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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

Akarigen Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 11:07:06 No. 578
Take your move, pick up a kouhai! Find your quick, maybe form a unit? Rest your strength then reborn again the next day
Akarigen follow story of girl who work hard to even get accepted. From finding her gigs, getting Premium card. After that she keep researching way to improve herself and her friends. She continues the Chain of Admiration that’s been set up during season 2 Also there is a pixiv chart listing her hairstyle throughout 2-3 years
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Silky hair (Akari touch it), princess-like appearance, good look, kouhai who look up to her. a diva SMR is the first line of "long haired mild demeanor girl who got depicted as being scary inside". yandere even Stares at Akari-chan a lot. Supposedly Akari's first wife
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Best imouto, rain girl, not-Madoka, you get who I am talking about

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Onward to fresh restart. Start dash with me ainon

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Along their journey they guide “those two” girls, a socialy awkward girl and potatoes (introduced in season 2) to the center of the world
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funky ost
Akari's hair got life on its own Scorpio Sera got Erza vibe
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after that day, Madoka start her revenge
/ai/ sekrit chamber
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Luminas alternate timeline
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our Hina birthday (shishi)
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merry christmast good ainons
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>>958 >he think we can onion Hahahaha
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Hinaki talk about Pripara
>>980 Akari-chan would never!
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Result of vampire outbreak in Starlight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8-a8-JbDTY

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