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YoLilSis chingchong 12/18/2024 (Wed) 20:50:41 Id: 8a5ae2 No. 28436
Anyone have his stuff backed up?
>>28436 Here's an archive of image edits: https://bunkr.site/a/GUe39gq2 JOI DB videos: https://bunkr.fi/a/Mh7YqNmr Some "videos" from his discord, all but 1 have been deleted however: https://gofile.io/d/lStcHU Personal favorite, the 2nd "door video": https://files.catbox.moe/yhwvfk.mp4 If you're itching for more, you can find more through the archives here and trash archives.
>>28442 This is great thanks I have some stuff I can upload later if I have anything that isnt included
Where's the fucking moderator? Get this shit off the board!
>>28500 It seems fine to me.
>>28493 Go for it. I've been searching around for the 2B video with a cosplay on the right with an AI 2B saying "relapsing again?" to begin her sentence.
>>28500 Really? I thought that the main appeal of this fetish was watching niggers defile young white girls.
>>28442 >>28493 Uploaded a bunch of video edits from the Discord https://bunkr.site/a/zSMykwzU
>>28520 Glorious shit You got any archives of his Google Drive? He had basically everything on there including a ton of the videos
This guy was the most self righteous cuck of all time. I remember he made an edited loli pictures with irl pedophiles then had the audacity to call someone else a pedophile.
>>28764 hes most definitely one of the mods here then
I'm a white cunnycuck and I never liked this guys work, he seemed to be in it as a grift or for money. Also using the opportunity, I'm interested in talking to black men only who are into this so I'm sharing me session: 0534721e0faf04626313feeafd0479da908fb4e5772ac9015ea753836fbfdb8779 I submit totally. Everything goes.
>>28775 Honestly I wouldn't be mad if he fell off the face of the earth. Money hungry grifter with shitty edits.
I thought he or she was fine, gave me some advice, tips and tools to use when I asked for a friend that was thinking of starting editing
>>28784 are you a pedo also
>>28764 >>28781 He nuked everything and seemingly "found god" according to those who were in his discord. I think there was a screenshot that accompanied it? Funny, cause you can find him replying to someone reposting his stuff on some trash thread, forgot specifically which tho. Dude definitely relapsed or something
>>28790 where tho
>>28781 >>28764 i never "found God suddenly" what i did is feel extensively guilty and realised that what i did was wrong in the eyes of the Lord no matter the excuse. i don't get where "grift" comes from, I did honest work by providing a service that's seemingly rare to come by even today, this thread agglomerating my 2 fans is proof of that. ill admit I'm not the best at editing but I tried my best for an honest 25$ giftcard. youre really blowing the pedophile stuff out of proportion, what I did on twitter is a "funny" where edp445's face was edited unto some fat guy i skin color swapped who was behind arisu. perhaps it wont look good on a resume but edp445 didnt force himself unto any actual real life being which makes it to some extent light humour as opposed to using a rapist's face. if you like to think that im "relapsing" when replying in a thread then so be it, i do feel guilty for being here in the first place, think whatever you'd like, the truth is that seeing people chase after my shadow makes me feel valued and less lonely but i refuse to indulge in it for the last 5 or 6 months (ie. watch it, write more, rp, edit or masturbate). i dont think loneliness excuses all the smut i wrote in the past, and unfortunately, its the only thing a large amount of people gave me attention and praise for until now, no one cares about my awesome skills at outlast 1 speedrunning. when it comes to self righteousness, i never saw myself in 3rd person but: i never judged someone for being into it, i try to admit all my wrongs, what i always did is mention that porn is wrong and that there is a possibility for something better with some encouragement when i still had the server running, i know that fighting this addiction is like going against the librarian in TUNIC (((im such a gamer))). this thread is also proof that i cant erase my sins myself, God absolved them on the cross for me. feeling alone led and leads me to crying a lot, the suffering and struggle with the urge to commit suicide often is difficult but drowning in porn only made my depression worse in the end. Its not like i have any friends or a lover now but whatever. I know its almost impossible but hopefully you all overcome sexual immorality and flee from it as I managed to. It helps to take into account how depraved and shameful the sexual arousal for these things are, and i saw clearly that watching porn or just softcore models only degenerates either way, it might be easy to judge those who are into the suicide encouragement fetish but anyone who lets themselves get possessed by lust can end up stooping to such a tragic edge. we are all sinners so what I wish for all my "big bros" the most most most is eternal peace and health which is only found in Jesus Christ. God Bless you.
my id is insane btw
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>>28863 Holy fucking BASED!
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>>28863 Listen man. I'm glad you found God and forgiveness. I'm sorry. I was just mad over the prior experiences I had with you. Truly I have nothing against you and I wish you on the best in your journey with God unto everlasting peace. God Bless You.
>>28863 Thanks for the explanation, good that you're not relapsing or whatever like I said lol Legitimately, wish the best for you in the future
>>28863 I saw the YoLilSis twitter account being created due to getting followed by it early on. The profile admitted to being a PDF file. It was changed quickly, but who does that? I guess I should be thankful all you guys "self-report" so readily though.
>>28863 You are a cringe larper. If you found "the Lord" you wouldn't be here saying it and posting a loli nun.
>>28863 If real, I hope things go better for you. I always liked your content and, to me, this stuff is just for fun. Please dont feel like you have to unconciously punish yourself for mistakes made. Theres no need for you to be lonely. Often times, fetishes and whatnot lead to a greater understanding of the self, if that is any consolation. Not going to say its not a sin. But theres a difference between sin and wickedness.
>>28963 Romans 8:5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. *there is no difference between death and death
>>28907 When I had a Twitter, I would ask my followers to put my avatar as their own profile picture and have me as their name for example "Lil sister's #1 fan" Im pretty sure some of those accounts were unapologetic pedos but i never encouraged such a behaviour, pretty sure you mistook one of those accounts for me
>>28863 So does this mean you'll refund the CA$150 i spent on Xbox giftcard tributes to you? Lolll
>>29315 i gave all the codes I still had to people in xbox parties. you gave your money to me in exchange for a service that i already provided so expecting a refund is disrespectful to say the least, do not be conceited or proud of yourself, i would encourage you to read the bible and pray so you can heal too. May God bless you
>>28863 Keep.up the good work fellow King 👏 Stay strong and you will overcome this Don't listen to the haters
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i'm now using my editing powers for good

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