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P: 1
Info and Rules
Welcome to /ai/. This board is for 1) anime or printed works which demographic is for sunday morning show, idol and the fandom surrounding it (official goods, coloring book, staffs or fanworks). 2) series mildly related to (1) such as magical girls, old animes and music based franchise
This include but not limited to: Takara Tomy Pri series, Bandai's Aikatsu and Cocotama series, Pri series, Sanrio's Jewelpet, Precure, Love Live, BangDream and other rhythm game
1. Everyone is friend.
2. No flaming/trolling. Keep it in other site
3. no ASL
If anyone interested in Ojamajo Doremi, check our friend's board
if you want to focus on shipping consider trying
R: 7 / I: 5 /
P: 1
rider ultra sentai
R: 7 / I: 2 /
P: 1
Parin, Cocotama, Shugo Chara
R: 3 / I: 2 /
P: 1
Sanrio general
Sane Rio
R: 5 / I: 5 /
P: 1
Korean shows
Mostly Shining Star, Flowering Heart
and somehow 6 episodes near the end of Princess Comet only avaliable in Korean dub
R: 39 / I: 49 /
P: 1
Pretty Cure
R: 20 / I: 20 /
P: 1
Torrent thread
Post Seed request or ask where to download stuff here
R: 2 / I: 2 /
P: 1
Modern Pri
AiPri, Primagi and Prichan
R: 4 / I: 5 /
P: 1
Trans character thread
always been. some people just stuck up to notice
R: 21 / I: 23 /
P: 1
Take a deep breath and sing that opening line. Live on it
R: 20 / I: 20 /
P: 1
/ai/ Japanese Thread
In which we teach each other about words commonly used in our アイドル anime
R: 9 / I: 13 /
P: 1
Wonderful PreCure!
If android can become Precure why can't dog, wan
R: 18 / I: 23 /
P: 1
Pri series
Pretty Rhythm Pripara Kiratto Prichan Primagi
Idol Land
R: 1 / I: 3 /
P: 1
and other seafolks
R: 20 / I: 25 /
P: 1
other idol series
series that revolve around idols
Zombieland Saga, Revue, Lapiz Re:Light
Project Sekai? D4D?
R: 12 / I: 15 /
P: 1
to the place inside glimmering hope
let us depart
Move (on) now, so you can close it
Move on later and enjoy the moment now
R: 9 / I: 13 /
P: 2
GIRLS band party!
R: 7 / I: 13 /
P: 2
Revue Stalight
ReLive! /Starira, Stage Play, El Dorado, Seiyuu and radio
R: 11 / I: 14 /
P: 2
R: 1 / I: 3 /
P: 2
R: 9 / I: 7 /
P: 2
Royal Garden
cafe, longue
discussion about the board
R: 25 / I: 23 /
P: 2
I wanted to make a thread for my loves and their mutual love.
R: 7 / I: 9 /
P: 2
Pokemon vp
deru dwowime
R: 10 / I: 13 /
P: 2
Love Live Image Board
Here is my first attempt at an Image board, so I hope I did it right.
R: 21 / I: 37 /
P: 2
Take your move, pick up a kouhai! Find your quick, maybe form a unit?
Rest your strength then reborn again the next day
R: 7 / I: 6 /
P: 2
Aikatsu General
Planet and future
R: 4 / I: 6 /
P: 2
random idol thread
Idol from non-idol series
R: 2 / I: 3 /
P: 2
a fun cardgame anime for children
R: 1 / I: 3 /
P: 2
sisters roleplay thread
roleplay either as an imouto or onee-chan, /ai/ style
R: 3 / I: 4 /
P: 2
idolm@ster general
iM@S - idolmaster
R: 53 / I: 56 /
P: 2
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Windy stage is just around the corner
R: 41 / I: 56 /
P: 2
/ai/ aidle activities
re;BUILDing this board, unearthing some jewels for everyone,
then getting some upgrade
R: 8 / I: 6 /
P: 3
Let's post and recommend obscure mahou shoujos, I just got done watching Saint October and now I've got that mid-'00s-anime melancholy in me. This one is about gothic loli and tarot themed magical girl detectives who wear very pretty shoes.
R: 7 / I: 2 /
P: 3
R: 9 / I: 14 /
P: 3
Aikatsu Friends
The anime that make ainons question “what is friends”, like how threads asking same question each cycles and met with different answers
After pic2 you either appreciate amazing persons you meet in community or wanting to be friend with them.
And this was 2018, we try virtual /ai/tuber thing before it was cool
R: 20 / I: 18 /
P: 3
How does Sanrio actually keep doing it? Every single thing they put out is KINO and this is no exception. I'm so HAPPY this already has a confirmed sequel I was going to cry so hard if it didn't!
R: 18 / I: 12 /
P: 3
R: 15 / I: 18 /
P: 3
iM@S thread
post 'em
R: 2 / I: 2 /
P: 3
I'm Madoka. I was invited here through YT. I love Aikatsu!. I'm glad to be here. And Yurika is best girl.
R: 11 / I: 15 /
P: 3
Ichigo/Yume thread
blonde aikatsus love (other blonde idols welcome too)
R: 22 / I: 22 /
P: 3
Banner Suggestion
dynamic banners would be good
R: 1 / I: 3 /
P: 3
How to disable that Global Rule popup
At least in desktop browser
R: 3 / I: 9 /
P: 3
Lantern Floating festival
Bon Festival is an event to sending off /mourn the souls of the dead. In the end of it occur the lanterns floating festival (or Tourou Nagashi) in the 19th of July where people shed float lantern from Obon to the river as ceremonial bonfire
This thread is to post inactive artist (at least 2 years without making corresponding series art) and to remember the fond time with them
R: 14 / I: 7 /
P: 3
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 3
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 3
mod edit: this is a random advertisement. I don't delete this thread just in case. don't click on the file
Need a place to hang out? A place where you can share with others and experience the fulfilling creations of others? Look no further than TOCCOT(The Original Content Creators of Tomorrow)!!
Join today!
R: 5 / I: 12 /
P: 3
meta explanation thread
for newcomer who want to learn about terminology or local meme
It get weird (and lewd) later but it will be fun
R: 6 / I: 13 /
P: 3
hi. A friend tell me about this place from discord
R: 18 / I: 15 /
P: 4
vampire butt
R: 75 / I: 96 /
P: 4
Pretty Cure
Precure is a nearly 20 year old highly influential mega multimedia franchise about cute girls enjoying life, school, and club activities with their friends while simultaneously moonlighting as colorful Magical Girls that physically beat the absolute shit out of monsters and enemy Generals who threaten the peace. Airing almost every single week without pause since 2004, each season typically lasts one year, and is entirely self-contained.
The currently airing season is Tropical Rouge Precure, which playfully focuses on makeup, cosmetics, and the motivation to do the very best you can every single day, but feel free to talk and discuss anything Precure you please.