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2D idols (and their seiyuu I guess), prichan-aikatsu, idolm@ster. love live, precure, bang dream

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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

How to disable that Global Rule popup Anonymous 08/11/2023 (Fri) 21:37:05 No. 860
At least in desktop browser
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1 First, position yourself in Index Page https://8chan.moe/ai/ 2 Access console (Ctrl + Shift + K) for firefox etc or (Ctrl + Shift + J) for chrome etc. You will see Pic 1 3 Go to Application tab you will see Pic 2 (tip: if you don’t know much about cookie, erase the Value column in your screenshot if you want to share screenshot. People can do some stuff if they copy yours) Find Storage heading (there are other items named Storage, see pic for better view), expand Cookies and click 8chan.moe 4 Under Name there is a row named “disclaimer”. We want to change the expiration date. Now you can copy other date information that say 2023 in “Expires/Max-Age” column (not splash). 5 Right-click on the date, click Edit (Pic 3). Paste what you copy into “Expires/Max-Age” in same row as “disclaimer”, don’t click enter yet. Change 2023 into 2024 then hit Enter. While trying this in Brave browser the splash disappear so I guess this doesn’t work there. This is tested in Google Chrome desktop. I can guide you if you use other

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