/ai/ - Idle Activities

2D idols (and their seiyuu I guess), prichan-aikatsu, idolm@ster. love live, precure, bang dream

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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

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(126.91 KB 321x450 Charizard & Braixen GX.jpg)

Pokemon vp Anonymous 07/20/2024 (Sat) 14:18:38 No. 1003
deru dwowime
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Pokemons living with humans
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culture exchanged with them
Alain Mega Chat vs Greninja pre scarf is some beatdown
>Liko has to online school >livestream instead
>get queque-cut by a bee rekt
Watching pokemon horizon Sango appear briefly to laugh at her coworker. It is not that i like impish brat in general but her behaviour is cute
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animal crossing asset from pixiv

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