/ai/ - Idle Activities

2D idols (and their seiyuu I guess), prichan-aikatsu, idolm@ster. love live, precure, bang dream

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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

other idol series Anonymous 09/29/2022 (Thu) 16:23:18 No. 773
series that revolve around idols Zombieland Saga, Revue, Lapiz Re:Light Project Sekai? D4D?
Although the premise of "witch idol" have been implemented before, Lapiz turn it into a videogame. If you need to try a turn-based game maybe you can try it. They even have not-Ayumu as the center.
I went to Stageshow, showing most acclaimed stagegirls performance from times to times. Did it because Revue Starlight and DMF. It steal my breath away. It amaze me how they can do so much on stage, then the stage change behind curtain, moveable chair. I sit on 3rd row on side, some assholes from 2nd row record the opening act. Disrespect recording. You arrive on front and instead of festing your eyes you did this. One of the songs is about "even if everyone leave please/you stay
Does Bushiroad publish Assault Lily?
wonder if I should further split this thread into non-idol rhythm game
showing our place technological prowess
Tsugu I'm dying here
Ordered raw tuna just because i saw ponzu in ingredient. Blame yume
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No stage no Life! (also that ending song is idol song)
If anyone want to focus on Revue yuri https://8chan.moe/u2/res/200.html
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It is just 1000 yen! please buy
>>1032 >international cards have higher processing fees >the international fanbase isn't big enough just
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Project Haruka
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I guess even OSU Miku fan don’t automatically play the game just because Miku init. Show this photo of bookstore to my friend who is a heavy fan of Miku + play OSU. He said he doesn’t follow it.
They sing that pjsk trend song now I can't It is by 2 friend who call each other by their surname
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Planetary idol end year

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