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(519.81 KB 1495x1824 Screenshot 2023-03-18 110049.png)

Official Blacked gear is happening Anonymous 03/18/2023 (Sat) 09:06:13 Id: 415725 No. 14865
Crazy stuff
>>14865 Follow-up tweet
Bros... im scared... women might start walking down the street wearing this stuff and itll be too normalized to stop...
Actually excited. Imagine when OF/PH girls get their hands on these clothes.. It's gonna be so hot
>>14870 >implying it won't just be the occasional tranny No normal woman is going to wear porn shit on the street besides onlyfans girls
(3.66 MB 640x480 gym.mp4)

>>14876 Cracker cope
>>14893 Porn whore Nicole Aniston
>>14900 such cracker cope that a pornstar would do this.
Someone was talking about the idea of commercial Blacked apparel in an older thread, I guess their dream came true!
>>14914 Negro thinks he would say cracker, and some nonsense, and it has to be insulting. You are truly dumb, but you are supposed to be, so fair enough.
>>14925 such cracker cope to even think that it would be insulting
I'm thinking if any cosplayers, streamers, or models have fan PO boxes we can send them stuff
>>14929 Yes :0
>>14927 Are you such cracker cope bot? Looks like it's everything you know. Not really a sophisticated program it is.
>>14865 Should my first sissy thong be Blacked branded? Will they also have blacked raw?
Nice! As a gay faggot, I've unironically wanted to buy official Blacked merch; I know there are other qos/blacked adjacent merch, but to have the official thing? Overspending on overpriced cuck clothes that would mostly be hidden, aside from maybe a cheeky glance from a bystander as I squat to get something from the lower shelves at the shops? Sounds genuinely really fun!
>its all AliExpress shit its so fucking over
>>15131 Make an aliexpress account doofus. Youll be supporting maoism-third-worldism as you wear blacked gear
>there's no sports bra set it's SO fucking over

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