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Obscure Mahou Shoujos 09/09/2024 (Mon) 03:39:58 No. 1017
Let's post and recommend obscure mahou shoujos, I just got done watching Saint October and now I've got that mid-'00s-anime melancholy in me. This one is about gothic loli and tarot themed magical girl detectives who wear very pretty shoes.
Okay, that is obscure alright
Me again. I asked my Precure friend and he doesn't have any idea about that anime
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>>1017 It isn't terrible, so far. It seems like every title has the word Loli in it
>>1021 Wut Is it (loli) that blatant? From your description I thought the loli goth is just aesthetic for the show
>>1022 They mean loli as in gothloli. Their codenames are Kurololi, Shirololi and Akaloli, and together they form the GothLoli Shoujo Tanteidan! It sounds like a parody but it gets very serious.
Also worth mentioning that the protagonist Kotono-chan is one of Kataoka Azusa's few main roles (that's Mion-sama, Uta-chan from mymelo and Sara-chan from Jewelpet Twinkle) I strongly associate her with /ai/ because she played these roles then apparently vanished from the anime scene.
Now I'm watching this one called Zettai Karen Children. This one feels more like a shonen or something like Raildex (I don't mean just the fact that it's about espers ranked by level, but also the general tone of it), but it does star three little girls with superpowers, and it's in the 50 episode format.
>>1025 My friend bring that manga to a camp which I drag him into during 8th grade. It was during my early day of online manga reading. Things load really slow and I barely read 3 chapters, then skip to the latest one. I guess that one is between Shounen and seinen. But there is no way it is magical girl

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