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The Fall of the BNWO What killed the Bnwo? 02/12/2025 (Wed) 01:33:48 Id: 8a2b17 No. 29723
I believe it is not unfair to say that the BNWO is waning in popularity as of late. It just doesn't have that same level of eroticism as before and we all know it. Could it be desensitization? No! Its simply because everything sucks now. Darkwanderer is a wasteland. People leaving the fetish at rapid rates. All of it is a sign that this fetish is at death's door. Now the Question remains: What was the beginning of the end?
>>29723 trannies
>>29724 A valid answer. Especially Cecefem just making everything shit.
"BNWO" is trannies pushing a strictly leftist-oriented perversion of the interracial fetish, and now with them losing the culture war, that artificial fetish is impossible to sustain. BMWF interracial will return to its original, natural, superior state.
>>29727 I like your take on it. What would you say the original state would be?
>>29728 The black male as a defiler of the white woman, chiefly a means to an end. The nigger word used to be commonplace, let's hope it returns.
>>29731 Ah so less of a submission of the white race and more of a conflict between races. I fear this conflict may have some unforseen consequences.
>>29724 /thread
>>29723 This Right Wing fetish (yes, this is absolutely a Right wing thing, Vaush's audience didn't know about any of this until he responded to another video that was made by a Bahamanian dude about this fetish) reached critical mass and began to get noticed by Leftists and POC (it's a useful shorthand, fuck off) who absolutely hate this shit because y'all kept on trying to engage with uninformed, and later, disgusted, Black Folks on the subject. If y'all had kept your mouth shut and didn't harass others who aren't a part of your crowd, this fetish would be doing as well as the interracial swinger crowd that spawned this whole fetish in the 1st place. BWC Fetishism/Raceplay will win out because of how private of a kink it is. Keep it in your fucking pants for once in your life y'all. You'll be a much happier person if you did.
>>29735 Well at the rate the BWC dudes are going they're going to be in this position in a few years. I've even begun to see Black Boi Beatdowns.
>>29727 not necessarily, but the tranny faction made up the most active content creators, which people are tired of. As >>29735 says, this is a mostly right wing fetish, so as the right wins the culture war with a large army of dissatisfied young men, more will come to it. Expect it to bounce back in the following years, but different.
>>29735 >>29737 Ok I get what you're saying. So it will become like a frequency. Coming in and out of popularity as the culture of the world shifts. Waxing and waning in popularity from time to time. In a few years we will have a whole new generation of content creators ready to reinvigorate this fetish.
>>29736 You better bring some evidence to this discussion to prove that claim because, if that's truly the case, then it must be a pretty niche part of the community. The mainstream side of the Raceplay crowd (a left wing group in the BDSM community, no they're not swingers which is why BWC cuckoldry is very hard to find, those relationships are monogamous and exclusive) is pretty clear about being pro BLM which you can see on their main subreddit. >>29737 The Right Wing isn't truly winning the culture war. Classical Liberals are but they allied with rightoids to make it happen. If anything, the two groups that are actually losing cultural influence at the moment are progressives/socialists and incumbents (who were majority left wing due to the Pandemic and its recovery causing the apex of Leftist influence).
>>29737 >>29739 You are correct that it was a pretty niche part of it. I suspect it was only for shock value and as a response to white boy beatdowns. Not really there to elicit arousal from anyone.
The extreme shit killed it. Anybody who isn't seriously mentally ill does not get off on being beaten and/or murdered by niggers. Nor are they interested in AI voices telling them to kill themselves or castrate themselves. They just want to watch white women fuck black guys, but the mentally ill troons started shoving in their weird murder and suicide fantasies into the fetish. There used to be a clear divide in the fetish, so normal people could get off on it without being told to kill themselves, but you did not gatekeep the mentally ill out and they began to overrun it. I can already see the coping troons cry out, "SOURCE?? UHM, SOURCE?? UHM LE PROOF??" Here's my proof: I'm not a mentally ill troon, so I moved away from the fetish and only look on from afar from time to time because you fucking ruined it lmao
>>29741 Honestly you're so correct. I agree with you 100% the extreme side definitely killed it and made people either disgusted by it or completely against it. Bow this raises a question. If this version of the BNWO dies and in some years time a new group of white men and women and black men and black women restart it. Will it be the same extreme porn or start from fresh? Or something even worse?
>>29742 I don't think it'll ever really die but we're seeing a trend die, maybe alongside what could be called a 'faction'. Where do people even go to enjoy this fetish? I'm only on here and 4chan, and I know reddit's content is horrible. I feel like there's maybe a few hundred people into this, at most.
>>29743 They have their discords and telegram groups which are actually where they host the REALLY extreme stuff. I'm talking actual death and the like. As for numbers. I would say one million people have heard of it. About half of that casually look at it. 100k Actively follow accounts related to it on the vanilla side. And it trickles down from there.
>>29744 There's no way there's a fucking hundred thousand people into this.
>>29743 >>29745 Well you can check the biggest fully BNWO account. I'm not talking about the occasional reference. I'm talking about fully plaster the Spade, the Fist or whatever on their account. And check their followers.
>>29747 Because they keep getting coerced into suicide by degenerate sexually deviant psychopaths?
>>29746 So is the future of the bnwo on twitter? If you want to network and produce good content is that where you'll have to be? I see that a lot of them are clearly right wing themed, which I like...
>>29752 Hmm I suppose it would be. That is if Twitter is even around by then. But that is a discussion for a different day. I suppose if it gets more extreme, Telegram will take over. If not then I'm sure a new forum will pop out.
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>>29735 Lying troon lmao
>>29756 And the inevitable >t-thats le fake!!
>>29741 This is 100% the reason. I started to watch IR content myself. That IR porn slowly progressed into hotwife and cuck shit, and I started to really enjoy videos about girls being size queens and QOS's, etc. But the moment the videos started to have elements LIKE "OMG WHITE BOYS WILL NEVER BREED AGAIN! :DDDDD" "DEATH TO THE WHITE RACE :DDDD", I was instantly turned off, and it nearly made me rethink me entire IR/cuck preferences. It almost scared me away from this entire fetish. In some way it's comparable to how when parents hop onto a trend, the trend stops being cool because now it's just cringy. But with IR porn, it wasn't parents that hopped on and ruined the trend, but it was absolutely insane suicidal self loathing trannies that did. Which is ironic if you think about it, because these bnwo trannies are trying to brainwash people into this "BNWO" shit, but it's actually having an extremely counterproductive effect where everyone (especially girls) are being scared away from the fetish because of it.
Basically, trannies ruin every online space they congregate in.
BNWO as a idea is too cringe and over the top. But the main problem of this fetish is that pretty much only dudes are into it. At most, some very few women have a preference for black men and that's it, with very little racial fetishization involved. The ones who produce content do so because their cuck bfs pushed them to do it, or because simps throw money at them. There are far too many onlyfans girls who jumped on the snowbunny train and very lazily try to pretend they're into it, clearly not getting what's appealing about the fetish. It's so obvious that they're faking it that it's a turn off Women's sexuality works very differently. Hell, the most watched porn category by women is... Lesbian stuff. They'd rather watch 2 dykes carpet munching each other than BBC. So this entire fetish is pretty much 100% a fantasy for submissive white men
>>29764 Another big issue is the extremely low quality PMVs and hypno vids. There's thousands of them and the vast majority are pure slop, just adding split screen of cringe TikTok sluts and some random, boring blacked scenes. The videos should follow some sort of theme abd development and instead they're a remixed boring mess that feel like the same shit over and over and over again.
>>29764 It's very funny if you think about it like that. Like you said, bnwo is an almost entirely male fetish. It's a fetish that stems from the male psychology, and has extremely little to no appeal to the female psychology at all. So it's extremely ironic that all these trannies who desperately want to be women are into it so much, because it undisputedly proves their true nature of being a biological male, with a male psychology.
>>29723 Is it really though? I've never really watched the bnwo niche closely (because I am not a mentall ill tranny), but I always thought of it as a relatively small sub-niche in the overall larger BBC/cuck fetish. I see roughly the same amount of bnwo threads on places like 4chan, and I see roughly the same amount of bnwo videos on porn sites when I search for bbc stuff. If anything, I'd probably say I'm seeing more instead of less.
>>29723 Do you have more from proacebnwo?
>>29756 I'm not trans ya dingus. Just stating the truth based on years of observation and research into which fetishes different groups are into. The trans crowd that's into this stuff are the chuds, incels, and groyper faction of the right since they 1. have to be betas who can't get women so they decide to trans max instead and 2. be right wing enough to sexualize the great replacement, cuckoldry, and interracial relationship without pursuing any women of color instead (this 2nd part is only something you see on the right, left wingers have no problem hooking up, dating, or marrying women of color). Note: I got into this stuff because my appearance is exotic enough to attract women of color but not exotic enough to stand out to white American women (tall, pale skin, dark hair and eyes, etc). As such, all of my previous love interests and exes were not white. When I realized this, I went looking for porn that matches what I've been through and learned about this weird crap from how inundated any interracial porn category outside of ebony, latina, or asian was with this weird ass fetish y'all have.
>>29723 >>29723 One of the biggest reasons is that people who are into this fetish realized that the women being fucked 80-90% skanks or online prostitutes that have slept with multiple guys including white guys aside from black. The more you see reality the less hot it becomes. If reality was about how majority of like loyal housewives or hot young women were all of a sudden attracted to black guys on a massive scale with actual real evidence and not made up "make believe" bullshit the fetish would be much hotter and would have grounds in reality. But doesn't much like all degenerate shit.
>>29723 the fetish was propped up by some government program, its popularity synced perfectly with the first serious migrant crisis in 2014 and the rise of woke. You may say I'm a schizo but I think that's it.
i will throw my 2 cents in as a long time casual participant in this kink. the dogshit content, 1 in 100 videos is good. the rest is PMV retardation, murders, and random incest. then there's the ballbusting autism. it gets so if you want to jerk off to edgy extinction porn, you actually can't. i cannot stress this enough, even if i wanted to play along, the videos are so unbearably dogshit fuckawful that nobody could get off if they even wanted to. also, it does get boring, i understand some people treat this like a lifestyle for some reason but for the silent majority of a minority of people that like this shit, it is whacking off for 20 minutes and sleeping. and today, doing my regular rotation, i was unable to, even willingly, bust a nut to fucking anything. throw in paywalls if you want too but i've seen enough of that on kemono to know that shit is just the above shit i mentioned, just now with a pricetag. the problem is only fucking retards like this or too many retards like this
>>29790 wait, and the tattoo edits of hentai pictures. you bumbling, stupid fucks and your stupid fucking tattoos.of invidivual semen surrounding a nipple, or those vines up the legs. what the fuck is that slop? none of the people doing that even try either, just ms paint copy paste, drag, done. fucking absolute dogshit
>>29723 it died as soon as it became anything but "le nig fuck white woman"
just when the deep state is getting finished...
>bnwo >popular That shit was never popular. Even within this niche fetish you only ever saw it propped up by people extremely into BMWF interracial porn and trannies. It is one of the sub-fetishes in the BMWF fetish that gets ridiculed the most online (e.g., it has been explicitly mocked using Cobson memes and tends to be focal point when this fetish is mocked if the person mocking the fetish is aware of it). I truly believe it would be the butt of more jokes than cucking if knowledge of it was more widespread. It takes one element of the fetish (i.e., suggesting that the romantic failings of the white male consumers are explained by immutable racial differences rather than personal mutable failings) to an absurd level (i.e., somehow black males - and just black males not women - are superior and are going to take over all of society [pay no attention to their use of DEI and other social programs] and literally kill all white men including the white male consumer of the porn and be the ones that exclusively breed white women who will still exists in perpetuity despite killing all white men because reasons) that it kills the immersion for almost all consumers since even the most pathetic white male consumer will sense that is bullshit when he thinks about it for more than the 10 to 20 minutes it takes for him to jack off (which is bad since the major point of the fetish for these consumers, when compared to cheating/cucking that doesn't involved raceplay, is to make them think about their failings as immutable oppose to mutable). When BNWO and other extreme variants of the fetish is combined with the very low quality videos and content being generated (i.e., literal still photos of various porn stars the video editor is presenting to be someone the white male viewers has a crush on in high school/college followed by disjointed porn clips that don't even use the same actress, disjointed TikTok clips that include content that are not even applicable to the fetish like random girls doing an Ahegao with flashing text about black guys underneath, etc) and the lived reality of most consumers (both black and white males) not aligning with what they anticipate from the fetish (e.g., there are not many BMWF couples and most that exist tend to be the stereotypical high school/college black male athlete and his white girlfriend or hook ups, a lot of women that produce professional or semi-professional BMWF interracial content on socials are patently inauthentic and are just trying to make money off the fetish especially in the porn/OnlyFan contexts whereas most non-white women that produce content lusting after white men seem to be quite authentic or at least girly and bubbly and more importantly is not done on a pure porn platform, most authentic BMWF amateur context where the WF is conventionally attractive does not involve raceplay at all and it is just high school/college athletic black guy with a white girl he hooked up with, etc) most of the more extreme aspects of this fetish is dying. At the end of the day, the popularity of BMWF fetish (both at its peak and currently) primarily relies on two things: 1) A relatively wide spread high school tier rumor about black males being bigger. Setting aside empirical evidence suggesting that this isn't the case, the lived reality of most girls (that act on it or are told about it by their friends that act on it) will be discovering it is just a rumour and black guys are not bigger than any other race - which is turn kills the fetish for most women since one of the core aspects of the fetish, if not the core aspect is the guy has a big dick (literally one of the terms used to described this fetish is just BBC) - and that having such a big dick is beneficial/pleasurable for sex and otherwise makes sex better. This is also one of the reasons this is a fetish mostly just for guys, since heterosexual white guys will never have a chance to witness this rumour isn't true but the losers of that group like thinking it is true to explain their lack of success, heterosexual black guys love thinking it is true and won't seek out contradictory evidence, and guys are more likely to equate a bigger dick with better sex even when the difference is marginal (i.e., there is essentially no difference from a pleasure perspective between a 6 inch long dick and a 7 inch long dick - although almost no guy will agree to that). The star alignment for women to be into this fetish after acting on the rumour is that the first time she has sex with a black guy 1) the guy has a big dick (statistically rare) and the chick is a size queen (also rare); or 2) the guy has an average to above average dick but very good erection quality (because he is young and/or athletic), is decent enough at sex, and the chick into raceplay (either consciously or unconsciously) to make the overall sex quality excellent - which in light of the bigger dick rumour will likely make her associate the excellent sex quality to the fetish rather than novel sex with a guy with a decent sized dick and great erection quality. The second example is the more common one and is common enough for the high school tier rumour to have something to work with which in turn gives it some staying power despite the challenges it faces. 2) Blacked having a period of time when they produced extremely high-quality videos with conventionally attractive women and black males that were roided out the ass to play up the beauty and beast/immutable racial differences of the fetish. These videos were spammed all over the place and resulted in one image becoming a meme that even the average internet user would be exposed to. People seeing conventionally attractive people having sex will make people interested in the videos and in turn the subject matter (BMWF sex). Blacked producing worse and worse quality videos is directly linked to less people being interested in the fetish. Inorganic spamming of the fetish and especially the inorganic spamming of extreme elements of the BMWF interracial fetish like BNWO and cucking will make the fetish less popular on the whole given how inorganic the spamming is and how off putting the more extreme elements of the fetish are. That will make most consumers will just stop engaging and make more competent content creators move on to other genres. This is problematic for the fetish since, as noted above, a big reason this fetish was as popular as it was is high-quality videos and the fetish cannot just rely on the high school tier rumour to be as popular as it has been. There is a lot of smoke and mirrors and suspension of disbelief that goes into this fetish in its base form. Adding layers to the fetish just requires the viewer to not question more and more things until eventually it gets to the point where the consumer just turns their brain off and watch people have sex and/or get beat up - which isn't going to do it for anyone other than those that have drank the whole thing of Kool-Aid. >>29789 I honestly wouldn't be surprised - the timing of certain things checks out too well (e.g., timing of Blacked being created and BMWF spamming on places like 4chan having odd down times when major world events take place that are bad for certain groups). Regardless of the actual truth, it is extremely believable which is very bad for the authenticity of the "black males are naturally better" narrative that the fetish relies on (i.e., if black males actually did have big dicks or otherwise were better lovers - there wouldn't be a need for a meaningful amount of funding to be used to spread the fetish).
>>29852 >I truly believe it would be the butt of more jokes than cucking if knowledge of it was more widespread This. Practically noone on the planet earth even knows what BNWO is. Literally the only people that do are terminal onlines like us who come to this place or 4chan, and even among those people, most think that BNWO is super retarded and cringy.
you see, your problem is you are an extremist and interracial doesnt do it for you anymore so you have to find something even more extreme. i believe this is porn addiction
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>>29723 All p-orn is a meme. Everything is memetics. Higher dimensional beings are having a blast trolling human idiots. And honestly I support them. The new meme for the year of the snake is transhumanism and 42% aka the meaning of life. This is and has always been satan's kingdom from the beginning the snake took form. Simply shitposting about Q symbols and making different flavored "new world orders" won't change anything other than give more power to babylon. The joke is the real "13BC" is the black cube and c-orn god of saturn/satan. You can't own a mathematical concept you never understood. From the start it was always a funny occult joke. Thanks for playing.
>>29861 What kind of paranoid schizo bullshit are you on about? Jesus dude, go find a therapist and start working through your mental health issues because this way of thinking isn’t healthy in the slightest.
>>29723 White girls I know want white babies. Even the black girls I know want white babies, lol.
>>29806 Yeah, Doge stopped the woke misinformation agency payroll, lol.
honestly i've been into the most extreme end of this fetish to the degree that i've jacked off to stuff i will absolutely take to my grave. that said, i'm finding it harder and harder to find good content. most pmvs posted are just poorly cropped porn in a squished aspect ratio next to some tiktok thot making a stupid face with broken english captions that are more comedic than anything else. not to mention they always use the same handful of porn/beatdown clips, i dunno if it's out of laziness or if i've just seen them all at this point. i'm currently trying to find my next thing, but honestly it's hard, where do you even go from here? might just have to quit porn altogether tbh.
>>29874 > i've jacked off to stuff i will absolutely take to my grave like what?
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>>29741 I think you're right, the extreme beatdowns and stuff about suicide really turns me off, I think people just got bored of it. I've been really into this fetish for years though, I don't think it's ending anytime soon nothing else gets me off.
>>29790 Only right answer, even if there was some shady governmental agency pushing this shit, they started using AI en masse in order to go into content overdrive and that's clearly reflecting in the quality of chan threads/twitter/discord. When the stilts are rotting, you can't build higher. Either that or we just reached BNWO critical mass (cuz anyone sane knows how delusional this fetish is in reality) and we'll just start regressing a bit till we're niche enough again to start producing quality content.
>>29888 AI is the death of any and all originality. So the second it's out of the fetish the better it will get.
>>29890 >COVID, normies and boomers all become terminally online, a massive chunk of them get porn-addicted >BBC/BNWO explode way past their niche audience >Boomers and Pajeets/Pakis love AI slop >Good times create weak men quote stays winning >picrel from ~2017 i saw in some thread here is around when we peaked It all makes sense
>>29723 The fetish died when it became hyperfocused on the woman and her desires and not the nig and him using the white cunt for what she is. Good raceplay requires white whores to be properly treated like whores. Right now, there is a trend in porn to eliminate all truely "offensive" shit in an effort to pander to women and their betacuck supporters. Old interracial porn used to be far more aggressive in the use of race as a tool of defilement. The white whore being defiled was a common theme. Then came the influx of cucks and beta white fags who worshipped women and naturally started worshipping their nigger bulls too. Then came the retarded troons and all of their trash. The way to get this fetish back on track is to make porn where the woman is a slab of fuck meat and the nigger takes his prize without regard for whether the bitch likes it or not. This is only really possible with AI now, so until AI porn gets to the point that we can finally make decent realistic porn, this fetish will remain dead.
>>29868 It’s quite obvious that the Groypers and Incels that are into this kink really don’t understand how many woke women of color are into white dudes (white worship is increasingly common with that crowd) and how much of an effect the ultimate taboo of one’s values has on what one fetishizes in their private time. For instance, BNWO and Interracial Swinging (more broadly, this is largely a swingers kink, hence the fetish’s public facing nature and over abundance of related porn) are rightoid fetishes because rightoids value tradition and family values the most and those fetishes are the opposite of those values. Leftoids, meanwhile, value equality the most so fetishes related to BDSM and Raceplay itself (ie when women of color submit to white men in private, monogamous, exclusive, and BDSM focused manner so you won’t see much public symbolism or porn based on the subject) are much more popular within that crowd. Much of the Left didn’t even know about BNWO stuff until its fans started trying to convert outsiders to it while Rightoids always end up relying on hentai to created bleached/bwc related content because misread a BDSM related fetish as a swinger related topic.
>>29894 I should also point out that white liberal women and black dudes are largely self removed from the dating market these days with white liberal chicks turning into femcels or some form of LGBT+ while black dudes have either become incels or passport bros if they’re not dead or locked up (and I haven’t even started on how many hood dudes are LGBT+ on the down low either).
>>29735 >Doing as well Faggot it's doing fine. There's tons of content. Especially hentai (which is the best). "Interracial swingers" lol walk your boomer normie ass tf out of my bnwo board.
It's unironically political. Dooming is an essential part of the fetish and I think the Trump win caused a lot of people to become more optimistic about a white future. BNWO doesn't feel as real anymore, now that right wing politics are in a power position again and our puppetmasters don't openly cheer for our genocide anymore.
>>29907 Nah, false equivalency. It's not a strictly western fetish (albeit western dominated mostly cause of sexual freedom) + the community inflated the most during Trump's first term
>>29907 Typical hamburger poster who doesn't realize that his country is only a fraction of the world. There are a lot of meme's about how americans are stupid and think the world revolves around them, but they seem to be based on quite a lot of truth...
>>29911 Most of Western World has been shifting to the right as voters have grown increasingly tired of incumbents (most of whom were left of center along with a few center-center right coalitions like what we saw in The Netherlands). I may be American but I have family in Europe (grandma's English) so I travel there quite a bit and try to keep up with the political situation overseas). Trump's return to office simply fits in with a larger trend that we see all over the damn place due to the Left demonizing anything seen as normal. If anyone is ignorant here, it's you.
>>29899 You're not the administrator of this board bud. Shut the fuck up and just accept that your fetish is a derivative of interracial swinging (the name of the fetish that the QOS crowd partakes in).
>>29723 > believe it is not unfair to say that the BNWO is waning in popularity as of late. It just doesn't have that same level of eroticism as before and we all know it. >Could it be desensitization? No, it's market saturation. Every bloodline that was susceptible to racemixing has already turned mulatto. Lightskin niggers don't have BNWO fetish. The Whiteboys who had the fetish already bred out of existence or trooned out.
>>29914 >The Whiteboys who had the fetish already bred Correction, those Whiteboys did not breed, they allowed their wives and daughters to be bred by niggers. The cuck gene died out, its a self correcting problem. Only racist White men successfully reproduce.
>>29891 >Good times create weak men quote stays winning Good men (Whites) create good times. Bad men (niggers and jews) create bad times. All the major bad times in history (Dark Ages, Weimar, Great Depression, fall of Rhodesia and South Africa, the Civil Rights movement) were directly caused by niggers, jews, or niggers and jews.
>>29735 >POC (it's a useful shorthand, fuck off) 39 characters >niggers 7 characters
>>29918 1. POC has 3 letters. Still shorter. 2. I’m not going to type or say that kind of racial slur because it’s not 1955 anymore dingus. Take down that damn rebel flag and with the damn times for once in your life.
>>29723 ?? if anything it's more popular than its ever been
>>29928 OP means the fetish is overran by trannies. Theres genuinely so much ball busting videos or cumming with cages/guys with lingerie that its genuinely disgusting to see and its turning me off to the fetish. If I see one more sissyfication BNWO video, thats an indication I should start moving awsy from the fetish
>>29938 in the end only troons remain.
>>29938 BBC is literally mainstream with women. Who cares what the minority of trans do?
>>29945 Only as a joke. A normal person would only ever bring it up because they think it’s funny but they would never actually act on it for 3 reasons: 1. Those who spend time with actual black people, especially black women, all know the rumor is actually bullshit. Again, the whole thing is seen as a very racist joke (yes, it’s actually racist, American slave owners used it as a way to make black men seem more like animals then men). The average male is 5.1 inches long and there’s no significant racial differences in that regard. Also, most women in the dating market are largely monogamous, hoping for marriage, and they want a man that can both provide financially and are taller than them and there’s simply not a lot of black dudes who fit that description (this is also why black women are starting to date out so much because they actually want to get married). Also, before you bring up Sabrina Carpenter, she was still heartbroken when her Irish ex boyfriend (the subject of her single "Bed Chem") cheated on her late last year which forced a breakup so it’s pretty obvious that she was definitely joking at that concert which is in line with her overall personality as someone known to be pretty damn funny. 2. This is a very important concept that y’all don’t really understand: most women prefer penis sizes between 3-7 inches which is in line the global male average because the cervix (trust me, any woman will tell you that you don’t want to bruise that) is usually at around that depth along with IUD implants which also hurt like hell if you knock it out of place. This range also captures 99.7% of all women statistically so the actual portion of the population of women that is made up of "size queens" is 0.015% and that lines up with the 0.015% of men who have dick sizes over 7 inches. This also fits what we see in terms of dildo sales where the most popular size is about 6 inches. In short, just like the white guys who go for black women, skin tone contrast is likely the bigger draw than dick size for white women who choose black dudes. 3. One of the biggest TikTok trends last year featured women wanting a 6’5 guy with blue eyes, a trust fund, and who works in finance that also featured a whole song about it. The trend may feature a ton of unrealistic dating expectations but it also flies in the face of what this fetish is about. In conclusion, this fetish truly died when it went from fun fantasy and roleplay to an actual lifestyle that only pornbrained weridos and coomers partake in.
I have a simple theory - the actual reason Blacked, BNWO and so on declined is not political, it's cultural. Specifically it's based on observation of everyday life: The last decade was so atrociously shit to everyone, whites included, that any notion of supremacy and superiority which would give fuel to the blacked fetish has been eradicated. Black and brown men saw the white man being mauled into shit just like everyone else. It genuinely became hard to live for everyone. We now all know that we're ruled over by a tiny elite which has no relations whatsoever with the people they rule over, regardless of race. Trump's win signaled the death of America and we can see its reputation and so on crater, and America itself is now an oligarchy de facto ruled by Musk. Any "race" talk now feels outdated in the sense that while yes, Trump or Musk or Vance or whoeverthefuck may say something "pro-white" but it's all just a grift to placate the dumbest of whites. The same thing goes on in Russia or ANY dictatorship, whether open or secret. So in the end it was mutually shared life experiences that destroyed this fetish. The retarded murder/suicide and so on garbage was just the icing on the cake. As for me I'm into interracial lolicon so I only casually browse this place, I have little interest into RL porn.
>>29974 tldr cope
>>29978 You make zero sense.
>>30041 The link below is a podcast from a mixed race progressive woman in an interracial relationship talking about how progressives have started to turn away from interracial relationships. Combine that with the shit you hear from all the black dudes in the redpill movement, the various articles describing, through surveys, that cuckoldry and interracial sex involving white women are largely right of center beliefs and you’ll know why what you responded to is based on the truth rather than on cope. A left of center white guy wouldn’t give a damn about who a white woman dates because he would have no issue go after women of color himself. The only ones who fall for this shit are Groypers and incels because they’re only willing to date white women and no other group. https://www.spreaker.com/episode/116-wait-why-are-liberals-opposed-to-interracial-marriage--58912305
>>29731 >The black male as a defiler of the white woman, chiefly a means to an end. This is why I like IR, it's basically real life orc hentai.
>>29861 This actually makes a lot of sense
>>29723 Maybe it has something to do with all the faggots, trannies, cringy captions, guys in chastity cages, white boy beatups, sissifiction, grotesque bodies, excesive qos tattoos, unsubtle great replacement propaganda, cringy ai songs, and the overall over the top tone of something that should be a subtle fetish
>>29765 And they're full off guys in chastity cages dildoing their assholes. Most people don't want to see that
>>29874 Quiting is both the easier the better and the moral option here.
I'll try to explain why bnwo doesn't work. Black guys don't actually have bigger dicks and therefore this kink is a fantasy that relies on suspension of disbelief. It's very hard for normal people to supend their disbelief when they get bombarded with out of touch or extreme aspects of this kink. Trannies whom are responsible for a lot of the extreme aspects of bnwo like sissification, chastity cages, white boy beatdowns etc, they already live a life of delusion so they don't see a problem. Good bnwo relies on making a plausable scenario of what the world would look like if black guys actually had bigger dicks. The changes you'd expect to see in a world like that would be subtle. Not that long ago average people actually believed black guys had bigger dicks and at most people would talk about it like a taboo topic and make jokes about it. There wasn't any substantial amount of white women that wanted to fuck black guys. At most some would experiment around but only the most fringe would identify as snowbunny in some way shape or form. Women keep their sex life on the down low out of fear of social consequences even in a time where it's socially acceptable to be a slut. You will never hear a woman say something like: "sorry whiteboy i'm black only now" unless she's getting payed for it.
>>29723 It's kind of amusing how many of you are talking about how you're over interracial and how it's dead when you're on this board. There's only one reason each of you came on here and it's to get off to black men fucking white women. I mean I agree that the extreme suicide/white boy beatdown shit is cringe but let's not pretend like anyone found this thread without being horny for interracial. No matter how many troons try to ruin it, black men fucking white women will always be the sexiest thing in the world, it's beautiful and no other porn can compare to it.
>>30185 That’s exactly why the thread is specifically titled "The Fall of the BNWO". There’s 2 different fetishes and kinks being catered to on this board: interracial swinging (ie generic bbc fetishism like what you see on sites like black2white.net and what most of the women with QOS tattoos are into) and BNWO which is a derivative of interracial swinging and what happens when you combine fears of the Great Replacement Conspiracy (aka white genocide, does that ring a bell?) with interracial swinging. This isn’t a raceplay kink because raceplay comes from BDSM. Instead, y’all tried to hijack a swingers community for your own political ends and failed at doing so.
- Women find sex too personal to make it about white genocide. "I fuck black guys" is fine, but "our wombs belong to the black race" is ridiculous to them. - Porn studios are largely unwilling to make politically charged content. Even tame stuff like explicitly lusting after black dick, wanting a black baby, having a black guy creampieing multiple women are rare or non-existent. - BLM has massively receded since 2020. Financial scandals, a lack of accomplishments after a decade of existence, all amid an explosion in crime and inflation, have crushed enthusiasm for the movement.
>>30195 >>30185 >No matter how many troons try to ruin it, black men fucking white women will always be the sexiest thing in the world, it's beautiful and no other porn can compare to it. True. But that is not BNWO fetish, just a part of it.
>>30185 i come here when im in the mood for black on white porn, sometimes im in the mood for the opposite. I think my kink is raceplay in general i fap to wmaf just as much as when i see a phat ass white girl i would love to see her riding a bbc
>>30195 Porn studios aren’t going to lean into the overly explicit stuff because the male talent will sue them over it. A lot of black male performers have been getting pretty pissed off at how racist in adult industry and it’s fans can get at times (you know, degens being degens) with many of them including contract clauses about not allowing racial slurs or explicit racial fetishization. It’s also partly why a lot of interracially focused brands and studios have such thin rosters when it comes black men nowadays and why the same 5-6 guys are always being brought up in discussions by fans. Let’s be clear, if this fetish was realistic and reflected offline, then you would see a ton of black dudes being confident enough to enter the porn industry based on the size of their private parts alone with 50 black dudes on every porn studio roster and men of color wouldn’t be making up the majority of the manosphere, passport bros, mgtow, or incel crowds but that clearly isn’t happening in the slightest.
>>30242 I think you brought up a very good point with these uppity nigs with too much self awareness and intelligence. There are a lot of different things that contribute to ruining the fun of interracial. Some things being more to blame than others but the niggers themselves most certainly have to be a part of the problem.

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