/ai/ - Idle Activities

2D idols (and their seiyuu I guess), prichan-aikatsu, idolm@ster. love live, precure, bang dream

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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

Banner Suggestion Anonymous 11/16/2020 (Mon) 08:15:07 No. 2
dynamic banners would be good
Edited last time by ainon on 04/23/2022 (Sat) 11:08:05.
(106.82 KB 450x150 kirarinbanner.png)

>>3 Added. That is better than other screenshot /i resized into 150x
(63.93 KB 450x150 tvbanner.gif)

>>19 Added
(62.13 KB 300x100 precure5banner.png)

(46.67 KB 300x100 kurodaiabanner.png)

(49.43 KB 300x100 daiabanner.png)

(33.26 KB 300x100 metabanner.png)

>>190 Added. Thanks for new banners >>191 Weird but ok
(33.72 KB 300x100 wowowowow.jpg)

>>190 What's the name of that font? it's rather nice
(32.75 KB 300x100 wowowowowoowoowoowow.jpg)

Thanks! It's super cute. I got it and remade my crappy one with it.
Made this one because I saw the Mermaid Melody thread and it's one of my favorite shows, don't know if it'll work.
I'm tempted to post this as sign of rebellion
(237.75 KB 465x262 234ertdfg.png)

>>720 No Love For the Lives :(
>>746 I think the original Sunshine poster is dead. >>720 also Added to banner.
(288.52 KB 718x219 banner 17.png)

(201.42 KB 465x262 banner 16.png)

I'm so bad ad making these
(58.51 KB 276x255 tposekanan.png)

>>747 ah that's too bad; I figured since the newer one was currently airing (Superstar S2) there'd be at least some discussion of it.
(397.34 KB 728x413 AIidleActivities 7.png)

My editing skills (if you can call them that) aren't that good nor do I know how you feel about having both Pre-cure (the one currently airing I think) and Love Live together but here (also don't know the ratio of what banner images are supposed to be 100x100 or whatever)
>>750 Added. Sorry I've been afk for a while
>>750 I just see it in banner. It is glorious in full resolution
(60.52 KB 415x415 edwarda 1.jpg)

(62.28 KB 415x415 edwarda 2.jpg)

Is it possible to customize spoiler thumbnails per board? I was wondering what images could be used for another site and ended up cropping these, you could use any Edwarda picture really.
>>880 Added >>989 Sorry I just see it. What are those?

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