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Successor Naming: Consoles, Games, & Other Related Paraphanalia Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 23:13:51 Id: ad78ab No. 1061794
Do names matter? Do they really contribute to success or failure of a product?
>>1061794 So yeah, continuing the conversation. I think the PlayStation 2 proved that the Switch 2 should be a perfectly fine name. The issue is that they're not showing off games which is a huge issue, especially when the console is supposedly going to be out this summer. It was a mix of things that killed the WiiU, not just the shitty name but also the marketing surrounding the WiiU.
I honestly wish they would have stuck to the 360 naming for Xbox. We could have had the 720 and the 1080. But no instead we are getting the xbox x series x/s/es/ves. I also like that Sega used to name their consoles after planets and big cats. I bet you the dreamcast would have sold gangbusters if it was the sega MARS.
Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series join Wii U as the stupidest console names. PlayStation did it right. 2, 3, 4, 5. Obvious progression. Nintendo's Switch and Switch 2 too. Normalfags not into games don't know where the fuck an Xbox 360 is. 360's bigger than One, so after One, right? And One's the first? It's One, that starts a series. Where's Series? Is that all Xboxes? What normalfag not into games fucking knows? Terrible names, just conveying confusion. Economically, countable names are the best: clear what they are in their series, and how they relate to others in that series. Not naming your console retarded sells more consoles. Microsoft outside Xbox, with Windows, even changed from 98, XP, and Vista to 7, 8, 10, and 11.
>>1061801 I agree, but I think the issue with Microsoft wasn't just the name but also the absolute buffoonery behind Microsoft Studios where the exclusive games were big safe samey games that didn't do anything fun or interesting. Even today Microsoft plays things too safe with its first party line up and tries to appeal to absolutely everyone with every single game rather than making different games for different audiences and building them up. Even something like Hi-Fi Rush was successful despite Phil Spencer and Matt Booty sending it out to die via a Shadow Drop, they likely wanted to cancel the game but saw that it cost too much to not release it. They're not Nintendo who will just sit on games for no reason, they're stupid in other ways.
>>1061803 The real issue with bad names is that it confuses parents who are the ones buying most of the consoles. One of the issues cited with the Wii U was that parents thought it was just a new controller for the Wii and they didn't want to buy a new controller for that much money, or that it was like the DS Light or DSi which is the same console as the DS but just with different aesthetics.
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>Windows >Windows 2.0 >Windows/386 >Windows 3.0 >Windows 3.1 >Windows NT >Windows 95 >Windows 98 >Windows Me >Windows XP >Windows Vista >Windows 7 >Windows 8 >Windows 8.1 >Windows 10 >Windows 11 >Xbox >Xbox 360 >Xbox One >Xbox Series >Xbox Prime (reportedly their next system's name) Bravo Microsoft
>>1061814 You forgot Windows 2000! How could you?
>>1061821 I don't remember every piece of trash, do you?
>>1061823 >Calls one of the best version of Windows trash after posting a list that 90% trash releases Please tell me you're just being a try hard newfag.
>>1061809 They'll find out real quick when the switch 2 games don't run on the switch.
>>1061827 What are you stupid? Next your gonna shill ME right? Lmao nigger windows died after 98 and everyone but you knows it aparently.
Its just retard central on /v/ today.
>>1061814 That is really fucked. >>1061821 >>1061827 He's not old enough to remember. >>1061828 That's prevented by "Switch 2" naming, unlike the Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, or Wii U. Everyone knows 2's newer than 1. >>1061832 >>1061834 Retards come every day but the retardation's worse today.
>>1061835 >Implying I shiggy your diggy my niggy.
>>1061835 lets be honest, this whole thread was made because of the switch 2
>>1061821 >>1061835 Windows 2000 is just Windows NT 5.0, and I didn't want to list all the different NT versions like WinFLP and Windows Server and they're sort of a separate product line.
>>1061794 Bad names absolutely confuse fags. I can't tell you the number of people who still get the names wrong of some of them. >>1061814 >Xbox Prime wew

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>>1061794 If Nintendo named their Switch successor "The Niggerkiller 5000," it would sell more than "Switch 2," so yes. >>1061814 >Xbox Prime You call yourself a Prime?
>>1061794 > Parents Upset Over New Nintendo Console - Super Nintendo - Circa 1991.mp4 I feel like whoever wrote that segement lost whatever point they were trying to make.
I was hoping Nintendo would go with a "Super Switch" or a "Switch Advance" to tickle my nostalgia but it makes sense to simply call it the Switch 2. That's exactly what it is, the same way the Game Boy Color was just a (slightly faster) Game Boy with a colour screen. Now when we get to MS naming conventions, jesus fucking christ they are all terrible. I'd argue the name Xbox is even shit. And what's more, being the only company of the big three that actually makes OS's their console has by far the worst OS user interface and experience of all of them. It truly boggles the mind.
>>1061880 >Now when we get to MS naming conventions, jesus fucking christ they are all terrible. I'd argue the name Xbox is even shit. And what's more, being the only company of the big three that actually makes OS's their console has by far the worst OS user interface and experience of all of them. It truly boggles the mind. It's probably because they are so use to having absolute control over the PC side of the tech ecosystem that they have no idea how to actually compete or make good decisions.
>>1061864 I'm not sure the parents really understand, either. It's funny to see people complain about backwards compatibility even 30+ years ago, though.
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>>1061814 >Xbox One >Xbox One X >Xbox Series S >Xbox Series X If you ever want to see confused casual central, go to Facebook Marketplace and look at the amount of people thinking the XOX is the XSX or vice versa. Look how many listings are incorrectly labeled, or comments asking if the XOX will play Starfield. Normalfags have no clue what's going on.
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>>1061899 Should have named it the Xbox Lite and the Xbox Heavy.
>>1061862 "It's a pity you Xboxes red ring so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"
>>1061897 >It's funny to see people complain about backwards compatibility even 30+ years ago, though. To be fair to those parents, the Atari 5200 had a second revision that was backwards compatible with the 2600, and the 7800 was backwards compatible from the start with the 2600, so there is some precedence, but that was more to help with the sales of those systems, especially since the 7800 was up against the NES and the Master System. I guess the Atari proves that Microsoft could have named their consoles Xbox 720 and 1080.
>>1061799 >The issue is that they're not showing off games which is a huge issue They just don't want to cannibalise current sales by showing their hand too early. Mark my words though, this year's not-E3 is going to be something special, with Nintendo launching new hardware and revealing their launch titles, while Sony is reeling from their absolute failures with GaaS and having no single player AAA games because of it, to MS circling the drain like a turd that won't flush whose only chance to survive is to gobble up other studios and IP to cling to the bowl just a little longer. It's going to be one for the record books.
>>1061945 Not sure why your post got deleted, seems fine to me. The thing is that games don't simply appear by themselves from IPs, they need people to make those games a reality, so to take an example from what you said: >They have fallout and elder scrolls And who is going to make an Elder Scrolls game? Bethesda? Sure, they will shit out something in 5 years, that might be worse than Starfield. You might say, that they should give the IP to Obsidian. Have you seen Avowed? Do you really want current year Obsidian to make an Elder Scrolls game? You might they should just hire people, ok hire who? H1B1 visa holders? Good luck with that. The best and the brightest? First of all, how can you know if you are getting the real deal or just hacks, and second of all, those people don't work in gaming, they work at Tesla or some shit. Microsoft employees? Seriously, you want the Windows team to make Elder Scrolls? Some indie studio that released a successful 2D platformer, and has only 5 people? Something tells me, they are not skilled enough to make a 3D open world game, unless by "Elder Scrolls" games you mean, any type of game with the Elder Scrolls IP, like Elder Scrolls Karting, Elder Scrolls Golf, Elder Scrolls Castles, oh wait that one actually exists, it's mostly Fallout Shelter with an Elder Scrolls coat of paint. What I am trying to say, is that easy to have tons of great IPs, but it's hard to have the competent people required to make good games based on those IPs.
>>1061794 I was originally going to post this in the switch 2 thread but instead I decided to expand on it here I’m honestly baffled by how Microsoft, with a lineup of legendary franchises and one of the largest gaming budgets in the industry, keeps dropping the ball so spectacularly. It’s not just disappointing—it’s downright infuriating when you realize the potential they’re squandering. Let’s break it down. The Titles Are There, So Why the Incompetence? Halo. Gears of War. Fable. These names alone should be enough to carry a console generation if handled correctly. Yet, instead of delivering flagship launch titles that would have people camping out for Xboxes, we get... what exactly? Mediocre offerings, delays, and botched releases. Add in the massive catalog they just acquired with Activision Blizzard—StarCraft Ghost, anyone?—and it becomes even harder to excuse their lack of results. How does a company with so much IP firepower end up shooting blanks? Where’s the Vision? Take Hellblade 2, for example. Outside of typical journalists types and dorito pope's award show I don't remember hearing anybody give crap (I'm assuming the first game was also popular with critics but a sales flop like everything ninja theorie has pooped out, but I don't remember very well), but why prioritize it over something like a Diablo-esque Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance in the actual Diablo universe? That’s a license to print money right there (maybe Diablo 4 is doing well enough that they're worried spin-off games would dilute the brand or something? who knows, they still put out that trash mobile game so whatever). how about Fallout and Elder Scrolls? Why wasn’t a remastered Fallout 3 or New Vegas ready to drop alongside Amazon’s upcoming Fallout series? The synergy potential was off the charts, and they just… missed it. How? Backward Compatibility Is Not Enough Yes, Xbox has solid backward compatibility (with some titles at least from what I've heard, the quality is not consistent across the board). But relying on older often inferior console versions of games when they could deliver polished, enhanced PC-level remasters feels like a lazy cop-out. If modders can overhaul Morrowind and Oblivion on their own, what excuse does one of the world’s largest tech companies have? Imagine if they built high-quality, mod-enhanced remasters and released them on Xbox. They’d dominate both casual and hardcore markets. Instead, they let their catalog rot while competitors like Nintendo and (technically) valve consistently flex exclusive titles. Broken Games and Bad Choices Let’s not forget Halo Infinite. What a disaster. It was supposed to be their showpiece title, and they couldn’t even deliver a finished game at launch. And The Master Chief Collection? It was such a mess early on that fans abandoned it entirely, leaving its eventual improvements to go unnoticed. How does one of the biggest software companies in the world fail so spectacularly at launching its most iconic series? Meanwhile, instead of playing to their strengths, they release games like Hellblade (and probably a bunch of other garbage I'm forgetting), which—let’s be honest—isn’t exactly moving consoles. The lack of focus and understanding of what gamers want is astounding. Missed Opportunities Are Killing Xbox, Sony and even Nintendo (but to a much smaller degree then Microsoft's problems) Microsoft could release a remaster or enhanced edition of a beloved game every month if they really wanted to. They’ve got the IP, and they’ve got the resources. Instead, they waste time and money on projects no one is asking for. If modders can make games look incredible on PC without corporate backing, why can’t Microsoft do it with their entire ecosystem behind them? It’s embarrassing. At this point, it’s like they’re actively trying to sabotage their own platform. For a company with Microsoft’s resources, the current state of Xbox isn’t just disappointing—it’s an outright failure. I'd say Someone over there needs to get a clue before they drive their gaming division into the ground... But they basically already done that for two generations straight. The most ridiculous thing of all is that they should have been in an even better position than they were in the 360 era to completely wreck Sony and and at least partially aggravate Nintendo, but Microsoft couldn't even put up a decent fight against the no games station 4/5 pro and an outdated freaking Nvidia shield tablet with some Nintendo barely polished games (it felt like Nintendo put way more effort into titles on the Wii than they did on the switch in my opinion, it feels like we're back to GameCube and even Nintendo 64 levels of slacking. Maybe switch 2 will be a turning point but I don't know after what I've been hearing about all the new censorship going on I've completely lost faith in Nintendo)
>>1061950 I get what you're trying to say and, I'm almost disgusted to say this but at this point it might be better just to outsource everything to Chinese developers. (Which was happening years ago if I remember correctly at some point at least American McGee wanted something like that with his spicy horse brand in China) the Chinese gaming sector and maybe even Korean game use sectors or Taiwanese gaming sectors I'm not sure sometimes probably has some pretty seasoned developers after all the mobile b*** that's come out during the last couple of years I mean the amount of assets and games that those people have had to pump out and some of them actually looked pretty good it's actually really sad how a lot of them had to die just because that's what happens to games on phone based platforms over time. There's probably hundreds of teams out there that could handle all of these IPS 100 times better or at least support the current teams that they have in getting stuff done. And not to mention the artwork would be better but then again with Microsoft at the helm or any American company at the helm they would try to screw that up. But just for argument's sake let's just say Microsoft took a hand off approach and handed the IP over to one of these companies that already knows how to work in the trenches and get s*** done. Can you imagine a game like Fable but it looks beautiful and plays like one of the original games only much more expanded due to modern hardware? It really shouldn't be that hard. Heck at this point I would give starfield to somebody else right now! Let one of the most shameless Taiwanese or Korean companies have a go at starfield and turn it into the most shameless horny space single player MMO ever! The only people that would get pissed off are the gaming journalists and maybe somebody's mom. (Pic related)
>>1061954 I agree with everything you've said, the issue is that no one at Microsoft wants to hold the Xbox leadership accountable for bad hiring and ideology practices. It's not an issue of corporate medaling but rather one of toxic positivity and how they refuse to take criticism and somehow refuse to get out of their blackpilled defeatist mentality. The solution is simple, hire people who actually give a shit about games instead of your personal friends who might've played too much Call of Duty for a few years.
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>>1061955 >it might be better just to outsource everything to Chinese developers. You have recieved +50 social credit, your overseeing comissar will greatly appreciate your contribution to the cause.
>>1062069 To be fair I also said Taiwan and korea, I probably also should have said Russia and Ukraine but I'm not sure how that's going right now because of the war, Be honest though at this point what major American publisher or well-known developer in America hasn't just completely incompetent at this point? I mean we used to talk shit about EA and Activision back in the day but for the love of God at least the games actually worked and had (some) aesthetic value. But personally I like my anime b*** games so at this point china seems to be the only one putting out anything interesting... Unfortunately it's all mobile first gacha stuff with predatory monetization. Which sucks because I really want to play that anime Grand theft Auto looking game outside of the half-hearted bullshit world map in No More heroes, why have no Japanese companies ever attempted their own ridiculous fun anime grand theft auto type game? Side tangent but also why hasn't bandai or some other company that owns all of these crazy space anime ever made a space-style Grand theft Auto or Mass effect type game where you go around in a spaceship (or giant transforming robot) and collect a harem of alien girls and do mercenary and bounty hunting work like something out of outlaw star or cowboy bebop? It seems like such a simple idea but nobody's done it! (at least nobody in japan, I'm sure Chinese people have made some mobile version of it at some point, ) I remember back in the '80s and '90s people used to complain about Japanese companies copying ideas but at least when they did they would put their own spin on it. Now they just don't do anything. (Other than mobile garbage but they're even falling behind in that, is the fertility crisis in Japan so bad that they just don't have enough nerds to make video games anymore?)
>1st webm Wow, that F-Zero gameplay was bad. Really bad.
>>1062089 >why have no Japanese companies ever attempted their own ridiculous fun anime grand theft auto type game? Shenmue, Yakuza, and Way of the Samurai come to mind. >Side tangent but also why hasn't bandai or some other company that owns all of these crazy space anime ever made a space-style Grand theft Auto or Mass effect type game where you go around in a spaceship (or giant transforming robot) and collect a harem of alien girls and do mercenary and bounty hunting work like something out of outlaw star or cowboy bebop? Spectrobes? It could also be because the Japanese tend to prefer less open-ended narratives compared to people in the West. Need look no further than how the only "originator" of the RPG genre that has remained intact and thriving in it's transition over to Japan was the Wizardry series, meanwhile Ultima and M&M fell by the wayside over there. And how while the West focussed more open building upon the CRPG aspect of exploring a large open world where you can do "anything", the Japanese were more focussed upon dungeon crawlers and linear character-driven narratives (To the point that even "open-world" games are still linear in their progression). In addition, it's likely that you'll never get that kind of game because people are tired of sandboxes and open worlds. They take up too much of the player's time, and developers almost never take advantage of the game's design nor structure a coherent narrative around it.
>>1062089 Japanese pop culture doesn't glorify crime much compared to America's and open world stuff isn't as popular there. The closest you'll ever get is probably Yakuza/Shenmue.
>>1061954 >>1061954 A company like Microsoft is too big, that means nepotism and getting away with a ton awful decisions and which in turn means hiring awful managers that thrive in such environment and end up producing yhe biggest turds while getting golden parachutes for them. The whole pipeline is fucked and there's not much to do about it besides watching them fail and laugh. Xbox only thrived when it was mostly isolated as a division of Microsoft, created by a bunch of counter culture guys, once most of the original crew left, it was done. Just another part of corporate.

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