/ai/ - Idle Activities

2D idols (and their seiyuu I guess), prichan-aikatsu, idolm@ster. love live, precure, bang dream

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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

Royal Garden Anonymous 01/22/2022 (Sat) 17:14:28 No. 444
cafe, longue discussion about the board
(492.86 KB 1181x1046 ShugoChara228472.jpg)

We welcome our new members, whether you have been in /ai/ before pandemic or after
(80.38 KB 926x255 Screenshot (957).png)

does this board ban diapers?
(22.29 KB 1281x101 look at this.jpg)

>>581 I never see /ai/-related diaper thing Short term (for the next 2-3 weeks): I would say keep it cute but diaper board is already big on its own medium term (trial period on April): if you can keep it sfw long term (June forward): possibly
>>584 But this is for /ai/ diapers Honestly, anything (/ai/-related) that gets banned on 4/ai/ should be allowed here.
>>585 On Sunday I will try promote this board again in 4/a/. After that 1 month break from promoting. After sunday if no one else come (which is what most likely to happen) you can follow the above, you may post it.
This is what I dream of
This is how i describe trolls, toxic people who latch on a community. Funny they cry when they got removed, like someone who stand on train line and complain that a train passes

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