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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

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Love Live! Sunshine!! Anonymous 05/21/2022 (Sat) 01:18:01 No. 675
Windy stage is just around the corner
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC8n-xc2hhY Maybe we can expect a saint aqours snow song later? numazufesu is also going on, wish I could be there.
(769.40 KB 1240x1754 Happy life!.jpg)

>>675 This is the end of earth she was singing about
>>680 >kimi to nara ganbareru t-thanks
>>682 They always have nice things to say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTfiehfMqj8
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(4.15 MB 1280x720 it look like this.mp4)

(2.21 MB 1280x720 best I can do.mp4)

I'm editing this old PV for that. Mind giving me few pics? this was the PV before we start opening to non-/ai/ idol series. I want to finish it in 2 days but if you can reply in 6 hours I can work on it today.
Edited last time by ainon on 05/29/2022 (Sun) 07:07:20.
>>692 Sorry I didn't see your post, you still want images?
>>700 ah yes. I'm having a busy week elsewhere, so I still havent make the promo.
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>same type characters have same birthday lucky
>>699 Dia in glasses make so much impact
>>700 3 weeks waiting
sound like pripara songs https://youtu.be/Qb_5GZ7dmgs
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holysh** what IS her problem? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqC8YX7gLtM
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Anyone interested with other LL?
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>>766 Been watching S2 of Superstar; it's not too bad at least the orange MC isn't as annoying as Chika was in Sunshine.
>>767 >orange MC It just occur to me that except Yuu every LL mc are oranges
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>>768 Always thought Ayumu was the MC of Niji; her hair isn't as noticeably *orange* as the other girls tho.
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>>769 possible. Definitely more proactive than other childhood friends.
Ayumi gf....
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Sorry been awhile for quite a bit. The finale of Superstar happened not too long ago (hence why I spoilered the image as well as the text that is spoilered below, just in case there were any Anons that haven't seen it yet) Ngl I was kind of looking forward to seeing how things would go if Kanon went abroad. Surely in the age the show takes place leaving behind your friends wouldn't be that devastating. Could still very easily keep tabs on them via internet ect. but hey at least it gets a Season 3 that's something new!
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>>777 >finale already I don't follow it but it feel unreal how fast time flies
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>>770 >3rd title in series >a stalker co-main who is proactive instead of just waiting their MC befriending everyone I know we are both from Bandai but cmon
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>>781 You could tell Ayumu was already getting jealous from the start of anyone getting close to Yuu.
So this is where Hashiridashite came from https://youtu.be/TouV5RA27UE thought it was from bangdream
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So, would you all okay with just posting all Love Live in this 1 thread or do you want to make a new one for Niji and Superstar?
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>>795 >multiple threads for different Love Lives Personally I'd rather have it be in 1 thread. I mean even this thread itself isn't very lively splitting it up to me feels like it might make it even more dead.
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>>795 I assume this dead thread is still the Love Live Thread? Anyone interested in the Yoshiko anime coming this Summer?
>>814 the what??!
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>>815 Sunshine in the Mirror it's a spinoff (yeah I know it's one of those wow isekai animes) that's apparently gonna air in July.
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>>816 I'm sold
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>>824 I should've posted that on Honoka's bday
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1 more days
In middle of watching Love Live Sunshine spinoff. the sub butcher ~zura. so I’m changing sub. Now while waiting for the torrent completed >Genre I never watch the trailer, just see the character design and >>816. From it I thought it was either “alternate universe fantasy” or the cast get isekai. Earlier today I take 1 minute minute peek and conclude this was isekai. Now I watch it for 12 minutes and I can say this is AU; the cast are resident of this world to begin with. I wil guess they will implement song later >Plot The beginning plot is an itsy bit spoiler. Basically Yoshiko return to her hometown, back to her root. >Setting The fantasy have blend of modern world, this is like if middle age had electricity. Like those “instagram traditional village”
Recommended sub for this one: SubsPlease and Erai look same but I will try SubsPlease because their font is wider (look at these 2 screenshots). I will need to wait episode 3 to make comparison torrent source -https://animetosho.org/search?q=SubsPlease+Yohane+720&aids= -https://www.binsearch.info/?q=SubsPlease+Yohane&max=100&adv_age=1100&server= (only 1080p quality available)
I randomly try Erai-raw for episode 6. Oh look they sub the opening song. Here are some screenshot of Erai, see if you like it. Also for people who want to watch Yohane without looking at PV or character design: on Episode 2 & 3 do not watch the opening. It spoils one of the character identity.
me asking around what people want to do with this place: Oh, Subplease subs the opening. It wasn't subbed in episode 4. Erai also hasn't sub in ep 3.
it feel "save the school from closing". That's the feeling I get from this part. Also I like this dialogue sound
There is this unorthodox manga in Kirara magazine called Stella’s Magic. I think of the title when I see this ep’s title. I thought something like the magic is everyone who work towards the goal
>>891 Oops I completely had forgotten that this Anime was airing. I'm not quite caught up yet.
>>902 Cute Lailaps
(640.59 KB 1280x720 Aqours 2nd years shaking.mp4)

Sunshine dimension hopping
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Bangdream stuff
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