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Is this fetish just hate for women? Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 18:50:29 Id: 7bbd41 No. 21041
Is this just hating women so much that you want to see them degrade themselves and niggers are the lowest you can go without going into bestiality? I think thats the case for me.
>>21041 I am also into bestiality but I don't hate women, I just think the dynamic is hot. I don't even really consider it degrading per se but the opposite, having the woman being fucked by such a lowly male emphasizes her superior qualities. BMWF is essentially about white woman supremacy to me and bestiality about human supremacy(preferably also of the white woman variety).
it’s actually about worshipping them i guarantee the person (you) that wrote that boring wall of text was a brown woman
I'm thinking really hard whether this applies to me. I've met and been with girls who were good people, but I have also had my share of witches. I think for me it's honestly mostly about masochism and maybe self-hatred. At a very base level I feel like never really fully connect with women. They never share my hobbies and interests and when I tell them stuff that is very profound and interesting to me, I always feel like it doesn't really mean much to them. Of course, they will acknowledge my interests, but nothing more than that. This also applies to sex. Obviously I am perverted and I have a big libido, but every time I have sex it is underwhelming. I always feel girls get more out of it than me. One time I told a girl I didn't want to have sex with her because she was drunk and she asked me if I was gay. Now with black men, they operate on a lower level in many regards. They can just think with their dick, see a girl with a fat ass and want to fuck it, without any other regard. In this way I feel black men and most women (of any race) are just more compatible. On an emotional and psychological level they can have sex in a way that I probably never could. Blacks can have sex and it will be the most amazing thing ever to them, while for me it will only ever be 'just' sex. On a certain level I wish I could be an animalistic buffoon too, but I've accepted that it's just not who I am. But being a masochist and being really into the emotional side of sex, watching a black man have sex with a white woman, I can at least get the emotions in the form of jealousy.
i think it comes more from a place of self hatred and low self esteem. My ultimate relationship would be with a discreet white woman who gets off on fucking black guys on the side and actually enjoys humiliating me. And i know thats a dream scenario
>>21041 I see it as a redpilled fetish tbh. You are acknowledging and coping with the secret and real desires of women. That is to say, all women are hypergamous when seeking a mate (seeking to upgrade to a more alpha male). Whereas people are constantly told feminist lies about women's sexuality like women aren't very horny or are equal to men/better than men or are just eternal victims of men/patriarchy which is all bullshit. So the cuck and blacked stuff is just fetishizing that real hypergamous behavior and its potentially combined with any other aspects in combination: the personal inferiority of the cuck, the personal inferiority of the cuck's race "race play", the "BBC" urban legend, race and/or political humiliation, and possibly degradation of the woman as a slut
>>21045 >>21045 >it’s actually about worshipping them Explain?
>>21097 i want a white woman to know just how far a white man would go for her they are worth that much i want them to be able to choose and experience the ultimate pleasure in life and i want to help in any way i can to make it happen she is the apex of beauty and she deserves ecstasy and to be worshipped i will put my ego aside and acknowledge that black men are superior in the bedroom and will help her create a world of pure desire and satisfaction i want to give a white woman the world and so i will give her a big black cock.
For me it is 50/50 1. General dislike of women, watching them fuck Blacks is degrading for them and it's a self-own. It shows their own dumb whorish nature that they can be tricked into doing this. 2. Evolutionary psych, I rarely cum to this trash, but I watch it and it almost enrages me. I'll then fuck my girlfriend like I'm trying to dig another males cum out of her. Like if you have ever had sex after an argument, it feels like that.
Not about hating women to me. I'm into rape fantasy and humiliation of women. Got sick of the same old rape scenes in movies etc, found IR porn to be on the same level as rape fantasy and humiliation.
I started watching IR cuck porn a lot when I was 15. For some reason it just hit different. I don't think there's anything Freudian behind it.
Not a hate. it's just a sort of joy that people feel seeing a woman that would dislike us, make a bad decision that will hurt her in the long run. She gives into a pleasure that makes her less than.
>>21041 yes, it's a mix of beastiality and humiliation there's nothing lower than a nigger so watching a white women with one is like watching a women with a primate that has managed to talk and wear sneakers
Definitely how it started for me. I was such a pathetic approval seeking beta chump I let roastie cunts take advantage of me all through my best years. Now nothing satisfies me more than watching them pay the coal toll. Just proves they have shit taste in men and shouldn't be trusted to make their own decisions ever. Arranged marriages would've saved the west but we're too faggotized, feminized and judaized for that now so all that's left is to let it rot.
>>21041 >Watch as white women do anything just they can cum on a black dick >b b but w what about w w women! is it any wonder they don't get wet for your sorry ass?
Since this thread is already pretty meta, I have a question for the non-virgins here, do any of you also have trouble having sex yourself? I have a very high libido and I get aroused easily, I love watching porn and I love seeing naked girls, but then when I have to fuck a girl myself nothing seems to work. I am super sensitive to nasty smells and tastes, the feeling of a pussy around my cock is nothing special. I can't stroke at my own pace, blowjobs also dont do much for me. I can never get in a comfortable position. Having someone else's tongue in my mouth feels weird. I only like giving and receiving handjobs and cuddling. When I watch others have sex it looks really intense and exciting, but when I do it, it feels super lame. Is anyone else like this? Do you think it might be an autism thing?
>>25827 society is fucked up, it fucked you up just like it fucked me up. I don't know if there is a cure to our condition. Sorry.
>>21041 Not it's because I love and adore white women that I want them to enjoy mind-blowing sex with superior males.
>>25827 death gripped use only a fleshlight or something for a while

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