/ai/ - Idle Activities

2D idols (and their seiyuu I guess), prichan-aikatsu, idolm@ster. love live, precure, bang dream

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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

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Most of “Idol from non-idol series” are usually already on top. But even for idols who start from underground, less noticeable places the ability to plunge fans into storm of fervor is something to behold. But why idol? If talking about motivating people random everyday would do. They are idol because it is ideal. Standards that measure them, expectation they carry from that and pride of an idol
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rightmost is Blue Angel she is an idol character from yugioh6. Her character progress is really disappointing. She change deck from meta Burn to something clunky and keep losing. Also that design? It is supposed to symbolyze how she change to be more mature /edgy. Forsaking her form, following randos who don’t care about her. it is like change for the sake of change just to prove critics wrong. Maybe it wouldn’t be disappointing if she didn’t start as idol character with followings but after hearing 5Ds writer return,I don’t bother picking up vrains
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Momo from KagePro. in novel she likes dry squid (much like Tsukasa from STarlight)
Parasol song in Nijisanji live now. Yasiro singing it 😭

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