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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

Pri series Anonymous 09/18/2023 (Mon) 15:55:21 No. 900
Pretty Rhythm Pripara Kiratto Prichan Primagi Idol Land
If you want to follow any of the series the guide can be found >>99 ~Puri Also this girl appear in every series. Voiced by Kanae Itou (Yui from SAO)
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me trying to invite people here
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj4knBzgxGA 1 DMF unit promo in Korea in early 2012 so before DMF air? 2 a fan channel by single person, dedicated for PURETTY What would companies do to have a fan like this
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Kiracchu's bday
>>901 Nothing to do with Ayasa Itou btw
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Beru bday
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https://twitter.com/idolland_arts/status/1737004938621055437 >yumegacha Do they wait till Photokatsu died with no chance of revival before publishing Idol Land?
>Now, speaking of Anna, did the director have her as a favorite from the beginning? >Ikehata: She wasn't exactly a favorite, but she was easy to handle. This applies not only to Anna, but also to all Meltic Stars. They have that comic/cartoon style, you know? So, you can do anything with them. For whoever is creating it, she is a very malleable character. With Anna, we could even do surreal things. For example, in the episode where she finds an abandoned kitten (Episode 7), initially, she sees the abandoned kitten and says something like: “Poor thing, right?” So, she builds a giant house for the cat in the place where he was abandoned. She says something like: “Now you will live happily here!”, with a smile. Exaggerated, isn't it? But it ended up working. On the other hand, we decided not to go overboard with the Kiratts and kept their actions within the bounds of common sense. In this sense, it became easier to handle Meltic without these restrictions
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October 4th, Mikan's birthday
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Ah the arcade video got removed
Looks like Lala
What does it feel like befriend with someone who can't hang out because of their career?

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