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Elin/Elona Thread/General: 8ternal League of Nefia Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 23:45:12 Id: f0b35d No. 1043639
Fuck /v/, this is /jp/ territory now. Remember when roguelikes were fun and not just a cynical means of nodevs avoiding having to handmake content? Remember when Elona consumed your life? Remember eating children and rounding up a monster sex slave harem during a run? Lafrontier certainly remembers, and not even (((Unity))) or ///Early Access\\\ can dampen the fun. >Elin Download: https://mega.nz/file/jRd1jKyY#ZylETgXk_FKFKtsIqpcq_7pCMpcQUyZvj6MHW8e3hOk this is last week's version, whatever >Elin Wiki: https://ylvapedia.wiki >Elin Player Guide-Compilation: https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Player_Guides >Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX >Beginner guide, FAQ and links for Elona+: https://rentry.org/8vkaw >New child mechanics guide for Elona+: https://unknown.spam/xccbd5of >Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
>>1043639 How is this different from Elona, in gameplay.
>>1043644 Isometric, way better crafting/building/gathering. Genuinely a plain improvement to base Elona in most regards I can think of, though obviously Elin is not yet done.
>>1043639 >Fuck /v/, this is /jp/ territory now. Tengoo is that you?
>>1043660 Tenwho?
>>1043667 The one who nuked /v/ 3 times and did absolutely nothing wrong.
>>1043639 Is there a steam link?
>>1043644 >>1043646 This game also has given up the traditional roguelike controls for a much more mouse-driven experience. If you got filtered by that when you tried Elona you'll probably like this more. >Genuinely a plain improvement to base Elona in most regards I can think of, though obviously Elin is not yet done I'd say so far that it WILL be an improvement upon Elona once Noa puts more content in. If you go into this game coming off of plus or an omake, after you get your bearings and aren't getting fucked in the ass by the tax man you might be disappointed by the lack of content. However, the game just came out and it's been getting nearly daily updates. Hell, the main quest isn't even done yet. Once the game gets developed a little more I think it'll be well beyond Elona. >>1043843 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2135150/Elin/ I'd say give it a buy if you already like Elona. I feel bad about how badly Noa got screwed by those chinks.
>>1043639 Just checked out the game for a brief moment and it's a little fun if complex. All I did was gather shit and kill low level mobs as a witch succubus. I wonder how I'm gonna managed to deal with all this stuff since I'm still struggling to gather leafs and grass to make a house and a bed.
>>1043951 You may want to change your class from Witch, the main gimmick, Alchemy, isn't implemented yet. At the very beginning, after you complete the tutorial quests, you want to start doing some noticeboard requests in nearby towns (Tinker's Camp to the north and Mysillia to the East are closest) so you can get Platinum and learn all the skills you don't have yet. Just have some goals in mind and figure out a way to accomplish them while paying your taxes and you'll start to naturally progress. Also, since you're a succubus, either craft a loot or use Furniture tickets to grab the microphone in Mysillia and start training your music skill, you can make LOADS A MONEY doing party quests once your skill is high enough.
>>1043955 (Checked) I was thinking of a more non combat approach of making items to sell and taking advantage of the charisma stat.
>>1043957 Totally doable as far as I know. In the beginning you can make good money crafting tables/chairs and putting them in the sales chest. Since you're focusing on charisma definitely train music, it's just as good as it was in Elona at moneymaking.
>>1043948 It also runs on C#/.NET instead of Hot Soup Processor, so it's easier to mod. Eventually there'll probably be mods that import stuff like E+'s expanded bestiary and Omake's dungeon events.
>>1044209 Yeah I'm really optimistic about the modding possibilities. There's already lots of quality of life mods and sprite replacers(which I don't use aside from the one that allows you to change your pet's equipment without the karma penalty).
>>1043958 Started over as a succubus pianist and did the quest. Managed to earn some gold crafting a box with palulu wood and dropping shit I've found, built a house, and so on. My combat skills are a bit lacking but so far I'm doing well starting out. I have to craft a shovel for a farmer but I don't know where I can find the recipe.
>>1044374 >succubus pianist A popular choice. If you do some noticeboard requests in Mysilia you can take the microphone in the church with a few Furniture Tickets, and it doubles as a throwing weapon. >My combat skills are a bit lacking but so far Everyone's are when you just start, the hobo phase in this game is WAY more punishing than in Elona, especially because you don't just start out with class-specific equipment. >I have to craft a shovel for a farmer but I don't know where I can find the recipe I'm pretty sure you know it by default, but it may not show up when you search for it because you haven't created the crafting station that makes it yet. Just looked up on the wiki, it's the Tinker's Table. Also for anybody that doesn't know yet, I'm going to spoil the current money-making meta >collect flowers >deconstruct flowers with hammer to get leaves >create makeshift arrows with those leaves >put the arrows in a compost box to make fertilizer >deconstruct fertilizer with hammer to get corpses >turn corpses into fishing bait >catch LOADS a' fish >put fish in sawmill to get bonito flakes (these are also useful as seasoning in food if you wanna keep some) >put bonito flakes in brewery barrel to get fish wine >sell fish wine in sales box You can make tens of thousands this way.
>>1044455 (checked) Thanks for the tips I already have the Tinkerer's table and already finished the request. Unfortunately before hand I couldn't finished a quest to make a shelf and suffered a Karma drop for it. How do I get furniture tickets.
>>1044479 When you complete notice board requests in towns, in addition to the quest rewards you get influence for that specific town. You can spend this influence at the notice board to reroll the quests on it OR you can go to the town secretary and trade it for furniture tickets. if you click on a piece of furniture in the town while holding a furniture ticket, it will tell you how many tickets you need to take the item. Things like the microphone or other smaller things will only cost a handful, but some are marked as "Not intended for sale" or something like that. You CAN still get them with tickets, but it'll cost a lot of them, like 40+.
What's the deal with the new gods in Elin? Do they offer anything worth getting?
>>1044557 https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Gods Always check the wiki. Now I've always been diehard into Lulwy for the speed, the loli angel and the tsundere mommy prayers. However, both the new gods are, and somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, catgirl backer gods. Of note, I would say, is Horome, who boosts magic and charisma stats and gives you the ability to headpat any NPC/neutral mob, which aside from raising affection can cause them to randomly lay an egg that, if it's fertile, you can put on a bed to hatch and if it's not you can cook it.
>>1044564 Ah, I didn't know there was a wiki for Elin already. Much obliged.
>>1044566 It's in the OP, along with a link to all the player guides on it so use it. Just like with Elona, ya gotta play with the wiki open. It's nowhere near as extensive as Elona's, but it's still pretty necessary.
>>1044568 Shit, my bad for skimming the thread.
I played it. I legit don't like how you're railroaded into building your base as a tutorial compared to Elona/Elona+. Especially when Music is superior for farming cash than most of the thing you do in the base anyway. Also finding generators outside of wishing for them is a literal pain. And why does every individual lamp uses 10MW wtf they better strong enough to signal batman in the sky but no they're just a bit stronger than the starting torch. Overall I kinda enjoy it, hope it gets added more stuff specially all the legacy dungeons from Elona.
>>1055857 >railroaded into base building Yeah kinda sucks, but I think they are going to add other prologue options if the character creation screen is to be believed. Also, for anyone interested, I found this: https://github.com/Elin-Modding-Resources Looks like there's a decomp already (which makes sense since its a (((unity))) game). Really the fact that it has workshop support is my biggest draw. I've already modded custom classes in so I can fine tune my starts. Currently running wizard stats with sword saint feat. Good things on the horizon for this game if they keep adding to it.
Thanks OP for providing the MEGA to Elin, but has anyone got it running on Linux? I really want to check it out but I'm having issues opening it.
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>>1058977 Proton not working? It should be assumed the game is Windows-first. BTW latest patch from today. https://mega.nz/file/jvRE2YTS#YPKTkPTZREEbz2yhdVR18w5A9xVFRNWqU_bDQsLfKH4 how the fuck is Game-2U such a good resource for catching up
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bought it the other day because of the consistent dev updates. Very few early access games have this ethic.

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