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Zoomers Fucking Boomers Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 13:24:56 Id: 5eae22 No. 9345
give me amateur videos of Boomers getting lucky and having Zoomer chicks (like girls pic related) fucking them though I don't really need to say it but Zoomer chicks 18yo+ but no older than 23 bonuses if the boomer is an old black bull and a fat Indian man
photo got all fucked
>>9372 >C0FED562-CF09-4D7A-92C9-36FD5EC57868.jpeg >3C080663-8E12-499F-84CE-B150F920AD8F.jpeg >CDC2EA1F-369A-4CA5-A21D-95C06D2772BE.jpeg fucking based though I am going to need more info on these like how old the dudes are and if there's videos to any of them especially the one of the blonde with the old dude in the glasses
>>9372 her parents are poor >>9373 her parents arent poor
>>9375 first one got pregnant
>>9390 Maybe the mandatory Personal Resume of any amateur you can find next to a random pic on the internet too?
>>9413 ...really???
>>9417 the fuck you on about?
>>9448 oh right and she doesn't really look like a zoomer she's looks bit too old to be one and that dude looks far too young to be a Boomer
>>9448 She looks nasty and not in the nasty but hot way
>>9345 fuck bump
>>9345 >bonuses if the boomer is an old black bull and a fat Indian man nice dead giveaway outing yourself pajeet

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