/ai/ - Idle Activities

2D idols (and their seiyuu I guess), prichan-aikatsu, idolm@ster. love live, precure, bang dream

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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

hello dreamingbird 10/14/2023 (Sat) 13:01:40 No. 926
I'm Madoka. I was invited here through YT. I love Aikatsu!. I'm glad to be here. And Yurika is best girl.
(107.97 KB 1200x675 DzqtE9wXgAE-FFi.jpg)

>>926 yay Welcome
Compared to account-based websites, imageboard doesn't have notification so this isn't suitable for fast conversation. Think of it like an apartment lobby where you can leave a post-it note before leaving, then getting a reply later. Our + is ease of access, just need a link. >>926 Have this if you are still around. By the way, congrats for solving the captcha. the last person I invite couldn't solve it.

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