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Printed Advertisement Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 12:40:32 Id: 337df3 No. 977138
Video Game ads, from the days of printed media. TALK ABOUT THEM OR SHUT IT!
>>977177 >>977150 I Francesi fuori dal Pienocanale
>>977334 I falsi Italiani sono peggio dei Francesi
(6.84 MB 1280x720 Vão Todos pó caralhe!.mp4)

>French >Italian All shit
(3.72 MB 1737x2555 DUKE NUKEM ZER0 H0UR ad.jpg)

(768.49 KB 927x1200 SMT PCEngine ad.jpg)

(1.45 MB 1276x1623 SMT III Nocturne western ad.jpg)

(1.28 MB 1280x1729 Revelations Persona ad.jpg)

(3.89 MB 1461x2121 Mindshadow ad.png)

>>977566 Even one of the lewd artists who used to work on those magazines would later became a full blown flaggot through his socials.
(493.66 KB 638x868 Conker's BFD Ad 2.png)

(108.88 KB 694x944 Conker's BFD Ad 1.jpg)

(435.76 KB 1223x1600 Conker's Quest Ad.jpg)

(3.07 MB 1600x2158 Conker-Live-and-Reloaded.jpg)

(969.24 KB 2048x1373 EA Lard.jpg)

May as well post the stuff I found from the last one of these threads.
(1.02 MB 2048x1392 billy hatcher ad.jpg)

(297.00 KB 1280x1555 rayman 2 ad.jpg)

(262.24 KB 867x1200 domestic violence ad.jpg)

(247.24 KB 1215x1743 gameboy sp ff ad.jpg)

(1.93 MB 1200x826 gameboy tongue ad.png)

(437.55 KB 640x360 AVGN virtua fighter.mp4)

>>977672 >virtua fighter
(58.20 KB 597x616 rwnz4i10rx191.jpg)

>>979469 God I miss old AVGN, nowadays even fan edits are funnier than James stuff.
I'm glad that we will never return to this dark times ever again.
I have never gotten adjusted to the end of print gaming magazines. I don't even see games advertised on TV anymore either.
>>979571 The last time I saw a video game advertised was in a movie theater of all places.
The digital beast destroyed the economic model of gaming mags. When you stare long enough into the gaming abyss, Alyssa Mercante's hollowed eyes thousand-cock-stare back into you.
>>979571 I think the last game I remember seeing advertised on TV was Dark Souls, way back when it came out. I can't remember the last time I read a gaming magazine but back when the first Metro game came out I read an article about it in one, so that had to be at least 10+ years ago too. I like that zzz made a zine project but it'd be nice if print media was still way more popular, I'd kill to subscribe to an actual gaming zine or even something more local.
(8.35 MB 1280x720 Claptrap salesman.mp4)

>>979571 I'm sure vidya is still advertised on TV, but the last game I actually remember seeing a TV spot for was Borderlands, I think I was this one. That was 15 years ago now. I've probably seen others since then, but it would have been the yearly sportsball and dudebro shit that went in one ear and out the other.
(68.39 KB 500x684 daikatanaposter.jpg)

Remember the late 90s - early 00s? Remember attitude? Remember "in your face" advertising?
>>1012670 Did you know the guy behind this ad co-founded Devolver? It's funny how Romero gets shit for this add when he A) wasn't behind it B) reportedly didn't even like it.
Underrated thread. Keep it active, I wanna see more.
>>1029473 >>1012670 >>977669 I like ads like these from the early days, not just games
(316.75 KB 1080x1350 GZyWtMqWIAAsdQx.jpg)

>>977639 >Featuring Dante from Capcom's Devil May Cry 2 Certainly doesn't have the same ring to it.
>>979679 Vidya is advertised less on TV because the boomers that watch TV don't play vidya.
(922.39 KB 3563x2546 lara-croft-clothing-line-29.jpg)

(685.88 KB 3535x2516 lara-croft-clothing-line-32.jpg)

(774.89 KB 3539x2504 lara-croft-clothing-line-33.jpg)

(708.27 KB 3534x2516 lara-croft-clothing-line-34.jpg)

>>1029487 I own a magazine with this ad. I remember seeing it as a kid. >For more information on Tomb Raider III and for the new collection of the exclusive Lara clothign and merchandise range This is news to me. Unfortunately, it's not cosplay gear you can buy for yourself. It's just zero effort standard merch to promote the content. https://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/merchandise/lara-croft-clothing-line-01.html The ass shirt, the tits shirt, the nudie shirt, and the nudie poster are things you wouldn't see today, though.
(355.38 KB 1600x1035 Sega-ZZ-CDX(1).jpg)

(409.95 KB 1600x1080 Sega-Sonic2-print-ad.jpg)

(665.65 KB 1280x1634 dreamcast-magazine-jp-ad.jpg)

(245.31 KB 1600x1098 sega-32x-print-ad2.jpg)

(727.64 KB 2048x1342 sega-32x-print-ad.jpg)

(452.78 KB 1024x688 Black_Ops_oldpromo.jpg)

(300.88 KB 1024x685 Icky_old_promo.jpg)

(222.43 KB 1024x688 Half-Life_ad_Alien_Grunt.jpg)

(627.98 KB 2048x1461 HL_adturnrunpage2.jpg)

(83.87 KB 1071x756 HL_page_2_and_3.jpg)

I always loved the promotional artwork for Half-Life 1, especially the magazine ads and the renders from pre-release builds of the game. Some of the crossover promotional stuff advertising hardware was cool too.
(609.40 KB 1152x774 HL_outdoor.jpg)

(430.59 KB 1280x1734 Alien_Grunt_Intel_ad.jpg)

(464.52 KB 2347x3037 Interaction_cover.jpg)

(587.32 KB 999x652 HL_boxart_inside.jpg)

(126.15 KB 612x792 Panther_eye_red_promotional.jpg)

(129.33 KB 640x480 HL_E3_1998_splash.gif)

(261.97 KB 566x805 Headcrabs_hecu.jpg)

(124.10 KB 553x637 Box_art_right_side_early.jpg)

(133.51 KB 800x600 Vortigaunt_silo.jpg)

(135.73 KB 588x800 Vortigaunt_water.jpg)

(556.74 KB 1190x800 Half-Life_Dreamcast_promo.jpg)

(144.12 KB 420x595 Gordon_tentacles.jpg)

>>1030668 The last two were promos for the ill-fated Dreamcast port.
(1.23 MB 1161x1598 young ross scott.jpg)

(1.32 MB 756x1080 Gordon_head_cover.png)

(284.39 KB 1200x1600 Barnacle_Gordon.jpg)

Did you know the artist for a lot of the Half-Life art posted ITT, Dhabih Eng (his signature is visible on the Vort pic here >>1030670 ), did much of Half-Life 2's promo art also? These recognizable HL2 pieces were also by him. His art changed a lot between 1998 and 2004. He also did work on TF2, most notably designing Scout. What's really surprising is that he still works at Valve!
>>1030298 I had a halo 3 promotional tshirt I got as a gift from GameStop as a kid that held a lot of sentimental value, but years ago was ruined in the wash looked everwhere for a replacement, but I am pretty sure nobody makes them anymore :(
>>1030746 Funny, I had a Halo Wars t-shirt that I eventually grew out of. Acquired it from a points shop in high school along with a set of Master Chief dog tags.
Good old days
(49.65 KB 375x508 3dfx_gamer_ad.jpg)

>>1029473 be the underrated activity you wanna see
>>977669 Has that Conker version leaked yet? change.org petitioned for its release, that faggot Tim who started Rare has the TT promo but just sat on it like fucking Smaug.

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