body, but it’s not constricted and prevented from getting erect the same (painful) way. They’re less extreme/intense than the normal ones, but more comfortable which is why the sissies are wearing them.
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>>6303 >too big for chastity it's over bnwosisters

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