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Taking your solo sex life to the next level Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 12:38:24 Id: d3cf88 No. 17690
What are ways you are, or would like to take your solo sex life to the next level? A lot of us have fantasies about getting cucked, etc, but are single. But that doesn't mean you can't elevate your sex life in other ways. I have recently started to visit hookers, to have whiteboysex with them. I bring cuck pmvs with me on my phone or my tablet, and I make the hooker jerk me off (and sometimes ruin my orgasm) while watching these videos. There's 1 that seems very respectful of my wishes, and she has agreed to wear a fake qos tattoo above her pussy for me next time (which I have to bring myself, obviously). I'm going to lick her pussy and she's going to ride my face. When I was really horny, I've considered even more extreme things, like taking a used condom from a former customer from the trash, pooring it on her body (she probably doesn't want it on her pussy) and licking it off, but I haven't gathered the balls to ask this yet. Also there are websites where you can hire amateur hookers, which also feature couples on them. They are often very cheap, like 100 bucks for an hour. I figured that if there would be any interracial couples, it would be very hot to hire them and just watch them fuck while you fap. If you get lucky, they might let you do a cleanup. So, ehm, the point of the thread is, what have you done to elevate your solo whiteboy sexlife, or do you have any other suggestions that we could be doing? I hope my experiences gave you guys some inspiration.
>>17690 Where do you live? Hookers are illegal in the US, arent you worried?
>>17761 Netherlands, so no, it's legal here and costs 50 euros per session. I guess I am lucky.
>>17762 50€ per session for how long? Here where I live the cheapest is 200€ and it's for an hour at least. I've thought about doing a session with one but always restrained myself. I don't have a good memories of hookers since in the past when I visited them I either couldn't get hard or I pretty much nutted in my pants. Fun fact: after spending 3000€ in total with various hookers to get rid of my virginity I'm technically still a virgin because I've yet to experience penetration. Not going to lie tho, the experience of getting cucked by a hooker with a BBC sounds good but unrealistic to manifest itself. You probably would probably have to pay double the rate (for her and him) and you have to find a willing hooker to do that also have a BBC friend and a time where they're both free and able to do it. Sounds unlikely. The jerking off thing with QoS tattoo sounds more attainable. Next time I'm willing to throw down some money into it I'll probably ask if we can do that. Cuck or not my dick will probably be limp anyway, might as well try.
>>17767 Usually 15 or 30 minutes. I'm lucky that I am quite good looking so they usually try to convince me to come in by letting me take a little longer. The fact that you can't get it up only makes this whole thing a better idea, don't you think? You can just have her tug your limp dick to some cuckold porn. Maybe she'll even giggle to the fact that you can't get it up. I once had a hooker who was very surprised at my wishes and kept laughing the whole time. It was very hot, because it wasn't one of those fake laughs that you see the 'dominatrixes' do, but it was a genuine laugh of a girl who thought it was weird and funny to jerk my dick ruin my orgasm all while I was watching a cuckold pmv of dudes doing cleanups. In my opinion, a reaction like that is much hotter than paying a 'dom' to fake laugh at you. This girl actually thought I was weird and pathetic and laughed because of it.
When I visit FL I hook up with an adorable sugar baby who loves the blackd fetish. She has blacked underwear and if you ask her to do it, she does a jena QoS tat on her ankle. Hot as fuck
>>17767 >after spending 3000€ in total with various hookers to get rid of my virginity I'm technically still a virgin because I've yet to experience penetration jesus christ, anon, have some self respect and actually fuck a hooker for once
>>17771 if he wanted to have self respect he wouldn’t have this fetish
>>17770 What is jena? >>17771 He tried, but he couldn't get it up. At least, that's how I interpret his story.
>>17777 Sorry, it was a typo. It's Henna. A natural substance to make temporary tats.

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