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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

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Aikatsu Friends Anonymous 04/03/2022 (Sun) 22:32:59 No. 595
The anime that make ainons question “what is friends”, like how threads asking same question each cycles and met with different answers After pic2 you either appreciate amazing persons you meet in community or wanting to be friend with them. And this was 2018, we try virtual /ai/tuber thing before it was cool
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The direction is “aikatsu together with your Friend” 2nd half of season 1 they crystalize what they learned. what they went through are given call back and show they applying their growth I fell aslepe and got sleep paralysis while trying to type the OP. Today I realize I lost my note
supporting characters aren’t strong point of Aikatsu but Friends put them just in right place. manager designer just doing their job and the 1of are some of the most memorable compare to other /ai/ weekly character
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dumb dog is Precure now what the
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I was searching Sakuya'ss base coord but cant find it in normal cardass page https://aikatsu-friends.fandom.com/wiki/Data_Carddass_Aikatsu_Friends!_Promotion_Cards/Part_3 They got more exclusives than PS5
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forgive me if I wasn't there if anyone post
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I don't remember how but I compare Hibiki to Lanzhu before
Looks like Friends' symbol
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Mio was asking coco for confession. undertone my ass, this is explicit
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Now for first kiss. is Mio lewd?

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