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2D idols (and their seiyuu I guess), prichan-aikatsu, idolm@ster. love live, precure, bang dream

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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

Ichigogen Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 16:25:20 No. 569
to the place inside glimmering hope let us depart Move (on) now, so you can close it Move on later and enjoy the moment now

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(135.95 KB 901x1200 your legacy lives, nonnon.jpg)

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All characters rich with personality from autistic Mizuki, perverted Aoi to this fresh and adorb Sakura-tan!
Even though don't have enough money to buy a BD for poster and no time for coloring 4 seasons change with you not making any progress despite pandemic
>>569 tst
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6 years since Aoi Ichigo album was released https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLhwwVHcwHU have you found your strawberry?
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Is this Ran's Trap of Love I heard about?
One of my fav episode of season 1. And showing it is good to be patient
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the original unit: sPlash (ignore Hibiki trying her best)
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One of the good one Shion I saved
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random japanese Dream Academy in Nijinosaki
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halloween but not getting out
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Try live in death

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