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2D idols (and their seiyuu I guess), prichan-aikatsu, idolm@ster. love live, precure, bang dream

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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

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Revue Stalight Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 16:08:29 No. 1077
ReLive! /Starira, Stage Play, El Dorado, Seiyuu and radio
Revue Stalight is Bushiroad’s franchise based around Stage Girls. It is unique compared to other series in way that the first stage play was released before the anime aired. And would later incorporate songs from even movie -first stage play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SNSaOAkoJg -stage play ticket can be purchased via Eplus international and Eplus jp, but concert are only via Eplus jp (require verification using Japan phone number) example for Bushiroad for january https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3756850001-P0030003?P6=001&P1=0402&P59=1
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Short answer -I think I saw 2 fans post that Revstar staff explicitly inform that stage girls aren’t idols. From a youtube comment “If you don’t know about Revue, this isn’t idol anime” -Revstar isn’t yuri the same way Sailor Moon isn’t yuri despite having lesbian characters in it. Revstar is full of gays though.
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>idol In D4DJ and Project Sekai video I saw comment saying about the only idol group in the game, saying “please give them a chance. They aren’t your usual idol group”. On personal note every idol fans probably think so about their idol group but that statement is probably aimed at neutrals who have generic idea about idol group in animes. Like, people in youtube is really defensive because how idols are perceived in generic anime community. Where is the spirit of “I like and do what I want, uncaring of how people around them perceive it”? same people who dislike idol anime are same people who say “wow I like this controversial youtuber because he doesn’t follow mainstream narrative/doesn’t mince his word/ his opinion isn’t filtered”. Where is that energy when it comes to liking music/anime genre that isn’t popular in west (idols)? >yuri -if people think Revstar is yuri, it is probably because of Junna’s actions in early animes. She randomly dance with Karen then doing intimate pose during her fight with Hikari. If a random viewer see that and think “oh, yuri” then watch anime and found she isn’t attracted to either of them then the viewer would think “this is a bait”. While people who watch from beginning would know Junna was just practicing with Karen and that is the scenario for Junna vs Hikari revue and wouldn’t think there is yuri specially between them JunnaNana is another thing though
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That we aren't following things without reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wfmyCbJJic
Kuikui bday
Characters came from 6 schools with story resolve around 4 -you already know Seisho from anime -Rinmeikan a Traditional Japanese school -Frontier. A new school looked down for being too easy. -Siegfeld the rival prestigious school. Characters are divided into highschool group and junior club. The senior is crafted to make ultimate troupe (cool rival turned goofy) while juniors is the one resembling your typical character ensemble (with a weeb as center). -Seiran: school where the stage girl also take stage work
look it is Sumire from Love Live

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