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Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 09:28:30 Id: 467526 No. 29673
now that kelce lost Superbowl please GOD the almighty let her next boyfriend be black african guy
>>29673 Bitch needs to let an african man impregnate her white aryan goddess womb. White boys aren't willing to do so
>>29673 Empty egg carton
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I can't think of anyone I'd like see get BLACKED more
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goon to tay tay and bbc
>>29673 If Taylor Swift dated a black dude, it really wouldn't matter at all
>>29697 its matter alot shes one of big popstar currently imagine all of her white fans following taytay footstep
>>29703 Ariana did it and i'm not sure anything changed because of that
>>29673 She's mid
>>29673 I'm not really into her but to know there are tons of dudes online who would sell their fucking souls just for a video of Taylor getting bred by niggers is insane. #1 on Blacked list no doubt
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>>29786 indeed i think for boomers its scarlet johansson but for gen Z and millenials definitely taylor swift
>>29719 Ariana has always been BBC bait

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