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(19 Dec no announcement so far)

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/ai/ Japanese Thread Anonymous 12/12/2022 (Mon) 11:19:02 No. 804
In which we teach each other about words commonly used in our アイドル anime
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Some background: In the beginning I use Google Translate browser’s pencil and translator. It was dark days of pain writing kanji one by one. Then in 2017 a kind soul in internet give me an OCR (on screen reader) named Kanjitomo to extract kanji AND translate it. I didn't use it often but from that point I just read raw if I am interested This is why I think people who read translation, regardless of how criticized the translation is, already won. People can wait 5 years or even longer and still no TL
1 year later I start memorizing kanas. Months following I learn to proxybuying things from Japan, posted what I got and romanji script (still using google translate but now the App). More often than not people are being helpful by pointing out my kanji mistake
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雪泉 Yumi 雫ちゃん Setsuna-chan notice how the head is similar?
腐 rotten but probably refer to fujoshi 花見 Hanami. flower viewing
昼休み hiruyasumi 雷 rai 電 den. electric Together they make Raiden
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新 shin (or atarashi). new
香久矢まどか Kaguya Madoka 香澄 Kasumi I think 香 have to do with night
短冊 tanzaku. strip of paper, in context of this pic. I don't got screenshot of Hikawas during tanabata
糸 ito 紅 kurenai 紗 sansho. gauze . this is the first name of Sayo's name. The expression ``as if covered with gauze means "the scenery looks vague, as if you were looking through a thin, transparent cloth like gauze.
海 umi 溶けた toketa. melt
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華満 Hanamichi Ran 菱川六花さ Hishikawa Rika 落書き rakugaki i notice that ' in left of kanji are similar
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食べ足りな Tabe tari na. I can't eat enough(?)
鶴姫. Tsuruhime. kdhr
curiously Ace name is written in kanji but the ruby text is in hiragana
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Why Fu is in Ha row?
マンモス校 Mammoth School Apparently It’s a term for big (influential) school. Find it while watching indie idol-vtuber
運命屋 unmei-ya fortune teller. Sumire
oyashiro. shrine. I thought it was going to be jinja
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尻 shiri 裏の☆ Urano hoshi

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